October - December 2019

1. Taiwanese People I Know

First of all there's "T," who I work with.  His favorite thing is to find new restaurants.  Usually these favorite restaurants are Western, but not always.  He also likes to travel, but the way he travels is very different from the way I travel.  He's more of a four-star hotel type of traveler, whereas I try to do it cheap.

I've known T for years, and if he's reading this I'll just ask him to be careful with the food.

There's also "A," who I talk to a lot.  I think she's one of the best teachers at our school.  I've also known her for years, and when we both have free class periods we play chess.  She's a very blunt person, but I've learned a lot from her honesty.  I think knowing her has made me a better person.

If A is reading this, I'll just thank her for all the help.

"I" works at a school in Tai Ma Li.  We both love American superheroes, so that's a recurring topic of conversation.  Sometimes I see him and his girlfriend at the movie theater, but I don't see him nearly as much as I used to.  We worked together years ago, and thanks to him I know a lot more about computers.

I, if you're reading this, we should have lunch or dinner together soon.

"W" ISN'T my friend, but rather my adversary.  I won't provide any details about W, because doing so would bring me a lot of trouble.  They say a good adversary is better than a good friend - and this may well be true - but just the same I'm never happy to be around W.

If W is reading this, I wish him/her well... but only if it's in my own interest to do so.

In Kaohsiung there's "A," who happens to be my mother-in-law.  She used to live in Tainan, but moved to Kaohsiung after we moved to Taitung.  Her life has had its share of obstacles, but every so often we'll have conversations that are weirdly enlightening.  Last time I saw her she was talking about how busy she is with her church.  I couldn't help but think that being her age and being so busy is a good thing.

If A is reading this, I'll just ask her to keep dancing.

In Taichung there's "N," who I haven't talked to face-to-face in a long time.  She'll send me holiday greetings on Line or Facebook, and occasionally ask me how to write/say something in English.  I think she works for a trading company there.  She is/was one of my best friends in Taichung, and I hope I'll see her and her husband again soon.

If N is reading this, I'll just invite her - again - to Taitung.

Oh, and look at this: T-A-I-W-A-N.  All of these people's "names" together spell "Taiwan."  I'm so clever.  I know, I know, you never would have noticed that if I hadn't pointed it out, right?

I think that just about any place comes down to the people you know.  If you have friends around you'll like the place, and if you don't you probably won't.  I'm lucky to have so many friends (and enemies?) around the island, and I can only hope that my friends feel the same way.

2. Retrospective 懷舊的 3: Nostalgia 思鄉情懷

For the "Retrospective" entries I'll be revisiting posts from ten years ago.  The post referenced below is from 2009. 在這些 "懷舊的" 文章裡看十年前的文章.  下列的文章是2009年寫的.

The original version of "Nostalgia 思鄉情懷" is to be found in the Blog Archive 2 entry.  I've added comments below the italicized text. 原本的 "Nostalgia 思鄉情懷" 在Blog Archive 很久很久以前的文章 2的文章.  我在每一段下面加入新的意見.

"Nostalgia can be a dangerous thing. It can lend a pleasure to past events that never existed in fact. It makes the past look better than it really was. It is, after all, so easy to look back and see how much better the past was in comparison to the present time. By the same token, it is just as easy to remember places I have lived before, and to see only their advantages over where I live now.緬懷過去有時是件不好的事,因為很多時候懷念的可能是自己添加的情感想像,過去不一定是你記憶中那麼美好的樣子,我有時會比較現在與之前住過的地方,但是發現會懷念只是因為我忘了當初為什麼會離開的理由."

Yeah all of that's true.  It's a symptom of growing older, and also something to be wary of.  A lot of people enshrine a certain period of their lives - a time when everything was "better" - without thinking about how doing so detracts from their enjoyment of the present. 以上是對的.  這是年級變大時會有的症狀, 也是該被注意的.  很多人覺得人生中的某一段時光特別值得留戀, 那段時間的所有事物都"比較好," 可是他們沒想到這種想法讓他們沒辦法好好享受當下.

"I have overindulged this feeling, this sense of nostalgia, on many occasions. Perhaps I was at a party, and I started to think how much better the beer tasted back home. Perhaps I was driving through the country, and I started to miss the national parks near Seattle. Perhaps I was in a restaurant, and I began to miss foods that I cannot get in Taiwan, or friends I used to enjoy meals with.我想我是常犯這種事的人,有時在朋友聚會上開始想念家鄉的啤酒與朋友,有時開車時想念西雅圖附近的國家公園."

With respect to overindulging this feeling, I reached a personal low point in 2007, two years before the original post was written.  At that time nothing in Taiwan was good enough.  I was unhappy with the people, I was unhappy with the food, I was unhappy with my job.  I later came to understand that my attitude was the problem, but it took a while to get there.  2007年的我就處在這樣的情緒低潮,  那是在我寫下"思鄉情懷"的二年前.  那時候我對台灣很不滿意.  我不喜歡這邊的人, 不喜歡這邊的食物, 不喜歡這邊的工作.  我是後來才發現我當時的態度很差, 那時已經距離當時一段時間了.

"So when people ask me what I miss about "home", when people ask me about the place I come from; my first instinct is to guard against nostalgia. This is because I know how easily I am carried away by this feeling. There were times when I found myself on a plane back home, for no other reason than an overindulgence in nostalgia. Even as I arrived in the Seattle airport, I knew that many of the places I was searching for would be gone, and many of the people I missed would be different from how I remembered them.所以有時候朋友問我最想念家鄉的那一點,我會避免自己過度美化那個地方,有時我們回去只是想看看那裡,雖然我知道很多我熟悉的地方可能不像以前那樣,很多朋友也在我離開的這段時間有所改變了."

This is also true.  They say "You can't go home again," and they're right.  Of course the more recently you've lived there the easier it is to fit back into that mode of living, but it's going to be an uphill battle whatever you do. 這一段也沒錯.  有人會說 "你沒辦法回去了." 這句話也沒錯.  當然離開家鄉的時間愈短的人比較容易再過回家鄉的生活方式, 可是無論離開時間的長短,  "回家" 都有某種困難度.

"This said, usually what I miss most about Seattle is the beer. This is not a joke. There are so many kinds of beer there. There are so many kinds of beer in Seattle that you could never get to the end of them. Bars and brewpubs are very welcoming when the weather in Seattle turns cold, and I miss the impressions I retain of those places. Beer always reminds me of home. 我最想念的是西雅圖的啤酒,那裡啤酒種類之多,會讓人感到驚訝,天氣轉涼時,酒吧常常是人們愛去的地方,我喜歡偶爾到酒吧坐坐喝啤酒的那種氣氛.在這裡,啤酒總是提醒我西雅圖的感覺."

I do still miss the beer.  Those citra IPAs are damn good.  My recent favorites are the Hop Valley beers brewed in Eugene, Oregon.  I drank a lot of those last summer. 我還是很想念那裏的啤酒.  那邊的citra IPA很好喝.  我最近喜歡的是尤金奧勒岡州Hop Valley啤酒廠的啤酒.  我這個暑假喝了很多.

"Next to beer, I also miss the wilderness. I love the natural scenery in Taiwan, but when I think of places such as Glacier National Park and Gold Beach, I cannot help but feel a sense of loss. Those great, big, wild places have set the stage for so many adventures, and I miss getting lost within them. Nature in Taiwan isn't always as friendly - it tends to sting and bite a bit more.我想念美國的自然景觀,雖然我也愛臺灣的自然風景,但是像冰河國家公園及黃金海岸這種地方在臺灣是少見的,而且在這裡常常需要擔心蟲咬."

