March - May 2019

1. What's Going On In Taitung 台東最近發生的事 10

Local news from the past week or so. 上禮拜台東地區的新聞.

1. The TVBS news channel recently broadcast an interview with former Taitung County Magistrate Huang Jian-ting.  In the interview he discussed business and financial management in the County.  TVBS最近播出台東縣前縣長黃健庭的訪問.  節目中他暢談他如何利用企業經營與金融管理長才治理台東.

2. Starting next month it becomes illegal to feed pigs food waste.  Those caught doing so will be fined from 3 million to 12 million NT.  台東下個月起禁以廚餘養豬, 違者罰1200至300萬元.

3. A guy up in Yuli Municipality, Hualien County stands accused of stealing people's bicycles.  What does this have to do with Taitung?  Apparently he was visiting friends in Taitung, and the stolen bicycles made his trips to the Yuli Train Station easier.  花蓮縣玉里鎮有居民偷自行車.  這個新聞跟台東有什麼關係?  那位男居民常去台東找朋友, 他覺得騎自行車到玉里車站比較方便.

4. 10 students from Taitung's Vocational Training School attending a national drink-mixing (mixology) competition.  Not only did they win a prize, but they also used local ingredients like roselle flowers and rice wine to make their drinks.  台東專科學校10位學生參加全國調酒大賽.  他們不只是得獎, 更用洛神花, 小米酒和其他台東當地的農產品做飲料.

5. The 7-11 in downtown Guanshan issued a receipt that won a local resident A LOT of money.  For readers outside of Taiwan, there is a national lottery which uses numbers from receipts.  關山鎮居民在市區的7-11拿到中千萬大獎的發票.  國外的讀者可能不知道, 發票上的號碼是可以參加統一發票開獎的.

6. The Apple Daily asks the question: how can Taitung and Pingtung counties retain their workforce?  With local job opportunities in short supply, many local people in both areas must go to other parts of Taiwan to find work.  蘋果日報問: 台東和屏東該怎麼留住人才?  當地的工作機會很少, 所以很多台東和屏東縣民需要到外縣市找工作.

7. A lot of land (over 6000 hectares) has been rezoned for development by local farmers and other groups.  Those developing this land will no longer need to demonstrate how they will conserve soil and water.  台東縣6000多頃山坡地將解編, 以後免申請水土保持.*

8. An article in "The Storm Media" lists 6 local spots that only locals know about.  Three of them were news to me.  風傳媒介紹台東六個 "絕美秘境."  其中有三個景點我沒去過.

9. Taitung's Jiou Shing Care and Education Foundation took 15 handicapped residents on a recreational excursion to Kaohsiung for two days and a night.  台東的救星教養院帶15位身心障礙朋友去高雄兩天一夜遊.

10. As a way of encouraging local residents to use the new parking lots near the Taitung Train Station, the county government is offering reduced monthly fees.  為了鼓勵民眾多使用台東車站附近的停車場, 台東縣的路邊停車格已是全台最低價, 只是使用率不高.**

11. Last week someone drove their scooter to the top of the "International Landmark Bird's Nest" in the Seashore Park.  The Taitung County Government would like people to know this is NOT COOL.  So don't do it!  上週有人騎摩托車上去海濱公園的"國際地標鳥巢."  縣政府希望這些少數人不要再這樣做!

12. There's bus service in Da Ren Township now.  The last time this happened was 33 years ago.  台東達仁鄉民等了33年, 終於等到公車服務了.

13. This article encourages you to experience Taitung's aboriginal villages.  Several villages and tourist activities offered by these villages are described.  這個報告鼓勵你參加台東原住民部落的體驗, 其中介紹了幾個部落的觀光體驗.***

14. The 2019 Taiwan Formosa Cup International Paintball Competition will be held at Taitung's athletic stadium this weekend.  Eleven teams from seven different countries will be competing.  這周末台東體育場將舉辦2019台灣福爾摩沙盃國際漆彈公開賽.  有七個國家共11支隊伍參賽.

15. Friday March 29 is Youth Day.  On this day a small ceremony was held for fallen soldiers who did not live to see old age.  三月二十九日星期五是青年節.  台東縣政府在鯉魚山舉辦 "春祭革命先烈暨陣亡將士典禮."

2. Hello, Taitung Person 台東人妳好 9

In the Hello, Taitung Person entries I'll be interviewing local residents.  They decide what kind of biographical information to include.  Some people are more private individuals, and I respect that.  Others are happy to make their presence known, and I respect that too.  在 "台東人你好" 這些文章中我會介紹當地的居民.  這些資訊是他們同意分享的.  有的人比較重視隱私,  有的人則開心地讓他人更認識自己.  我尊重這二者不同的做法.

All numbered questions were chosen randomly from a list of 44 questions.  下列編號的問題是隨機由四十四個問題中選出來的. 

The thoughts and opinions expressed below belong to the person offering them, and may not be shared by the person writing this blog.  下列是被訪問者的想法與意見, 與寫這個blog的我不一定一樣.

Chinese Name 中文名字: (It's a secret! 這是秘密!)
English Name 英文名字: Joyce
Employment 工作地點: Teacher 老師
Country of Origin 國家: Taiwan 中華民國
Age 年齡: 50 歲
Place of Residence in Taitung 住在台東地區: Taitung City 台東市
Favorite Color 最喜歡的顏色: purple 紫色

1. Q: How do you feel about temple festivals? 妳對廟會有什麼意見?

A: 很熱鬧, 也很吵鬧.  有時候喜歡, 有時候不喜歡.  Very lively, but also very noisy.  Sometimes [I] like [them], sometimes [I] don't like [them].

2. Q: In what ways is Taiwan better than other countries?  台灣哪裡比其他國家更好?

A: 人情味.  便利商店.  水果是全世界最好吃的.  風景很優美.  Kindness.  Convenience stores.  The fruit here is the best in the world.  The scenery is very beautiful.

3. Q: What time do you usually go to bed?  Why?  妳通常幾點睡覺?  為什麼?

A: 十二點到一點吧, 因為很累的時候有工作要做.  等到做完該睡覺就睡不著了.  Between 12 and 1, because sometimes [even though] I'm very tired I still have work to do.  By the time [I'm] finished find it difficult to sleep.

4. Q: What do you usually do after work?  妳下班之後通常做什麼?

A:  接送小孩, 弄晚餐.  當然, 是一放學先把學校的事做完.  Pick up [my] kids and make dinner.  Of course, once the school day is over I first [need to] finish my work at school.

