December 2017 - March 2018
1. Walking Around Fu Gang 在富岡散步 (December 2017)
Fu Gang is across the Beinan River from Taitung City. The Fu Gang Port is also where boats leave for Green and Orchid Islands. 從台東市過卑南溪就到富岡. 往綠島, 蘭嶼的船是從富岡漁港出發.
This was taken just north of downtown Taitung, on the other side of the Jung Hua Bridge. The town in the distance is Fu Gang. 這張照片剛好是在台東市北邊, 也就是中華橋的另外一邊拍的. 遠方的村落是富岡.
This is a picture of rocks. Sometimes I like to take pictures of rocks. 這是石頭的照片. 我有時很喜歡拍石頭的照片.
That hill in the distance is where Highway 197 starts, on the other side of the air force base. 後面的山坡是縣道197的起點. 在航空基地的另外一邊.
This is a picture of a spooky building. Yes, I like to take pictures of spooky buildings too. 恐怖屋子的照片. 我也很喜歡拍這些恐怖的房屋.
The seawall south of Fu Gang. This seawall is still being repaired after last summer's big typhoons. 富岡南邊的海堤. 夏天颱風經過之後, 到現在這個海堤還在整修.
Don't know what the name of this stream is, or even if it's even a stream at all. On Google Maps it extends to the north part of the air force base and then stops. 不知道這條溪叫甚麼名字, 也不知道它算不算 "溪." 在Google地圖上它流到航空基地就停了.
Looking south from Fu Gang. Very bright that day. 在富岡往南邊看. 那一天太陽很大.
On the road to Fu Gang Port. Nothing much going on in Fu Gang - even the seafood restaurants were mostly empty. 往漁港的路上, 那天富岡很平靜. 連海鮮餐廳裡的人也不多.
A sad buoy, far from its ocean home. Don't cry, buoy... 很可憐的浮標, 離海洋很遠. 浮標不要哭...
Fu Gang Port. VERY quiet when we were there, but I imagine it's very lively at other times. 富岡漁港. 我們在那裡的時候很安靜, 可是其他時間應該很熱鬧.
Oh, and by the way, happy new year. Next Monday it'll be 2018! 我差點忘記跟你說新年快樂. 下禮拜一變成2018年喔!
2. Test #2 (December 2017)
This was taken just north of downtown Taitung, on the other side of the Jung Hua Bridge. The town in the distance is Fu Gang. 這張照片剛好是在台東市北邊, 也就是中華橋的另外一邊拍的. 遠方的村落是富岡.
This is a picture of rocks. Sometimes I like to take pictures of rocks. 這是石頭的照片. 我有時很喜歡拍石頭的照片.
That hill in the distance is where Highway 197 starts, on the other side of the air force base. 後面的山坡是縣道197的起點. 在航空基地的另外一邊.
This is a picture of a spooky building. Yes, I like to take pictures of spooky buildings too. 恐怖屋子的照片. 我也很喜歡拍這些恐怖的房屋.
The seawall south of Fu Gang. This seawall is still being repaired after last summer's big typhoons. 富岡南邊的海堤. 夏天颱風經過之後, 到現在這個海堤還在整修.
Don't know what the name of this stream is, or even if it's even a stream at all. On Google Maps it extends to the north part of the air force base and then stops. 不知道這條溪叫甚麼名字, 也不知道它算不算 "溪." 在Google地圖上它流到航空基地就停了.
Looking south from Fu Gang. Very bright that day. 在富岡往南邊看. 那一天太陽很大.
On the road to Fu Gang Port. Nothing much going on in Fu Gang - even the seafood restaurants were mostly empty. 往漁港的路上, 那天富岡很平靜. 連海鮮餐廳裡的人也不多.
A sad buoy, far from its ocean home. Don't cry, buoy... 很可憐的浮標, 離海洋很遠. 浮標不要哭...
Fu Gang Port. VERY quiet when we were there, but I imagine it's very lively at other times. 富岡漁港. 我們在那裡的時候很安靜, 可是其他時間應該很熱鬧.
Oh, and by the way, happy new year. Next Monday it'll be 2018! 我差點忘記跟你說新年快樂. 下禮拜一變成2018年喔!
2. Test #2 (December 2017)
Test #1 is in the Blog Archive 28 entry. Good luck with that one.
Next week I'll be testing the students in my elementary school, and this made me realize that YOU, the reader of whatever this thing is supposed to be, should also be tested. The answers to all test questions are to be found at the very bottom of this entry.
1. Reading
Read the following story. If you don't I will smack you.
It's Monday. Lily and Tom have been in a car accident. Lily is holding Tom's arms, and Tom is holding Lily's legs. "Oh no!" says Lily. "I have no arms! How many arms do you have, Tom?"
"I have two arms," says Tom, "But I have no legs! What can we do? We're in trouble!"
Lily and Tom go to the hospital. Lily and Tom see the doctor in the hospital. "What the f*ck?" says the doctor, "You two again? What are you doing?"
"I was driving my scooter very fast," says Tom. "I was drinking cooking wine. I like to drive my scooter and drink cooking wine. It's good!"
"Yes," says Lily, "Tom likes cooking wine, and I like cooking wine too. When we drink too much cooking wine we are happy. We like to drink cooking wine and drive VERY fast on Tom's scooter!"
"But wait!" says the doctor, "Have you tried this?"
"What is it?" says Lily.
"What is it?" says Tom.
"It's 'medicine,'" says the doctor. "I am a doctor, so it's ok to try my 'medicine.' I like to have my 'medicine' every day!"
"Cool," says Lily.
"Cool," says Tom.
The doctor, Lily, and Tom have the 'medicine' together. Then the doctor puts Tom's legs where Lily's arms used to be. Then the doctor puts Lily's arms where Tom's legs used to be. It's so funny! Look at Tom and Lily!
2. Questions
Answer the following questions about the story.
1. I think the person who wrote this story is __________.
a. Mentally and/or emotionally disturbed.
b. A practitioner of the dark arts.
c. Sitting in an office with WAY too much time on his hands.
d. Like, this really chill dude, you know? Like, just real chill and everything.
2. If you had legs where your arms used to be, and arms where your legs used to be, how would you masturbate?
a. I would get lubed up and rub on furniture.
b. I would read my Bible, as a means of keeping sinful thoughts at bay.
c. I would find a helper.
d. I wouldn't.
3. Have you ever tried "medicine?"
a. I'm too high to understand what you're talking about right now.
b. Dare to say "No!" to drugs!
c. Depends on what kind of "medicine" you're talking about. Probably.
d. The terms of my parole prevent me from answering this question.
4. What's the worst scooter accident you ever saw?
a. One involving two scooters hitting each other at high speeds, resulting in injuries.
b. One involving a scooter and a larger vehicle, resulting in fatalities.
c. One involving a scooter and a giraffe at the Taipei Zoo, resulting in both property damage and extreme embarrassment.
d. I never go outside, so I never see scooter accidents. Outside is SCARY.
5. Why are you taking this test?
a. Like the person in 1.c. above, I have WAY too much time on my hands.
b. I was also the victim of medical experimentation wherein certain appendages were incorrectly reattached.
c. I think that it will somehow improve my command of the English language
d. Was this really a test? Because none of the questions have much to do with the story...
3, Social Studies 社會 3, First Semester 上, Unit 1 第一單元 (January 2018)
Next week I'll be testing the students in my elementary school, and this made me realize that YOU, the reader of whatever this thing is supposed to be, should also be tested. The answers to all test questions are to be found at the very bottom of this entry.
1. Reading
Read the following story. If you don't I will smack you.
It's Monday. Lily and Tom have been in a car accident. Lily is holding Tom's arms, and Tom is holding Lily's legs. "Oh no!" says Lily. "I have no arms! How many arms do you have, Tom?"
"I have two arms," says Tom, "But I have no legs! What can we do? We're in trouble!"
Lily and Tom go to the hospital. Lily and Tom see the doctor in the hospital. "What the f*ck?" says the doctor, "You two again? What are you doing?"
"I was driving my scooter very fast," says Tom. "I was drinking cooking wine. I like to drive my scooter and drink cooking wine. It's good!"
"Yes," says Lily, "Tom likes cooking wine, and I like cooking wine too. When we drink too much cooking wine we are happy. We like to drink cooking wine and drive VERY fast on Tom's scooter!"
"But wait!" says the doctor, "Have you tried this?"
"What is it?" says Lily.
"What is it?" says Tom.
"It's 'medicine,'" says the doctor. "I am a doctor, so it's ok to try my 'medicine.' I like to have my 'medicine' every day!"
"Cool," says Lily.
"Cool," says Tom.
The doctor, Lily, and Tom have the 'medicine' together. Then the doctor puts Tom's legs where Lily's arms used to be. Then the doctor puts Lily's arms where Tom's legs used to be. It's so funny! Look at Tom and Lily!
2. Questions
Answer the following questions about the story.
1. I think the person who wrote this story is __________.
a. Mentally and/or emotionally disturbed.
b. A practitioner of the dark arts.
c. Sitting in an office with WAY too much time on his hands.
d. Like, this really chill dude, you know? Like, just real chill and everything.
2. If you had legs where your arms used to be, and arms where your legs used to be, how would you masturbate?
a. I would get lubed up and rub on furniture.
b. I would read my Bible, as a means of keeping sinful thoughts at bay.
c. I would find a helper.
d. I wouldn't.
3. Have you ever tried "medicine?"
a. I'm too high to understand what you're talking about right now.
b. Dare to say "No!" to drugs!
c. Depends on what kind of "medicine" you're talking about. Probably.
d. The terms of my parole prevent me from answering this question.
4. What's the worst scooter accident you ever saw?
a. One involving two scooters hitting each other at high speeds, resulting in injuries.
b. One involving a scooter and a larger vehicle, resulting in fatalities.
c. One involving a scooter and a giraffe at the Taipei Zoo, resulting in both property damage and extreme embarrassment.
d. I never go outside, so I never see scooter accidents. Outside is SCARY.
5. Why are you taking this test?
a. Like the person in 1.c. above, I have WAY too much time on my hands.
b. I was also the victim of medical experimentation wherein certain appendages were incorrectly reattached.
c. I think that it will somehow improve my command of the English language
d. Was this really a test? Because none of the questions have much to do with the story...
3, Social Studies 社會 3, First Semester 上, Unit 1 第一單元 (January 2018)
The Chinese text below was taken from the textbook published by Kang Shuan 康軒文教事業.
家庭是我們成長的地方. 家人照顧我們, 滿足我們日常生活的需要, 並教導我們做人做事的道理. 家人間也要互相觀壞, 並珍惜彼此相處的時光. Our family is the place where we all grow up. Our family takes care of us and fulfills our daily needs. Our family teaches us how to be good people and do good things. Family members should care about each other, and treasure the time they spend together.
第一課 Lesson One: 我們的姓名 Our Names
姓名的功用 The Uses of Names
姓名是我們的代表, 有了姓名, 才可以讓別人知道如何稱呼我們. Our name represents us. When we have a name, people know what to call us.
姓名的來源與意義 The Origin and Meaning of Names
姓名可以分為 "姓" 和 "名字". "姓" 是依據父母的性, "名字" 則是父母或長輩仔細考慮以後, 為孩子取的. 取名字的方法有很多種, 有的根據家人的期望, 有的考慮性別不同等等. 每個名字都有它的意義. Names can be divided into "family names" and "given names." A "family name" is taken from one's parents, and a "given name" is chosen for a child by his or her parents and extended family after careful consideration. There are many ways of choosing a name. Some names reflect a family's expectations, while others have to do with sexual differences. Every name has its own meaning.
原住民的命名方式和漢人不同, 有的原住民族並沒有性, 而是沿用長輩的名字; 有的依照族中勇士或擅長織布者的名字為孩子命名. The way in which aboriginal people choose names is different from Chinese people. Some tribes do not use family names, bur rather pass given names on from extended family members. The members of some tribes take their names from honored warriors or weavers.*
不論是用甚麼方法取的名字, 都含有家人對我們的期待和祝福, 期待我們長大成為有用的人, 祝福我們能平安快樂的成長. No matter how a name was chosen, all names represent the hopes and dreams of our family members, and represent the wish that we grow up to be healthy and productive people.
所以, 要珍惜自己的性名, 也要尊重別人的姓名. For this reason you should treasure your name, and respect the names of others.
第二課 Lesson Two: 家庭的生活 Family Life
家庭的照顧與關壞 Care and Concern for One's Family
家庭是我們成長的地方. 家人辛苦照顧我們的飲食起居, 送我們到學校讀書; 當我們生病時, 帶我們去看醫生, 用心照顧. 在家人的細心的愛護下, 我們才能平安長大. Our family is where we grow up. Our family members work hard to provide us with food and shelter, and they take us to school to study. When we are sick they take us to see the doctor, and they nurse us back to health. We can only grow up safely under our family's loving care.
快樂時, 我們可以和家人一起分享喜悅. 悲傷時, 也能夠獲得家人的安慰和鼓勵. When we are happy, we can share our happiness with family members. When we are hurt, we can also receive their consolation and encouragement.
家庭的教育 Family Education
從小家人就教導我們養成良好的生活習慣, 並學習做人做事的道理, 期待我們成為懂事的孩子. From a young age our family members try to teach us how to cultivate good habits, and how to be the good type of person that understanding children grow up to be.