My parents have since moved from Seattle to Port Angeles, Washington.  Port Angeles is on the Olympic Peninsula, just a ferry ride away from Victoria, British Columbia.  While I did enjoy driving to a few scenic destinations last summer, I found the driving part a lot less pleasant.  This was partly because key family members were missing from the drives, and partly because Highway 101, which encircles the Olympic Peninsula, is very congested on summer weekends. 我父母從華
盛頓州的西雅圖搬到盛頓州的安吉利斯港.  安吉利斯港位於奧林匹克半島, 坐船可以去維多利亞英屬哥倫比亞.  我暑假的時候很喜歡去某幾個景點, 可是開車去沒有那麼好玩.  部分的問題是因為有的家人沒辦法陪我去, 還有部分的問題是奧林匹克半島的101公道在周末的時候常常塞車.

I did love running around Port Angeles though, especially down through the Klallam Reservation and back up toward Highway 101.  On one end there was the Strait of Juan de Fuca, and on the other end there were the Olympic Mountains.  THAT was a great view. 可是我很喜歡在安吉利斯港跑步, 特別喜歡跑進Klallam族的部落之後跑上101公路.  一邊可以看到Strait of Juan de Fuca海景, 一邊可以看到奧林匹克山脈.  風景如畫.

"I also miss my friends and family, but not as much as you might think. I have, after all, a family here as well, and if I miss anyone in Seattle too much I can always call them up. I can't call up beers on the phone, or have conversations with national parks, and so I find myself missing these inanimate things more. No phone line can put me at Fisherman's Terminal with a tray of fish and chips in my hand, and no internet connection can adequately describe the view from the tops of the Siskiyous. These are the things I really miss, because they are farthest away from where I am now.雖然我也想念我在那裡的家人和朋友,可是因為想念他們時我可以打電話,但是有很多是電話和郵件也幫不上忙的,例如食物與大自然景觀,也因為這樣我愈想念它們."

My feelings about certain family members is more ambiguous this year, mostly because of dramas which unfolded last summer.  Family: you can't live with 'em, and you sure don't want to share a car with them all the way down to Brookings, Oregon. 
因為暑假發生了一些事情, 我今年應該不會那麼想念某些家人 .  有時候和家人溝通很難, 一起開一台車去很遠的奧勒岡州的布魯金斯更難.

We did make it down to the Siskiyous though.  Trouble was that it was after dark and we couldn't see a thing. 我們也到了Siskiyou山脈.  可惜我們經過的時候天已經黑了, 沒辦法看到什麼風景.

"But as I said, this line of thinking can be a dangerous thing. I don't want to miss anything too much, because those things that I miss take away from what I have now. I also know that were I now in Seattle, it is Taiwan I would be missing. I could have Bridgeport, but for the present time I prefer Taiwan Beer. I could have Crater Lake, but for the present time I prefer Jade Mountain.知足常樂.我現在喜歡的啤酒是臺灣啤酒,最有興趣想去探險的是玉山."

I'm still undecided about where I'll be living and working next year, so yeah, it's more productive to focus on Taiwan.  It's better to think about the future, and not worry so much about things in the past.  I'll be back in America one day.  When I am, most of the things I miss will still be there. 我還不是很確定下學年要住哪裡和在哪裡工作, 目前對我來說台灣比較值得重視.  未來比較值得想像, 不用太在意過去的事情.  我有一天會回去美國.  當我回去時, 我現在想念的東西大多還會在那裏.

"I like where I am. There is no need to cloud this place with memories of people, places, and things I cannot have. The past is always there, within me, and there is no need to look elsewhere for it.我喜歡現在居住的地方與朋友,過去的回憶就把它封箱在我的心裡."

I still like Taiwan.  Like a lot of people I'm just worried about the next election.  Tsai Ying-wen or "Korea Country Fish?"  Better relations with the U.S. or China?  Further moves toward independence, or a reaffirmation of "one country, two systems?"  I guess we'll know the answer soon. 我還是喜歡住台灣.  我只是跟很多人一樣擔心下次的大選.  蔡英文或是韓國瑜?  靠近美國或是大陸?  朝獨立的方向或一國兩制的方向?  反正我們快知道這些問題的答案了.

I just hope people don't cast their votes based on fear.  We all need to look forward, not only on a personal level but also when it comes to the place we live in. 我希望人們不只是因為害怕而投票.  我們都要往前看.  個人的未來很重要, 可是我們的家鄉的未來也很重要.

3. 鐵道迷的第一本書 A Book for Train Aficionados 3

The Chinese text below was taken from "A Book for Train Aficionados" 鐵道迷的一本書, as written by 鄧志忠.  The English was written/translated by me.  I'm not sure how many entries from this book I'll do, but this will definitely be one of many.

Where's the Fun in Collecting Model Trains?

一般而言, 鐵道模型可以分為動態與靜態兩種: 前者是透過鐵軌將電力輸出到模型火車上, 一列列袖珍可愛的火車模型, 便能隨控制者的喜好運行或停靠; 後者則如同軍艦, 飛機與坦克模型一般, 通常不具動力, 由玩家依序組合並著色成型. For most purposes train models can be divided into two types: moving and stationary.  The first type transmits electricity from the rails into the model train, and a series of adorable trains can be connected together and moved forward or stopped along the rails at the user's preference.  The second type is similar to [model] warships, planes or tanks in that it usually isn't powered by electricity, and it's assembled and painted by the person who bought it.

除了鐵道與火車還不夠看, 加上各式造景點綴, 增加鐵道模型的真實性與趣味性.  包括車站前的街道, 建築物, 行道樹, 大小車輛與人偶, 進而鋪設田園, 山岳, 河流, 森林與海灣, 甚至加裝路燈, 建築室內燈等, 令人嘆為觀止! Aside from trains and train lines being more difficult to view, environmental features add authenticity to any railway model.  These [environmental features] can include streets in front of the train station, buildings, trees along streets, different types of cars and people, and also things like fields, mountains, rivers, forests and coastlines - even fascinating details like traffic lights and interior lights within buildings.

按一定比例縮小的仿真火車與鐵道, 需經過精密的設計與繁複的製作過程, 與其將其視為玩具, 不如說是一項展現高度工藝技術的 "藝術品", 值得玩家珍藏.  Trains and railways scaled down to a certain size require a complicated production process.  Instead of being regarded as toys, these [model trains] should be seen as "works of art,"showing a high degree of craftsmanship.  They should be prized by their owners.

在歐美, 日本等擁有先進工藝技術的工業國家, 都有專門從事鐵道模型開發與研究的人員, 甚至考量研發精密的模型可以帶動科技的晉級, 因此採取鐵道模型進口零關稅的優惠政策, 希望在科技研發與休閒嗜好領域之間產生良好的互動. In places like Europe, America or Japan, which began the process of industrialization much earlier, there are many people who specialize in the research and development of railway models.  Considering that the development of sophisticated models can lead to the promotion of technology, a policy of importing railway models, without exacting tariffs upon them, is seen as a good way to foster the relationship between technological research and leisure activities.

Can Model Trains Produced by Different Companies be Used Together?

目前國內的鐵道模型有1:80或1:87的HO規比例, 和1:150或1:160的N規比例, 這兩種是最常見的款式, 也是全世界通用的比例.  Previously all domestic railway models were produced with an HO scale of 1:80 or 1:87, or an N scale of 1:150 or 1:160.  These scales are the most often seen [in Taiwan], and are, moreover, the most often used worldwide.*

換句話說, 任何廠牌所生產的鐵道模型列車, 只要採用同一種比例, 即可任意連接通用, 將不同國家的火車模型連掛在一起運行, 大大滿足每個擁有者的個人意念. To put it another way, model trains produced by any company can only be used/connected to other model trains of the same scale, and models from different countries can be connected together to suit the individual.

其餘較冷門少見的軌距比例包括: G規 (1:29), 1規 (1:32), 歐洲O規 (1:45), 美國S規 (1:48), 英國OO規 (1:76), TT規 (1:120) 及最小的Z規 (1:220) 等.  Other, less popular scales and gauges include: G scale (1:29), European O scale (1:45), American S scale (1:48), British OO scale (1:76), TT scale (1:120), and Z scale, the smallest (1:220).