5. Q: How would you like to see Taitung develop (or not develop) in the future?  妳對台東未來的發展有什麼看法?

A: 我覺得不要太繁榮, 保持比較原始的狀態, 但是這樣很多人是不同意的, 因為很多人想要有工作機會.  I think it's better that [the county] doesn't become too prosperous, and its original character is preserved, but many people would oppose this idea because  many people want more job opportunities.

6. Q: When you were a kid, what was your favorite subject in school?  妳上小學的時候最喜歡哪一個科目?

A: 數學, 音樂, 體育.  (因為以前很少科目.)  Math, music, PE.  (Because there weren't so many subjects before.)

7. Q: What other parts of Taiwan have you lived in?  For how long?  除台東之外妳還在台灣住過哪些地方?  住多久?

A: 台北市.  我想一下...  二十二年.  Taipei City.  Let me think a moment... 22 years.

8. Q: How do you overcome some Taiwanese people's fear of talking to foreigners?  一些台灣人和外國人交談會害怕, 妳是如何克服這問題的?

A: 你是指我嗎?  對啊!  我也很害怕!  因為不會講英文啊!  我是如何克服喔?  只要外國人講中文的時候我就不怕了!  Are you talking about me?  Yes!  I'm also afraid!  Because I don't speak English!  How do I overcome this fear?  I'm only not nervous when foreigners speak Chinese!

9. Q: Is it better or worse to be a homosexual in Taiwan?  Why?  住台灣當同性戀的人比較好嗎?  為什麼?

A: 不好.  因為別人會用異樣的眼光看他們, 然後家裡長輩比較沒辦法接受.  [It's] bad.  Because [even though] other people will see them differently, the older members of their family will not be able to accept them so easily.

10. Q: How could Taiwan be better?  台灣一部分可以更好?

A: 政治.  不要吵吵鬧鬧.  環境可以更乾淨.  如果更富有就更好了.  Governance.  [They need to] stop arguing.  The environment could be cleaner.  If [Taiwan] was richer it would be better.

3. The Big Inside the Small (and Vice Versa) 小事中的大事 2

What's on your bookshelf?  Do you even have a bookshelf?  Do you even read books?  你有書櫃嗎? 你收藏了什麼東西在你的書櫃?    你喜不喜歡看書?

Assuming you read books, and have bookshelf to put them on, and that you put things besides books on your bookshelf, you might wonder what these things on your bookshelf say about you, and whether or not they have a story to tell.  假設你喜歡看書, 也有書櫃藏書, 並且在書旁放置一些小東西, 書櫃上的東西透露出什麼樣的你, 它們是否有自己的故事可說.

I have several bookshelves in my living room, and the items below are what I found on one of them.  我客廳裡也有書櫃.  我在其中一個書櫃上發現這些東西.

1. A Souvenir of Osaka Tourist Sites 大阪景點的紀念品

I bought this in Osaka Castle last winter vacation.  We visited Osaka and Kyoto for about two weeks and had a great time.  I'd go back to Japan in a second if I had the opportunity.  我寒假在大阪城買的.  我們去大阪京都二個禮拜.  有機會我一定要再去日本一次.

2. A Mariners Baseball 水手隊的棒球

For those who don't follow baseball, the Mariners are Seattle's baseball team.  I'm from Seattle, and I usually see one or two Mariners games when I'm visiting there in the summer.  One of my daughters bought this as a souvenir.  對棒球沒有興趣的讀者大概不知道水手隊西雅圖的棒球隊.  我暑假回去西雅圖的時候通常會去看水手隊比賽一二次.  這顆球是我女兒買的.

3. A Bottle of Lauders Whiskey 一瓶Lauders威士忌

I drink whiskey from time to time.  I bought this bottle at the local RT Mart.  It's a blended scotch, it was cheap, and I don't think it was worth the money.  It got cut out of the picture, but there's a bottle of Bacardi (aged) rum sitting next to it.  The rum is much better.  我有時候喜歡喝威士忌.  這瓶是在當地大潤發買的.  它是比較便宜的blended scotch, 可是我覺得這個牌子不值這個錢.  這瓶威士忌旁邊也有一瓶照片裡看不到的Bacardi蘭姆酒,  那瓶蘭姆酒好多了.

4. A Set of Marvel Superhero Toys 一些Marvel的超人玩具

Taiwanese 7-11s were giving these away just after the first Avengers came out.  I just had to have them.  They don't seem like a big deal now, but one of my Taiwanese coworkers just about killed herself getting me that Hulk.  第一部復仇者聯盟剛上映的時候, 台灣的Seven在送這些東西.  那時候這些玩具是我很需要的.  現在看起來沒那麼重要了, 可是那時一位台灣同事花很長的時間幫我找到那個浩克.

5. A Copy of a Coin from the Ching Dynasty 清朝末年的硬幣

I can't remember the name of the guy in the coin.  I used to know.  The Chinese above his head reads 中華民國三年 or "the third year of the Republic of China."  That would be 1914 on the Western calendar.  我以前知道硬幣上的人是誰,但我現在不記得了 .  這是中華民國三年的硬幣.中華民國三年是西元1914.

6. A Set of Canadian Coins from 2002 一盒2002年加拿大的硬幣

I bought this when I was attending graduate school in Seattle.  Vancouver, Canada is only a three-hour drive from Seattle, and we often went up there when we were missing Taiwan and wanted better Chinese food.  I must have bought these coins on one of those expeditions.  這是我在西雅圖念研究所的時候買的.  從西雅圖開車到加拿大溫哥華只要三個小時, 所以想念台灣和要吃比較好吃的中國料理時會去那裏.  我應該是溫哥華的時候買的吧.

7. A Clay Man 泥土人

One of my daughters made this in school.  She brought it home and told me it was me.  I strongly doubt this, due to the fact that my hair's not black and I've never worn glasses.  我的女兒在學校做的.  她帶回家說泥土人是我.  我的頭髮不是黑色的, 又沒有戴眼鏡, 我想這原本應該是其他人.

8. A Police-Themed Clock 警察的時鐘

Another gift from one of my daughters.  The battery died a few days after she brought it home, at around 2:35.  這個也是孩子的禮物.  她帶時鐘回家幾天後電池就沒電了,  就是2:35的時候.