在家中, 我們除了接受家人的教導之外, 也要和家人共同分擔家務, 為家庭盡一份心力. At home, aside from instruction we receive from our family members, we can also do our share of the housework, and put forth more effort for the family.
家庭的收入與支出 A Family's Income and Expenses
家人要工作賺錢, 才能讓家庭有收入. 而家庭生活中的食, 衣, 住, 行, 育, 樂, 樣樣都需要花費, 這些花費要靠家庭的收入來支付. 所以, 我們要學習善用這些收入, 節省不必要的支出, 並且養成儲蓄的習慣. Family members must work to earn money so that the family can have income. Providing the family with food, clothes, a home, travel, education, entertainment and other things costs money, and a family must pay for these things from its income. For this reason we should learn how to use our money wisely, avoid unnecessary expenses, and encourage the habit of saving money.
儲蓄的好處 The Value of Saving Money
儲蓄的好處有很多, 例如: 當家人生病住院急需用錢時, 便可以利用儲蓄的存款來支付. 如果我們想要購買價格較高的物品時, 也可以透過儲蓄的方式來累積金錢. There are many advantages to saving money, for example: when a family member is hospitalized and needs money in an emergency, you can use the money saved to pay the required sum. When we want to buy goods of higher quality, we can also use our savings to pay the extra money such goods will require.
保護自己的方法 How to Protect Yourself
在家庭中, 我們接受家人的照顧與保護, 但是如果有人以暴力的方式傷害我們, 侵犯我們的身體, 或是剝奪我們受教育的權利時, 可以勇敢告訴師長, 或撥打 "113全國婦幼保護專線", 尋求他人的協助. In a family we receive the care and protection of our family members. But if people use violence to hurt us, violate our bodies, or impinge upon our right to an education, it's ok to (bravely) tell your teacher, or call the "113 National Women's and Children's Protection Line" to ask for others' assistance.
4. Two "Funerals" 二場喪禮 (January 2018)
一 One :我的家庭 My Family
家庭是我們成長的地方. 家人照顧我們, 滿足我們日常生活的需要, 並教導我們做人做事的道理. 家人間也要互相觀壞, 並珍惜彼此相處的時光. Our family is the place where we all grow up. Our family takes care of us and fulfills our daily needs. Our family teaches us how to be good people and do good things. Family members should care about each other, and treasure the time they spend together.
第一課 Lesson One: 我們的姓名 Our Names
姓名的功用 The Uses of Names
姓名是我們的代表, 有了姓名, 才可以讓別人知道如何稱呼我們. Our name represents us. When we have a name, people know what to call us.
姓名的來源與意義 The Origin and Meaning of Names
姓名可以分為 "姓" 和 "名字". "姓" 是依據父母的性, "名字" 則是父母或長輩仔細考慮以後, 為孩子取的. 取名字的方法有很多種, 有的根據家人的期望, 有的考慮性別不同等等. 每個名字都有它的意義. Names can be divided into "family names" and "given names." A "family name" is taken from one's parents, and a "given name" is chosen for a child by his or her parents and extended family after careful consideration. There are many ways of choosing a name. Some names reflect a family's expectations, while others have to do with sexual differences. Every name has its own meaning.
原住民的命名方式和漢人不同, 有的原住民族並沒有性, 而是沿用長輩的名字; 有的依照族中勇士或擅長織布者的名字為孩子命名. The way in which aboriginal people choose names is different from Chinese people. Some tribes do not use family names, bur rather pass given names on from extended family members. The members of some tribes take their names from honored warriors or weavers.*
不論是用甚麼方法取的名字, 都含有家人對我們的期待和祝福, 期待我們長大成為有用的人, 祝福我們能平安快樂的成長. No matter how a name was chosen, all names represent the hopes and dreams of our family members, and represent the wish that we grow up to be healthy and productive people.
所以, 要珍惜自己的性名, 也要尊重別人的姓名. For this reason you should treasure your name, and respect the names of others.
第二課 Lesson Two: 家庭的生活 Family Life
家庭的照顧與關壞 Care and Concern for One's Family
家庭是我們成長的地方. 家人辛苦照顧我們的飲食起居, 送我們到學校讀書; 當我們生病時, 帶我們去看醫生, 用心照顧. 在家人的細心的愛護下, 我們才能平安長大. Our family is where we grow up. Our family members work hard to provide us with food and shelter, and they take us to school to study. When we are sick they take us to see the doctor, and they nurse us back to health. We can only grow up safely under our family's loving care.
快樂時, 我們可以和家人一起分享喜悅. 悲傷時, 也能夠獲得家人的安慰和鼓勵. When we are happy, we can share our happiness with family members. When we are hurt, we can also receive their consolation and encouragement.
家庭的教育 Family Education
從小家人就教導我們養成良好的生活習慣, 並學習做人做事的道理, 期待我們成為懂事的孩子. From a young age our family members try to teach us how to cultivate good habits, and how to be the good type of person that understanding children grow up to be.
在家中, 我們除了接受家人的教導之外, 也要和家人共同分擔家務, 為家庭盡一份心力. At home, aside from instruction we receive from our family members, we can also do our share of the housework, and put forth more effort for the family.
家庭的收入與支出 A Family's Income and Expenses
家人要工作賺錢, 才能讓家庭有收入. 而家庭生活中的食, 衣, 住, 行, 育, 樂, 樣樣都需要花費, 這些花費要靠家庭的收入來支付. 所以, 我們要學習善用這些收入, 節省不必要的支出, 並且養成儲蓄的習慣. Family members must work to earn money so that the family can have income. Providing the family with food, clothes, a home, travel, education, entertainment and other things costs money, and a family must pay for these things from its income. For this reason we should learn how to use our money wisely, avoid unnecessary expenses, and encourage the habit of saving money.
儲蓄的好處 The Value of Saving Money
儲蓄的好處有很多, 例如: 當家人生病住院急需用錢時, 便可以利用儲蓄的存款來支付. 如果我們想要購買價格較高的物品時, 也可以透過儲蓄的方式來累積金錢. There are many advantages to saving money, for example: when a family member is hospitalized and needs money in an emergency, you can use the money saved to pay the required sum. When we want to buy goods of higher quality, we can also use our savings to pay the extra money such goods will require.
保護自己的方法 How to Protect Yourself
在家庭中, 我們接受家人的照顧與保護, 但是如果有人以暴力的方式傷害我們, 侵犯我們的身體, 或是剝奪我們受教育的權利時, 可以勇敢告訴師長, 或撥打 "113全國婦幼保護專線", 尋求他人的協助. In a family we receive the care and protection of our family members. But if people use violence to hurt us, violate our bodies, or impinge upon our right to an education, it's ok to (bravely) tell your teacher, or call the "113 National Women's and Children's Protection Line" to ask for others' assistance.
4. Two "Funerals" 二場喪禮 (January 2018)
Attended a funeral last weekend. It was a Catholic service, complete with churchgoers singing spooky-sounding hymns. Most of those in attendance seemed to be from the same church group, though there was a sprinkling of local foreigners and other familiar people throughout the room. 上個周末參加了一場喪禮. 是天主教的喪禮, 人們唱著恐怖的旋律的聖歌. 大部分參加喪禮的人好像是死者的教友, 也有些是認識的台灣與外國的朋友.
This funeral was for D., an American who'd lived in Taitung for several years. He is survived by his wife, a woman who was formerly part of my teaching program, and two grown children. He passed away last Christmas Eve at the age of 74. 這是從美國來的D的喪禮, 他在台灣住了幾年. 他的太太以前是縣政府的外籍老師, 他們有三個已經成年的孩子. 他在去年的十二月二十四日晚上過世. 他過世的時候是七十四歲.
I didn't know him that well. I'd see him and his wife around town sometimes, but for various reasons our paths didn't cross that much. He was a good guy - very friendly - and he was always concerned with giving something back to the community. His "Taitung Stroke Survivor's Support Association" will perhaps be his biggest legacy in Taitung. 我與他不是很熟. 我有時候在市區碰到他們夫妻, 可是真的很少見面. 他是個好人 - 很熱心 - 也很關心社區的人. 他的台東縣台東市腦中風病友支持協會大概是他留下的最大的貢獻.
While I was sitting at his service, I couldn't help but think about other local foreigners that have passed away in recent years. There was V., the guy into mixed martial arts. There was H., the guy I used to see at Kasa and Texas Jo's. And there was R., the travel writer up in Lu Ye. 我坐在喪禮的時候忍不住想到這幾年過世的外國人. 有喜歡混合武術的V. 有在Kasa或是Texas Jo's碰到的H. 還有鹿野的旅行作家R.
R. was in my thoughts more than the other two, if for no other reason than the fact that I knew him best out of those three. I have very vivid memories of his "funeral"* at Pete's Pizza, which I'm thinking must have taken place last year. 我想到R最多, 因為我跟他比較熟. 我還記得在批薩阿伯裡為他舉辦的紀念會. 這應該是去年的事了.
In all honesty, I can't think of any two people more different than D. and R. I also can't think of two things more different than D. and R.'s funerals. There were a few of the same people at both events, but it's hard to imagine any two scenarios more different. 我無法想像任何二個人比他們還不一樣, 我也無法想像有哪二件事比他們的喪禮還不同. 有些人二場喪禮都參加了, 那二場喪禮真是截然不同.
R. lived in a small town north of here, and I had the feeling he was something of a hermit. He was married to a Taiwanese woman. He was regarded as something of a local authority on Taiwan. I used to run into him in Kasa a lot, and also at another friend's house when that other friend had parties. R住在北邊的小鄉村. 他好像很少出門. 他跟台灣女性結婚. 很多台東的外國住民覺得他對台灣很熟. 我有時候在Kasa碰到他, 或是在朋友的聚會上見面.
D. lived in Taitung City. He was a very sociable guy, and it always seemed like he was on the way to somewhere. He wasn't as widely known among local foreigners as R., but there was a very specific subset of Taiwanese people who knew and liked him. When he and I talked it was always a general sort of conversation about whatever we were doing lately, and always with his wife's participation. I tended to see him and his wife in the midst of having their dinner. D住在台東市. 他是個很熱心很親切的人, 總是覺得他都在忙著去甚麼地方. 沒有很多當地的外國人認識他, 但是有一群當地的台灣人認識他愛他. 我們二個人的談話內容都是關於我們各自正在做的事, 也都是有他的太太在場. 我通常是在他們吃飯時碰到他們.
The differences between D.'s and R.'s personalities are also pretty well illustrated in how they were remembered after their passing. As said above, D.'s funeral was a very community-oriented, very Catholic affair, whereas R.'s funeral was a much smaller, less religious event. I'm not trying to say that one funeral was better than the other, though of course those who know me can probably guess which of the two events I had an easier time relating to. D跟R的個性差別在喪禮的方式就看的出來. D的喪禮很有社區性與天主教感, 另外一方面R的紀念會比較小, 比較沒有宗教性. 我不是說哪個喪禮比較好, 只是認識我的讀者應該猜得到哪個喪禮比較適合我.
I'm guessing there were thirty or so people at R.'s funeral, mostly local foreigners. A few of these local foreigners have lived here for decades, even though it was the first time I'd ever met some of them. They were the kind of guys I doubt I'll ever see again, given the fact that we move in very different circles. 我猜R的紀念會上有三十個人左右. 大部分是外國人. 這些當地的外國人有的住台東幾十年, 可是那是我第一次碰到他們. 不太可能有機會跟他們見面, 因為生活方式完全不同.
People cried during R.'s funeral. Serious, heartfelt tears. This isn't to say that people didn't cry at D.'s funeral too, but that was a different, more solemn sort of crying. People played songs they wrote for R., and pizza was consumed between moments of conversation. At one point in the afternoon a friend of R.'s stood up in front of everyone - very drunkenly - and announced to the room that R. had been an atheist, and that we should all consider this in the light of how he died.** There was definitely a weird vibe in that room, but I appreciated the honesty of those present, and their lack of formality. 在R的喪禮有許多人哭. 哭得好傷心. 我不是說D的紀念會上沒有人哭, 只是說哭法不一樣. 有人唱為了R寫的歌, 也有人吃披薩聊天. 那個下午有R的一個朋友站起來, 醉著說R不相信宗教, 而且我們都應該想一下他怎麼過世的, 也要想到他不相信宗教的事實. 當下那個房間裡的感覺很奇怪, 但是我很感謝他們真誠的表現與輕鬆的氛圍.
Cut to D.'s funeral, a year or so later. Well-prepared speeches and spooky Catholic chanting. I'm sitting there in a shirt and tie, remembering the sight of D. framed in a car window. "Where you guys headed?" I could hear him saying, and I wished I could somehow reach into his car, and give him a hug. Where are you now, D.? And why aren't you driving that crazy little car around town? 在那之後大約一年, 我在D的喪禮. 嚴肅的演講跟恐怖的天主教聖歌. 我穿著襯衫與領帶, 想念車窗裡的D. "你們要去哪裡?" 我聽他說. 想到這裡, 我希望我有機會探進車裡抱他一下. D.你在哪裡? 為甚麼不在市區開你的小車了?
We take so many people for granted until we're attending their funerals. We think - somehow - that they're always going to be around. They, of course, think the same thing about us. I suppose it's easier than thinking about death all the time, or wondering how many years we all have left. 直到喪禮前, 我們都覺得那個人會一直在我們身邊. 我們的想法是他們一直存在. 他們對我們當然有一樣的想法. 誰要一直想人會死亡這件事? 誰要一直想我們還剩下幾年的時間?