Can Playing with Model Trains Disrupt One's Family Life?

據說在歐美國家流傳著, 要讓一個家庭破產的最快方法, 就是送他們一小組鐵道模型; 一旦踏入鐵道的世界, 玩家往往不自覺身陷其中, 耗費距額購買相關產品也在所不惜.  因此, 即便非常熱衷於鐵道蒐藏, 也必須懂得自我節制, 切勿讓休閒嗜好的支出, 影響到正常生活的基本開銷. In Europe and America it's said that the fastest way to make a family bankrupt is to give them a small train set.  Once they step into the world of [model] trains, the person thus enticed ends up buying more and more related products.  For this reason, even if you're very interested in model trains, you should know how to control yourself, and how to prevent leisure expenses from impinging upon daily life.**

此外, 把玩鐵道模型絕對不只是簡單的休閒或純粹滿足鐵道迷的夢想而已, 透過製作或組合模型, 讓人得以培養激發研究的動機與興趣, 或考察該列車背後的人文歷史, 這何嘗不也是一種寓教於樂呢? In addition, playing with model trains isn't just a simple leisure activity or the means of fulfilling a "railway fan's" dreams.  Making models or putting them together can both foster research and promote interest in the cultural affiliations and history of trains.  Doesn't this make it entertaining and educational?***

4. Around Tai Ma Li 在太麻里附近

"Downtown" Tai Ma Li is about 30 minutes south of Taitung City.  The most famous tourist attraction in that area is Jin Jen Mountain, which is west of downtown. 太麻里市區在台東市以南開車三十分鐘的距離.  那裏最有名的景點是太麻里市區西邊的金針山.

This is the view from about halfway up Jin Jen Mountain.  It was taken at about eight in the morning. 這是金針山半山腰的風景.  這是早上八點的景色.

Daylily field near the top.  I guess since "Jin Jen" means "daylily" you could also call it "Daylily Mountain," but I've never heard anyone call it that.  The flower season is long gone, and these were the only daylilies I saw there. 山頂附近的金針花園.  我覺得這座山的英文名字也可以叫Daylily Mountain, 只是我沒有聽說過這個用法.  金針花季已經過了, 我看到的花只有這些.

View from the top, looking north toward Taitung City. 從山頂往台東市看的風景 .

These signs make it seem like there's a lot of stuff in this area, but most of it's pretty small and all of it's pretty similar.  The most important attraction is probably the "Flowers Route" at the top left.  Coffee and tea are other local attractions. 看路邊的指示牌會覺得附近的景點很多, 可是多數的景點都很雷同也不大.  最重要的大概是左上角的賞花路線.  附近可以品茶和喝咖啡的地方很多.

We had coffee and toast here.  The view from the other side was good. 我們在這裡喝咖啡和吃吐司.  另外一邊的風景很不錯.

View toward the Tai Ma Li River, which is at the bottom the valley. 往縱谷下看太麻里溪的風景.

Same view, just a little further down the mountain.  A place near here sells fried daylily flowers.  I tried them once in Hualien.  Didn't need to try them a second time. 同樣的地點, 只是下坡一點點.  路邊有攤子賣炸金針花.  我曾經在花蓮吃過.  我不想再吃一次.

As you can probably tell from the picture, the local government isn't too worried about erosion in this area.  A lot of the land near the road has been cleared to make way for farms, hostels or coffee shops. 從照片看的出來, 當地政府不是很在意土石流的問題.  路邊的土地充滿了農田, 民宿跟咖啡館.

I get the feeling that the tea shops/plantations around here are struggling.  Most people, including myself, prefer coffee now. 我想茶葉商行的生意比較差.  現在大部分的人比較喜歡喝咖啡.

Halfway down the mountain again, looking at the Tai Ma Li River.  That bridge to the left is Highway 9, leading south toward Jin Luen and Da Wu. 在半山腰往太麻里溪看.  左邊的橋就是往金崙和大武的台9線.

Same place. 同一個地點.

"Downtown" Tai Ma Li.  As you can tell, there's not much going on here.  I have yet to find a restaurant in this area that I really like, though the Taiwan Cow Beef Noodles restaurant isn't bad. 太麻里市區.  這是個平靜的鄉村.  我在這附近還沒找到我很喜歡的餐廳, 但是台灣牛牛肉麵不錯.

In Tai Ma Li's Millennium Light Memorial Park.  Awesome name for a park that isn't that awesome.  It's very quiet though. 在太麻里的千禧曙光園區.  這名字聽起來很酷可是園區不怎麼樣.  還好那邊很安靜.

A lot of people camp in and around this park on New Year's Eve to see the first sunrise of the new year.  Tai Ma Li's "Bikini Beach Run" also starts in this area. 很多人為了看新年的日出來這個園區露營.  太麻里的比基尼沙跑也在這附近開跑.

This nice lady sold me a bottle of roselle flower tea/juice across from the park.  I doubt she makes a lot of money, but at least she has a good view of the ocean. 我在公園裡跟這位好小姐買了一瓶洛神花茶 (汁).  在這裡應該沒辦法賺大錢.  還好她有美麗的海景可以看.

5. Piece by Piece

The islanders journeyed to the southeast, and after many days' travel they arrived at their idea of heaven.  It was very hot, and they were all very tired, so they thought it best to set up camp, and pass a few days near the ocean.

A few days became a few weeks, and slowly their camp began to resemble a village.  They elected a chief to watch over their affairs and to organize their society.  They considered their chief to be the wisest among them, a man or woman who could see far into the future, and they didn't question his or her judgments in the wake of personal disputes.

Some of the women bore children in that village, and the men built strong huts to withstand the weather.  They tried to live in harmony with their surroundings, but of course every day there were more of them, and new people wanted new things.

A few weeks became a few months.  One day the chief said to his people, "We need to trade with other villages, in other places.  We love this place, we still consider it heaven, but a few extra things would make life easier.  We can trade with other villages, and in this way make heaven even more heavenly."

So the villagers began journeys to other villages, far from their home by the sea.  Their feet wore paths through the forests, and their feet wore grooves into the sides of mountains.  They learned how to trade what they had with other peoples, and other peoples learned how to trade with them.

"Let's build a road," said the chief one day.  "Just one road, to make life easier.  We love this place, we still consider it heaven, but a couple of roads would improve trade.  When we can trade easier our lives will be complete."

Some of the villagers worried that new roads would bring new people, and that the land might become too crowded.  But they set about building the road anyway, trusting in the wisdom of their leader.  In a few months the road was built, and travelling to other villages was no trouble at all.  Trade increased, and people enjoyed many new things.

A few months became a few years.  Slowly the village began to resemble a town.  The chief was replaced by a mayor, land was cleared to grow more things, other roads were built, and immigrants arrived from other places.  The townspeople still had the green mountains above them, they still had beaches beneath palm trees, but they also had other things, newer things, and this made them happy.

"Let's build a railroad," said the mayor one day.  "Just one line, to take people and goods back and forth.  We love this place, we still consider it heaven, but a railroad would make life even better.  We'll travel easily to other towns, and our lives will be complete."

Some of the townspeople worried that a railroad would change the character of their town, and that it might give rise to other towns, near new train stations.  But they set about building the railroad anyway, trusting in the wisdom of their leader.  In a few months the railroad was built, and traveling beyond the mountains was no trouble at all.  Their town slowly became a vacation spot for other people, all over the island.

A few years became decades.  Slowly the town began to resemble a city.  The mayor was replaced by a magistrate, and highways, movie theaters, hotels and shopping malls were built.  Tourists arrived from all over.  They still had some of the green mountains above them, most of the rivers weren't polluted, and they also had money, new jobs, and new careers.

"Let's build a freeway," said the magistrate one day.  "Just one freeway, to make it easier for the tourists to visit us.  We love this place, we still consider it heaven, but a freeway would make us even more money.  More and more tourists will visit, and this will make our lives complete."