9. A Souvenir from Pingtung County 屏東縣的紀念品

I bought this in the National Taiwan Aquarium in Pingtung.  When my daughters were smaller we went to that place more often, but now we're down to about once a year.  It's hard to see in the picture, but inside the plaque is a map of Pingtung tourist spots.  我在屏東縣的國立海洋生物博物館買的.  我二個女兒比較小的時候, 我們比較常去那裏玩, 可是最近大概一年一次.  照片裡看不出來, 可是紀念品上有屏東縣的觀光地圖.

10. A Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Fan Jojo冒險野狼的扇子

One of my Taiwanese friends gave me this after he returned from Japan.  We're both fans of the manga series.  一位台灣朋友從日本帶回來送我的.  我們兩個人都很喜歡這套漫畫.

11. A Set of Metal TRA Tickets 一盒金屬的台鐵火車票

This is the most recently purchased thing on my bookshelf.  The metal tickets were purchased in the TRA gift shop in Nan Gang Station.  Each ticket represents a particular trip on a particular type of train.  這是我書櫃上最新買的東西.  這些金屬車票是在南港車站裡的禮品店買的.  每張車票代表著特定的火車種類和特定的鐵路路線.

12. A Flash Statue 閃電俠的雕像

Another gift from the same Taiwanese friend.  When I was growing up my favorite superhero was the Flash.  I'm still hoping that they make a Flash movie before someone sends me to an old folks' home.  這也是同一位台灣朋友送我的.  我小時候最喜歡的超人就是閃電俠.  我還是希望我變老以前有閃電俠的電影上映.

13. A Wooden Goat 木頭的羊

We bought this on Orchid Island years ago.  My wife paid way too much money for it, and the only reason it hasn't disappeared into the garbage can is that she loves it so much.  It originally had four legs, but our cats destroyed the other three.  我們幾年前在蘭嶼買的.  我太太付太多錢了.  我想丟掉它, 可是我太太超愛這個東西.  它以前有四隻腳, 可是我們的貓咪把另外三隻腳拿走了.

14. Policemen, Firefighter, and Postman Banks 警察, 消防局人員跟郵差的存錢筒

Our house used to be full of these things, but then I realized how cluttered they made our living room look and I dumped them with the rest of the recycling.  A lot of Taiwanese people like to collect this type of memorabilia.  我們家以前充滿了這類的東西, 可是我後來覺得這讓我們的客廳看起來很醜, 就把很多存錢筒放資源回收.  很多台灣人喜歡收集這種存錢筒.

15. A Model from the Cartoon Space Battleship Yamato 2199 宇宙戰艦大和號的玩具

When I was little I was obsessed with this cartoon.  A new hobby shop opened on Shin Sheng Road, and I purchased this model there.  I would have bought the Yamato instead but they didn't have it.  Will I ever actually assemble this model?  I have no idea.  我小時候超愛這個卡通.  新生路上開了一家新的商店.  我在那裏買的.  我比較想買大和號, 可是店裡沒有.  我會完成這個嗎?  不知道.

16. A Clay Something 泥土的什麼東西

One of my daughters made this in school.  I don't know what animal it's supposed to be.  You can throw away all the plastic banks you've collected, but throwing away your daughter's clay gift will make for bad feelings.  我女兒在學校做的.  我不知道這是什麼動物.  可以把所有的存錢筒丟掉, 可是把孩子做的泥土禮物丟掉會讓人很傷心.

17. A Souvenir of Historic Places in Tainan 台南古蹟的紀念品

I'm not sure where I bought this.  It definitely wasn't An Ping Fort.  Maybe the Tainan History Museum?  Really not sure.  我忘記在哪裡買這個東西.  一定不是安平古堡.  台南歷史博物館吧.  我不是很確定.

18. A Souvenir from Jin Gua Shr 金瓜石的紀念品

Jin Gua Shr is in north Taiwan, not all that far from the more famous Jiou Fen.  There's a gold museum there, and also a trail that leads from the museum into the mountains.  金瓜石位於台灣北部, 很靠近比較有名的九份.  那邊有黃金博物館, 博物館附近也有一條通往山坡的步道.

19. Medals from Various Athletic Competitions 運動比賽的獎章

These are only a few of them.  Every time I join a triathlon or marathon I get one of these, regardless of whether I did well or not.  The star-shaped and the square-shaped ones are from the Puyuma Triathlon, the round one above it is from the Loving 197 Bike Race, the circular one out of frame is from the Guanshan Marathon, and the one at the top is from the Tacoma Narrows Half Marathon in Tacoma, Washington.  A lot of races, a lot of memories.  照片中只有一小部分.  我參加鐵人三項, 馬拉松的時候都會得到, 不管最後的表現.  星形跟正方形的是普悠瑪鐵人三項的.  上面圓形的是戀戀197單車競賽的.  右邊圓形的是關山馬拉松的.  最上面的是華盛頓州塔科馬市的Tacoma Narrows半馬拉松.  很多運動比賽, 很多的回憶.

4. Nan Keng to the North Tai Ma Li River 南坑到北太麻里溪

Nan Keng Village is just south of San He Village.  It's also west of the big highway ramp that leads to downtown Tai Ma Li.  Both Nan Keng and San He Villages are to be found in Tai Ma Li Township, about a half hour south of Taitung City.  南坑村位於三和村南邊,位於台9線上坡的西邊太麻里市區.  南坑村三和村都屬於太麻里鄉.  從台東市區到那裏大概要半小時左右.

This is looking south.  That's Nan Keng Village on the right.  The train tracks lead to downtown Tai Ma Li, Da Wu Township, and eventually Pingtung.  To the left of the train tracks is Highway 9.  朝南方看.  南坑村在右邊.  中間的鐵路通往太麻里市區, 大武鄉, 還有屏東縣.  鐵路左邊的道路就是台9線.

A steep road leads into Nan Keng Village.  It's a very quiet place.  一條往南坑村的陡徑.  這裡很安靜.

The bridge in the background is Highway 9.  They're doing some kind of construction at the bottom of the hill.  後面的大橋是台9線.  有人在山坡下施工.

This is the hill above Nan Keng.  I found a snake there, but it escaped before I could take its picture.  南坑的山坡.  我在這裡看到一條蛇, 可是牠不要讓我拍照.

This is near the bottom of the hill, close to the ocean.  在山坡下, 靠近海邊.

This is the bottom of the hill, leading to the beach.  Aside from tire tracks, this is one of the cleanest beaches around.  Not many people come down here.  山坡底靠近海邊.  除了輪胎痕跡之外, 下面的沙灘滿乾淨的.  來這裡的人不多.