Years later, and I'm confronted by the memories of so many people. For each memory there's a vanished conversation. That time at D.'s house on Halloween. That time talking to R. over beers at Kasa. That time outside Red House talking to V., or that other time talking to H. at a concert. So many conversations, at so many different places, and when I walk, bike, or drive around this county I can hear the echoes of those conversations, everywhere I go. 這些年下來, 我腦海中留下那麼多人的記憶. 每個記憶都有它的對話. 萬聖節的時候在D的家; 在Kasa跟R一起喝啤酒; 在Red House外面跟V聊天; 還有在音樂會跟H講話. 那麼多對話在那麼多地方發生過. 當我走路, 騎腳踏車和開車在台東時我到處都聽得到.
Even funerals can be a kind of conversation. It's just that the person being spoken to isn't there to hear it. 甚至喪禮也可以當成一種對話. 只是說話的對象不在現場聽我們說話.
Or are they? There? Listening in? 還是他們其實也在? 那裡? 聽到我們的話?
5. What's Going on with the Taitung City, Township, and Municipality Offices 台東市,鄉,鎮公所最近動向 3 (January 2018)
For those less familiar with Taiwan, the "big" cities are divided into districts (區), and the counties are divided into cities (市), townships (鄉), and municipalities (鎮). 給對台灣比較不熟悉的讀者, 大城市 (高雄, 台南, 台中, 新竹, 基隆, 嘉義, 台北, 跟新北市) 以下有"區"的劃分, 縣 (城市外的地方)則由其他的市, 鄉, 鎮組成.
I also scanned through the news for any interesting news items relevant to the township and municipalities below. There isn't a lot of Taitung-related news in the best of times, but I did my best to find relevant articles. 我也看了最近的新聞, 希望找到與這些城鎮相關的有趣的報導. 我盡力了, 只是台東的新聞不多.*
This will be the last entry in this blog for about a month. I start my winter vacation next week, and I'll be in Seattle and Taipei for some of that time. 這是這學期最後一篇文章. 我的寒假下禮拜開始, 我會在一個月之後繼續寫 . 我這個寒假會部分在西雅圖跟台北.
1. Da Ren Township 達仁鄉公所
2. Da Wu Township 大武鄉公所
A mailman rescued another man from a fire. The mailman was burned, but he's otherwise ok. 郵差衝火場救人. 還好郵差的傷勢不嚴重.
3. Jin Feng Township 金峰鄉公所
As part of the Taitung County Government's "How to Build a City Project," the public was invited to that township to learn about the local culture there. 台東縣政府在推展學習型城市計畫, 一日遊學帶領民眾進入金鋒鄉.**
4. Tai Ma Li Township 太麻里鄉公所
The construction on Highway 9 near Shiang Lan has created a very dangerous traffic situation. For this reason they will be closing that stretch of road from 11:30 pm to 6 am the following day. 因為香蘭台9線那一段在施工, 讓路況的危險性提高, 每天晚上11:30到隔天6點道路封閉.
The Bikini Run in Tai Ma Li was in the news. You can see it in the video at 1 minute, 21 seconds. 太麻里的比基尼路跑上新聞了. 直接到影片中的1分21秒就看得到.
Sigh. More cameras have been installed along Highway 9 south of Taitung City. They spend all that money to improve that road, and in the end they just make it slower. 南迴公路新裝設了3組測速照相. 縣政府花那麼多錢改善那條路, 卻用這方式讓它變慢了.
5. Orchid Island Township 蘭嶼鄉公所
There have been problems with boat service between Hou Bi Hu Port in Pingtung and Orchid Island. Many have complained that they weren't able to refund their tickets after boat service was suspended. 去年往返屏東縣後壁湖港與台東縣蘭嶼的 "興蘭海運公司" 停止經營, 造成1千多名旅客有船票退費的爭議.
Several dolphins and whales have become stranded on the shores of Orchid Island. 三鯨豚擱淺在蘭嶼岸邊.
Around Chinese New Year there will be six boats taking residents of Orchid Island back there for free. 春節期間蘭嶼鄉有6班免費的返鄉船.
6. Green Island Township 綠島鄉公所
Fight! Several people were fighting each other at a meeting of Green Island representatives. 打吧! 綠島鄉民代表會有人打架.
7. Taitung City 台東市公所
This is how little news there is in Taitung lately. A farmer in Taitung discovered that one of his banana trees, instead of having bananas the normal size, had a lot of much smaller bananas growing from it. Yes, that's the entire story. There's even a video! 最近台東的消息真是少. 台東有一位農民發現他樹上的香蕉好小. 這真的是一則新聞報導. 還有短片!
And this WASN'T in the news, but did you know they're building a new Starbuck's on Jung Hua Road, south of the McDonald's? 這件事不在新聞裡, 聽說在中華路上的麥當勞南邊蓋第二家星巴克, 並且快完成了.
The Taitung County Government has plans to build a solar power facility on the wetlands east of Jer Ben. A local environmental group opposes this plan. 縣政府要在知本濕地開發太陽能光電, 環保團體至縣府表達訴求.***
8. Beinan Township 卑南鄉公所
There are some bad feelings between aboriginal and Chinese residents over plans to develop aboriginal villages. 台東卑南鄉三個部落的開發案只需要原住民同意, 不用讓多數人民參與討論?
A Formosan black bear was spotted near Li Jia! Cool! 利嘉山區發現台灣黑熊! 真酷!
The municipal water company wants to use water from the Li Jia River to meet local water needs, but there are ecological concerns. 自來水公司要利用利嘉溪的水, 可是當地居民表示這會讓生態惡化.
9. Dong He Township 東河鄉公所
A new clinic opened up in Dulan. If you live in that area, you know that seeing a doctor is less than convenient. 去年東河鄉都蘭村開了一間新的診所. 在那附近看病非常不方便.
They've been catching viper sharks in Dong He. Man, those fish look EVIL. 東河鄉出現了毒蛇鯊魚. 那種魚看起來很恐怖.
10. Cheng Gong Municipality 成功鎮公所
An airplane crashed on the beach near "Stone Umbrella" in Cheng Gong Township. The two guys flying it were unhurt. 輕航機迫降成功鎮石雨傘海邊. 機上2人沒有受傷.
They built a big Dalmatian thing out of driftwood at Cheng Gong's "flower sea." 成功花海有用漂流木做的大麥町狗.
11. Chang Bin Township 長濱鄉公所
The Chang Bin Township Office will host a "community development meeting" on January 27. 長濱公所一月二十七日要舉辦 "社區發展業務聯繫會議."
A local association gave free haircuts to older residents in Chang Bin. 當地的基金會跟愛心團體往長濱部落給長輩免費剪髮.
The Taitung County Government is looking at maintaining Eight Immortals Cave as an archaeological site. 縣政府爭取前瞻計畫以維護八仙洞考古遺址.
12. Lu Ye Township 鹿野鄉公所
Yong Long Branch School in Lu Ye will become a "hot air balloon training school." 鹿野鄉的永隆分校將成為熱氣球訓練學校.
13. Yan Ping Township 延平鄉公所
Work on a housing development in Hong Ye was fast-tracked recently, in the hope that residents could move in by Chinese New Year. 紅葉部落的紅瓦屋正在趕工, 希望能在春節前入住.
There's a strange gas station in Yan Ping without gas pumps. Instead of pumping their own gas, residents purchase the gas in containers. 延平鄉加油站員工會先把汽油加入 "聽桶."
14. Guanshan Municipality 關山鎮公所
Want to go pick turnips? You can do this in Guanshan on January 27. Got to sign up though. 想採籮蔔嗎? 一月二十七日可以做, 可是要先報名.
The Guanshan Water Park will no longer be charging an entrance fee. 關山親水公園不收費.
15. Hai Duan Township 海端鄉公所
Many people in Hai Duan eat too much meat, so there's an increased occurrence of gout there. 海端很多居民超愛吃肉, 所以比較多人有痛風的問題.****
16. Chr Shang Township 池上鄉公所
There will be a concert at Chr Shang Junior High School on January 21. 一月二十一日池上國中要舉辦音樂會.
There are plans to build two "meeting centers" in Chr Shang. 以後池上要蓋兩間 "聚會所."
The Chr Shang Farmer's Association is promoting seasonal "food workshops." 池上鄉農會推出四季的體驗.
6. Looking Down from Up High 從頂樓往下看 (February 2018)
When you look into the future of this county, what do you see? Do you see any future at all? Or are you just worried about paying your rent this month, finding a job, or passing a test? 當你思考著台東縣的未來時有甚麼看法? 你想過這個問題嗎? 還是只是煩惱著這個月的房租, 找工作, 或是準備考試?
I think it's safe to say that the future of Taitung - at least in the long term - is not something that most people think about very often. If most people do think about it, they probably imagine a future very much like the present, in which we all continue to work and play in similar ways. 我想大部分的居民不會常思考著台東縣的未來發展. 如果是的話, 對於未來的想像大概是覺得會跟現在差不多工作和休閒.
Maybe in that more commonly imagined future, there's a new highway linking Taitung to the other side of the island. Maybe there's a new fishing port, shuttling tourists back and forth to Green and Orchid Islands. Maybe there are a few more hotels, and a few more hostels. But in such visions of the future Taitung remains largely the same, albeit with a few more cars, a few more businesses, and a few more people. 在那個想像的未來裡可能有新的公路連接台東與台灣西部. 也有可能有新的漁港讓台東到蘭嶼和綠島的旅遊比較方便. 也可能有更多的飯店和民宿. 可是這種未來跟現在的狀況很接近, 只是多了更多的車子, 商店, 還有人.
In the year 2030 - assuming I'm still alive and still living here - I'll have lived in Taitung for 24 years. By that point I'll be 55 years old, and probably still considered a pain in the ass by most people who know me. Hopefully at that time I'll still be relatively healthy and happy, even though I take nothing for granted. 如果我2030年的時候還 "存在" 也" 住在" 台東的話, 那我就會在台東二十四年了. 那時候我會是五十五歲, 認識我的人大概還是會覺得我很煩. 希望我那時候能夠健康快樂, 只是人生無常.
I just wonder what kind of Taitung I'll be living in 12 years from now. Will it be, as many suggest, a place virtually identical to its present form? Or will I be attending communist party meetings? Will it be dirtier? Will it be cleaner? Will it still be a place that makes me happy? Or will it be a place that makes me remember how much better things were, 12 years previous? 我只是在想十二年後的台東會是什麼樣子. 跟現在差不多嗎? 還是我那時候要參加共產黨的會議? 會比較髒亂嗎? 會比較乾淨嗎? 它會不會是繼續讓我感到快樂的地方? 還是會讓我認為十二年前的台東比較好?
Such questions are perhaps more pertinent with local elections coming up. County Magistrate Justin Huang is now in his last year of office, and not eligible for reelection. Will the people of Taitung elect a more traditional, backward-looking candidate in his place? Or will they double down on promises of increased tourism, "smart cities," and making Taitung more "international?" Speaking only for myself, I could see the value of either kind of candidate, and I doubt it will make much difference whether the next County Magistrate is a member of the KMT or DPP. 這種問題比較好在選舉快到的時候提出來 . 今年是縣長黃健庭任期的最後一年了, 以後台東縣民要選比較傳統保守的縣長嗎? 還是再選重視旅遊強調智慧城市和"國際台東" 的縣長? 我自己的看法是覺得下一位縣長是屬於國民黨還是民進黨並沒有差.
Politics aside, one wonders how the people of Taitung will deal with certain issues in the coming years. The environment comes immediately to mind, as does its sometimes "evil twin," the economy. What, for example, are the people of Taitung going to do about the garbage problem? I'm not only talking about the never-ending discussion of whether to turn the garbage incinerator on or off, but also about the (plastic) litter that lines every road, river, and beach in the county. I'd love it if the Taitung County Government mounted a sustained effort to tackle garbage, not only because I find litter unsightly and the problem shamefully ignored, but also because this issue affects both people's health and how outsiders (tourists) perceive this part of Taiwan. Hopefully we can start constructing a legal framework for addressing this problem, and also an educational initiative that includes the "how" and "why" of disposing of garbage properly. 撇開政治, 我好奇台東居民未來如何解決台東事務. 例如環保的問題, 還有與環保常對立的經濟問題. 台東居民怎麼解決垃圾的問題? 我講的不只是是否啟用焚化爐, 還有每條馬路, 河川, 海岸邊的 (塑膠) 垃圾. 我希望縣府認真地面對垃圾的問題. 這不只是因為我覺得很難看, 或是地方政府沒有處理好很丟臉, 也是因為這會影響居民的健康跟外縣市 (觀光客) 對台東的看法. 希望這方面的法律規定可以更嚴格與執行, 也希望未來的教育重視垃圾處理的作法跟理由.
Related to garbage, there's the issue of how land in the county is developed. If you travel up the coast to Shan Yuan, you'll see a large swath of hillside that's been deforested by developers there. I've heard that this is part of another hotel development, also led by the people who built the "Beautiful Bay" resort across the highway. Maybe this development is entirely legal, but we still have to ask ourselves if we want similarly large developments sprouting up along the coast. Once one such place is built (and opened), others are sure to follow. 跟垃圾有關的還有土地發展的計畫. 如果去杉原的話, 你會看到一座沒有樹的丘陵. 我聽說美麗灣的公司又在那裏蓋大飯店. 可能這個地方是合法的, 可是我們還要問 - 我們希望東海岸充斥著這種大飯店嗎? 一旦有一棟蓋完營業, 一定還會有其他業者跟進.