Some of the people worried that a freeway would change the character of their city, and that it might give rise to other cities, near new freeway exits.  But they set about building the freeway anyway, trusting in the wisdom of their leader.  In a few years the freeway was built, and tourists flooded the city on weekends.  Their city became a world-famous destination, celebrated all over the globe.

Then came more and more houses, more and more roads, more and more restaurants, and more and more garbage.  When they were tired of their houses they built new houses, where the forest used to be.  When they were tired of the old roads they built newer roads, where the rivers used to be.  When they were tired of the restaurants they built bigger and better restaurants, closer and closer to the mountains.  And all the time they told themselves that they were making their idea of heaven better, even if the place they lived in looked more and more like hell.

A few decades became a hundred years.  The city slowly became a metropolis.  The magistrate was replaced by a mayor, traffic was a daily problem, and fewer people thought of visiting that part of the island.  Their metropolis had a few small parks, in the center of town, and the air quality was terrible.  But hey, they finally had a Costco, right?

"Let's pass some laws to protect the environment," said the mayor one day, "And let's really enforce these laws.  Let's stop building so many roads.  Let's stop driving everywhere.  Let's try to stop all this development, and let's turn the clock back to the heaven we used to know."

But some of the people worried that new laws would change the character of their metropolis, that their fortunes and jobs would be threatened.  They protested loudly, and the mayor, always concerned about votes, changed her tune and encouraged still more development.  They built a subway, they built another airport, and they built a slew of new 7-11s, and this, they thought, was just what they needed to make their lives complete.

And if you visit that metropolis now you'll see pieces of the heaven that was.  Little pieces of the past, preserved as parks, tourist sites, and nature preserves.  You'll see those pieces of heaven, and you'll wonder what happened, how those people could spoil a place so close to perfection.

All of those years spent making lives better, only to make heaven worse.  And were those lives really better?  More productive? Happier?  None can truly say, and perhaps in the end all we can hope for is another glimpse of heaven, in another life, yet to be fulfilled.

6. What's Going On On My/Our/Your/Their Half of the Island

What island?  And is my half of the island also half of a country?  Or is it half a province?  Or half of a problem, waiting for a solution?

And whose half of the island is it anyway?  Is it really "my" half?  Can I claim it as my own?  Or is it yours, O Reader?  Or (gasp) is it really... theirs?  We won't talk about who "they" are today, but rest assured they're watching, and they're ever-vigilant.

We'll see how it pans out with "them" later on.  Or we won't.  Maybe nothing will happen with "them," and it'll only add up to more heated words, and more ambiguous agreements with islands that may or may not be part of countries they may or may not want to be a part of.  Don't ask ME to clarify.  It's Tuesday, and I'm tired!

1. That Part of My/Our/Your/Their Island Nearer Taipei

In that part of my/our/your/their island nearer Taipei there are cars, people, dogs, cats, night markets, stores, restaurants, train stations, parks, rivers, mountains and it rains a lot.  Some of the people are in cars.  Some other cars may contain dogs or cats.  The night markets, stores and restaurants are probably located near train stations.  The parks, rivers and mountains are wet if it's raining, and dry if it isn't.  I'd like to think that in the train station someone is waiting for someone else they haven't seen in a long time, and that the reunion will be a happy one.

2. That Part of My/Our/Your/Their Island Nearer Kaohsiung

In that part of my/our/your their island nearer Kaohsiung there are scooters, snakes, mosquitoes, bars, hospitals, pharmacies, bus stations, waterfalls, lakes, beaches and it rains much less.  Some of the snakes may be hiding under scooters.  Some other scooters may conceal mosquitoes.  The bars, hospitals and pharmacies are probably located near bus stations.  The waterfalls, lakes and beaches are humid places if the sun is out, and slightly less humid if it isn't.  I'd like to think that at the bus station someone is coming back home after a long absence, and that their stay will be pleasant.

3. That Part of My/Our/Your/Their Island Between the Two Other Parts Above

In that part of my/our/your/their island between the two other parts above there are cars, scooters, people,dogs, cats, snakes, mosquitoes, night markets, stores, restaurants, train stations, bars, hospitals, pharmacies, bus stations, parks, rivers, mountains, waterfalls, lakes, beaches and it rains too much for some and too little for others.  Some of the cars may contain people, dogs, cats, snakes or mosquitoes.  Some of the scooters may be carrying (or concealing) people, dogs, cats, snakes or mosquitoes.  The night markets, stores, restaurants, bars, hospitals and pharmacies may be located near either train stations or bus stations.  The parks, rivers, mountains, waterfalls, lakes and beaches may be either wet or humid, dry or downright arid.  I'd like to think that in that part of the island there's someone similar to myself, also typing nonsense on a dusty keyboard.

4. In Which the Author of this Blog Uses the Above Three Parts of My/Our/Your/Their Half of the Island as the Setting for a Science Fiction Epic

The year was 5467 A.D.  The Triune, a cybernetic hive mind from beyond our solar system, sought to conquer the Earth.  Eager to gain intelligence that would assist it in this regard, the Triune sent several probes to our planet, the first of which landed on my/our/your/their half of the island.  Unfortunately for the Triune, the Author of this Blog never finished this story, and all of its plans came to nothing.


Millennia later, the Triune did have the chance to visit the area as part of a tourist group from Taipei, and I, the Author of this Blog, had recently been revived from suspended animation.  I happened to be drinking a beer in a local bar when the Triune walked in.  We had a couple shots of tequila, sorted out our differences, and he/it then added me to his/its list of contacts on Line.

So don't worry, O Reader.  In the year 9876 A.D. my/our/your/their half of the island will be pretty much the same as it is now.  No alien invasion.  No antimatter weapons laying waste to cities.  Give me a call when they've revived you from suspended animation and we'll get together.  It'll be fun to talk about the old days.

Where will we get together?  Maybe at a restaurant near the train station, or a bar near the bus station.  After your long absence it's sure to be a happy reunion, and after catching up we'll also try to talk ourselves out of this "story."

7. Retrospective 懷舊的 4:Eating in Taitung City 台東市裡的餐廳

For the "Retrospective" entries I'll be revisiting posts from ten years ago.  The post referenced below is from 2009. 在這些 "懷舊的" 文章裡看十年前的文章.  下列的文章是2009年寫的.

The original version of "Eating in Taitung City台東市裡的餐廳" is to be found in the Blog Archive 3 entry.  I've added comments below the italicized text. 原本的 "Eating in Taitung City台東市裡的餐廳" 在Blog Archive 很久很久以前的文章 3的文章.  我在每一段下面加入新的意見.

Any list of "good restaurants" in Taitung City is bound to be almost entirely subjective. Even so, any list of "good restaurants" will at least steer people away from the unquestionably bad restaurants, of which Taitung has not a few.臺東任何的餐廳的排名都有很強的主觀性,就算如此,還是可以幫我們過濾掉一些被公認為難吃的餐廳.

The worst restaurant I've been to was down an alley near the Ba Fang Yun Ji Dumpling Restaurant.  This restaurant's specialty was dumplings.  We figured "Great, we like dumplings!", went in, and ordered some.  Soon after we discovered parts of a cockroach in one of our dumplings.  Thankfully this restaurant is gone now. 我去過的餐廳中, 最差的是八方雲集附近的小巷子裡的一家餃子館.  我們那時候都想: "太好了!  我們喜歡餃子!"  進去後點了幾籠.  開始吃了幾分鐘後才發現餃子皮上黏了蟑螂殘骸.  還好這家餃子館已經停止營業了.

Lately my favorite restaurant is the Han Guan Curry Restaurant on Jong Shing Road. This restaurant is on the way to RT Mart, near the Naruwan Hotel. Their curry is excellent, and they are very friendly. Most curry restaurants are very sparing with the vegetables they put inside their curry sauce. Han Guan is not, and I appreciate that.最近我最喜歡的餐廳是中興路上的涵館.它位在去大潤發的路上,靠近娜路彎飯店.那裡的咖哩很好吃而且服務也很親切 ,很多餐廳的咖哩都很稀淡,但是涵館的真是料多實在喔!