The top of the hill again.  To the left is a sugar apple orchard.  又是南坑上的山坡.  左邊有釋迦園.

Dai Tian Temple.  This is probably the best known place between San He and downtown Tai Ma Li.  Even so, its view of the ocean is cut off by Highway 9.  代天宮.  這所廟大概是三和太麻里市區中間最有名的地方.  但是從這裡可以看到的海景被台9線擋住了.

The Dawn Park, just north of downtown Tai Ma Li.  This park is fairly big, but there's nothing especially memorable about it.  The "Bikini Beach Run" is held near here on New Year's Day.*  太麻里的北邊的曙光公園.  這個公園很大, 可是比較沒有特色.  元旦的時候會在這附近舉辦比基尼路跑.

This is looking north.  That's Dulan Mountain in the background.  往北邊看.  最後面是都蘭山.

Someone tied prayer flags to many of the trees in this park.  How's your Sanskrit?  公園裡的樹有很多的旗幟.  您的梵文如何?

This is looking west, toward Jin Feng Township.  往西邊看是金峰鄉.

This is the North Tai Ma Li (Wen Li) River**.  To the left is where downtown Tai Ma Li starts, and to the right is the long climb back towards Taitung City.  這是北太麻里 (文里) 溪.  左邊是太麻里市區, 右邊是台9線上坡往台東市的地方.

Statue of local aborigines.  No, they aren't that short.  Or made of stone.  Not sure what tribe these statues belong to, but Google Maps tells me the Sapulju Tribe lives across the river.  當地原住民的雕像.  他們當然沒有長得那麼矮,  也不是石頭人.  我不知道這二個雕像代表哪一族, 可是Google地圖說溪的另外一邊是撒布優部落.

5. 三字經 The Three Character Poem 5

The first part of the Three-Character Poem can be found here.  The second part can be found here.  The third part, with an introduction, can be found here.  The fourth part can be found here.  The Three-Character Poem (or "Three-Character Classic") consists of 1071 characters arranged in three-character sentences.

What you see below is the last part of the poem.

三字經 The Three Character Poem (5)

In the time of Ching emperors "Dao" and "Shuan," (1)
Rebels rose up.
England and France arrived,
Menacing from afar.
After "Tong" and "Guang," (2)
Came Puyi the weak. (3)
Twelve emperors,
And the Ching Dynasty was finished.
The revolution came, (4)
And ended the reign of emperors.
A constitution was written,
Establishing the Republic.
The old and new histories
All end here.
[Times of] war and peace are recorded,
[So that we can] understand the rise and fall [of empires].
Although there are many works of history,
They should be studied in order.
Study the "Shr Ji" first, (5)
And the "Han Shu" second.
The "Hou Han" third,
The "Guo Jr" fourth.
At the same time check what you read,
Using the "Tong Jian."
Those who study history,
Should study from accurate sources.
Understanding ancient and modern things,
Is like witnessing them yourself.
Attentiveness in study,
With all one's being.
From the early morning,
To the evening.
Before Confucius,
Taught Shiang Tuo.
This ancient scholar's,
Devoted study should be emulated.
Jhao Jong Ling,
Studied the Confucian Analects.
He was already an official, (6)
And studied diligently.
Opening a scroll made of fronds, (7)
Or carving characters into bamboo.
They had no books,
But they were diligent.
With their head suspended from the roof beams, (8)
Or an awl poking their legs.
They were not taught,
But they forced themselves to study.
Like fireflies in a sack, (9)
Like light-reflecting snow.
Although one's family is poor,
One studies continually.
Like those who carry wood, (10)
Like those who hang [books] from horns.
Although their bodies were tired from labor,
They still excelled in study.
Su Lao-chuan, (11)
Twenty seven years old.
When he finally began in earnest,
To study literature.
He was already old,
And started too late.
But you younger generation,
Can learn [the value of study] early.
Like Liang Hao,
At eighty two years old.
Advised the imperial court,
And inspired many others.
He achieved his goal,
And everyone reveres him.
You the younger generation,
Should have similar aspirations.
When Ying was eight years old,
He could recite poems.
When Mi was seven years old,
Could play Go. (12)
These talented people,
Everyone thinks are special.
But those beginning study,
Can aspire to their achievements.
Tsai Wen-ji,
Could distinguish notes on a zither.
Shie Dao-yun,
Could recite poetry.
These two girls,
Had agile minds.
And you young men,
Should take heed [of them].
Liou Yan of the Tang Dynasty,
When he was seven years old.
Was considered a brilliant child,
And was appointed an official. (13)
Although he was young,
He was already a minister.
He had the ability,
And so it was.
With the dog guarding the door at night,
And the rooster announcing the dawn.
If you don't study hard,
How can you develop as a person? (14)
Silkworms make silk,
And bees make honey.
He who doesn't study,
Isn't even as good as an animal.
To study in youth,
Ensures a forceful middle age.
Revere those above you, (15)
Respect those below.
Honor others' stations,
Glorify your parents.
[Also] glorify your ancestors,
For the good of your descendants.
People leave behind for offspring,
A great fortune.
But I teach students,
There is only this Three Character Poem. (16)
Diligence is rewarded,
Games are without merit.
So take heed,
And work your way to the top.

6. What's Going On In My Neighborhood 我的里發生了什麼事

Taitung City is divided into several li, or neighborhoods.  I live in the Shin Sheng Neighborhood, which is close to the Taitung Train Station.  About a third of my neighborhood is taken up by the west end of Taitung's Forest Park, another third is farmland, and the remaining third is apartment blocks and houses.  台東市分成幾個里.  我住的里是靠近台東車站的新生里.  它三分之一是森林公園西邊的那一半, 三分之一是農地, 三分之一是大樓跟房子.

Oh, and for this entry I consulted my neighborhood's Line group.  The Chinese text below is from that group.  I thought it might give readers a bigger picture of what people in my area talk about.  為了這個文章我參考了新生里的Line群組.  下列的中文是從那個群組來的.  我希望這些討論能讓讀者產生一點對新生里的感情.

[貼圖 emoji, saying "So great!" 好棒喔]

A: "放在路邊的樹枝, 有里民要戴走, 但我問福康老闆, 他們要給朋友的, 所以我就作罷!  等樹枝都戴走, 就很乾淨了.  大家可以去走走.  The branches that were put next to the road, someone in the neighborhood wants to take them away, but I asked the owner of Fu Kang, and they want to give them to their friends.  So I just gave up!  Once the branches are taken away it will be very clean.  Everyone can go and walk there."