There's also the question of rules and regulations. How are people to be prohibited (or allowed) from interacting with natural places? Should a fee always be charged for such interactions? Should everything be fenced off? Is it reasonable to ask people to pay to view coral? Is it reasonable to charge a fee for swimming in the Flowing Lake? Is it even legal to charge such fees, when the people "managing" such areas don't even take proper care of them? And what about fishing? Surfing? Temple festivals? Road building? Farm runoff? Animal control? Night markets and their associated waste? 也有法律跟其他規定的問題. 怎麼保護 (還是讓開) 自然環境? 人民去那種地方要付費嗎? 一定要用圍牆隔起來嗎? 人們需要買票看珊瑚嗎? 在活水湖游泳要付錢嗎? 管理的人沒有管理好卻收民眾的錢是不是合法的? 釣魚呢? 衝浪? 廟會? 蓋馬路? 農場逕流? 動物控制? 和夜市造成的垃圾?
Of course I know that certain government organizations, private associations, and individuals are working towards solutions to some of these problems, but if we're really going to address them we need to see a more concerted effort, with adequate funding and other resources directed at the problems. We also need strategies that aren't going to change with the next big election. 我當然知道有的政府機關, 地區協會, 還有居民個人努力想辦法解決有的問題. 我只是覺得每一個單位和個人還要更努力, 也需要更多的資源. 我們更需要能夠有一套能夠永續的解決方法來避免每次選舉所造成的政策的改變.
On the economic side, there's also the question of jobs. Will jobs in Taitung ever offer better wages? Will so many local people still need to "leave home" to find work that offers a livable wage? The County Government is GREAT about promoting local agricultural products, but affording an apartment in the city is still not easy for most people, and neither is surviving the kind of debt that local fishermen accrue in the course of their jobs. 經濟方面還有工作的問題. 台東的工作薪水會調高嗎? 還會有那麼多人須要離開家鄉找工作嗎? 縣政府很努力推廣當地的農特產, 可是對於很多縣民來說, 要在台東市負擔一間公寓還是一件很困難的事. 當地的漁民也有經濟上的壓力.
It would be awesome if, by 2030, we had some answers to all or most of these problems. Maybe by that point they won't even be considered problems, but rather facets of local history. Maybe the roads, rivers, and beaches will be free of plastic bottles and drink cups. Maybe the gutters won't be littered with plastic bags. Maybe the coast will remain as green and welcoming as it is now, and we'll have found a balance between preserving our environment and making money. I'd certainly like to think so, but then again 2030 isn't all that far away. 到了2030年的時候, 如果能把上面的問題解決了當然是一件很好的事. 可能到那時候這些問題已經不是問題, 而只是幾件當地的發展過程的歷史事物而已. 有可能那個時候馬路, 河川, 海岸看不到塑膠瓶跟飲料杯. 也可能水溝裡沒有那麼多塑膠袋. 也可能東海岸跟現在一樣綠, 也找到了環保跟賺錢之間的平衡. 我想這麼認為, 只是我們離那一年也沒多少時間了.
...because you know what happens if we don't start dealing with these problems sooner, rather than later? We become more and more like Pingtung County, which although nice in parts is dealing with much more serious problems with regard to both population and pollution. Perhaps by that point we'll only have a small strip of beach left to enjoy, while the remainder of the county writhes in the "progress" represented by traffic, garbage, and urban blight. 如果沒早點解決的話, 你知道會發生甚麼事情嗎? 我們台東就越來越像屏東縣. 屏東有的地方還是滿自然的, 可是他們人口跟污染的問題比較嚴重. 有可能到那時候台東只有小小的沙灘可以欣賞, 其他地方只剩賽車, 垃圾, 跟其他大城市的 "進步."
I certainly hope that won't be the version of 2030 that greets me on my 55th birthday. I'd rather that 2030 was a better version of 2018, or, failing that, something more closely resembling the present. 希望我五十五歲, 2030年的時候, 像屏東的台東不會成真. 我希望2030年的台東會更好. 或是維持在接近現在的狀態.
10. Hello, Taitung Person 台東人你好 1 (March 2018)
All numbered questions were chosen randomly from a list of 50 questions. 下列編號的問題是隨機由五十個問題中選出來的.
The thoughts and opinions expressed below belong to the person offering them, and may not be shared by the person writing this blog. 下列是被訪問者的想法與意見, 與寫這個blog的我不一定一樣.
First Name 名字: (It's a secret! 這是秘密!)
1. Q: Have you ever encountered racism in Taiwan? When and where? 你在台灣有沒有碰過種族議題? 在哪裡? 甚麼時候?
A: Yes I have. There's just stereotypes that go back and forth between people of different backgrounds. There's stereotypes against foreigners. There's stereotypes against locals. Just walking into a restaurant when instead of them speaking to you they just give you an English menu. It's just like yep, you're being judged right away. Also, people just look at you differently. Toddlers huddle closer to their parents, saying, "Mamma ni kan, wai guo ren!" People on the street either stare "googley-faced" or purposely avoid eye contact. And it's not necessarily bad sometimes - it's not necessarily malicious, though I have seen bad stuff from both sides on social media, but I think race plays a factor. For sure. 有. 不同背景的人會以不同的眼光看待他人. 當地人眼中的外國人形象, 一走進去餐廳, 老闆不跟我講話就直接給我英文菜單. 他們不認識你就決定你該是什麼樣子. 也有人用不同的眼光看我. 年紀小的孩子會靠近爸爸媽媽說: "媽媽妳看! 外國人!" 街頭上的人會怪怪的看我, 或是不敢直視我的眼睛. 固定的印象不一定是不好的 - 對方不一定討厭你, 可是我在社交媒體上看過很恐怖的狀況發生. 我覺得種族的既定印象是存在的.
2. Q: What do you think about Taiwanese pop music? 你對台灣的流行音樂有甚麼意見?
A: Uh, I don't listen to it very much. And... a couple songs that I've heard are kind of catchy. But... most of what I hear is just pretty sappy and poppy and I've noticed that actually.... if I actually listen to the average radio in the average place of gathering plays almost as much foreign music as it does local pop music. 我不常聽中文流行歌曲. 我有聽過一, 二首好聽的歌. 可是我聽過的大部分的歌很矯情也很無聊. 我也注意到在大多數的地方他們播的音樂有一半是西洋的.
3. Q: Does Taiwan's history interest you? Why or why not? 你對台灣的歷史有興趣嗎? 為甚麼?
A: Yeah I think it's very interesting. It's very interesting because I mean any... I mean I'm a history guy, I studied that at university. It's always interesting to learn about how a place has developed and where it came from. I think one thing about Taiwanese history is that it's actually quite complex, quite vast, and lots of disagreements among people who study it, or who know a lot about it. But yeah, it's interesting. Sure. 我對台灣歷史很有興趣. 那是因為... 我的意思是說我在大學念過歷史. 我喜歡了解一個地方的起源跟發展方式. 我覺得台灣的歷史其實很複雜也很廣, 學過的人仍有很多的爭論. 它很有趣沒錯.
4. Q: Are there any leisure activities you would love to do but find too difficult here? 在你喜歡的休閒活動中, 有沒有是在台灣比較不方便的?
A: [laughing] Um... I think there's lots of leisurely activities to do here, and none of them are really... difficult? However, traveling around the island can be difficult sometimes, or if it's an activity that requires a group of people, for example to play a team sport or something. I think that can be very difficult to find enough people to be at the same place at the same time who are interested in the same thing. [在笑] 我想台灣有很多休閒活動可以做, 其中沒有不方便的吧. 可是有時候在台灣旅遊很難, 或是舉辦需要很多人參加的活動. 比方說團體運動那種活動. 我想找到有共同興趣的人在同一個時間在同一個地方集合很難.
5. Q: What is your favorite place in Taiwan to visit? 你最喜歡去台灣哪裡旅遊?
A: Uh, the east coast is the best. The east coast is why I came here, and if I couldn't be on the east coast I think I'd leave pretty quickly. 東部是最好的. 東部就是我來台灣的原因. 如果我沒辦法留在東部的話, 我會很快地離開台灣.
6. Q: Have you studied Chinese? Where and for how long? 你學過中文嗎? 在哪裡? 學多久了?
A: I haven't taken any official... official... Actually, let me say that again. I've attempted to take an official Chinese class, but due to lack of enrollment it was cancelled. Other than that I've done some language exchanges and private tutoring, none of it too extensively and none of it really all that helpful. I find that having proper instruction and being in the proper environment is required to really study Chinese. I'm not doing well on my own. I really haven't had any success with Chinese at all, not compared to the amount of time I've spent here. I can speak some but I'm not really, not really happy with it. 我沒有上過正式的... 正式的... 其實我想再說一次. 我之前要正式的上中文課, 可是報名的人不夠, 所以學校決定不開班. 我也做過語言交流, 也上過家教課, 可是全都不是很有效率. 我覺得在正式的環境上正式的中文課很重要. 我自學的效果不太好. 我在台灣這麼久了但在學習中文方面沒有成就感. 我會說幾句話, 可是我還不是很滿意.
7. Q: What countries have you visited? 你去過哪些國家?
A: I've been to a few continents, but as far as Asia goes: Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Indonesia. Taiwan is great for me, because here I can have a job and a sustainable lifestyle. But as far as travel goes, some of the other Asian destinations are much better for tourism, food, and warm friendly locals if you ask me. 我去過幾個洲, 以亞洲來說去過泰國, 越南, 菲律賓, 還有印尼. 台灣很適合我, 因為我有工作也可以持續在這裡的生活方式. 可是對旅遊來說, 我覺得亞洲其他幾個國家有比較好的旅遊服務和料理, 還有比較親切的當地人.
8. Q: What other parts of Taiwan have you lived in? And for how long? 除台東之外, 你還在台灣住過哪些地方? 住多久?
A: I haven't lived anywhere else in Taiwan. 我沒住過台灣其他的地方.
9. Q: What has been your greatest moment in Taiwan so far? 你在台灣最棒的時刻是?
A: Uh, my greatest moments... usually happen... from October to January. When the weather is the best. That is the best time to be in Taiwan. Uh, I like outdoor activities, so whenever you want to be outdoors that's the best time. 怎麼說... 我最好的時刻... 大部分... 從十月到一月. 天氣最好的時候. 那就是在台灣最好的時候. 我喜歡戶外活動, 所以那是在戶外最好的時候.
10. Q: Are Taiwanese parents overprotective? Why or why not? 台灣家長對孩子過度保護嗎? 為甚麼?
A: [laughing] Uh... Well, my opinion is only valid as an outsider. I don't live in a Taiwanese family and I've only experienced them through school or talking to people about their parents. Um, I think they are protective, and they're very involved... Overly protective? I think in many cases yes. Children don't really have a lot of freedom around here. And even children who are even in their high teens or young 20s.... I know people who have, like, curfew. They have curfew when they're nearly 30 years old, so... If that's normal here, then that's normal. But where I'm from that seems a bit overly protective. [在笑] 我的意見只是就外人看到的. 我沒有台灣的家人, 所以只有在學校認識, 或是跟台灣的朋友討論過他們自己的父母. 我想他們很關心孩子的安全, 也很關心孩子所有的事. 過度保護嗎? 有時候是這樣. 這邊的孩子沒有那麼自由. 快二十歲或是二十幾歲的人有宵禁. 甚至他們快到三十歲了仍有宵禁, 所以... 如果這是當地人的習慣就算了. 可是在我家鄉這種想法就是過度保護了.
I also scanned through the news for any interesting news items relevant to the township and municipalities below. There isn't a lot of Taitung-related news in the best of times, but I did my best to find relevant articles. 我也看了最近的新聞, 希望找到與這些城鎮相關的有趣的報導. 我盡力了, 只是台東的新聞不多.*
This will be the last entry in this blog for about a month. I start my winter vacation next week, and I'll be in Seattle and Taipei for some of that time. 這是這學期最後一篇文章. 我的寒假下禮拜開始, 我會在一個月之後繼續寫 . 我這個寒假會部分在西雅圖跟台北.
1. Da Ren Township 達仁鄉公所
Over 200 homes in Da Ren went without water, though the County Government has plans to improve water service. 最近達仁有236戶居民沒有自來水可用, 但是縣政府已有改善計畫.
People are working hard to complete a "South-Link Hospital" in Da Ren by 2020. Getting adequate medical attention in Tai Ma Li, Jin Feng, Da Wu, or Da Ren townships is a serious problem. 太麻里, 金峰, 大武, 達仁鄉的醫療的服務與救助很困難.但達仁鄉南迴醫院 "夢想近了" 將於2020年完成.
They're painting the walls in Tai Ban Village. There's a video here. 彩繪台坂部落牆面. 有短片在這裡.
People are working hard to complete a "South-Link Hospital" in Da Ren by 2020. Getting adequate medical attention in Tai Ma Li, Jin Feng, Da Wu, or Da Ren townships is a serious problem. 太麻里, 金峰, 大武, 達仁鄉的醫療的服務與救助很困難.但達仁鄉南迴醫院 "夢想近了" 將於2020年完成.
They're painting the walls in Tai Ban Village. There's a video here. 彩繪台坂部落牆面. 有短片在這裡.
