April - June 2017
1. Driving Around Taitung (Last Summer) 在台東開車 (去年的暑假) (April 2017)
The information below was taken from 就要這樣拜! 拜拜宜忌一本通 This is How You Worship! A Comprehensive Guide to the Dos and Don'ts of Worship. The Chinese was written by Good Friends Studio, and the English was written by me. 以下的內容來自就要這樣拜! 拜拜宜忌一本通這本書. 下列中文的部分是從好朋友工作室作者的書裡節錄的. 英文的部分則是我寫的.
許多人會在家中供奉神明, 保佑闔家平安. 但是, 神像的擺放位置可是一門大學問. 倘若神像位置擺放正確, 可以改善家運, 保佑子孫, 相反地, 神像的位置如果擺放錯誤, 則可能帶來病痛災厄, 福運遠離. 所以一般而言, 供奉神像時都必須請專業的風水老師在旁指導, 但是以下有關居家風水的神明廳擺放基本小常識, 大家還是瞭解一下, 才能夠避免因無知而招來的厄運, 並且能享福氣安康. Many people, in order to receive heavenly protection and prosperity, worship gods at home. The placement of these household gods is, however, a matter requiring deep knowledge. If the gods are placed correctly, a household will enjoy greater fortune and the family will be protected. If the gods are placed improperly, however, it may invite sickness and misfortune into the home, and prosperity will be that much more distant. So in most instances, it is important to place gods as instructed by a teacher of feng shui.2 Below are some important points to take into consideration when using feng shui to place gods inside a house. Everyone should be aware of these points, so as not to harm one's good fortune through carelessness, and to share in both good luck and health.
1. 神桌的位置 Position of the Altar Table
神桌的設立位置相當重要, 一般來講會擺放在家中的大廳或是獨立的佛堂, 而且該處一定得是陽光充足和空氣流通的位置, 如此一來才能夠聚集旺氣, 為家中成員帶來好運. 一般來講, 神桌最忌諱擺在陰暗不通風的角落, 或是走動太頻繁的走到處, 這兩種地方都很容易讓氣場受到干擾, 不但不能夠得到庇佑, 還可能因此招來厄運. 另外, 一般見到的神桌高度一定都是比人還要 高, 意謂神明在上, 代表人類的敬仰與尊敬之意; 而神桌背後要靠牆面擺放, 代表子孫有所依靠, 神明, 祖先能夠庇蔭後代子孫. The position of the altar table is very important. In most homes this altar table is placed in either the living room or a special room set aside for the gods. The altar table should be located in a place that receives sunlight, and where air circulates freely. In this way good fortune collects within the room, and the people within it will have good luck. In most instances the altar table should not be placed in a dark or stuffy corner, or in a place that people walk past too often. In these two types of places the accumulated good fortune is easily disturbed [or dispersed]. Not only will the household not receive the gods' protection, but misfortune can be the result. In addition, most altar tables should be taller than a [sitting] person, so that when the gods are placed upon them the respect and reverence of the worshipers is evident. The altar table should also be placed against a wall. This [placing of the table against the wall] signifies the way in which one's ancestors, one's family, and one's descendants rely upon the gods.
2. 神像與祖先牌位的放置 Placement of Gods and Ancestor Plaques
神像與祖先牌位的擺放一定要正確, 才能讓家運圓融, 平安順利. 一般來說, 神像面對大門應擺放在左側, 祖先擺放在右側; 神像擺放的順序則應按照中間, 左邊, 右邊依序擺放. Both the gods and the ancestor plaques must be placed correctly, so that peace and prosperity can surround the family. In most cases, the idols should be to the left of the door they are facing, and the ancestor [plaques] should be to the right. Idols should be arranged [in order of importance] from the center to the left, and then to the right.
3. 供奉的神明 Gods to be Worshiped
一般來說, 在家中供神, 並沒有規定一定要供奉什麼神明. 大多數人會在家中供奉福德正神, 觀音佛祖, 媽祖娘娘, 以求一家大小平安順利; 也有人會供奉財神爺, 祈求財運享通, 家中有在做生意的, 則大多會供奉關聖帝君. 家中所供奉的神明, 乃視個人情況而定, 但必須特別注意的一點是無論家中供奉什麼神明, 都應該要祭拜天公, 以表示對天公的尊敬. There aren't really any restrictions with regard to what gods should be worshiped at home. Most people worship Tu Di Gong [the "Earth God"], Guanyin, and Matsu at home, to ensure their family's prosperity. Other people worship the gods of wealth in hopes of securing their fortunes. In households that are involved in business, Guan Yu [Lord Guan] is worshiped. The gods worshiped in any household are a reflection of the circumstances in that household. Aside from this, the only requirement is that the members of the household pray to the Lord of Heaven and show him the proper respect.
4. 供奉的神像數 Number of Gods to be Worshiped
在 "易經" 裡單數代表陽, 偶數代表陰, 陽可以讓萬物滋長, 帶來力量, 陰則會使事物蕭條, 力量變弱, 因此, 家中的神像數應以奇數為宜. 若神像數量太多時, 則可以分為上下層來擺放. In the Book of Changes [I Ching]3, odd numbers represent "yang" [the positive or male principle], and even numbers represent "yin" [the negative or female principle]. "Yang" gives rise to all things, and brings strength. "Yin" reduces [or diminishes] things, and makes them weaker. For this reason, the number of gods within a house should be an odd number. If the number of gods is too large, they can be arranged in two levels.
5. 神像的高度 Height of Gods
家中的神像高度沒有限制, 只要注意神明的腳不要跟香爐口祈平即可. 因為有一說神明踏盧會進進出出, 較少時間待在家中, 所以只要避開這個細節就好. There is no restriction upon the height of household gods. You just need to keep their feet above the level of the pot where the incense is placed. If the gods "step" into the [smoke of the incense] pot too often, their "presence" within the house is "limited," so one should be attentive to this detail.
6. 神桌的禁忌 Taboos Regarding the Altar Table
1. 不宜對路沖: 容易折損財帛宮, 遭小人, 有意外災害. Don't place the altar table facing a road. This will diminish the family's wealth, attract bad sorts of people, and invite disaster.