[貼圖 emoji]

A: "有勞里長了.  Hard-working Neighborhood Chairman."

B: "[名字] 有牽址私人土地確實是很麻煩, 不要說里長, 連議員, 縣政府都沒辦法, 除非土地所有人同意!  否則無解!  里長您辛苦了!  [name] This issue of private land is very troublesome, don't say the Neighborhood Chairman, the legislators, and the County Government can't get it done without the landowners' approval! This is the only solution!  Thanks to the Neighborhood Chairman [for his efforts]!" 

C: "我當然了解, 所以無法幫他.  Of course I understand, therefore there's no way to help him."

D: "我是更生路新生鄰的鄰長想請問一下里長現在很多地方都有房屋外觀整修補助想請問一下我們新生鄰的有補助可以整修嗎?  I'm the Geng Sheng Road, Shin Sheng Neighborhood Chairman.  I want to ask the Neighborhood Chairman, now in many places there is a subsidy for repairing house exteriors.  Does our Shin Sheng Neighborhood have a subsidy for repairs?"*

A: "該住戶閒置多年, 室內植物未修剪和整理, 已經攀爬到附近住戶家中, 附近住戶常常都會受到蚊的驚嚇和危脅, 夏季又要快到了, 真的擔心蚊又爬入住宅裡, 感謝里長和里長太太. That house has been vacant for many years.  The plants inside haven't been cut or tended to, and have already grown over into nearby properties.  The other households in this area usually suffer from mosquitoes, and summer is almost here.  [I'm] very worried that the mosquitoes will start to invade the nearby residences.  Thanks to the Neighborhood Chairman and his wife."

B: "好的, 多方面去尋找, 會早日查出那位住戶在那裡? Ok, [I] have looked in many places, and I'll soon know where the homeowner is?"

B: "午安: 十一點多接到省立醫院的 [名字] 志工打電話來要我幫忙協尋一位 [名字] 的家人, 我答應後立刻去... Good afternoon: after 11 o'clock a volunteer from Sheng Li Hospital called me, asking me to help look for a relative of [name].  I promised I would go immediately..." 

[照片 picture]

A: "午安: 家福中心正在招募寄養家庭, 報名時間為4月1日 - 6月30日.  必須領有育嬰執照, 月薪16000元.  有意者可前往報名!  Good afternoon: the orphanage is now looking for foster parents, the time to sign up is from April 1 to June 30.  Must have a childcare license, and the monthly stipend is 16000 NT.  Those interested can sign up first!"


A: "...可以討論詢問, 但請查明, 不要誤傳誤導里民 We can talk about the inquiry, but please check carefully, don't mislead the neighborhood residents"

B: "晚安: 有關寄養家庭一事, 謝謝 [名字] 的告知!  清楚解釋.  其實我們社區理事來家裡拜託, 希望能在群組給我們里民知道有這份工作.  致於這區塊我不大了解是經陳理事告知才PO出.  想!  如有興趣這份工作可直接與家服或 [名字] 聯絡!  OK-- Good afternoon: as regarding the foster parent business, thanks to [name] for telling [me]!  It's much clearer.  Actually our community director came to our house to ask, hoping that we can spread word about this work among neighborhood residents using this group.  I really don't know much about this area and the director passed on the information.  I think?  Those interested in this type of work should tell the orphanage or [name] directly.  OK...

[其他人傳同樣的訊息. Another person sends the same message]

[照片 picture]

A: "大家早: 一年一度的母親節即將到來, 為了慶祝這為大的日子.  新生社區發展協會, 定於5月4日 (星期六) 下午三點舉辦活動, 與社區媽媽共度一個溫馨的節日.  下午三點開始報到到四點, 節目開始進行.  誠摯的歡迎有加入社區會員的好姊妹蒞臨.  Good morning everybody: Mother's Day is almost here.  In order to celebrate this important holiday, the Shin Sheng Community Development Association will host an activity on May 4 (Saturday), to help the mothers of our community enjoy the [warm] holiday.  Arrive at 3 pm, and the program will start at 4 pm.  We sincerely welcome our good sisters who have joined the community association."

[照片 picture]

A: "早上7:10分就接到電話, 7:30就出門到仁七街跟泰安街口 (養樂多前) 修剪樹木.  這次有六棵以上的樹修剪所以到9:30才完成, 辛苦清潔員了 At 7:10 this morning [I] received a phone call, at 7:30 I went to the intersection of Ren Chi Street and Tai An Street (in front of the yogurt) to trim the trees.  This time there were more than 6 trees that needed trimming, so it wasn't finished until 9:30.  The cleaning crew were working hard."

[貼圖 emoji for "hard work 辛苦了"]

[貼圖 emoji]

A: "[名字]: 妳提報要修剪的樹 (仁二街300號對面) 之前已跟修剪班的人去看過.  他們回應是那棵樹的葉子已掉的差不多, 且前面在蓋房子, 屋主到時會把那棵樹移走或要修剪, 要由那位屋主做決定.  本來想!  去跟妳解釋, 現就利用群組跟妳解釋, 不是不幫忙!  確實有原因. [Name]: You mentioned trimming the tree (across from Ren Er Street No. 300).  Before I went to see them with the man who trims the trees.  They told me that the leaves that fall from that tree are about the same [?], and they're building a house in front of it.  When the time arrives the owner of the house will remove the tree or trim it, it's up to the homeowner.  It's as I thought!  I just wanted to tell you, using this Line group to tell you.  It's not that I don't want to help!  This was the reason."

[照片 picture]

A: "午安: 昨天上午我的里民在傳廣路 (我家附近) 發生了車子擦撞.  被A到的車子是車後的保險桿有裂痕.  而撞到他車的是我們的里民 [名字] 先生.  Good afternoon: yesterday morning my neighbor had a car accident on Chuan Guang Road (near my house).  The other car received a scratch on its bumper.  The man who hit the car was my neighbor Mr. [name]."

A: "上午忙完事後忙完事後打電話給 [名字] 先生, 電話不接害我緊張, 趕緊騎摩托車去仁七街看, 結果還在睡覺.  After I finished my work in the morning I called Mr. [name].  He didn't answer the phone and this made me worry, so I rushed over to Ren Chi Street on my scooter to see.  I realized he was still asleep."**

[貼圖 emoji]

[照片 picture]

A: "早上8:30工務課的工作人員來家裡, 陪同他們到中興路一段396巷9弄12號邊的地方填補下陷的空洞.  工作人員把整條都填好了.  真的感謝他們, 辛苦了. At 8:30 in the morning the engineering workers came to my [?] house, and I accompanied them to Jung Shing Road, Section 1, 396 Lane, No. 12 to to fill the hole.  The workers filled the hole completely.  I thank them heartily for their hard work."