2. Da Wu Township 大武鄉公所
A mailman rescued another man from a fire. The mailman was burned, but he's otherwise ok. 郵差衝火場救人. 還好郵差的傷勢不嚴重.
3. Jin Feng Township 金峰鄉公所
As part of the Taitung County Government's "How to Build a City Project," the public was invited to that township to learn about the local culture there. 台東縣政府在推展學習型城市計畫, 一日遊學帶領民眾進入金鋒鄉.**
4. Tai Ma Li Township 太麻里鄉公所
The construction on Highway 9 near Shiang Lan has created a very dangerous traffic situation. For this reason they will be closing that stretch of road from 11:30 pm to 6 am the following day. 因為香蘭台9線那一段在施工, 讓路況的危險性提高, 每天晚上11:30到隔天6點道路封閉.
The Bikini Run in Tai Ma Li was in the news. You can see it in the video at 1 minute, 21 seconds. 太麻里的比基尼路跑上新聞了. 直接到影片中的1分21秒就看得到.
Sigh. More cameras have been installed along Highway 9 south of Taitung City. They spend all that money to improve that road, and in the end they just make it slower. 南迴公路新裝設了3組測速照相. 縣政府花那麼多錢改善那條路, 卻用這方式讓它變慢了.
5. Orchid Island Township 蘭嶼鄉公所
There have been problems with boat service between Hou Bi Hu Port in Pingtung and Orchid Island. Many have complained that they weren't able to refund their tickets after boat service was suspended. 去年往返屏東縣後壁湖港與台東縣蘭嶼的 "興蘭海運公司" 停止經營, 造成1千多名旅客有船票退費的爭議.
Several dolphins and whales have become stranded on the shores of Orchid Island. 三鯨豚擱淺在蘭嶼岸邊.
Around Chinese New Year there will be six boats taking residents of Orchid Island back there for free. 春節期間蘭嶼鄉有6班免費的返鄉船.
6. Green Island Township 綠島鄉公所
Fight! Several people were fighting each other at a meeting of Green Island representatives. 打吧! 綠島鄉民代表會有人打架.
7. Taitung City 台東市公所
This is how little news there is in Taitung lately. A farmer in Taitung discovered that one of his banana trees, instead of having bananas the normal size, had a lot of much smaller bananas growing from it. Yes, that's the entire story. There's even a video! 最近台東的消息真是少. 台東有一位農民發現他樹上的香蕉好小. 這真的是一則新聞報導. 還有短片!
And this WASN'T in the news, but did you know they're building a new Starbuck's on Jung Hua Road, south of the McDonald's? 這件事不在新聞裡, 聽說在中華路上的麥當勞南邊蓋第二家星巴克, 並且快完成了.
The Taitung County Government has plans to build a solar power facility on the wetlands east of Jer Ben. A local environmental group opposes this plan. 縣政府要在知本濕地開發太陽能光電, 環保團體至縣府表達訴求.***
8. Beinan Township 卑南鄉公所
There are some bad feelings between aboriginal and Chinese residents over plans to develop aboriginal villages. 台東卑南鄉三個部落的開發案只需要原住民同意, 不用讓多數人民參與討論?
A Formosan black bear was spotted near Li Jia! Cool! 利嘉山區發現台灣黑熊! 真酷!
The municipal water company wants to use water from the Li Jia River to meet local water needs, but there are ecological concerns. 自來水公司要利用利嘉溪的水, 可是當地居民表示這會讓生態惡化.
9. Dong He Township 東河鄉公所
A new clinic opened up in Dulan. If you live in that area, you know that seeing a doctor is less than convenient. 去年東河鄉都蘭村開了一間新的診所. 在那附近看病非常不方便.
They've been catching viper sharks in Dong He. Man, those fish look EVIL. 東河鄉出現了毒蛇鯊魚. 那種魚看起來很恐怖.
10. Cheng Gong Municipality 成功鎮公所
An airplane crashed on the beach near "Stone Umbrella" in Cheng Gong Township. The two guys flying it were unhurt. 輕航機迫降成功鎮石雨傘海邊. 機上2人沒有受傷.
They built a big Dalmatian thing out of driftwood at Cheng Gong's "flower sea." 成功花海有用漂流木做的大麥町狗.
11. Chang Bin Township 長濱鄉公所
The Chang Bin Township Office will host a "community development meeting" on January 27. 長濱公所一月二十七日要舉辦 "社區發展業務聯繫會議."
A local association gave free haircuts to older residents in Chang Bin. 當地的基金會跟愛心團體往長濱部落給長輩免費剪髮.
The Taitung County Government is looking at maintaining Eight Immortals Cave as an archaeological site. 縣政府爭取前瞻計畫以維護八仙洞考古遺址.
12. Lu Ye Township 鹿野鄉公所
Yong Long Branch School in Lu Ye will become a "hot air balloon training school." 鹿野鄉的永隆分校將成為熱氣球訓練學校.
13. Yan Ping Township 延平鄉公所
Work on a housing development in Hong Ye was fast-tracked recently, in the hope that residents could move in by Chinese New Year. 紅葉部落的紅瓦屋正在趕工, 希望能在春節前入住.
There's a strange gas station in Yan Ping without gas pumps. Instead of pumping their own gas, residents purchase the gas in containers. 延平鄉加油站員工會先把汽油加入 "聽桶."
14. Guanshan Municipality 關山鎮公所
Want to go pick turnips? You can do this in Guanshan on January 27. Got to sign up though. 想採籮蔔嗎? 一月二十七日可以做, 可是要先報名.
The Guanshan Water Park will no longer be charging an entrance fee. 關山親水公園不收費.
15. Hai Duan Township 海端鄉公所
Many people in Hai Duan eat too much meat, so there's an increased occurrence of gout there. 海端很多居民超愛吃肉, 所以比較多人有痛風的問題.****
16. Chr Shang Township 池上鄉公所
There will be a concert at Chr Shang Junior High School on January 21. 一月二十一日池上國中要舉辦音樂會.
There are plans to build two "meeting centers" in Chr Shang. 以後池上要蓋兩間 "聚會所."
The Chr Shang Farmer's Association is promoting seasonal "food workshops." 池上鄉農會推出四季的體驗.
6. Looking Down from Up High 從頂樓往下看 (February 2018)
Got around quite a bit this Chinese New Year vacation. Guanshan, Seattle, Port Angeles, Taipei, and (of course) Taitung City. I'd love to say that it was all fun and games, but after a while air travel is just exhausting, and train rides lose their charm. 我今年寒假去很多地方: 關山, 西雅圖, 安吉利斯港, 台北. 當然也有台東市. 我想說這一次的旅遊很愉快, 可是很快地坐飛機成為一件很累的工作, 坐火車也沒那麼有趣了.
This was taken from the top floor of Mackay Hospital's new building. The Taiping River, with Taitung's "industrial area" on the other side. 這是在馬偕醫院的最高樓拍的. 前面是太平溪, 另外一邊則是台東的 "工業區."
The school to the left is Tung Hai Elementary, where I happen to work. That hill to the right is Li Yu Mountain, which lies in the center of Taitung City. 左邊那所學校是我上班的東海國小. 右邊小山坡是位於台東市中間的鯉魚山.
The Taiping River again, this time looking toward the Pacific. That white bridge is Jung Hua Road, the main route through town. 流入太平洋的太平溪. 白色的橋是台東市最重要的中華路.
For most of Chinese New Year we were staying at my wife's aunt's apartment in Sanchong District, New Taipei City. Most of Sanchong looks like this. There is nothing interesting in Sanchong. 過年的時候我們住在阿姨的公寓. 這個公寓在新北市三重區. 三重大部分都像上面的照片沒有甚麼景點.
This is from the roof of my wife's aunt's apartment building. You can see the Taipei 101 to the far right, and the Yuanshan Hotel in the middle. The Danshui River divides Sanchong from downtown Taipei on the left side, and the Jung Shan Freeway (#1) cuts across Sanchong to the right. 這是阿姨那棟大樓樓頂的風景. 最右邊有台北101. 圓山大飯店在中間. 台北市與三重區中間隔著淡水河. 照片右邊可以看到中山高速公路.
It's a very claustrophobic place, and while walking around Sanchong I often wondered where the sun went. 三重是個很擠的地方. 在這附近散步能感受到陽光的時間應該不長.
So many people, living so close together. So different from Taitung! 那麼多人擠在一起. 跟台東完全不一樣!
We spent the last two days of vacation back in Taitung City. This was taken from the roof of our apartment building. 寒假最後兩天我們在台東市. 這是在我們大樓頂樓拍的.
Looking southwest. Beinan Mountain is the nearer peak in the background. Not sure what the tallest mountain in the background is called. 往西南邊看. 比較近的山坡是卑南山. 我忘記後面那座最高的山的名字了.
And this is the view east, towards downtown Taitung. A hazy, warm day. Spring is here! 往台東市區的方向. 很溫暖的一天. 春天真是來了!
7. Social Studies 社會 4, First Semester 上, Unit 1 第一單元 (February 2018)
This was taken from the top floor of Mackay Hospital's new building. The Taiping River, with Taitung's "industrial area" on the other side. 這是在馬偕醫院的最高樓拍的. 前面是太平溪, 另外一邊則是台東的 "工業區."
The school to the left is Tung Hai Elementary, where I happen to work. That hill to the right is Li Yu Mountain, which lies in the center of Taitung City. 左邊那所學校是我上班的東海國小. 右邊小山坡是位於台東市中間的鯉魚山.
The Taiping River again, this time looking toward the Pacific. That white bridge is Jung Hua Road, the main route through town. 流入太平洋的太平溪. 白色的橋是台東市最重要的中華路.
For most of Chinese New Year we were staying at my wife's aunt's apartment in Sanchong District, New Taipei City. Most of Sanchong looks like this. There is nothing interesting in Sanchong. 過年的時候我們住在阿姨的公寓. 這個公寓在新北市三重區. 三重大部分都像上面的照片沒有甚麼景點.
This is from the roof of my wife's aunt's apartment building. You can see the Taipei 101 to the far right, and the Yuanshan Hotel in the middle. The Danshui River divides Sanchong from downtown Taipei on the left side, and the Jung Shan Freeway (#1) cuts across Sanchong to the right. 這是阿姨那棟大樓樓頂的風景. 最右邊有台北101. 圓山大飯店在中間. 台北市與三重區中間隔著淡水河. 照片右邊可以看到中山高速公路.
It's a very claustrophobic place, and while walking around Sanchong I often wondered where the sun went. 三重是個很擠的地方. 在這附近散步能感受到陽光的時間應該不長.
So many people, living so close together. So different from Taitung! 那麼多人擠在一起. 跟台東完全不一樣!
We spent the last two days of vacation back in Taitung City. This was taken from the roof of our apartment building. 寒假最後兩天我們在台東市. 這是在我們大樓頂樓拍的.
Looking southwest. Beinan Mountain is the nearer peak in the background. Not sure what the tallest mountain in the background is called. 往西南邊看. 比較近的山坡是卑南山. 我忘記後面那座最高的山的名字了.
And this is the view east, towards downtown Taitung. A hazy, warm day. Spring is here! 往台東市區的方向. 很溫暖的一天. 春天真是來了!
7. Social Studies 社會 4, First Semester 上, Unit 1 第一單元 (February 2018)
The Chinese text below was taken from the textbook published by Kang Shuan 康軒文教事業.
每一個人的家鄉環境各不相同, 人們依據環境的特性, 發展出各具特色的居住型態, 形成美麗的家鄉. Everyone's hometown environment is different. People adapt their ways of life to their environment, and [in the process] make their hometown beautiful.
家鄉, 是人們生活的地方, 家鄉的環境各有特色. 我們可以從地形, 氣候, 河川與水資源等方面, 觀察與認識家鄉的環境. A hometown is where people live. The environment of every hometown is different. From terrain, weather, rivers and water resources we can both observe and understand our hometown's environment.
家鄉的地形 Hometown Terrain
家鄉的地形各有不同, 有些人的家鄉在山地, 有些人的家鄉在丘陵, 有些則在平原, 盆地或台地. Every hometown's terrain is different. Some people live in the mountains, some people live in the hills, some people live on the plains, and some people live in valleys [basins] or terraces.
家鄉的氣候 Hometown Weather
不同的家鄉, 氣候也各不相同. 有些地方的四季炎熱, 如屏東, 臺東等地; 有些地方夏熱冬冷, 如台北, 宜蘭等地. 有些地方四季多雨, 如基隆, 宜蘭; 有些地方夏季多雨, 冬季少雨, 如高雄, 臺南. Different hometowns have different types of weather. In places like Pingtung and Taitung it's hot year round; in places like Taipei and Yilan it's hot in the summer and cold in the winter. In places like Keelung and Yilan it rains all year, while in places like Kaohsiung and Tainan it rains more in the summer and less in the winter.
氣溫, 雨量的變化, 會影響家鄉居民的生活. 夏季氣溫如果過高, 酷熱容易引發中署, 造成戶外工作的不便; 冬季寒流來襲時, 低溫容易造成農, 漁作物的損失. 如果雨量過多, 容易使低窪地區淹水, 或在山區引發土石流, 危及居民的生命與財產; 但如果雨量太少, 則容易發生缺水的現象. Changes in temperatures and rainfall affect people's lives. When temperatures soar in the summer people can get heat stroke, and working outside is not convenient. When it gets very cold in the winter, the low temperatures can trigger losses in agricultural and fishing industries. If there is too much rain, low lying areas will flood, and landslides will occur in the mountains. These in turn threaten people's lives and destroy property. If there isn't enough rain water, water shortages can result.