2. 神桌後面為淋浴間: 烏穢之氣可能導致眾神退位, 無法彰顯神力, 達到庇佑效果. Don't place the altar table in front of a bathroom. The foul air may drive the gods away from their positions, and the household will lose their spiritual power and protection.
3.上面不宜有樑: 雖說神力無邊, 但若能和風水搭配則能得最佳效果. 神桌上有樑的話, 容易造成家運被壓抑無法上揚, 出現有志難伸, 懷才不遇的情況. Don't place the altar table beneath a beam. Although it is said that spiritual power is omnipresent, an accordance with the principals of feng shui will make [the altar table] most effective. When there is a beam above the altar table, the household's good fortune is "compromised" [oppressed], and when difficulties arise they will not be overcome.
4. 兩旁不要掛先人遺照: 很多人會在家中牆上掛先人照片追思, 但神明廳掛放先人遺照容易招來外來無形寄宿, 此舉不但不能庇陰子孫, 反而影響家運變弱, 家人易生病發生災難, 因此建議不要懸掛先人照片較好. Don't hang pictures of departed relatives next to the altar table. Many people hang pictures of their departed relatives on the walls of their house in remembrance, but if this kind of picture is hung in the same room as the altar table it will invite malicious influences to live in the house. In this situation the family will not receive spiritual protection, and the household's fortune will be diminished. It will be easier for the family members to become sick, and to experience misfortune. For this reason it is advised not to hang pictures of the departed on the walls.
5. 長明燈不宜滅: 神明廳的燈光明亮可以為主人帶來前途光明運勢, 若熄滅則會讓運勢變弱, 導致官司纏身, 所以在能力所及的範圍, 神明桌上的長明燈最好要保持光亮, 並隨時注意燈泡是否會因會壞損而熄滅. Keep the lights above [or in] the altar table on.4 The lights in the same room as the altar table bring good fortune to the family. If they are turned off they will weaken the family's good fortune and invite conflict. If possible the lights above [or in] the altar table should always be kept on, and the bulbs should be replaced regularly.
大抵來說, 祭拜時燒化的紙錢會分為祭神和祭祖兩種; 祭拜神明用的是金紙, 祭拜祖先則為銀紙, 而燒給孤魂野鬼的紙錢則是銀紙中的小銀. 另外還有其他如蓮花座以及經衣 (或稱更衣), 這些物品都有一定的燒化對象及用途, 祭拜時可千萬不要買錯. For the most part, ceremonial money burned during worship is divided into the type used for gods and the type used for ancestors. The type used for gods is "gold money," and the type used for ancestors is "silver money." The type burned for wandering spirits is a type of "silver money" called "little silver." In addition there is also the "lotus flower offering" and "clothing" (also called "a change of clothes"). These types of ceremonial money all have their intended [divine] recipients, and for the purposes of worship it is imperative that you buy the right type.
神明專用 Used for Gods
祖先, 往生者, 孤魂專用 Used for Ancestors, the Dead, and Wandering Spirits
(大多用來祀拜孤魂 primarily used for wandering spirits)
(代表著衣物和生活日用品, 專門用來普渡孤魂野鬼 represents clothes and daily necessities, used only for ghosts during Ghost Month)
(主要用來祭祀城隍爺東獄大帝等神祈的部將, 或用來祭拜好兄弟 primarily used for worshiping the City God, the Emperor of the Eastern Hell, or related dieties. Also used for appeasing hungry ghosts)
(祭拜祖先, 孤魂, 往生者用 used for worshiping ancestors, wandering spirits, and the living)
(是民間用來燒化給祖先的物品 this is a [ceremonial] good burned for one's ancestors)
(死時必須帶更多的錢回到陰間, 而這些帶回去的錢也就是俗稱的庫錢 when you die you need to take a lot of money back to the underworld. This type of money is called Savings Money)
(為超度先人之用 used for ancestors)
1. More literally, "Placement and Arrangement of the Household Altar in the Room Set Aside for It." In older, more traditional houses there is a 神明廳 or "god room" set aside for the altar table.
2. I'm sure everyone's somewhat familiar with 風水 feng shui, or Chinese geomancy. To be such a "feng shui teacher" can be a very lucrative practice, considering that the principles of feng shui extend to every single item on the property. Wealthy people pay fortunes to these "teachers" to arrange their entire house.
3. I Ching is, unfortunately, the most accepted translation of this important book. "Yi Jing" (易經) is a much closer approximation of the Chinese name.
4. A lot of altar tables have built-in lights.
5. A few notes on this part. 1) The words for 錢 "money" and 金"gold" in this context usually imply the same thing. 2) The translations of money types in this part are only approximations, and I doubt you'd see them anywhere else. In many cases the Chinese name is offered alongside the English translation, and in my opinion this Chinese name would be the closest representation of the money type's meaning/use. Most people wouldn't think about what the 庫 in 庫錢 really means.
6. You may notice Big Silver and Little Silver types of money on the road, or thrown onto a building. Sometimes this is done to shame people, as if they've dishonored their (or your) ancestors. Sometimes this is also done to appease ghosts living in a place people assume is haunted.
The information below was taken from 就要這樣拜! 拜拜宜忌一本通 This is How You Worship! A Comprehensive Guide to the Dos and Don'ts of Worship. The Chinese was written by Good Friends Studio, and the English was written by me. 以下的內容來自就要這樣拜! 拜拜宜忌一本通這本書. 下列中文的部分是從好朋友工作室作者的書裡節錄的. 英文的部分則是我寫的.
Also, this will be the last entry on traditional Chinese religion for a while. I may return to this subject next semester, or I might do something else entirely. I was thinking of using Taiwan's transportation infrastructure as a theme, though there is certainly a lot still to be said about traditional Chinese beliefs. Old or new? Traditional or modern? If you have a preference, maybe you can tell me. 還有. 這個文章應該是關於中國傳統宗教的最終. 我不一定下學期還討論這種事情. 我考慮下學期探索台灣的交通基礎設施, 或是繼續中國傳統信仰, 這個範疇還有很多可以討論. 古代的還是現代的? 傳統還是今日的? 如果你有不同的想法, 請讓我知道.1
Oh, and one more thing. If these entries have made you curious about traditional Chinese religion, I encourage you to visit your local temple, "ceremonial money store," or religious festival. To be sure, some of the people at some of the temples (or stores) are less than friendly, but there are also temples (or stores) where they're happy to greet visitors, happy to explain things, and happy to interact with foreign people. 還有件事. 如果這些文章讓你對傳統中國信仰很好奇, 建議你參觀附近的廟, 金香鋪, 或是廟會, 一定更有趣. 當然有的廟或店裡的人不是很親切, 可是還有更多廟和金香舖的人不是這樣子. 他們歡迎你的光臨, 又很願意跟外國人介紹他們的宗教信仰.