[照片 picture]

[貼圖 emoji saying "Thank you." 謝謝您]

A: "一個漂亮的富婆脫下自己的衣服後...!  接下來發生的事情  *男人要看, 女人要懂*  你可能不知道吧, 我們能... After a beautiful rich woman takes off her clothes...!  What happens after *Men should see, women should understand*  Maybe you don't know, we can..."

[短片 video]***

7. The Trouble with Paradise

Back when I was growing up in Seattle, my dad had a poster of a tropical beach on his office wall.  This poster was about as generic as you can imagine, with a white sand beach sitting beneath lazy palm trees.  Just beyond that beach was a blue, blue ocean, and somewhere off to the side there were huts constructed out of palm leaves.

I'm sure you've seen dozens of such pictures in your lifetime.  You might even have one on your computer desktop.  Or you might have one on the wall in the form of a calendar.  There are such pictures of paradise wherever we go.

Over the years I've drawn a lot of strength from such pictures.  This was particularly true growing up in Seattle, where I found the long, dark winters especially difficult.  When I was struggling through the short winter days I found a lot of hope in pictures of paradise, and from the idea that somewhere, far away, the sun was out and it was very warm.  Somewhere, in a place that wasn't Seattle, it was a good day for swimming.

It wasn't until after I visited Taiwan that I actually stepped inside one of those pictures.  This was off the coast of Malaysia, on an island I'd rather not name.  Looking down into the ocean there was like looking down into a well-stocked aquarium, and next to the beach were the lazy palm trees, the sunshine, and the white sand beaches.  That island even had huts like the ones in my dad's poster, and we stayed in one of these huts while we were there.

But what they don't tell you about those huts is that when night falls all kinds of insects come calling.  I have a particularly strong memory of a GIANT praying mantis found in our hut's bathroom, staring back at me from the toilet.  Another, similar thing happened on another island in Thailand.  Paradise looks amazing in a poster, but in the poster you can't see all the bugs that live there.

Yet aside from encounters with insects we had a great time on both islands.  We walked the beaches, we got sunburns, and we ate a lot of good food.  Both of those trips were moments when I realized how amazing life is, and how silly most of the things I worry about really are.  Paradise will always do that for you, if you let it.

I see the same effect on the faces of tourists who come to Taitung.  They emerge from cars and trains wearing those straw hats which for many people signify "vacation," and along with the straw hats they wear the flip-flops, tie-dyed dresses, and of course that expression that says: "I'm here.  I've arrived in paradise."  Soon after they're on their way up the coast, doing their damnedest to visit every tourist site between here and Hualien County.

Many of them, I'm sure, think it must be wonderful to live here.  But I wonder, have they thought about the times when paradise isn't paradise?  Have they thought about the times when living in that picture isn't all it's cracked up to be?

Because Taitung, for all its natural beauty, isn't perfect.  We have problems with garbage.  We have traffic jams on holiday weekends.  Our local government is at times corrupt, and at other times inefficient.  Those of us who farm sometimes contend with those of us who care about the environment.  Those of us after tourist dollars often contend with those of us who want to keep Taitung the way it is.  You'll find the same issues in any other version of paradise, and if you don't you probably just haven't stayed there long enough.  No place is perfect, no place is without its problems, and paradise is no exception.

I'm also reminded of the reason I left that island off the coast of Malaysia, many years ago.  The reason?  I was bored.  After several days of swimming and staring into the ocean I started to miss the markets and noise of Kuala Lumpur.  I started to miss the crowds and convenience.  Often when visiting paradise you'll find that you've brought the city there with you, and the hold any city exercises upon its residents is hard to break.

Any place - even paradise - will never satisfy you in and of itself.  You bring to that place your own insecurities, your own worries, and your own predilections.  If you're worried about your mother today, going to paradise tomorrow won't help.  If you obsess over hockey, a tropical island - however beautiful - probably isn't the place you want to be.  Paradise isn't one-size-fits-all, and for the wrong person paradise can even become a kind of hell.  I've seen it happen where I live many times.

All of which implies that paradise isn't the same for every person, and that sometimes the picture of the tropical island can be deceptive.  For a place to truly be paradise it has to have at least some of the things you already enjoy.  For some people New York City is paradise.  For other people the Gobi Desert is paradise.  For still other people sitting in a dark room playing Minecraft is paradise.  And who am I to tell them otherwise?  If that's what makes them happy it's fine with me.

In the end its up to each of us to find our own paradise, and in seeking out that paradise we have to understand that at least some modification is in order.  Either we change ourselves to suit paradise, or we try to change paradise to suit ourselves.  I think most would agree that the former is much easier than the latter, but I suppose that if any place had just one or two small things that bothered you, it would be worthwhile to try to change them.  You'd just have to ask yourself how close to paradise that place really is, and whether or not you're being realistic in your expectations.  It's an argument between pragmatism and idealism wherever you find yourself, and one should always ask oneself if they can be happy where they are, or if they'd be happier somewhere else.

Paradise.  Do I live in paradise?  I suppose that on certain days, when I'm sitting on the beach in my folding chair and drinking a beer on a sunny day, yes I do.  On other days my answer will be different.  On those other days I sometimes think that the city where I first glimpsed paradise, the city where I stared at that poster in my dad's office, was also paradise, if for a completely different set of reasons.

Maybe the whole world is - or could be - paradise.  Maybe we just need to open ourselves up to it a little more.  Or maybe we just need to start working to make it better.

8. Hello, Taitung Person 台東人你好 10

In the Hello, Taitung Person entries I'll be interviewing local residents.  They decide what kind of biographical information to include.  Some people are more private individuals, and I respect that.  Others are happy to make their presence known, and I respect that too.  在 "台東人你好" 這些文章中我會介紹當地的居民.  這些資訊是他們同意分享的.  有的人比較重視隱私,  有的人則開心地讓他人更認識自己.  我尊重這二者不同的做法.

All numbered questions were chosen randomly from a list of 41 questions.  下列編號的問題是隨機由四十一個問題中選出來的. 

The thoughts and opinions expressed below belong to the person offering them, and may not be shared by the person writing this blog.  下列是被訪問者的想法與意見, 與寫這個blog的我不一定一樣.