Han Guan closed down a while back.  I wrote the original post when they were on Jong Shing Road, but they later moved to another location on Shin Sheng Road.  Their food was good for a while, but the quality sharply declined later on. 涵館已經停止營業了.  我寫原本的文章時他們在中興路上, 之後搬到新生路.  他們一開始時的料理很好吃, 可是最後品質就差了.

Not that it matters that much.  The Yi Pin Wu Restaurant on Geng Sheng Road is just as good as Han Guan ever was. 
打岔一下,  目前在更生路上的儀品屋跟以前一開始的涵館一樣好吃.

For good vegetarian food, I go to the little restaurant on Jeng Chi Road, the one not far from the intersection of Jeng Chi Road and Chuan Guang Road, just across from the vocational high school. I'm sorry, but their name completely escapes me at the moment. Their food is very reasonably priced, and also very good. The only thing I don't like there is the "Thai style noodles," which are so spicy they don't really taste like anything except hot peppers.如果是素食餐廳,我通常去正氣路上跟傳廣路交叉口附近的一家小吃店,它們的名字我真的記不起來 ,但是你只要到臺東商專對面就可以找到,它們的食物中,我唯一不喜歡的就是泰國酸辣麵,因為真的好辣,完成吃不出辣以外的味道.

This vegetarian restaurant has also moved, though in this case it's still open.  I can't remember where they moved to.  I think it might be further down Jeng Chi Road. 這家素食餐廳也搬家了, 目前還在營業.  我忘記他們搬到哪裡去了,  好像在正氣路上, 比較靠近市區的那一段.

There are a lot of good vegetarian restaurants in Taitung.  I've heard that this buffet in Beinan is one of the better ones. 台東有很多好吃的素食餐廳.  我聽說這家卑南的自助餐滿不錯. 

If I had to pick a third favorite restaurant it would be the Lao Lin restaurant on Jung Hua Road. This restaurant is just across from Taitung University, and right next to the big hot pot restaurant. Their "ma-po" tofu is wonderful, and I have been going there for years. There's not a bad or indifferent thing on their entire menu.另外,我還喜歡東大前中華路上的老林,他們的麻婆豆腐真的很棒,我常常去吃,除了麻婆豆腐,他們菜單上的其他餐點也都很值得一試.

I got the WORST case of food poisoning from Lao Lin the last time I went there.  The food also didn't taste very good.  They've since closed down.  There's a Sichuan-style restaurant not far from where they used to be, and the mapo tofu made there isn't bad. 我最後一次吃老林之後拉肚子,  食物也不好吃.  他們停止營業了.  在他們附近有家川菜餐廳,  那家餐廳的麻婆豆腐不錯.

Which might leave you wondering: "Doesn't this guy ever eat western food?" My answer to that is "Not really." I go to KFC maybe once a month, and that's about it. I cannot stand McDonald's. If that makes me strange, so be it.可能你會好奇我吃不吃西餐,答案是:很少.我可能一個月去一次肯塔基,而且我很不喜歡麥當勞.

I still eat McDonald's breakfast.  In the original post I was just talking about their lunch/dinner menu.  I think for the money their breakfast is still one of the best in town.  KFC?  I stopped going there years ago.  Their food was always disappointing.  Taitung has a Mos Burger now, so there's even less reason to go. 我會去麥當勞吃早餐.  我在原來的文章裡討論的是午餐/晚餐的菜單.  以台東來說, 麥當勞的早餐很划算.  肯德基呢?  我很久沒有去了, 因為他們的餐點讓我很失望.  而且台東現在有摩斯漢堡, 所以真的不用去那裏.

Other good local options in terms of Western food include Sam's BurgerUncle Pete's Pizza any of the countless steak houses in and around Taitung City.  For the record, my favorite steak restaurant is the Gaya Hotel - but be warned it'll cost ya. 當地的西餐有很多好的選擇, 例如:Sam's Burger披薩阿伯跟多家牛排館.  我最喜歡的牛排餐廳是Gaya Hotel, 可是要先有心理準備,  那裡會讓你的荷包大失血. 

What follows are some honorable mentions:以下這些餐廳也很不錯:

1. The "Peace" restaurant, near the intersection of Bo-Ai Road and Shin Sheng Road. Good spaghetti, and not expensive."布蕾斯"位於新生路上,靠近博愛路,那裡的意大利麵很好吃而且平價.

The "Peace" Restaurant was one of the many restaurants in that now-vacant building next to the Mos Burger.  Their quesadillas were good. 布蕾斯以前在摩斯漢堡旁邊.  他們的quesadillas很好吃.

2. "Tai Shr Fu", or the big red place on the corner of Tie Hua Road and Jung Hua Road. A good place if you're in a hurry and want to eat fried chicken."

"Tai Shr Fu" has sinced moved south down Jung Hua Road.  It's across from the McDonald's.  I haven't eaten there in ages, but it's probably the same as I remember. 
𡘙傅搬到中華路南段, 麥當勞對面.  我很久沒去那邊吃飯了, 大概跟以前差不多.

My favorite fried chicken place is probably Dong Jr Yuan, a tiny lunchbox place near where I live. 我最喜歡吃炸雞的餐廳應該是我家附近的東之園. 

3. "Hakka Cuisine", just up Gung Sheng Road from the Tong Guan Supermarket. Cheap and good!"客家小吃"在更生路往火車站的路上,那裡有兩家,一家靠近新生國小,一家靠近四維路.新生國小旁的板條很讚,另一家的魯肉飯好吃到不行,兩家都是好吃又便宜.

The "Hakka Cuisine" (Hakka Noodles) closer to Sse Wei Road is still in business.  I go there often.  The other place selling Hakka food in that area is, however, history. 比較靠近四維路的客家麵店還在,  我常在那裏吃飯.  那附近另外一家客家餐廳不在了.

4. The Vietnamese restaurant on Da Tong Road, across from where the movie theater used to be. I love their rice noodles.越南餐廳當然就要去大同路的,它在舊戲院前,他們的河粉真是讓我想到就流口水.

That Vietnamese restaurant is still there*, but their hours are pretty strange.  I was talking about the smaller one, closer to the ocean, not the newer, bigger one near the intersection of Jung Hua and Jong Jeng (the one that everyone knows about).  I stopped going there because I could never tell if they'd be open or not. 那家越南餐廳還在, 可是他們的營業時間不是很穩定.  我在原本文章討論的是比較小, 比較靠近海邊的那家, 不是比較新, 比較大, 靠近中華路,中正路口的那家 (大家都知道的那家).  我很久沒有去那裏因為不知道它有沒有開.

These days my favorite Vietnamese restaurant is here.  They make good pho. 現在我最喜歡的越南餐廳在這裡.  他們的牛肉河粉很好吃. 

5. Lin Family Dumplings, on the Coastal Highway and Da Tong Road. Their dumplings are without a doubt the best in the city."鄰家蒸餃"也是在大同路上,只是它靠近海岸線,我覺得他們的蒸餃是臺東市區最棒的.

I still go to this restaurant sometimes.  I wouldn't say their dumplings are "the best in the city," but if you're driving down the coast it's a convenient place to stop and grab lunch. 我有時候還是會去這家餐廳吃飯.  我不敢說他們的餃子是 "台東市最好的," 如果你是開車到海邊這一帶的話, 停在那裏吃午餐很方便.

And that's about all I can think of for now. Typing this has made me very hungry, and I am sorry that it is still so long until lunch!這些是我目前想得到的,寫到這裡已經讓我覺得很餓!!

8. Social Studies 社會 4, First Semester 上, Unit 2-3 第二單元到第三單元

The Chinese text below was taken from the textbook published by Kang Shuan 康軒文教事業.  For the first unit of this book click here.  For other excerpts from other textbooks click here.