And in the case of religious festivals, the sooner you see them the better. Faced with the rising cost of insurance, new environmental regulations, and lack of interest from "modern-thinking" Taiwanese, many of these festivals are shrinking every year. Some city and county governments have come up with more "eco-friendly" alternatives, but if you ask me these new inventions really aren't the same thing. A Chinese religious procession without firecrackers? Without the burning of ceremonial money? It seems to me that they might as well not bother. 以傳統祭典來說, 早一點去參觀了解比較好. 各廟會都面臨保險費提升, 環保法規越來越多的限制, 即愈來愈多有 "現代想法" 的台灣人的問題, 所以這種傳統活動的規模逐年變小. 有的縣市舉辦 "環保的" 傳統活動, 可是我覺得這樣子的活動根本不同. 沒有鞭炮的廟會? 沒有燒金紙的廟宇? 我覺得這樣就乾脆不用舉辦了.
祭拜用的香束 Incense Used for Worship
台灣常見到的祭拜香束分為黑, 黃, 紅三種. 黑色常被用在喪事及祭拜鬼魂, 黃色或紅色的香則可用來祀神祭祖及其他各種喜慶. 一般來說, 二尺以下的香多用於家庭祭祀, 二尺以上的香則用於寺廟等場合. The types of incense commonly used for worship in Taiwan include the black, yellow, and red kinds. The black type is usually used for funerals and to appease malignant spirits. The yellow or red kinds can be used for spirits, ancestors, or in any festive occasion. In most cases, incense sticks less than two feet long are used for home worship, and those longer than two feet are used for temples and related areas.
焚香的意義在於藉著裊裊雲煙, 明光火星及四散香氣上達神界, 引領神明循香下凡, 享用善男信女們準備的豐富祭品, 聽見人們的祈願, 在祭典的儀式中, 占有不可或缺的地位. Clouds of incense travel from this world to the world of the spirits, to encourage the gods to receive sacred offerings from humankind, and to hear their entreaties. Incense is indispensable with regard to this kind of ritual observance.
上香的方式 How to Burn Incense
上香, 是向神明表示敬意以及傳達心願的一種儀式. 藉由焚香上升的煙霧, 將我們想要傳達的事情帶給天上的神明, 是與神明溝通最普遍的方式. Burning incense is a ritual signifying one's respect for the gods. The clouds which waft up from the incense allow us to pass messages to gods in the celestial realm, and [this burning of incense] is the most common way of communicating with the spirit world.
持香的方式 How to Present [or Hold] Incense
祭拜神明時, 以右手持香, 再用左手扶住右手, 將雙手放於胸前, 然後上舉至鼻頭處, 不可超過眉毛和頭頂, 接著彎腰行禮, 背部呈半月形. 拜三拜後, 可向神明說出姓名, 生辰, 家住何處, 所求何事, 接著再三拜, 心誠則靈. 若是空手朝拜, 則雙手合十, 同樣上舉至鼻頭處, 接著彎腰行禮. When worshiping the gods, hold the incense in your right hand, and place your left hand over your right. Hold your hands in front of your chest, and then raise your hands up to the level of your head. Do not raise your hands above your eyebrows, and bow from the waist, making a half moon shape with your upper torso. After doing this three times you can tell the god(s) your name, your date of birth, where you live, and the nature of your request. Then bow three more times and concentrate upon your prayer. If you are arriving before the gods without incense, place your hands together, raise them to the level of your head, and bow three times in the same fashion.
另外要特別注意的一點是, 祭拜神明時持香的數量必須是奇數, 一般以1, 3, 5, 7支為佳. In addition, be aware that the number of incense sticks held/presented before any god should be odd, and not even. In most cases presenting incense in multiples of 1, 3, 5, or 7 is best.
插香的方式 How to Place the Incense
以傳統習俗來說, 插香時應使用左手, 因為人們在生活中習慣使用右手做許多事, 較為汙穢, 對神明不敬. 另外插香應先將一炷清香插在香爐的正中央, 再將第二炷香插在面向神像的右方, 最後將第三炷香插在面向神像的左方. 插完香後, 記得要雙手合十再拜三拜, 才算完成整個插香的程序. With respect to traditional folk beliefs, incense should be placed inside the pot/ash with the left hand. Because people usually use their right hand for doing things, it is regarded as "more polluted," and not appropriate to use on the gods' behalf. You should also place the incense into the middle of the pot/ash, with the next stick of incense placed to the right of the god, and the next stick of incense after that placed to the left. After placing your incense, you should put your hands together and bow three times in order to properly conclude the ritual.
祭拜的水果與禁忌 Fruits Used for Worship and Related Taboos
在祭拜神明或好兄弟時, 有一些水果是禁止祭拜的, 因為其諧音會招來不好的東西或是不禮貌等等, 在祭拜時千萬要特別注意才行, 不要讓無心之舉帶來無妄之災. In the worship of gods or wandering spirits some fruits are forbidden. This is because the sound of their names attracts "bad things" or is considered bad manners. When worshiping your should always be aware of this, and not let ignorance [of proper etiquette] invite misfortune.
不能拜神的水果 Fruits Unsuitable for Worship
芭樂, 番茄, 釋迦 (鳳梨釋迦): 祭拜神明的水果忌用籽多且籽可食的水果, 據說這一類水果的籽因為可吃又不太好消化, 容易隨著排泄物一起排出, 被視為不潔之物, 所以不能拿來拜神明. Guava, tomatoes, sugar apples ("pineapple sugar apples"): fruits containing many seeds, or fruits containing edible seeds are unsuitable for worship. It is said the fruits containing edible seeds are not easily digested, and their nutritional value is [too] easily excreted. [This type of fruit] is viewed as being "unclean," so it should not be offered to the gods.