家鄉的河川與水資源 Hometown Rivers and Water Resources
大多數人的家鄉, 都有河川經過. 有些河川水量比較穩定, 如蘭陽溪; 有些則隨著乾溼季節而變化, 如濁水溪. Rivers [and streams] pass through [or by] most people's hometowns. The amount of water in some rivers is fairly constant, as is [the case with] the Lan Yang River [in Yilan County]. Other rivers, however, change with the seasons, as is [the case with] the Juo Shui River [between Chang Hua and Yunlin Counties].
河水大多流入海洋, 有些則滲入地下成為地下水. 河水和地下水都是家鄉重要的水資源, 可以被用來灌溉農田, 養殖水產; 有些河川則在上有興建水庫蓄水, 除了供應發電外, 也提供農業, 工業和民生用水. Most rivers flow into the ocean, though some flow under the ground and become underground water [aquifers]. River water and aquifers are an important hometown water resource, which can be used to irrigate fields and replenish fish ponds. Some river water is stored in reservoirs behind dams, and aside from providing electricity is also of use to agriculture, industry, and the average person.
生活場所的選擇 Choosing a Place to Live
每一個人的家鄉環境個不同, 過去先民大多選擇地形平坦, 氣候良好, 取水方便, 開墾容易的地方作為生活場所, 建立家園. Everyone's hometown environment is different. Most of our ancestors chose places where the terrain was flat, where the weather was good, where water was accessible, and where farming was easier, to settle and make their homes.
到了現代, 人們選擇生活場所的因素更加多元, 除了自然環境之外, 還包括就業機會, 交通條件, 公共建設, 醫療及教育等因素. In modern times people have even more reasons to settle in different places. Aside from natural settings, they look for job opportunities, transportation options, public facilities, medical facilities, and educational opportunities.
由於各地環境不同, 人口分布和居住型態也不一樣, 發展的產業也會有所差異. Aside from differences in environment, the number of people [in a place] and their way of life can also differ. The local products [each place offers] also have their own unique characteristics.
平原地區的居住型態 Lifestyles on the Plains
平原地區地形平坦, 農業生產條件較佳, 人口數量較多. 在取水方便, 可以耕種水稻的地區, 由於農民需要大量的時間和勞力照顧作物, 大多分散居住在自己的田地四周. Land on the plains is flat, farming conditions are better, and population is higher. Getting water is easier, and rice can be cultivated. Farmers need a lot of time and manpower to grow their crops, and most live in the midst of their fields.
有些田地引水較困難, 只能發展甘薯, 甘蔗等早作農業, 由於照顧作物所需要的時間和勞力較少, 同時為了方便取水和互相照顧, 居民一般多集中居住在一起. In some places water is harder to get, and farmers can only grow sweet potatoes, sugar cane, or other types of fast-growing crops that require less time and manpower. In order to more easily acquire water and to farm cooperatively, most residents in these areas live close together.
丘陵, 山地地區的居住型態 Lifestyles on the Hills and Mountains
在丘陵, 山地地區, 人口數量較少, 居民多以種植茶, 水果等作物維生. 由於地勢崎嶇, 平地狹窄, 居民大多集中居住在有水源的地方. Fewer people live on the hills or in the mountains, and most residents grow tea or fruit for their livelihood. On the rugged terrain flat places are narrower, and people tend to live near sources of water.
海岸地區的居住型態 Lifestyles Near the Ocean
在海岸地區, 由於鄰近海邊, 居民大多從事捕魚, 養殖等活動. 這些活動都需要互助合作, 因此居民大多聚集居住在一起. Most people living near the ocean catch fish or engage in aquaculture. These activities require a lot of cooperation, and for this reason people living in these areas live close together.
都市地區的居住型態 Lifestyles in the City
各種地形區內, 交通方便的地點, 常會形成都市. 都市不僅是各種產品加工, 製造, 以及商品買賣的主要場所, 都市內的學校, 醫院, 銀行, 郵局, 戲院和各種行政機關, 也為都市內和附近鄉村的居民提供服務. On every type of terrain, cities appear where traffic is convenient. Cities aren't just places where goods are refined, manufactured, bought and sold. They also have schools, hospitals, banks, post offices, theaters, and every kind of administrative office. These things provide more services to those living in the city or surrounding villages.
安全防災遠離災害 Disaster Prevention and Avoidance
臺灣地形豐富而多樣化, 早期居民選擇住地時, 會考量當地自然環境, 選擇比較安全的地方, 作為居住的場所. 例如: 住山地的泰雅族, 大多選擇在陽光充足的平暖坡地, 建立聚落; 移民來臺的漢人, 有的居住在地勢平坦的平原, 有的居住在可以避風的港灣處. Taiwan's terrain is both rich and diverse. When the first settlers arrived in Taiwan, they took the natural environment into consideration when selecting a safe place to call home. For example the Atayal Tribe, which lives in the mountains, usually picked a sunny slope to settle on. The Chinese who arrived in Taiwan settled on flat land on the plains, or else in a harbor sheltered from the wind.
隨著經濟發展, 人口增加, 許多陡峭的山坡地, 地勢低窪的河川地等, 也被開發成居住地, 這種與天爭地的行為, 可能導致環境問題. 尤其臺灣常受到地震, 颱風, 水災等自然災害影響, 例如: 九二一地震, 莫拉克颱風對臺灣造成重大的災情, 讓人印象深刻. 因此, 確實做好防災教育與防災防災準備, 是非常重要的事情. As the economy developed, population increased, and many steep mountain valleys prone to flooding have been settled. This "less natural" type of settlement can cause many environmental problems. This is especially true with respect to the earthquakes, typhoons, and floods which tend to occur often in Taiwan. For example the 9-21 Earthquake or Typhoon Morakot were two of Taiwan's biggest natural disasters, and both affected people deeply. For this reason, making proper preparations and educating people about natural disasters is extremely important.**
政府明訂每年的9月21日為 "國家防災日", 當天各級學校師生都會進行地震, 海嘯, 消防等演習, 藉由舉辦防災演習, 加強大家的防災意識. 我們平常就要定期演練, 熟悉各項避難逃生的方法, 已被不時之需. 這樣, 當災害來臨時, 才可以將損失減到最低. The government has designated September 21 of every year as "National Disaster Prevention Day." On this day students and teachers in every school take part in earthquake, flood, and fire drills. These disaster prevention drills make everyone more aware of how to prevent such disasters. We all have a set time for these drills, and we practice every type of evacuation technique before the use of these techniques becomes necessary. In this way we can minimize losses when disaster looms.
想一想 Think About It
1. 在陡峭的山坡地, 容易淹水的河川地興建住宅, 可能帶來哪些環境問題? In steep mountain areas, what dangers does the environment pose for houses built near flood-prone rivers?
2. 學校舉辦防災活動時, 我們要注意甚麼事情? When the school holds a disaster prevention activity, what things should we be aware of?
8. Driving Around Tainan and Pingtung 在台南, 屏東 (March 2018)
一 Unit One: 美麗的家鄉 Beautiful Hometown
每一個人的家鄉環境各不相同, 人們依據環境的特性, 發展出各具特色的居住型態, 形成美麗的家鄉. Everyone's hometown environment is different. People adapt their ways of life to their environment, and [in the process] make their hometown beautiful.
第一課 Lesson One: 家鄉的環境 Hometown Environment
家鄉, 是人們生活的地方, 家鄉的環境各有特色. 我們可以從地形, 氣候, 河川與水資源等方面, 觀察與認識家鄉的環境. A hometown is where people live. The environment of every hometown is different. From terrain, weather, rivers and water resources we can both observe and understand our hometown's environment.
家鄉的地形 Hometown Terrain
家鄉的地形各有不同, 有些人的家鄉在山地, 有些人的家鄉在丘陵, 有些則在平原, 盆地或台地. Every hometown's terrain is different. Some people live in the mountains, some people live in the hills, some people live on the plains, and some people live in valleys [basins] or terraces.
家鄉的氣候 Hometown Weather
不同的家鄉, 氣候也各不相同. 有些地方的四季炎熱, 如屏東, 臺東等地; 有些地方夏熱冬冷, 如台北, 宜蘭等地. 有些地方四季多雨, 如基隆, 宜蘭; 有些地方夏季多雨, 冬季少雨, 如高雄, 臺南. Different hometowns have different types of weather. In places like Pingtung and Taitung it's hot year round; in places like Taipei and Yilan it's hot in the summer and cold in the winter. In places like Keelung and Yilan it rains all year, while in places like Kaohsiung and Tainan it rains more in the summer and less in the winter.
氣溫, 雨量的變化, 會影響家鄉居民的生活. 夏季氣溫如果過高, 酷熱容易引發中署, 造成戶外工作的不便; 冬季寒流來襲時, 低溫容易造成農, 漁作物的損失. 如果雨量過多, 容易使低窪地區淹水, 或在山區引發土石流, 危及居民的生命與財產; 但如果雨量太少, 則容易發生缺水的現象. Changes in temperatures and rainfall affect people's lives. When temperatures soar in the summer people can get heat stroke, and working outside is not convenient. When it gets very cold in the winter, the low temperatures can trigger losses in agricultural and fishing industries. If there is too much rain, low lying areas will flood, and landslides will occur in the mountains. These in turn threaten people's lives and destroy property. If there isn't enough rain water, water shortages can result.
家鄉的河川與水資源 Hometown Rivers and Water Resources
大多數人的家鄉, 都有河川經過. 有些河川水量比較穩定, 如蘭陽溪; 有些則隨著乾溼季節而變化, 如濁水溪. Rivers [and streams] pass through [or by] most people's hometowns. The amount of water in some rivers is fairly constant, as is [the case with] the Lan Yang River [in Yilan County]. Other rivers, however, change with the seasons, as is [the case with] the Juo Shui River [between Chang Hua and Yunlin Counties].
河水大多流入海洋, 有些則滲入地下成為地下水. 河水和地下水都是家鄉重要的水資源, 可以被用來灌溉農田, 養殖水產; 有些河川則在上有興建水庫蓄水, 除了供應發電外, 也提供農業, 工業和民生用水. Most rivers flow into the ocean, though some flow under the ground and become underground water [aquifers]. River water and aquifers are an important hometown water resource, which can be used to irrigate fields and replenish fish ponds. Some river water is stored in reservoirs behind dams, and aside from providing electricity is also of use to agriculture, industry, and the average person.
生活場所的選擇 Choosing a Place to Live
每一個人的家鄉環境個不同, 過去先民大多選擇地形平坦, 氣候良好, 取水方便, 開墾容易的地方作為生活場所, 建立家園. Everyone's hometown environment is different. Most of our ancestors chose places where the terrain was flat, where the weather was good, where water was accessible, and where farming was easier, to settle and make their homes.
到了現代, 人們選擇生活場所的因素更加多元, 除了自然環境之外, 還包括就業機會, 交通條件, 公共建設, 醫療及教育等因素. In modern times people have even more reasons to settle in different places. Aside from natural settings, they look for job opportunities, transportation options, public facilities, medical facilities, and educational opportunities.
第二課 Lesson Two: 居住的型態 Ways of Life
由於各地環境不同, 人口分布和居住型態也不一樣, 發展的產業也會有所差異. Aside from differences in environment, the number of people [in a place] and their way of life can also differ. The local products [each place offers] also have their own unique characteristics.
平原地區的居住型態 Lifestyles on the Plains
平原地區地形平坦, 農業生產條件較佳, 人口數量較多. 在取水方便, 可以耕種水稻的地區, 由於農民需要大量的時間和勞力照顧作物, 大多分散居住在自己的田地四周. Land on the plains is flat, farming conditions are better, and population is higher. Getting water is easier, and rice can be cultivated. Farmers need a lot of time and manpower to grow their crops, and most live in the midst of their fields.
有些田地引水較困難, 只能發展甘薯, 甘蔗等早作農業, 由於照顧作物所需要的時間和勞力較少, 同時為了方便取水和互相照顧, 居民一般多集中居住在一起. In some places water is harder to get, and farmers can only grow sweet potatoes, sugar cane, or other types of fast-growing crops that require less time and manpower. In order to more easily acquire water and to farm cooperatively, most residents in these areas live close together.
丘陵, 山地地區的居住型態 Lifestyles on the Hills and Mountains
在丘陵, 山地地區, 人口數量較少, 居民多以種植茶, 水果等作物維生. 由於地勢崎嶇, 平地狹窄, 居民大多集中居住在有水源的地方. Fewer people live on the hills or in the mountains, and most residents grow tea or fruit for their livelihood. On the rugged terrain flat places are narrower, and people tend to live near sources of water.
海岸地區的居住型態 Lifestyles Near the Ocean
在海岸地區, 由於鄰近海邊, 居民大多從事捕魚, 養殖等活動. 這些活動都需要互助合作, 因此居民大多聚集居住在一起. Most people living near the ocean catch fish or engage in aquaculture. These activities require a lot of cooperation, and for this reason people living in these areas live close together.