Chinese Name 中文名字: It's a secret! 這是秘密!
English Name 英文名字: Alex Chou
Employment 工作地點: teacher 教師
Country of Origin 國家: Taiwan 中華民國
Age 年齡: 48歲
Place of Residence in Taitung 住在台東地區: Taitung City 台東市
Favorite Color 最喜歡的顏色: blue 藍色

1. Q: What is your favorite place in Taiwan to visit? 你最喜歡去台灣哪裡旅遊?

A: To visit... If it's a city, I would say Feng Jia Ye Shr [Fengjia Night Market].  If it's a natural place I would say... Wulai. 去玩的話... 如果是城市, 我選的是逢甲夜市.  如果是自然景點, 我選烏來.

2. Q: What do you like least about Taiwan? 你不喜歡台灣什麼?

A: Politics.  Too many fights.  Too many arguments.  Wastes too much time. 政治.  太多人打架.  太多人吵架.  浪費太多時間.

3. Q: What is the strangest thing that ever happened to you in Taiwan? 在台灣, 你有什麼最奇怪的經驗?

A: Strange...?  I can't remember anything.  I can't think of anything. 奇怪...?  我不記得這種事情, 我想沒有.

4. Q: Are you self-employed?  If not, would you like to be?  What kind of work? 你自己開業嗎?  如果不是, 你想要嗎?  哪一種工作?

A: So far, no.  But yeah, I would like to do something else when I'm retired.  Like a coffee shop.  Or a beautiful restaurant. 目前為止沒有.  可是我退休後想做不同的工作.  像開咖啡館, 或是開間美麗的餐廳.

5. Q: It's Friday night.  You're in Taipei.  You have 5000 NT to spend.  What do you do? 禮拜五晚上, 你在台北,  身上有五千元,  你會做什麼?

A: A fine restaurant.  Like a luxury restaurant with great food.  Michelin food if possible. 去高級餐廳.  有美食的豪華餐廳.  如果可以的話, 米其林的那種.

6. Q: How has your time in Taiwan caused you to think differently about other countries? 你在台灣的生活讓你對其他國家的生活方式有不同的看法?

A: Think differently?  I would say I really don't like the tradition in India.  The sexual inequality.  And disrespect to females. 不一樣的想法?  我會說我不喜歡印度的傳統,  性別不平等,  還有不尊重女人.*

7. Q: Where are you going after this interview? 這個訪問結束之後你要去哪裡?

A: I'm going to Taitung University English class.  Tonight.  I am a teacher. 我會去東大的英文課.  今天晚上我是老師.

8. Q: How could Taiwan's relationship with other countries be better? 台灣跟其他國家的關係如何更好?

A: Be better?  Um, only when you're separate, totally, from China.  Because China always tries to include Taiwan.  Other countries will not have to take a look at China before they do anything to Taiwan. 更好?  只有跟中國完全劃分清楚的時候.  因為中國每次說台灣是中國的一部分.  其他國家要跟台灣交流得先看中國的臉色.

9. Q: How many times have you visited Green and Orchid Islands? 你去過綠島和蘭嶼幾次?

A: Twice a year.  For Green Island, scuba diving or going with friends.  For Orchid Island mostly about visiting English schools. 綠島是一年兩次, 為了水肺潛水或是跟朋友一起去玩.  蘭嶼是為了參觀美語學校.**

10. Q: What do you think about the Cross-Strait situation, about Taiwan and China? 你對兩岸現況有什麼看法?  台灣與中國間的關係?

A: People in Taiwan are very confused about [whether to be] closer or farther away from China.  Because we need China, economically, sometimes for business, but but they try so hard to make it difficult for Taiwan to do anything.  Half of the people would love to be closer to China, half don't, which is a very sad or uncomfortable situation.  台灣人民對於靠攏中國或是離中國遠一點這件事很為難.  因為我們在商業經濟上需要中國, 可是他們一直打壓台灣.  親中與反對的人各一半.  這個現況很可惜, 也很不舒服.

9. Today 今天

Of course by the time you read this it won't be today anymore.  It'll be three days from now, or four.  It'll be Friday then, or Saturday, and what I say here will be yesterday's news for you.  Or maybe you'll discover this years from now, and you'll wonder what life was like in 2019. 當然你在讀這文章的時候, "今天"已經過了.  你讀的時候可能是三四天後, 是禮拜五或是禮拜六, 所以對你來說,我這裡寫的事是過去的事情.  或是你幾年後才讀到這文章, 那你就會好奇2019年的世界是什麼樣子.

Whatever day or year it is where you are, I hope you and the people you care about are happy.  I hope that in your future everyone has flying cars and superpowers.  I hope that you're not plugged into a computer, and sadly unaware that the world is ruled by robots. 不管你現在是在哪一天, 哪一年, 我希望你還有你關心的人都很快樂.  希望你住的那個未來裡每個人都有會飛的汽車和超能力.  希望你的意識不是屬於電腦的一部分而沒發現世界已被機器人統治.

Where I am, in my time, it's May 7, 2019.  Or at least it was when I wrote this.  Tomorrow, when I translate this into Chinese, it will be May 8, 2019.  Two days after that I'll click "Publish" on my blog site, and after that - at some point in the future - you'll be reading what I wrote here.  That is unless a huge meteor strikes the Earth before Friday.  If that happens, these words will go unread. 我現在的時間是2019年五月七日. 也就是我寫這文章的時候.  明天我把文章翻譯成中文的時候是2019年五月八日.  二天後我會在這個網站按"Publish", 然後你在未來的某一天看到,  除非星期五前一顆大流星撞到地球. 如果這種事情發生, 那就不會有其他人讀這文章了.

Where I am it's cloudy.  It's been raining off and on for a few days, and as cars pass on the road I can hear the water stirred up by their tires.  I'm sure my coworkers prefer this kind of weather, but I would rather the sun was out. 目前是陰天.  這幾天陸續下雨.  我可以聽到車子經過時輪胎壓過水的聲音.  我的同事應該比較喜歡這種天氣, 可是我比較喜歡太陽出來的時候.

Where I am it's also Tuesday.  Tuesday is an easy day for me because I only have three classes.  When I came to work this morning the first thing I did was make copies of worksheets for class.  After that I fooled around with the internet.  Then I had class with the "advanced" students.  Later I corrected papers.  Later still I took these papers back to the classes that wrote them.  And now I'm sitting at my desk, typing this. 現在也是禮拜二.  對我來說禮拜二是輕鬆的一天, 因為只有三節課.  今天早上我剛上班的時候用印表機準備學習單, 之後我上網逛逛.  在這之後上了一堂"進階"的課, 接著改學習單, 改完後把學習單拿回去完成的班級,  現在我正回來座位打字.