不能拜好兄弟的水果 Fruits That Shouldn't be Offered to Ancestors or Other Spirits
香蕉, 李子, 梨子, 鳳梨: 祭拜好兄弟時忌用諧音為 "旺來" 的鳳梨, 以及諧音為 "招你來" 的香蕉, 李子, 梨子等三種水果, 否則, 好兄弟可是會因為你的誠心 "招待" 而到家裡來拜訪. Bananas, plums, pears, and pineapples: when making offerings to wandering spirits it is forbidden to offer pineapples because of their (nick)name, "prosperity is here." Bananas, which sound like "please come here," and also plums and pears sound, to the spirits, like an invitation to "stay awhile."
適合拜拜的水果 Fruit Suitable for Worship
通常拜拜時所說的 "四果" 指的並不是四樣水果, 而是指四季時令水果. 拜拜時應以1, 3, 5樣奇數水果為主, 或是3, 6, 9的倍數, 而適合祭拜的水果則有: 蘋果, 桃子, 李子, 棗子, 葡萄柚, 柚子, 橘子等等, 其中又以蘋果有 "保平安", 柚子有求 "有子" 的吉祥話最理想. The "four fruits" usually mentioned in connection with worship are not just four different kinds of fruit, but rather fruits from four different seasons. When worshiping, fruits should be offered in ratios of 1, 3, and 5, or 3, 6, and 9. Fruits suitable for worship are apples, peaches, plums, dates, grapefruit, pomelos, and oranges. Within these fruits, apples carry the special significance of "preserving peace," and grapefruit signify "being fruitful."*
1. If it helps you decide, I've got the book "Taoism" 道教 on my desk, and another book called "Taiwan's Temples Tell Stories" 台灣廟宇說故事 at home. At home I've also got a book about trains, a book about the development of the shipping industry, and a book about the Taiwan's infrastructure projects over the years.
*"Fruitful" as in "bearing children."
This building is in downtown Cheng Gong. I can't explain why I like it. Like a lot of buildings in downtown Cheng Gong, it looks like a good hideout for ghosts. 這一棟大樓在成功市區. 我自己也不知道為什麼喜歡它. 成功市區有很多這樣的建築物, 好像適合鬼躲藏的大樓.
The ruins of an old, old house in Mei Shan. There's not much of it left, but what's left dates back to the late 1800s. The man who built it moved to Taitung from Pingtung. 在美山的遺址. 目前可以看到的部分不多, 這可是西元19世紀時建蓋的. 當時的主人是從屏東過來的.
More of the same old house. Probably also a good place to find snakes. 同一個遺址. 住在草下的蛇應該滿多.
There are two temples on the other side of the ruins, one for Tu Di Gong and one for Matsu. The Matsu temple looks out on this view of the Mei Shan port. That's San Shian Tai ("Three Immortals Bridge") in the background. 遺址另外一邊有兩間廟. 一間祭拜的是土地公, 另外一間是給媽祖的. 媽祖廟正對著美山漁港. 背景的小島就是三仙台.
Taken from the Hualien half of the Yu Chang Highway. This road starts in Chang Bin Township, Taitung County, passes through the Coastal Mountain Range, and ends in Yu Li, near Jade Mountain National Park. 在花蓮那一段的玉長公路. 這條路從台東縣長濱鄉經過海岸山脈, 然後到玉山國家公園附近的玉里鎮.
In front of the Guanshan Train Station. Much better weather. 在關山車站前面. 天氣好多了.
Also in downtown Guanshan. 也在關山市區.

The house on the left in the above picture. 這一棟是上一張照片中左邊的房子.

Sasame house, from another angle. 同一棟房子. 是房子的另外一邊.
7. How to Make (More) Money in Taiwan (June 2017)
Billy lives in Kaohsiung. Kaohsiung is a big city. Kaohsiung is always busy! Billy住在高雄. 高雄是一個大都市也是一個熱鬧的地方!
When Billy drives to work, he drives through traffic. When Billy drives home, he drives through traffic. So many cars everywhere. So much traffic, everywhere he goes! Billy開車上班的時候都塞車. Billy下班回家的時候也塞車. 到處都是車. 他無論去哪裡都塞車!
"I know," he says. "I'll go to Taitung, and enjoy some peace and quiet. Taitung is not a big city like Kaohsiung. Taitung is never busy. I can drive there tomorrow, and leave all the traffic behind." "我想到了," 他說. "我要去享受台東寧靜的生活. 台東與高雄比起來很鄉下, 也不那麼熱鬧. 我明天要開車到那裡, 把大都市的塞車問題留在這裡."
...but what Billy doesn't know is that everyone in Kaohsiung has the same idea. They are ALL driving to Taitung. They are ALL looking for peace and quiet! 可是Billy不知道高雄所有的人都這麼想. 他們都要開車到台東, 他們所有的人都在尋找寧靜祥和的環境!
Billy visits the Forest Park, and finds it full of people. Billy drives up the coast, and finds it full of people. Billy visits downtown Taitung, and finds it full of people, too. There are so many people everywhere. Just like in Kaohsiung! Billy去森林公園才發現那裡人山人海. Billy開車上東海岸才發現那裡也充滿了人群. Billy又去台東市區, 竟發現也是處處都是人, 跟高雄一樣!
Lily lives in Taipei. Taipei is an even bigger city. In Taipei it's always raining. Lily住在台北. 台北是一個更大的都市. 台北常常下雨.
When Lily walks to school, she walks through the rain. When Lily walks home, she walks through the rain. So much rain everywhere. So much rain, everywhere she goes! Lily走路上學的時候常常下雨. Lily走路回家的時候也是在下雨. 到處都在下雨. Lily去哪裡都是雨!
"I know," she says. "I'll go to Taitung, and enjoy some sunshine. Taitung is not a rainy city like Taipei. Taitung is almost never rainy. I can take the plane there tomorrow, and leave all this rain behind." "我想到了," 她說. "我要去台東享受那邊的陽光. 台東的天氣比台北的好很多. 台東不會這樣下雨. 我明天就坐飛機到那裡, 遠離台北的天氣."