都市地區的居住型態 Lifestyles in the City
各種地形區內, 交通方便的地點, 常會形成都市. 都市不僅是各種產品加工, 製造, 以及商品買賣的主要場所, 都市內的學校, 醫院, 銀行, 郵局, 戲院和各種行政機關, 也為都市內和附近鄉村的居民提供服務. On every type of terrain, cities appear where traffic is convenient. Cities aren't just places where goods are refined, manufactured, bought and sold. They also have schools, hospitals, banks, post offices, theaters, and every kind of administrative office. These things provide more services to those living in the city or surrounding villages.
小小公民 Tiny Citizens [Follow Me]*
安全防災遠離災害 Disaster Prevention and Avoidance
臺灣地形豐富而多樣化, 早期居民選擇住地時, 會考量當地自然環境, 選擇比較安全的地方, 作為居住的場所. 例如: 住山地的泰雅族, 大多選擇在陽光充足的平暖坡地, 建立聚落; 移民來臺的漢人, 有的居住在地勢平坦的平原, 有的居住在可以避風的港灣處. Taiwan's terrain is both rich and diverse. When the first settlers arrived in Taiwan, they took the natural environment into consideration when selecting a safe place to call home. For example the Atayal Tribe, which lives in the mountains, usually picked a sunny slope to settle on. The Chinese who arrived in Taiwan settled on flat land on the plains, or else in a harbor sheltered from the wind.
隨著經濟發展, 人口增加, 許多陡峭的山坡地, 地勢低窪的河川地等, 也被開發成居住地, 這種與天爭地的行為, 可能導致環境問題. 尤其臺灣常受到地震, 颱風, 水災等自然災害影響, 例如: 九二一地震, 莫拉克颱風對臺灣造成重大的災情, 讓人印象深刻. 因此, 確實做好防災教育與防災防災準備, 是非常重要的事情. As the economy developed, population increased, and many steep mountain valleys prone to flooding have been settled. This "less natural" type of settlement can cause many environmental problems. This is especially true with respect to the earthquakes, typhoons, and floods which tend to occur often in Taiwan. For example the 9-21 Earthquake or Typhoon Morakot were two of Taiwan's biggest natural disasters, and both affected people deeply. For this reason, making proper preparations and educating people about natural disasters is extremely important.**
政府明訂每年的9月21日為 "國家防災日", 當天各級學校師生都會進行地震, 海嘯, 消防等演習, 藉由舉辦防災演習, 加強大家的防災意識. 我們平常就要定期演練, 熟悉各項避難逃生的方法, 已被不時之需. 這樣, 當災害來臨時, 才可以將損失減到最低. The government has designated September 21 of every year as "National Disaster Prevention Day." On this day students and teachers in every school take part in earthquake, flood, and fire drills. These disaster prevention drills make everyone more aware of how to prevent such disasters. We all have a set time for these drills, and we practice every type of evacuation technique before the use of these techniques becomes necessary. In this way we can minimize losses when disaster looms.
想一想 Think About It
1. 在陡峭的山坡地, 容易淹水的河川地興建住宅, 可能帶來哪些環境問題? In steep mountain areas, what dangers does the environment pose for houses built near flood-prone rivers?
2. 學校舉辦防災活動時, 我們要注意甚麼事情? When the school holds a disaster prevention activity, what things should we be aware of?
8. Driving Around Tainan and Pingtung 在台南, 屏東 (March 2018)
Went to Tainan for a half marathon last weekend. While going to and from we stopped at a few interesting places, and below are some of the pictures I took. 我上週末去台南參加辦馬拉松. 我們順便去了幾個景點. 下列的照片是我那時候拍的.
This is the Rice Wine (Liquor) Museum in Neipu. It's just down the road from the Hakka Cultural Park. It's big, it's empty, and it's not worth going to. The "Tobacco Museum" part was closed when we were there, and the only thing open was the store. 這是內埔的米酒廠. 它很靠近那邊的客家文化園區. 其實這酒廠沒什麼好玩的. 我們在那裡的時候 "菸博物館" 沒開, 只有酒廠裡的商店可以去.
A great place to go if you like big empty buildings though. This place was all but deserted. 如果你喜歡空大的建築可以來這裡玩. 大片的土地只有幾個人而已.
The Lungchuan (Tsingtao) Brewery is only fifteen minutes away from the Rice Wine Museum. It won't blow your mind, but it's much more interesting. 從米酒廠到龍泉啤酒廠開車只要15分鐘. 不是很有趣可是比米酒廠好多了.
There are exhibits on the second floor of this place. Half of the exhibits are weird replicas of the Terracotta Army found in Xian, China, and the other half represent the history of Tsingtao Beer. 二樓的展覽有一半是介紹中國西岸的古蹟, 另外一半才是介紹龍泉酒廠啤酒的歷史.
The first floor is a gift shop. By far my favorite part of the Lungchuan Brewery was the draft beer. I still think Taiwan Beer is way better, but any cold beer on a hot day is always welcome. 一樓販賣紀念品, 我最喜歡的部分當然是生啤酒. 但我還是覺得台灣啤酒比較好喝, 可是天氣熱的時候所有的冰啤酒都好喝.
The outside of the brewery. This place is huge. 啤酒廠的外觀. 真的很大.
After our detour into Neipu we drove to Tainan. This is near the Yongle Market. You can't see her, but there's an crazy lady shouting at her imaginary friends on the corner. 內埔之後我們來到台南. 這是永樂市場附近. 照片上你應該看不到她, 可是有個奇怪的阿姨在街頭上罵她 "不存在的朋友."
We also went to the Anping Old Street, which we've visited many, many times. There's a lot of stuff to buy and eat there. 我們也去了安平老街. 我們已經來過很多次了. 那邊有很多好吃好買的東西.
Anping Old Street is very close to the Yun He, or "Shipping Canal." In older times this was a major route for goods coming in or going out of Tainan. 安平老街靠近運河. 古時候運河是台南重要的貨運方式.
On the way back we visited Pingtung City. Why? Because we'd never been to Pingtung City! As it turns out, there's not a whole lot to do there. Even the market was closed. 從台南回來的路上順便參觀一下屏東市. 為什麼呢? 因為我們都沒有去過! 我們後來發現屏東市很無聊. 連菜市場都沒開.
We did find a good restaurant though. This was taken at Shanshi Sliced Noodles 山西刀削麵, not far from the local Sogo. 還好我們最後找到一家可口的餐廳. 這個照片是在山西刀削麵拍的. 它靠近那裡的太平洋百貨.
9. Taitung in the Year 2030 (2030年的台東) (March 2018)
This is the Rice Wine (Liquor) Museum in Neipu. It's just down the road from the Hakka Cultural Park. It's big, it's empty, and it's not worth going to. The "Tobacco Museum" part was closed when we were there, and the only thing open was the store. 這是內埔的米酒廠. 它很靠近那邊的客家文化園區. 其實這酒廠沒什麼好玩的. 我們在那裡的時候 "菸博物館" 沒開, 只有酒廠裡的商店可以去.
A great place to go if you like big empty buildings though. This place was all but deserted. 如果你喜歡空大的建築可以來這裡玩. 大片的土地只有幾個人而已.
The Lungchuan (Tsingtao) Brewery is only fifteen minutes away from the Rice Wine Museum. It won't blow your mind, but it's much more interesting. 從米酒廠到龍泉啤酒廠開車只要15分鐘. 不是很有趣可是比米酒廠好多了.
There are exhibits on the second floor of this place. Half of the exhibits are weird replicas of the Terracotta Army found in Xian, China, and the other half represent the history of Tsingtao Beer. 二樓的展覽有一半是介紹中國西岸的古蹟, 另外一半才是介紹龍泉酒廠啤酒的歷史.
The first floor is a gift shop. By far my favorite part of the Lungchuan Brewery was the draft beer. I still think Taiwan Beer is way better, but any cold beer on a hot day is always welcome. 一樓販賣紀念品, 我最喜歡的部分當然是生啤酒. 但我還是覺得台灣啤酒比較好喝, 可是天氣熱的時候所有的冰啤酒都好喝.
The outside of the brewery. This place is huge. 啤酒廠的外觀. 真的很大.
After our detour into Neipu we drove to Tainan. This is near the Yongle Market. You can't see her, but there's an crazy lady shouting at her imaginary friends on the corner. 內埔之後我們來到台南. 這是永樂市場附近. 照片上你應該看不到她, 可是有個奇怪的阿姨在街頭上罵她 "不存在的朋友."
We also went to the Anping Old Street, which we've visited many, many times. There's a lot of stuff to buy and eat there. 我們也去了安平老街. 我們已經來過很多次了. 那邊有很多好吃好買的東西.
Anping Old Street is very close to the Yun He, or "Shipping Canal." In older times this was a major route for goods coming in or going out of Tainan. 安平老街靠近運河. 古時候運河是台南重要的貨運方式.
On the way back we visited Pingtung City. Why? Because we'd never been to Pingtung City! As it turns out, there's not a whole lot to do there. Even the market was closed. 從台南回來的路上順便參觀一下屏東市. 為什麼呢? 因為我們都沒有去過! 我們後來發現屏東市很無聊. 連菜市場都沒開.
We did find a good restaurant though. This was taken at Shanshi Sliced Noodles 山西刀削麵, not far from the local Sogo. 還好我們最後找到一家可口的餐廳. 這個照片是在山西刀削麵拍的. 它靠近那裡的太平洋百貨.
9. Taitung in the Year 2030 (2030年的台東) (March 2018)
When you look into the future of this county, what do you see? Do you see any future at all? Or are you just worried about paying your rent this month, finding a job, or passing a test? 當你思考著台東縣的未來時有甚麼看法? 你想過這個問題嗎? 還是只是煩惱著這個月的房租, 找工作, 或是準備考試?
I think it's safe to say that the future of Taitung - at least in the long term - is not something that most people think about very often. If most people do think about it, they probably imagine a future very much like the present, in which we all continue to work and play in similar ways. 我想大部分的居民不會常思考著台東縣的未來發展. 如果是的話, 對於未來的想像大概是覺得會跟現在差不多工作和休閒.
Maybe in that more commonly imagined future, there's a new highway linking Taitung to the other side of the island. Maybe there's a new fishing port, shuttling tourists back and forth to Green and Orchid Islands. Maybe there are a few more hotels, and a few more hostels. But in such visions of the future Taitung remains largely the same, albeit with a few more cars, a few more businesses, and a few more people. 在那個想像的未來裡可能有新的公路連接台東與台灣西部. 也有可能有新的漁港讓台東到蘭嶼和綠島的旅遊比較方便. 也可能有更多的飯店和民宿. 可是這種未來跟現在的狀況很接近, 只是多了更多的車子, 商店, 還有人.
In the year 2030 - assuming I'm still alive and still living here - I'll have lived in Taitung for 24 years. By that point I'll be 55 years old, and probably still considered a pain in the ass by most people who know me. Hopefully at that time I'll still be relatively healthy and happy, even though I take nothing for granted. 如果我2030年的時候還 "存在" 也" 住在" 台東的話, 那我就會在台東二十四年了. 那時候我會是五十五歲, 認識我的人大概還是會覺得我很煩. 希望我那時候能夠健康快樂, 只是人生無常.
I just wonder what kind of Taitung I'll be living in 12 years from now. Will it be, as many suggest, a place virtually identical to its present form? Or will I be attending communist party meetings? Will it be dirtier? Will it be cleaner? Will it still be a place that makes me happy? Or will it be a place that makes me remember how much better things were, 12 years previous? 我只是在想十二年後的台東會是什麼樣子. 跟現在差不多嗎? 還是我那時候要參加共產黨的會議? 會比較髒亂嗎? 會比較乾淨嗎? 它會不會是繼續讓我感到快樂的地方? 還是會讓我認為十二年前的台東比較好?
Such questions are perhaps more pertinent with local elections coming up. County Magistrate Justin Huang is now in his last year of office, and not eligible for reelection. Will the people of Taitung elect a more traditional, backward-looking candidate in his place? Or will they double down on promises of increased tourism, "smart cities," and making Taitung more "international?" Speaking only for myself, I could see the value of either kind of candidate, and I doubt it will make much difference whether the next County Magistrate is a member of the KMT or DPP. 這種問題比較好在選舉快到的時候提出來 . 今年是縣長黃健庭任期的最後一年了, 以後台東縣民要選比較傳統保守的縣長嗎? 還是再選重視旅遊強調智慧城市和"國際台東" 的縣長? 我自己的看法是覺得下一位縣長是屬於國民黨還是民進黨並沒有差.
Politics aside, one wonders how the people of Taitung will deal with certain issues in the coming years. The environment comes immediately to mind, as does its sometimes "evil twin," the economy. What, for example, are the people of Taitung going to do about the garbage problem? I'm not only talking about the never-ending discussion of whether to turn the garbage incinerator on or off, but also about the (plastic) litter that lines every road, river, and beach in the county. I'd love it if the Taitung County Government mounted a sustained effort to tackle garbage, not only because I find litter unsightly and the problem shamefully ignored, but also because this issue affects both people's health and how outsiders (tourists) perceive this part of Taiwan. Hopefully we can start constructing a legal framework for addressing this problem, and also an educational initiative that includes the "how" and "why" of disposing of garbage properly. 撇開政治, 我好奇台東居民未來如何解決台東事務. 例如環保的問題, 還有與環保常對立的經濟問題. 台東居民怎麼解決垃圾的問題? 我講的不只是是否啟用焚化爐, 還有每條馬路, 河川, 海岸邊的 (塑膠) 垃圾. 我希望縣府認真地面對垃圾的問題. 這不只是因為我覺得很難看, 或是地方政府沒有處理好很丟臉, 也是因為這會影響居民的健康跟外縣市 (觀光客) 對台東的看法. 希望這方面的法律規定可以更嚴格與執行, 也希望未來的教育重視垃圾處理的作法跟理由.