二 Two: 家鄉巡禮 Hometown Institutions

家鄉是先民辛苦建立的生活場所, 從他們居住的傳統住屋, 信仰中心的廟宇或教堂, 以及商品買賣的老街, 都可以認識先民的生活情形, 也可以了解到家鄉生活的特色. [Our] hometown is the place we live in, established through the hard work of [our] ancestors.  From their traditional houses, [their] temples and churches (places of worship), and from the old streets where goods were bought and sold, we can acquaint ourselves with the ways in which our ancestors lived.  We can also acquaint ourselves with the unique characteristics of hometown life.

1傳統住屋 Traditional Houses

原住民族的傳統住屋 Traditional Aboriginal Houses

為了方便取得材料, 並配合地形, 氣候等環境特色, 原住民族的傳統住屋發展出多樣化的建築形式與風格.  例如: 為了取材方便, 有的住屋會用石板, 竹子, 茅草等搭建; 為了躲避強風, 有的住屋形式比較低矮; 為了適應濕熱的天氣, 有的則是利用木頭把住屋架高. In accordance with available materials, [local] geography, weather and other environmental factors, traditional aboriginal houses have developed into several distinctive architectural forms.  For example: some aboriginal houses incorporate stone, bamboo or thatch [because] those materials were most easily acquired; some aboriginal houses are shorter to withstand strong winds; others are elevated on wooden stilts to accommodate humid weather.

漢人的傳統住屋 Traditional Chinese Houses

漢人的傳統住屋大多就地取材, 用竹子, 木頭, 土石或燒製的磚瓦來建造.  房屋會有不同的外形, 有的幾間連成一排, 稱為正身; 有的則在正身的一側或兩側加蓋護龍; 由正身和兩側護龍組成的建築, 稱為三合院. Most traditional Chinese houses were made with local materials such as bamboo, wood, stone or fired bricks.  Houses may come in different shapes.  [In some] several rooms are arranged in single file, and this is called a "Jeng Shen."  To this [central section] are added wings on either side, called "Hu Loong."  A "Jeng Shen" with "Hu Loong" on both sides is called a "San He Yuan" [or courtyard enclosed on three sides].

[In the book follows an interesting illustration of these houses and how the various spaces in and around them are traditionally used.]

傳統住屋的轉變 Changes to Traditional Houses

隨著工商業的發展, 生活方式的轉變, 及建築物材料的革新, 傳統住屋已經漸漸消失, 現代住屋的主要建築材料, 改為鋼筋混凝土, 住宅也大多改為樓房的形式.  有些留存的傳統住屋則改建為特色民宿, 餐廳等, 吸引遊客前往, 體驗傳統的生活. Alongside industrial development, people's lifestyles have also changed, and new construction materials are being used.  Traditional houses are slowly disappearing as reinforced concrete is used to build modern homes.  Single-family dwellings are also giving way to apartment buildings.  Some of the remaining traditional houses have been converted into homestays, restaurants and other things.  These [traditional houses] attract many tourists wishing to experience a more traditional way of life.

近年來, 政府和民間也積極推動傳統建築的維護, 例如: 設立原住民族文化園區, 保存, 維護原住民族的文化資產; 規劃文化聚落的護區, 使傳統聚落成為當地的觀光景點, 也為老建築找到了新生命. In recent years, the government and individuals have been working hard to preserve traditional buildings.  For example: aboriginal culture parks have been established to preserve and protect aboriginal tribes' cultural heritage; cultural preservation areas have been created, which bolster tourism through the preservation of local culture, thus giving old buildings a new lease on life.

2廟宇與老街 Temples and Old Streets

廟宇的功能 Uses of Temples

人們沒有辦法避免生老病死, 悲歡離合, 於是往往會興建廟宇, 祭拜神明, 以祈求平安, 獲得心靈安慰.  在家鄉廟宇裡供奉的神明, 最常見的有土地公和媽祖等神明. No one can avoid growing old, getting sick, dying or disappointment, so we often build temples to ask favor from the gods, request safe passage through life, and seek spiritual comfort.  Of all the gods worshiped in [our] hometowns, Tu Di Gong [the "Earth god" or "local diety"] and Matsu are the most often seen.*

廟宇不但是當地的信仰中心, 廟前廣場也是許多人休閒聚會, 欣賞表演和舉辦祭典的場所. Temples aren't only centers of spiritual worship.  The plazas in front of every temple are also used for recreational gatherings, performances and rituals.

家鄉中除了廟宇外, 也可以看到許多教堂.  教堂是信徒做禮拜及情感交流的地方. Aside from temples, [our] hometowns also have churches.  Churches are places where believers pray and share a sense of community.

老街的功能 Uses of Old Streets

由於廟宇附近人潮較多, 經常有許多商人, 小販聚集, 進行商品買賣, 因此較易形成市集或商店街.  這些早期的商店街, 部分演變為現在家鄉的老街. Temples are crowded places where businessmen congregate and merchants set up shop.  For this reason they are convenient places to set up markets or shopping streets.  Some of the early shopping streets have become old streets in modern hometowns.

老街是各種貨物頻繁進出的地方, 顧客往來不絕.  老街的店鋪通常位在道路兩旁, 店面朝向街道, 並設有騎樓, 供顧客, 行人遮陽避雨.  店鋪的後方, 則是商家起居作息的場所. Old streets are places where all manner of goods are bought and sold, and where customers come and go.  The shops on old streets are usually on either side of the road, the storefronts face the road, and there is a porch allowing customers to avoid the sun and rain.  The families of shop owners live behind their shops.**

廟宇與老街的新風貌 New Looks for Temples and Old Streets

到了現代, 廟宇和老街隨著時代的潮流, 產生新風貌.  廟宇的活動, 除了保存傳統的民俗曲藝外, 也加入新的做法, 促進當地觀光活動, 例如: 台南市鹿耳門的媽祖繞境活動, 每年都吸引各地信徒參加. Temples and old streets have kept pace with the times, and taken on new looks.  Temple festivals, aside from preserving traditional folk arts, also host events for tourists.  For example: every year the procession of the goddess Matsu at Tainan's Lu Er Men Temple attracts many believers from all over.

有些老街則經過改建和更新, 變成家鄉居民平日休閒購物的商店街; 有些則刻意保持原始風貌, 吸引遊客觀光, 成為家鄉重要的文化資產, 例如: 彰化縣鹿港鎮的鹿港老街, 將具有特色的古老建築, 規劃成觀光區, 並帶動糕餅, 香燭等傳統手工業, 為老街注入新生命. Some old streets have undergone renovation or restoration, and have become recreational shopping streets for local residents.  Some have retained their original appearance, and both attract tourists and remain important cultural relics for hometown [people].  For example: Chang Hua, Lu Gang Municipality's Lu Gang Old Street not only has historic buildings, but is also an important tourist district specializing in cookies, scented candles and other traditional businesses.  [In this way] an old street can have a new life.

學習加油站 Study "Gas Station"

如何進行觀察 How to Start an Investigation

小朋友, 想要進一步認識家鄉, 可以從觀察家鄉的廟宇或老街開始.  我們要如何進行觀察呢?  可以按照下列步驟學習. Children, if you want to take a step toward understanding your hometown, you can begin by investigating your hometown temple or old street.  How can we begin an investigation?

步驟1 Step 1: 列出觀察重點 List Investigation Points

列出觀察時需要注意或記錄的重點.  例如: 老街的建築特色, 居民的生活方式, 商家的種類等. List the goals of the investigation.  For example: special characteristics of old street buildings, local people's way of life, types of businesses, etc.

步驟2 Step 2: 事前的準備工作 Things to Prepare

1. 規劃當天的路線 Plan your route for the day.
2. 準備必要的觀察用品 Prepare items needed for your investigation.