...but what Lily doesn't know is that all the clouds in Taipei have the same idea. They are ALL floating down the coast, toward Taitung. They are covering up the sun, and the sky is growing darker! 可是Lily不知道的是台北的雲霧也這麼想. 它們都飄往台東. 它們擋住了陽光, 讓天空越來越黑了!
Lily visits the Forest Park, but it's raining. Lily drives a scooter into the mountains, but it's raining. Lily goes to the Seashore Park, but it's raining. There is so much rain everywhere. Just like in Taipei! Lily去森林公園, 那裡在下雨. Lily騎摩托車進山區, 那裡也在下雨. Lily又去海濱公園, 竟發現在下雨. 到處都在下雨. 跟台北一樣!
Joe lives in Taichung. Taichung is a big city, but not as big as Kaohsiung or Taipei. Taichung is not good for surfing! Joe住在台中. 台中是一個大都市, 可是它比台北跟高雄小. 在台中沒辦法衝浪!
When Joe rides his scooter to work, he feels sad that he can't go surfing. When Joes goes to the local park, he feels sad that he can't go surfing. No ocean anywhere. Only the city, everywhere he goes! Joe騎摩托車上班的時候, 都覺得失望, 他沒辦法衝浪. Joe去自家附近的公園的時候, 都覺得失望沒辦法衝浪. 到處看不到海. Billy去哪裡都是城市的一角!
"I know," he says. "I'll go to Taitung, and do some surfing. Taitung is not far from the ocean like Taichung. In Taitung the coast is always near. I can take the train there tomorrow, and leave this city far behind." "我想到了," 他說. "我去台東衝浪. 台東不是跟台中一樣離海很遠. 在台東到處都離海邊很近. 我明天坐火車去那裡, 把城市拋到腦後."
...but what Joe doesn't know is that other people, in other parts of Taiwan, have the same idea. They are ALL driving, taking a plane, or taking a train to Taitung. They are ALL looking for a place to surf! 可是Joe不知道台灣其他地方的人也這麼想. 他們都開車, 坐飛機, 或是坐火車往台東. 他們所有的人都在找地方衝浪!
Joe visits "The Reef," and finds it full of other surfers. Joe visits the "River Mouth," and finds it full of other surfers. Joe even takes the bus up to Du Li, and finds it full of other surfers. There are so many surfers everywhere. Unlike Taichung! Joe去"The Reef," 後發現很多人已經在衝浪. Joe去"The River Mouth," 也發現很多人已經在那裏衝浪. Joe又坐公車去都歷, 又發現已經很多人在衝浪. 到處都是來衝浪的人. 跟台中不一樣!
Later, Billy drives back to Kaohsiung. He hits traffic, but he doesn't feel so bad. He's just glad to be home. His friends are waiting for him at the movie theater, and he knows he'll have a good time. 之後Billy開車回去高雄. 他雖然碰到塞車, 可是不覺得那麼傷心了. 他很高興回到家. 他的朋友們在電影院等他, 他知道跟朋友一起看影片會很好玩.
Later, Lily takes the plane back to Taipei. She sees the rain, but she doesn't feel so bad. She's just happy to be home. Her mother is waiting for her at the airport, and they'll have hot pot for dinner. 之後Lily坐飛機回去台北. 她看到下雨, 可是她不覺得那麼傷心. 她很高興回到家. 她媽媽在機場等她, 他們要一起去吃火鍋.
Later, Joe takes the train back to Taichung. He sees the city, but he doesn't feel so bad. He's just excited to be home. His favorite band is playing that evening, and there's still time to make the concert. 之後Joe坐火車回去台中. 他看到大都市, 可是他不覺得那麼傷心了. 他到家的時候很興奮. 那個晚上他最喜歡的樂團要表演, 而且他還有時間趕上那場音樂會.
Many other people also return to many other places, all of them disappointed by their weekends. It's not only those who went to Taitung. It's the same for those who went to Taipei, Kaohsiung, or Taichung. It's also the same for those who went to Miaoli, Taoyuan, or Kenting. These people all had high hopes for the places they were going, but found themselves defeated by the traffic, or the rain, or the crowds. 很多人各自回去其他的地方, 他們都對周末有些失望. 不只是往台東方向的人有這種感覺, 往台北, 高雄, 或台中的旅客也有. 甚至是到苗栗, 桃園, 或墾丁的旅客也是. 這些人都對自己的目的地有很高的期望, 可是最後因為塞車, 下雨, 或是人多的狀況掃興了.
Maybe, in some cases, it was simply bad luck. Maybe, in other cases, something was genuinely wrong. But whatever the case, it's always easy to think that the grass is greener on the other side, and that the place you're going to is better than the place you're coming from. It's easy to think that the place you don't live is better, for any number of reasons. 有的人可能只是單純的運氣不好. 也有人是真的發生意外. 不管運氣不好還是意外, 人都很容易覺得 "另一邊的草比較綠," 也很容易覺得旅行的目的地比自己原來居住的地方好很多. 因為許多不同的理由而覺得自己居住的地方沒有其他地方好是很簡單的事.
What's more difficult is to remember the good things about the place where you live, and why you chose to live there in the first place! 比較難做到的事情就是記得你自己居住地的優點, 也記得自己原來選擇那個地方的理由.
9. Letter to B and C from A (June 2017)
Even now, when one of our coworkers mentions you in passing, I feel a little angry. You're in the States now, and you'll probably never read this, so I might as well take the opportunity to explain why.
You spent a lot of time talking about how much more "mature" you are compared to the other "teachers" in your program. In my opinion, your maturity was just a false sense of superiority, and in the end you only proved that you're even less mature than they are. They stuck around to the end of their contracts. You didn't.
You had an easy job here. Our school was full of people willing to help you. But somewhere along the line you decided that none of us (myself included) were worth talking to. You decided - out of your vast experience of the human condition - that staring at a computer in a darkened room was preferable to having a conversation.
And speaking of your friendliness (or lack thereof), I was really unhappy with your dismissive attitude toward our students. They just wanted to know you. They were just curious. But instead of giving them the chance to interact with you, you spent months hiding in your classroom. Even when you were around them your defenses were up, and after a few weeks they were smart enough not to bother.
I know a lot of those kids - I can't claim to know them all. But I think that whether I know them or not they deserved better from you. They deserved your patience. They deserved your warmth. You could have taken the time to try to communicate with them. They would have enjoyed that.