Related to garbage, there's the issue of how land in the county is developed. If you travel up the coast to Shan Yuan, you'll see a large swath of hillside that's been deforested by developers there. I've heard that this is part of another hotel development, also led by the people who built the "Beautiful Bay" resort across the highway. Maybe this development is entirely legal, but we still have to ask ourselves if we want similarly large developments sprouting up along the coast. Once one such place is built (and opened), others are sure to follow. 跟垃圾有關的還有土地發展的計畫. 如果去杉原的話, 你會看到一座沒有樹的丘陵. 我聽說美麗灣的公司又在那裏蓋大飯店. 可能這個地方是合法的, 可是我們還要問 - 我們希望東海岸充斥著這種大飯店嗎? 一旦有一棟蓋完營業, 一定還會有其他業者跟進.
There's also the question of rules and regulations. How are people to be prohibited (or allowed) from interacting with natural places? Should a fee always be charged for such interactions? Should everything be fenced off? Is it reasonable to ask people to pay to view coral? Is it reasonable to charge a fee for swimming in the Flowing Lake? Is it even legal to charge such fees, when the people "managing" such areas don't even take proper care of them? And what about fishing? Surfing? Temple festivals? Road building? Farm runoff? Animal control? Night markets and their associated waste? 也有法律跟其他規定的問題. 怎麼保護 (還是讓開) 自然環境? 人民去那種地方要付費嗎? 一定要用圍牆隔起來嗎? 人們需要買票看珊瑚嗎? 在活水湖游泳要付錢嗎? 管理的人沒有管理好卻收民眾的錢是不是合法的? 釣魚呢? 衝浪? 廟會? 蓋馬路? 農場逕流? 動物控制? 和夜市造成的垃圾?
Of course I know that certain government organizations, private associations, and individuals are working towards solutions to some of these problems, but if we're really going to address them we need to see a more concerted effort, with adequate funding and other resources directed at the problems. We also need strategies that aren't going to change with the next big election. 我當然知道有的政府機關, 地區協會, 還有居民個人努力想辦法解決有的問題. 我只是覺得每一個單位和個人還要更努力, 也需要更多的資源. 我們更需要能夠有一套能夠永續的解決方法來避免每次選舉所造成的政策的改變.
On the economic side, there's also the question of jobs. Will jobs in Taitung ever offer better wages? Will so many local people still need to "leave home" to find work that offers a livable wage? The County Government is GREAT about promoting local agricultural products, but affording an apartment in the city is still not easy for most people, and neither is surviving the kind of debt that local fishermen accrue in the course of their jobs. 經濟方面還有工作的問題. 台東的工作薪水會調高嗎? 還會有那麼多人須要離開家鄉找工作嗎? 縣政府很努力推廣當地的農特產, 可是對於很多縣民來說, 要在台東市負擔一間公寓還是一件很困難的事. 當地的漁民也有經濟上的壓力.
It would be awesome if, by 2030, we had some answers to all or most of these problems. Maybe by that point they won't even be considered problems, but rather facets of local history. Maybe the roads, rivers, and beaches will be free of plastic bottles and drink cups. Maybe the gutters won't be littered with plastic bags. Maybe the coast will remain as green and welcoming as it is now, and we'll have found a balance between preserving our environment and making money. I'd certainly like to think so, but then again 2030 isn't all that far away. 到了2030年的時候, 如果能把上面的問題解決了當然是一件很好的事. 可能到那時候這些問題已經不是問題, 而只是幾件當地的發展過程的歷史事物而已. 有可能那個時候馬路, 河川, 海岸看不到塑膠瓶跟飲料杯. 也可能水溝裡沒有那麼多塑膠袋. 也可能東海岸跟現在一樣綠, 也找到了環保跟賺錢之間的平衡. 我想這麼認為, 只是我們離那一年也沒多少時間了.
...because you know what happens if we don't start dealing with these problems sooner, rather than later? We become more and more like Pingtung County, which although nice in parts is dealing with much more serious problems with regard to both population and pollution. Perhaps by that point we'll only have a small strip of beach left to enjoy, while the remainder of the county writhes in the "progress" represented by traffic, garbage, and urban blight. 如果沒早點解決的話, 你知道會發生甚麼事情嗎? 我們台東就越來越像屏東縣. 屏東有的地方還是滿自然的, 可是他們人口跟污染的問題比較嚴重. 有可能到那時候台東只有小小的沙灘可以欣賞, 其他地方只剩賽車, 垃圾, 跟其他大城市的 "進步."
I certainly hope that won't be the version of 2030 that greets me on my 55th birthday. I'd rather that 2030 was a better version of 2018, or, failing that, something more closely resembling the present. 希望我五十五歲, 2030年的時候, 像屏東的台東不會成真. 我希望2030年的台東會更好. 或是維持在接近現在的狀態.
10. Hello, Taitung Person 台東人你好 1 (March 2018)
In the Hello, Taitung Person entries I'll be interviewing local residents. They decide what kind of biographical information to include. Some people are more private individuals, and I respect that. Others are happy to make their presence known, and I respect that too. 在 "台東人你好" 這些文章中我會介紹當地的居民. 這些資訊是他們同意分享的. 有的人比較重視隱私, 有的人則開心地讓他人更認識自己. 我尊重這二者不同的做法.
All numbered questions were chosen randomly from a list of 50 questions. 下列編號的問題是隨機由五十個問題中選出來的.
The thoughts and opinions expressed below belong to the person offering them, and may not be shared by the person writing this blog. 下列是被訪問者的想法與意見, 與寫這個blog的我不一定一樣.
First Name 名字: (It's a secret! 這是秘密!)
Last Name 姓: (It's a secret! 這是秘密!)
Chinese Name 中文名字: (It's a secret! 這是秘密!)
Employment 工作地點: English Teacher 英語老師
Country of Origin 國家: (It's a secret! 這是秘密!)
Age 年齡: (It's a secret! 這是秘密!)
Length of Residence in Taiwan 居住在台灣的時間: (It's a secret! 這是秘密!)
Place of Residence in Taitung 住在台東地區: Taitung 台東 (?)
Favorite Color 最喜歡的顏色: (It's a secret! 這是秘密!)
1. Q: Have you ever encountered racism in Taiwan? When and where? 你在台灣有沒有碰過種族議題? 在哪裡? 甚麼時候?
A: Yes I have. There's just stereotypes that go back and forth between people of different backgrounds. There's stereotypes against foreigners. There's stereotypes against locals. Just walking into a restaurant when instead of them speaking to you they just give you an English menu. It's just like yep, you're being judged right away. Also, people just look at you differently. Toddlers huddle closer to their parents, saying, "Mamma ni kan, wai guo ren!" People on the street either stare "googley-faced" or purposely avoid eye contact. And it's not necessarily bad sometimes - it's not necessarily malicious, though I have seen bad stuff from both sides on social media, but I think race plays a factor. For sure. 有. 不同背景的人會以不同的眼光看待他人. 當地人眼中的外國人形象, 一走進去餐廳, 老闆不跟我講話就直接給我英文菜單. 他們不認識你就決定你該是什麼樣子. 也有人用不同的眼光看我. 年紀小的孩子會靠近爸爸媽媽說: "媽媽妳看! 外國人!" 街頭上的人會怪怪的看我, 或是不敢直視我的眼睛. 固定的印象不一定是不好的 - 對方不一定討厭你, 可是我在社交媒體上看過很恐怖的狀況發生. 我覺得種族的既定印象是存在的.
2. Q: What do you think about Taiwanese pop music? 你對台灣的流行音樂有甚麼意見?
A: Uh, I don't listen to it very much. And... a couple songs that I've heard are kind of catchy. But... most of what I hear is just pretty sappy and poppy and I've noticed that actually.... if I actually listen to the average radio in the average place of gathering plays almost as much foreign music as it does local pop music. 我不常聽中文流行歌曲. 我有聽過一, 二首好聽的歌. 可是我聽過的大部分的歌很矯情也很無聊. 我也注意到在大多數的地方他們播的音樂有一半是西洋的.
3. Q: Does Taiwan's history interest you? Why or why not? 你對台灣的歷史有興趣嗎? 為甚麼?
A: Yeah I think it's very interesting. It's very interesting because I mean any... I mean I'm a history guy, I studied that at university. It's always interesting to learn about how a place has developed and where it came from. I think one thing about Taiwanese history is that it's actually quite complex, quite vast, and lots of disagreements among people who study it, or who know a lot about it. But yeah, it's interesting. Sure. 我對台灣歷史很有興趣. 那是因為... 我的意思是說我在大學念過歷史. 我喜歡了解一個地方的起源跟發展方式. 我覺得台灣的歷史其實很複雜也很廣, 學過的人仍有很多的爭論. 它很有趣沒錯.
4. Q: Are there any leisure activities you would love to do but find too difficult here? 在你喜歡的休閒活動中, 有沒有是在台灣比較不方便的?
A: [laughing] Um... I think there's lots of leisurely activities to do here, and none of them are really... difficult? However, traveling around the island can be difficult sometimes, or if it's an activity that requires a group of people, for example to play a team sport or something. I think that can be very difficult to find enough people to be at the same place at the same time who are interested in the same thing. [在笑] 我想台灣有很多休閒活動可以做, 其中沒有不方便的吧. 可是有時候在台灣旅遊很難, 或是舉辦需要很多人參加的活動. 比方說團體運動那種活動. 我想找到有共同興趣的人在同一個時間在同一個地方集合很難.
5. Q: What is your favorite place in Taiwan to visit? 你最喜歡去台灣哪裡旅遊?
A: Uh, the east coast is the best. The east coast is why I came here, and if I couldn't be on the east coast I think I'd leave pretty quickly. 東部是最好的. 東部就是我來台灣的原因. 如果我沒辦法留在東部的話, 我會很快地離開台灣.
6. Q: Have you studied Chinese? Where and for how long? 你學過中文嗎? 在哪裡? 學多久了?
A: I haven't taken any official... official... Actually, let me say that again. I've attempted to take an official Chinese class, but due to lack of enrollment it was cancelled. Other than that I've done some language exchanges and private tutoring, none of it too extensively and none of it really all that helpful. I find that having proper instruction and being in the proper environment is required to really study Chinese. I'm not doing well on my own. I really haven't had any success with Chinese at all, not compared to the amount of time I've spent here. I can speak some but I'm not really, not really happy with it. 我沒有上過正式的... 正式的... 其實我想再說一次. 我之前要正式的上中文課, 可是報名的人不夠, 所以學校決定不開班. 我也做過語言交流, 也上過家教課, 可是全都不是很有效率. 我覺得在正式的環境上正式的中文課很重要. 我自學的效果不太好. 我在台灣這麼久了但在學習中文方面沒有成就感. 我會說幾句話, 可是我還不是很滿意.
7. Q: What countries have you visited? 你去過哪些國家?
A: I've been to a few continents, but as far as Asia goes: Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Indonesia. Taiwan is great for me, because here I can have a job and a sustainable lifestyle. But as far as travel goes, some of the other Asian destinations are much better for tourism, food, and warm friendly locals if you ask me. 我去過幾個洲, 以亞洲來說去過泰國, 越南, 菲律賓, 還有印尼. 台灣很適合我, 因為我有工作也可以持續在這裡的生活方式. 可是對旅遊來說, 我覺得亞洲其他幾個國家有比較好的旅遊服務和料理, 還有比較親切的當地人.
8. Q: What other parts of Taiwan have you lived in? And for how long? 除台東之外, 你還在台灣住過哪些地方? 住多久?
A: I haven't lived anywhere else in Taiwan. 我沒住過台灣其他的地方.
9. Q: What has been your greatest moment in Taiwan so far? 你在台灣最棒的時刻是?
A: Uh, my greatest moments... usually happen... from October to January. When the weather is the best. That is the best time to be in Taiwan. Uh, I like outdoor activities, so whenever you want to be outdoors that's the best time. 怎麼說... 我最好的時刻... 大部分... 從十月到一月. 天氣最好的時候. 那就是在台灣最好的時候. 我喜歡戶外活動, 所以那是在戶外最好的時候.
10. Q: Are Taiwanese parents overprotective? Why or why not? 台灣家長對孩子過度保護嗎? 為甚麼?
A: [laughing] Uh... Well, my opinion is only valid as an outsider. I don't live in a Taiwanese family and I've only experienced them through school or talking to people about their parents. Um, I think they are protective, and they're very involved... Overly protective? I think in many cases yes. Children don't really have a lot of freedom around here. And even children who are even in their high teens or young 20s.... I know people who have, like, curfew. They have curfew when they're nearly 30 years old, so... If that's normal here, then that's normal. But where I'm from that seems a bit overly protective. [在笑] 我的意見只是就外人看到的. 我沒有台灣的家人, 所以只有在學校認識, 或是跟台灣的朋友討論過他們自己的父母. 我想他們很關心孩子的安全, 也很關心孩子所有的事. 過度保護嗎? 有時候是這樣. 這邊的孩子沒有那麼自由. 快二十歲或是二十幾歲的人有宵禁. 甚至他們快到三十歲了仍有宵禁, 所以... 如果這是當地人的習慣就算了. 可是在我家鄉這種想法就是過度保護了.
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