步驟3 Step 3: 進行觀察 Begin Investigation

依照觀察紀錄表進行觀察活動.  如當場發現有趣或特殊的事物, 也可以記錄下來.  例如: 老街牆面的裝飾, 有的用花草, 有的用八仙的圖案. Follow your investigation worksheet while participating in the investigation activity.  If you run into any interesting or unique things during your investigation, you can also record them.  For example: some of the wall decorations on old streets depict plants and flowers, some depict fairies.***

步驟4 Step 4: 完成觀察紀錄表 Complete the Observation Worksheet

觀察結束後, 把觀察重點紀錄在觀察紀錄表內. After the observation has been concluded, record important points on the observation worksheet.

三 Three: 家鄉的生產方式 Hometown Production Methods

家鄉的居民, 為了維持生活的需要, 從事的生產活動多采多姿.  以下我們以水稻農業為例, 說明灌溉設施, 農具和肥料從早期到現代的轉變. In order to meet their daily needs, hometown residents engage in a variety of activities.  Below we use rice agriculture as an example, explaining changes in irrigation methods, farming implements and [the use of] fertilizers from early times to the present.

1灌溉設施與農具 Irrigation Facilities [Methods] and Farming Implements

傳統的水稻農業 Traditional Rice Agriculture

早期的家鄉, 是以種植水稻為主的農業社會.  為了農業的發展, 先民會興建池塘, 水圳等灌溉設施, 以獲得水源來灌溉農田. The earliest hometown societies were based upon rice agriculture.  As agriculture developed, our ancestors built ponds and canals to irrigate farmland.

從池塘水圳到抽水機 From Ponds and Canals to Water Pumps

後來由於部分農民在田邊鑿井, 利用抽水機抽取地下水灌溉, 使得農田的灌溉水源更加穩定, 對池塘或水圳的依賴也逐漸減少. Later on, some farmers dug wells next to their fields and used pumps to extract groundwater.  This was a more reliable source of water for irrigating fields, and reduced the need for ponds and canals.

隨著都市與工商業的發展, 傳統水稻農業逐漸沒落.  因此, 有些水圳變成附近工廠或住家排放汙水的溝渠; 有些池塘被填平當作建築用地; 有些則用來放養魚蝦或重新改造, 成為居民的垂釣, 遊憩的場所. With the industrial and commercial development of cities, traditional forms of rice agriculture slowly declined.  For this reason, some canals became channels for wastewater from factories or homes.  Some ponds were filled in for development, while others were used for aquaculture, or renovated for residents' fishing or other recreational needs.

從鋤頭到耕耘機 From Hoes to Tillers

早期家鄉的農民, 為了從事耕作, 會使用鋤頭, 犁, 秧盆等農具.  這些農具多依賴人力或牛隻來操作, 工作效率較低. Farmers in earlier times used implements such as hoes, plows and seed pots when farming.  These farming implements relied upon manpower or oxen.  Their effectiveness was low.

隨著科學技術的進步, 農民使用現代化農業機械來進行耕作.  由於這些農業機械只需少數人就可以操作, 工作效率較高, 也降低了對人力和牛隻的需求. Alongside technological innovations, farmers now use modern agricultural machinery.  This type of agricultural machinery can be operated by fewer people, its effectiveness is high, and it does not require manpower or the use of oxen.

2生生不息的土地 The Renewable Soil

堆肥是天然的有機肥料 Compost is an Natural, Organic Fertilizer

在傳統的農業社會裡, 農民為了維持土地的生產力, 會自製堆肥當成肥料.  堆肥的使用, 不但可以使土地生生不息, 也可以讓動植物的廢棄物回歸大地, 避免汙染環境. In a traditional agricultural society, farmers use compost to maintain the fertility of the land.  The use of compost not only regenerates the soil, but also returns plant and animal waste to the soil, thus eliminating pollution.

從堆肥到化學肥料 From Compost to Chemical Fertilizers

隨著科學技術的進步, 出現了化學肥料.  由於使用方便, 又能快速補充農作物需要的養分, 提高作物的產量, 農家就大量購買使用.  長期使用的結果, 不但使製作堆肥的原料變成廢棄物, 也使土壤受到不良的影響. Alongside technological development, chemical fertilizers have appeared.  Although [the use of these chemical fertilizers] is very convenient, farmers need to buy a lot of them.  Long-term use not only means that compost becomes a form of waste, but also that the soil is adversely affected.****

農業的新風貌 A New Kind of Farming

現代農民為了減少對化學肥料的依賴, 常會利用農作物採收後或休耕的期間, 種植波斯菊, 油菜等植物做成肥料, 提高土地的梅沃度. In order to lessen their dependence on chemical fertilizers, modern farmers often plant garden cosmos or rapeseed during fallow times.  These plants can also be used as fertilizer, and make the land more productive.

有些農民則捨棄農藥和化學肥料, 改採自然, 無毒的耕種方式發展有機農業, 不但滿足了現代人追求健康, 注重環保的需求, 更可以維護自然生態環境的平衡, 讓農業生產永續發展. Some farmers have given up the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers altogether, and have switched to natural, non-toxic farming methods as organic agriculture has expanded.  This not only satisfies modern people's desire for healthy [food] and [addresses their] concern for the environment, but also protects the ecological balance [necessary to] preserve that environment.  It also allows for the continued expansion of agriculture.

9. Around Chulu 在初鹿附近

Chulu is about twenty minutes north of Taitung City, on Highway 9. 初鹿村位於台9線, 離台東市區開車二十分鐘.

The two most famous places near Chulu are the Yuan Sen* Botanical Gardens and Chulu Ranch.  Neither place will blow your mind, but if you're in the area they're somewhat interesting.  The building in the picture above is in Yuan Sen Botanical Gardens. 初鹿附近最有名的景點是原生應用植物園初鹿牧場.  這二個地點不是很好玩, 可是算有自己的特色.  上面照片裡的建築物在原生應用植物園裡面.

Those visiting Yuan Sen can either pay an entrance fee or purchase and entrace fee/meal combo.  The meal consists of hot pot and a few other things.  If it's your first time visiting, I'd suggest paying extra for the meal.  The hot pot isn't awesome, but it does offer the chance to sample many of the edible plants grown on the premises. 來原生的觀光客可以買門票或買餐劵(包含門票).  餐點是自助式火鍋跟其他食物.  我想第一次來的遊客應該買餐劵.  火鍋不是很棒的那種, 但是你可以吃到植物園裡種的蔬菜.

Yuan Sen Botanical Gardens is also not a bad place to sit down and enjoy the view.  On a sunny day - provided it's not too late into the summer - lounging around here can be very relaxing. 在原生坐一下欣賞風景也不錯.  除了夏天出大太陽的時候, 晴天來這裡很舒服.

This is looking south, toward Taitung City.  The mountains here aren't as dramatic as ones seen further north, but the view isn't bad. 往南邊的台東市看.  這附近的山沒有北邊的那麼高, 可是風景還是不錯的.

Don't forget to check out the plants while you're here.  There are guided tours available, and I've even heard one of the guides stammer his way through an English tour.  I applaud this guide's bravery. 在這裡的時候別忘了參觀植物園的部分.  這裡有導覽的服務, 我也看過一位導遊用英文介紹植物園裡的植物.  我覺得那位導遊很勇敢.

Further up the hill from Yuan Sen Botanical Gardens is Chulu Ranch.  The thing that sucks about Chulu Ranch is that they charge an entrance fee, and what you'll find inside Chulu Ranch really doesn't justify the fee.  The above picture was taken from behind the parking lot. 在原生植物園的上坡處是初鹿牧場.  初鹿牧場最爛的部分是他們收門票, 初鹿牧場內部設施真不值得它的門票票價.  上面的照片是在停車場後面拍的.

On my visit I was surprised to find new buildings.  As you can probably guess, these new buildings are really just excuses to sell things.  Chulu Ranch definitely looks  a lot better now, but it's hard not to feel disappointed by it. 我這一次發現了裡面有新的建築物, 你應該可以猜到蓋新建築物的理由就是賣東西.  現在的初鹿牧場比較好看, 可是我還是一樣對它感到失望.