Not that your unfriendliness was the only problem. I could never figure out why it was so hard for you to get organized. I could never understand why you didn't know what to do. Maybe you did come here from older students, but you had your degree, and you ought to have known better. What happened?
Maybe what happened, in your mind, is that the culture here was a barrier you couldn't cross. Maybe you looked at me and thought: "He knows the language. He knows the culture. So of course it's no problem for him." But from my perspective such a rationalization will always ring false, because once upon a time I was just like you. I was new to Taiwan. I didn't speak the language. I didn't understand the culture. And yet... I still did my job. I still found ways to improve, and I still fulfilled my commitments. I still taught English, as well as I knew how.
You're probably in the States now, thinking "Thank God that's over!" But is it? Really? Are you going to be friendlier in the future? Are you going to be more professional? Are you going to be more patient and attentive toward your students?
I kind of doubt it. Wherever you go, you'll still be stuck with yourself. You just don't seem capable of that kind of change. You seem to lack the ability to self-analyze, and to reflect on that level. Hopefully one day you'll have that ability, but based on your conduct, it's not likely to happen anytime soon.
But then again, maybe your work over there is just another exercise in hand-holding, wherein you'll be little more than another body filling space. If so, I'm sure you'll do fine. In such an environment it doesn't matter how friendly or hard-working you are. All you'll need to do is show up, and follow the rules.
You might be thinking that it was just a year in Taiwan. Just a year, no big deal. But how many years do we have in our lives? How many chances to do the right thing, and at the right time? You might think you have another chance, and in that you'd be right, but you have to be the right kind of person to seize that chance, and the right kind of person to make the most of it.
For your sake, I hope you're having a better time in the States than you had here. Just don't blame Taiwan for your bad experience. That's all on you.
10. Different Angles (June 2017)
These pictures are from August of last year. 這些照片是去年八月拍的.
This is Taitung's Forest Park, near the Jung Hua Bridge. It must have been after the BIG typhoon passed through. 這是台東市的森林公園, 靠近中華橋. 應該是強烈颱風剛經過的時候.
Somewhere in Beinan, I think. Near the Taitung Train Station? That's my shadow on the left. 這應該在卑南. 在台東火車站附近吧. 左邊的影子是我的.
Behind Yue Mei Elementary School in Guanshan. A lot of the banana trees up there were also knocked over by the typhoon. 這是關山鎮月眉國小後面. 這附近很多香蕉被颱風吹倒了.
Across the road from Yue Mei. 月眉國小對面.
In Hai Duan Township, along the Southern Cross-Island Highway. 海端鄉, 南橫公路旁邊.
My daughters in the foreground. We went swimming in that river not long after. It was GREAT. 我的女兒. 我們欣賞了風景後就去游泳了. 感覺很棒.
I keep wanting to go back here, but it's a bit out of the way. 我一直都很想回去那裡玩, 可是有點遠.
After a few hours, and a terrific sunburn (me), we headed back into Guanshan. 幾個小時後, 被太陽曬紅之後, 我們開車回關山.
And that's all I have for now. Next time I'll try to have some fresh pictures! 這些照片是我目前有的. 下次要出門拍新的!
2. Celestial Economics 天上的經濟學 (May 2017)
This is Taitung's Forest Park, near the Jung Hua Bridge. It must have been after the BIG typhoon passed through. 這是台東市的森林公園, 靠近中華橋. 應該是強烈颱風剛經過的時候.
Somewhere in Beinan, I think. Near the Taitung Train Station? That's my shadow on the left. 這應該在卑南. 在台東火車站附近吧. 左邊的影子是我的.
Behind Yue Mei Elementary School in Guanshan. A lot of the banana trees up there were also knocked over by the typhoon. 這是關山鎮月眉國小後面. 這附近很多香蕉被颱風吹倒了.
Across the road from Yue Mei. 月眉國小對面.
In Hai Duan Township, along the Southern Cross-Island Highway. 海端鄉, 南橫公路旁邊.
My daughters in the foreground. We went swimming in that river not long after. It was GREAT. 我的女兒. 我們欣賞了風景後就去游泳了. 感覺很棒.
I keep wanting to go back here, but it's a bit out of the way. 我一直都很想回去那裡玩, 可是有點遠.
After a few hours, and a terrific sunburn (me), we headed back into Guanshan. 幾個小時後, 被太陽曬紅之後, 我們開車回關山.
And that's all I have for now. Next time I'll try to have some fresh pictures! 這些照片是我目前有的. 下次要出門拍新的!
2. Celestial Economics 天上的經濟學 (May 2017)
I'm assuming that those who've read this blog for a while are familiar with the concept of (Chinese) ceremonial money. If not, take a look here. 這裡的外籍讀者們應該知道金紙是什麼. 如果還不知道的話, 可參考這邊.
So I've been reading a lot of books about Economics. I recently finished Paul Mason's "Postcapitalism," and before that Paul Rickard's "The Death of Money" and Harry S. Dent Jr.'s "The Demographic Cliff." I think economics is very interesting, though I realize that it bores most people to death. 我最近看了很多關於經濟學的書. 我剛剛看完Paul Mason寫的"Postcapitalism." 以前也讀過Paul Rickard寫的"The Death of Money," 還有Harry S. Dent Jr.寫的"The Demographic Cliff." 我覺得經濟學很有趣, 可是我也知道很多人覺得很無聊.
I've also been reading a lot of books about Chinese gods. Selections from "The Origin of Taiwanese Customs," "Taiwanese Culture," and "This is How You Worship! A Comprehensive Guide to the Dos and Don'ts of Worship" are to be found here. I must say that my attitude toward traditional Chinese religion was a bit antagonistic at first, but I'm finding it a lot more interesting now. 我也看介紹中國神明的書. 台灣民俗由來, 台灣文化, 還有就要這樣拜! 拜拜宜忌一本通的的文章都在這裡. 我承認自己以前對中國傳統宗教抱持著不認同的態度, 可是我現在認為它很有趣
Which got me thinking - what about the economics of heaven and hell? In temple religion all of this ceremonial money "goes somewhere," right? Where does it go? What do the gods, ancestors, and wandering spirits do with it? And how does their economy affect ours? 這些書讓我想到一個問題: 天上跟地獄的經濟學如何發展? 廟宇用的金紙都會去到"某個地方" 對不對? 這個 "某個地方" 到底是什麼地方? 然後神明, 祖先, 跟好兄弟們怎麼用這些錢? 他們的經濟怎麼影響到我們的經濟?