My work ends at 4 today, as always.  Between now and then I'm probably going to get very bored.  I generally try to keep myself busy, but Tuesdays can be rough.  Often, after I've written in my blog and scrolled through various online forums, I have to get up and go bother someone.  This keeps me from getting too bored and introspective. 我今天一樣四點下班.  直到下班前, 我大概會很無聊.  我一向努力讓自己忙碌, 可是這件事在星期二很困難.  通常我會寫文章並參考幾個網站, 之後我會起來去煩同事.  這樣子我才不會那麼無聊, 不會覺得很煩.

After 4 I'll probably go ride my bike, and then read a book I just started.  Somewhere in-between those two things I'll have dinner.  I hope that if my wife's cooking she makes fried food, because I prefer fried food to soupy food.  Sometimes when it's colder she makes medicinal-smelling soups with chicken, and even though I can eat them I don't enjoy them very much. 四點之後我大概會去騎單車,  然後繼續看我沒看完的書.  這兩件事情中間我會吃晚餐.  我希望我太太煮飯的時候做炒的, 因為我比較喜歡炒的方式.  天氣比較涼快的時候她喜歡煮有藥味的雞肉湯.  我可以吃, 可是我不是很喜歡.

All in all, that will be my day.  Or it was my day... whenever I finished writing this.  What about you?  How is your day?  Did you go to work?  Did you ride a bike?  Did you eat something soupy?  Or maybe during your day you visited a new planet, talked to aliens, or traveled back in time to 2019, just to say hello. 我的今天差不多是這樣子,  或是我"以前的"今天... 看我什麼時候寫完.  那你呢?  你今天怎麼樣?  你去上班了嗎?  你有沒有騎腳踏車?  你有喝湯嗎?  還是你今天參觀新的星球跟外星人聊天? 或是回去2019跟我打招呼?

If you're looking for me I'm in Taitung, on the east coast of Taiwan.  I'm the foreigner wearing the blue hat, the one riding the blue and white bike.  Just walk around a bit, and I'm sure we'll find each other.  This city isn't that big after all - at least not in my time.  We'll meet in my today, or else we'll meet in yours.  Let's just hope that there aren't too many yesterdays between this today and that one. 你如果在找我的話, 我在台灣東部的台東.  我是那個戴藍色帽子和騎藍白單車的外國人.  走一走, 我們就能見面.  反正這個城市在我的時空來說不大.  我們在我的時空見面, 或是在你的時空見面都可以.  希望我們未來見面的時間點前沒有太多你的"昨天".

10. Ciaotou District 橋頭區, Kaohsiung City 高雄市

My mother in law recently moved to a new apartment in Ciaotou District, Kaohsiung City.  Chiaotou is north of downtown.* 我的岳母最近搬進去高雄市橋頭區的新公寓.  橋頭位於高雄市區北邊.

Ciaotou is slowly developing.  Right now it's about half farmland and half factories, with new apartment developments going up between vacant fields.  The air quality isn't good, but the area's relatively free of traffic. 橋頭正在慢慢的發展.  現在橋頭的地一半是農地, 一半是工廠, 很多空地最近出現許多新大樓.  空氣品質不太好, 可是交通很順暢.

These are the HSR and KMRT lines near Ciaotou Station.  The Jung Shan Freeway also passes through this area to the east. 橋頭站附近的捷運及高鐵線.  中山高速公路也經過這個地區.

This is the Kaohsiung Metropolitan Park.  The buildings in the background are some of the many apartment complexes under construction nearby. 這是高雄都會公園.  後面的大樓都是這個社區新蓋的公寓.

The park has many forested areas.  It's also a good place to watch birds. 這公園有許多樹林, 是個不錯的賞鳥地點.

This is a... bird?  Whatever animal it is, it's also a sundial.  The main entrance to the park is to the right. 這是鳥吧?  也是一個晷.  公園的大門在右邊.

The Ciaotou Sugar Refinery is northeast of the Metropolitan Park.  Most visitors come here to ride bikes.橋頭糖業博物館位於都會公園的西北邊.  大部分來這邊的人是來騎腳踏車.

There are many tunnels between the buildings.  They're delightfully spooky. 建築物間有恐怖又好玩的隧道.

There's an area for kids near the main parking lot.  This area features the usual night market-style food and games. 大停車場附近有兒童區,  主要有夜市的那種食物和遊戲.

While visiting the refinery you can ride one of the old trains used to transport sugar.  Be warned, however, that this train doesn't go anywhere interesting. 參觀糖業博物館的時候也可以坐五分車.  我只想提醒你, 火車的終點站沒有什麼有趣的東西.

This is what waits at the other end of that train ride.  Yep, a flower market.  Exciting, I know!  There's also a paintball place, a "bee world" that sells honey, and a place where people ride horses around a sad little corral. 這是在五分車的終點站.  花市, 沒錯!  看了很興奮吧!  還有彩彈場, "蜜蜂世界" (賣蜂蜜的), 還有小小的馬術場.

After our train ride there was still the other half of the Ciaotou Sugar Refinery to explore.  It's a big place.  We considered doing so by bike, but it was a bit hot for that. 我們坐完五分車之後還有糖業博物館的另外一邊沒去.  那裡很大, 我們考慮過騎腳踏車, 可是當天天氣真的很熱.

The northern end of the sugar refinery is where it gets really interesting.  This part also looks much better, and you can tell the local government spent most of its money here. 糖業博物館北邊的部分比較有趣.  這個部分也比較好看.  你可以感受到當地政府在這裡花的錢最多.

Taiwan, it should be said, has a long history of sugar production.  As far as I know Taiwan doesn't export sugar now, but there are old sugar refineries like this all over the island. 台灣的糖業有長久的歷史.  台灣現在不出口糖了, 可是島上到處還留有這種糖廠.

This is the main refinery area.  Unlike some other sugar refineries, there are many walkways leading into the building. 這是糖廠的主要部分.  這裡跟其他的糖廠不一樣, 這裡有通道可以走進去糖廠參觀.

Inside the refinery.  Kids will have a lot of fun climbing up and down the various stairways.  Adults will probably enjoy their time here too. 在糖廠裡面.  孩子們會很喜歡在這裡上下樓梯,  大人應該也是吧.


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