Behind the buildings is a petting zoo.  Some of the animals here, like this donkey, look happy.  Other animals here look sad. 建築物另外一邊有一個動物園.  裡面有的動物像這隻驢子一樣看起來很開心, 有的卻看起來很悲傷.

The main view into the East Rift Valley.  Yuan Sen Botanical Gardens is down the road to the left. 花東縱谷的風景.  前面那條路往左邊就可以到原生植物園.

If you trace your way back down the hill, and follow the road to the botanical gardens even further down, you'll end up in Shanli, a small town in the middle of nowhere.  This picture was taken not far from where the Shanli Dump used to be.  Yes, as pretty as it is there used to be a dump in this area. 如果順著原路下坡, 順著植物園的那條路走, 你可以到山里, 一個小小的村莊.  這照片是在停用的山里垃圾掩埋場附近拍的.  你剛看的句子沒錯, 以前這個美麗的地區也有垃圾場.

The most famous thing in Shanli is the train station.  It's becoming increasingly popular with tourists. 山里最有名的景點就是火車站.  越來越多的遊客來這邊.

As you can see from the sign, Shanli is only 8 km from Taitung Station.  Feels a lot farther away though. 從照片中看出來, 山里台東車站只有八公里.  其實這裡感覺離台東市很遠.

This picture was taken from the viewing platform next to the train station.  I walked through the town and didn't see a single other soul there.  Maybe they were busy in their fields? 這張照片在車站旁邊的觀景台拍的.  我走進去村子裡, 但沒看到什麼人.  可能他們在自己的農田裡工作.

A local church.  Either local Christians built another one or they moved away long ago.  It's right up the hill from the train station. 當地的教堂.  當地的信徒蓋新的或搬走了吧.  從車站出來一下子就到了.

And this is "downtown" Chulu.  Besides Yuan Sen Botanical Gardens and Chulu Ranch, there's really not much to do around here. 這是初鹿市區.  除了原生應用植物園初鹿牧場之外, 這附近沒有什麼好玩的景點.

But I did want to mention the Palan (Archaeological) Site, which is just a bit southwest of here.  The site itself isn't exactly impressive, but it offers a nice, short hike with a good view if the weather's good.  When I was there last weekend the weather wasn't good, which is why there aren't any pictures of it here. 我也要提一下西南邊的巴蘭遺址.  這個遺址不是很壯觀, 可是天氣好的時候可以輕鬆地爬上去欣賞美麗的風景.  我上周末在那裏時天氣不好, 所以文章中沒有它的照片.

10. What's Going in Taitung City and County Townships/Municipalities 台東市,鄉,鎮最近動向 8

For those less familiar with Taiwan, the "big" cities are divided into districts (區), and the counties are divided into cities (市), townships (鄉), and municipalities (鎮).  給對台灣比較不熟悉的讀者: 大城市 (高雄, 台南, 台中, 新竹, 桃園, 基隆, 嘉義, 台北, 跟新北市) 以下劃分為"區", 縣 (城市外的地方)則由市, 鄉, 鎮組成.

1. Da Ren Township 達仁鄉公所

With the Southern Cross-Island Highway soon passing through a tunnel between Pingtung and Taitung counties, a special rescue squad was formed to handle potential accidents in this tunnel. 南迴公路上連接屏東縣與台東縣的隧道快要通車了, 所以台東縣消防局特別成立分隊.

And when will that new stretch of the Southern Cross-Island Highway open, exactly?  The latest estimate is December 22 or 23. 南迴公路的最新路段什麼時候通車呢?  目前延至十二月22或23日. 

Residents of Tu Ban Village are offering tourists a unique chance to learn about Paiwan culture by playing a 2-day game.  土坂部落正在推展排灣族文化旅遊, 體驗兩天一夜的文化遊程.*

2. Da Wu Township 大武鄉公所

Da Wu residents, frustrated at the Da Wu Township Office's insistence they they sort their garbage, have thrown garbage at collection agents and even dumped garbage in front of the Da Wu Township Office.  In order to ensure the safety of garbage collection agents, the Township Office has equipped their garbage collection agents with recording devices.  有的大武鄉民不接受大武鄉清潔隊員拒收未分類垃圾 , 就把垃圾丟到清潔隊員的身上, 也把垃圾丟在鄉公所前.  為了保護清潔隊員的安全, 鄉公所請清潔隊員配戴密錄器.

3. Jin Feng Township 金峰鄉公所

No recent news out of Jin Feng.  金峰最近沒有新聞.

4. Tai Ma Li Township 太麻里鄉公所

Tai Ma Li's New Year "sunrise party" will be at their sunrise park.  There will be DJs.  Expect a lot of people. 太麻里的跨年迎曙光活動在曙光園區.  今年有DJ音樂祭.  一定會有很多人參加.

There was a fire at an auto repair shop in Tai Ma Li.  汽車保養廠有火警.

The Taitung County Government recently released a book to introduce Tai Ma Li's history and culture.  台東縣政府最近出版 "曙光灑落 --太麻里" 一書介紹太麻里的文化跟歷史.

5. Orchid Island Township 蘭嶼鄉公所

The first ray of New Year's light will hit Orchid Island at 6:33 in the morning.  I don't know why anyone cares, but there you go.  You're welcome.  2020年第一道曙光將在6:33出現.  怎麼會有人注意這種事?

6. Green Island Township 綠島鄉公所

There were beach cleanups on Green and Orchid Islands recently.  The local Environmental Protection Bureau was only stating the obvious when they said, "The beach is not a garbage dump."  最近綠島和蘭嶼舉辦清理海邊垃圾的活動.  台東環保局表示 "海洋不是垃圾場."**

A resident of Green Island went fishing at night, was injured by a fish, and was taken to Mackay Hospital for treatment. 綠島男深夜去潛水打魚, 被魚刺傷, 最後送到馬偕醫院治療.

7. Taitung City 台東市公所

A 17 year old resident fell off an apartment building.  He/she was taken to a hospital but was dead on arrival.  17歲少年墜樓, 到院前已無呼吸心跳.

The temple procession during Lantern Festival/Handan will go back to being a two-day event next year. Local attitudes toward this festival are mixed.  元宵神明遶境明年恢復2天時間.  有的居民不一定會贊成這項改變.

8. Beinan Township 卑南鄉公所

An elderly man, walking near the ocean near Fu Shan, fell into the sea and drowned.  老翁在海邊玩, 意外落水送醫不治.

Someone has been mutilating cows left to graze along a local stream.  在溪河床放牧的牛隻被割傷.

9. Dong He Township 東河鄉公所

A traditional aboriginal archery competition was recently held in Dong He.  最近東河舉辦原住民傳統射箭賽.

Here's an article about stuff to do in Dong He.  Nothing that hasn't been discussed here before. 這篇文章討論了東河的景點.  所有的景點已經在這裡討論過了.

10. Cheng Gong Municipality 成功鎮公所

No recent news out of Cheng Gong.  成功最近沒有新聞.

11. Chang Bin Township 長濱鄉公所

A boat may have drifted all the way to Chang Bin from Japan, but there is some uncertainty about the issue.  可能是日本船漂到長濱, 只是這件事還沒被證實.

12. Lu Ye Township 鹿野鄉公所

No recent news out of Lu Ye.  鹿野最近沒有新聞.

13. Yan Ping Township 延平鄉公所

The Forest Management Bureau and a workshop in Yan Ping recently held a class in Hong Ye to teach people about Bunun Tribal Culture.  林務局與延平鄉的工作室合作, 在紅葉辦理布農族山林文化的 "學習基地."

14. Guanshan Municipality 關山鎮公所

No recent news out of Guanshan. 關山最近沒有新聞.

15. Hai Duan Township 海端鄉公所

No recent news out of Hai Duan.  海端最近沒有新聞.

16. Chr Shang Township 池上鄉公所

No recent news out of Chr Shang.  池上最近沒有新聞.


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