I suppose that what I'm talking about here is the study of "Celestial Economics," or supply and demand on a supernatural scale. And I'm wondering, has any (Chinese) person written a book about this? Has anyone bothered? Would anyone dare? 我現在講的應該是 "天上經濟學" 也可以用 "超自然的供給跟需求" 這個造詞形容它. 我也很好奇: 有沒有中國人寫過這樣的書? 有人想寫嗎? 有人敢寫嗎?
I can think of some reasons why someone wouldn't write a book like this. If you were a Professor of Economics at some prestigious university, such a book might get you labeled a "crank," and might even harm your career. If you were a believer in these deities, you might worry about offending them, and bringing bad luck down on your head. There's also the question of getting certain records, which temple associations might not want you to see. 我可以想到一些不寫這種書的理由. 如果是名大學的經濟學教授的話, 可能寫這種書會讓同事笑你, 也可能會影響到你的事業. 如果你是虔誠的信徒的話, 你可能覺得寫這種書是不尊重他們, 也會帶來不好的運氣. 另外還有找到相關廟會記錄的問題. 有可能廟方不要讓你看.
Even so, if you wrote a book like that, and promoted it just right, it could make you famous. You could even use "Celestial Economics" to teach people about economic concepts in the "real" world. That might be more entertaining that what economists usually try to do. 即使會碰上種種的困難, 當你寫完這本書並且也銷售成功, 你可能會因此而出名. 你也可以利用 "天上經濟學" 教天下的經濟學. 這樣子會比大多數經濟學家寫的書有趣.
Anyway, it's just a thought. And the more I think about it, the more I wish I could see a book like that. For example, what would the "cost" of a blessing be? What would the "market" for godly protection look like? How would "credit" work in the afterlife? Is the world jin (gold) present in the Chinese term for ceremonial money because the gods employ a Gold Standard? Or is ceremonial money pegged to a floating exchange rate? Would "confidence" in a type of ceremonial money equal belief in its efficacy? Or belief in a certain god's power? 這只是我的想法. 我越想就越希望讀這樣的書. 比方說受神明幫助的 "成本" 到底是什麼? 受到神明保佑的 "市場" 怎樣? 過世之後怎麼利用 "信用額度?" 金紙有 "金" 這個字因為神明在用 "金本位" 嗎? 還是金紙有 "浮動匯率?" "相信" 金紙的效果跟相信某尊神明的能力一樣嗎?
I could go on, but I'll spare you the rest. I'm only hoping that some economist in Taiwan, China, Singapore, or Hong Kong is somehow reading this, and perhaps getting an idea... 我可以繼續說其他相關的問題, 可是我覺得這些已經夠多了. 我只是希望台灣, 中國大陸, 新加坡, 或是香港的經濟學家讀這篇文章後也有某些不同的看法...
3. What's Going On in Taitung 4 台東最近發生的事 4 (May 2017)
So I've been reading a lot of books about Economics. I recently finished Paul Mason's "Postcapitalism," and before that Paul Rickard's "The Death of Money" and Harry S. Dent Jr.'s "The Demographic Cliff." I think economics is very interesting, though I realize that it bores most people to death. 我最近看了很多關於經濟學的書. 我剛剛看完Paul Mason寫的"Postcapitalism." 以前也讀過Paul Rickard寫的"The Death of Money," 還有Harry S. Dent Jr.寫的"The Demographic Cliff." 我覺得經濟學很有趣, 可是我也知道很多人覺得很無聊.
I've also been reading a lot of books about Chinese gods. Selections from "The Origin of Taiwanese Customs," "Taiwanese Culture," and "This is How You Worship! A Comprehensive Guide to the Dos and Don'ts of Worship" are to be found here. I must say that my attitude toward traditional Chinese religion was a bit antagonistic at first, but I'm finding it a lot more interesting now. 我也看介紹中國神明的書. 台灣民俗由來, 台灣文化, 還有就要這樣拜! 拜拜宜忌一本通的的文章都在這裡. 我承認自己以前對中國傳統宗教抱持著不認同的態度, 可是我現在認為它很有趣
Which got me thinking - what about the economics of heaven and hell? In temple religion all of this ceremonial money "goes somewhere," right? Where does it go? What do the gods, ancestors, and wandering spirits do with it? And how does their economy affect ours? 這些書讓我想到一個問題: 天上跟地獄的經濟學如何發展? 廟宇用的金紙都會去到"某個地方" 對不對? 這個 "某個地方" 到底是什麼地方? 然後神明, 祖先, 跟好兄弟們怎麼用這些錢? 他們的經濟怎麼影響到我們的經濟?
I suppose that what I'm talking about here is the study of "Celestial Economics," or supply and demand on a supernatural scale. And I'm wondering, has any (Chinese) person written a book about this? Has anyone bothered? Would anyone dare? 我現在講的應該是 "天上經濟學" 也可以用 "超自然的供給跟需求" 這個造詞形容它. 我也很好奇: 有沒有中國人寫過這樣的書? 有人想寫嗎? 有人敢寫嗎?
I can think of some reasons why someone wouldn't write a book like this. If you were a Professor of Economics at some prestigious university, such a book might get you labeled a "crank," and might even harm your career. If you were a believer in these deities, you might worry about offending them, and bringing bad luck down on your head. There's also the question of getting certain records, which temple associations might not want you to see. 我可以想到一些不寫這種書的理由. 如果是名大學的經濟學教授的話, 可能寫這種書會讓同事笑你, 也可能會影響到你的事業. 如果你是虔誠的信徒的話, 你可能覺得寫這種書是不尊重他們, 也會帶來不好的運氣. 另外還有找到相關廟會記錄的問題. 有可能廟方不要讓你看.
Even so, if you wrote a book like that, and promoted it just right, it could make you famous. You could even use "Celestial Economics" to teach people about economic concepts in the "real" world. That might be more entertaining that what economists usually try to do. 即使會碰上種種的困難, 當你寫完這本書並且也銷售成功, 你可能會因此而出名. 你也可以利用 "天上經濟學" 教天下的經濟學. 這樣子會比大多數經濟學家寫的書有趣.
Anyway, it's just a thought. And the more I think about it, the more I wish I could see a book like that. For example, what would the "cost" of a blessing be? What would the "market" for godly protection look like? How would "credit" work in the afterlife? Is the world jin (gold) present in the Chinese term for ceremonial money because the gods employ a Gold Standard? Or is ceremonial money pegged to a floating exchange rate? Would "confidence" in a type of ceremonial money equal belief in its efficacy? Or belief in a certain god's power? 這只是我的想法. 我越想就越希望讀這樣的書. 比方說受神明幫助的 "成本" 到底是什麼? 受到神明保佑的 "市場" 怎樣? 過世之後怎麼利用 "信用額度?" 金紙有 "金" 這個字因為神明在用 "金本位" 嗎? 還是金紙有 "浮動匯率?" "相信" 金紙的效果跟相信某尊神明的能力一樣嗎?
I could go on, but I'll spare you the rest. I'm only hoping that some economist in Taiwan, China, Singapore, or Hong Kong is somehow reading this, and perhaps getting an idea... 我可以繼續說其他相關的問題, 可是我覺得這些已經夠多了. 我只是希望台灣, 中國大陸, 新加坡, 或是香港的經濟學家讀這篇文章後也有某些不同的看法...
3. What's Going On in Taitung 4 台東最近發生的事 4 (May 2017)
Local news from the past week or so. If you can read Chinese, I've linked the various news articles below. 這些是上個禮拜左右的新聞. 看得懂中文的讀者可參考以下的網址:
A. Anything I missed? 我沒聽說的新聞呢?
A lot of news gets by me. A lot of news also gets by the major news outlets. If there's a recent happening that YOU think is important, let me know and I'll try to include it here. 有很多新聞我沒注意到. 還有很多新聞登不上各大報. 你如果知道某些重要的新聞但是在這裡找不到, 請告訴我, 我會試著放進這篇文章中.
B. Local News 地區新聞
A new baseball field was opened in Fengtian, Taitung City. The local councilwoman has stated that management of this field will never be handed over to the Taitung Bureau of Education. Given what they've done to the Flowing Lake, I applaud her statement. 台東市豐田地區的棒壘球場啟用. 台東議長表示球場 "絕不能給教育處管理." 我想到教育處 "管理" 活水湖的方式就覺得議長說得沒錯.
Kaohsiung's garbage incinerator is undergoing yearly maintenance, so for the time being Taitung's garbage will not be sent over there. 高雄的焚化廠歲修, 所以暫停代燒台東的垃圾.
The "Science Car," a type of moving classroom which circles Taiwan via the railway, will stop in Guanshan and Taitung City. "科學列車," 一種環島列車式的教室, 之後會停關山站跟台東站.
Taitung's Agricultural Leisure Areas won an award for their improvements. 台東休閒農業區再進化在評鑑中獲得佳績.
Due to the reduced number of tourists from Mainland China, many local hotels are in trouble. But is this really President Tsai Ying-wen's fault? Or did they just build too many hotels? 因為大陸客的人數減少, 台東地區大飯店的生意很差. 這真是總統蔡英文的錯嗎? 還是他們蓋太多大飯店了?
After local garbage is incinerated in Kaohsiung, it is often returned here as a fill used in construction sites. Some local residents are concerned about the safety of this practice, and are discussing whether or not the use of this fill should be continued. 台東垃圾在高雄焚燒之後, 再從高雄運再生粒料回台東在工程中使用. 很多縣民擔心利用這些粒料的安全性, 是否該繼續使用這些原料.
And that new baseball field in Fengtian? There are plans to build other such fields around the County. Local soccer fans are protesting, however, that there are enough baseball fields already. They think the County should invest in more soccer fields instead. 豐田的棒壘球場呢? 縣政府計畫還要在各地蓋其他的棒壘球場, 可是足球界表示棒壘球場已經夠了, 現在需要的是足球場.
Speaking of sports, did you know that Taitung hosted the National Dodgeball Championships last week? Kids from elementary and junior high schools all over Taiwan took part. 運動方面還有其他的消息. 上禮拜台東主辦全國躲避球賽. 每個縣市都有國中小學生參賽.
Taiwan's Bureau of Education has been discouraging teachers from using "physical punishment" as a means of correcting students' behavior. And yet a teacher from outside the County did just that in front of the Taitung Train Station recently. If you refer to the link below, you can see the students standing with their arms raised near the entrance. 台灣教育部要求教師不得體罰, 可是最近台東車站前有外縣市某國小教師做這種事. 要學生在台東火車站前高舉雙手半小時左右.
During the summer there will be more flights between Taitung and Hong Kong. Tourists from Hong Kong and Macao bring a lot of money into the area. Maybe those bus advertisements paid off? 這個夏天飛台東, 香港的航班將增加. 從香港, 澳門來玩台東的觀光客會在這裡大量消費! 可能之前在香港的叮叮車的外觀廣告產生效益了?
There have been 15 cases of scrub typhus in Taitung. If you have a particularly troublesome insect bite, and are suffering from fever, headaches, muscle pain, or stomach complaints, you might just have scrub typhus. 台東今年已經有15例恙蟲病. 如果你被蟲咬的傷口很嚴重, 並且伴隨發燒, 頭痛肌肉疼痛, 或是肚子不舒服, 有可能是感染了恙蟲病.
At the same time, several local fishermen showed up at the Taitung County Council, protesting restrictions on the use of harpoon guns. 同時在縣議會有很多漁民出席反對魚槍管制.
A local association is helping homeless people get haircuts and a fresh change of clothes. This is done to help them find employment. 人安基金會幫助街友理髮, 另外提供他們新衣服穿. 基金會以這樣的方式提升街友找工作的機會.
An aluminum shack caught on fire. No one was killed or injured. 鐵皮屋發生火災, 無人傷亡.
Have you seen the yellow and white rental bikes around town? They're called "oBikes," and some complain that they are often left in places where they interfere with traffic. 你有沒有在路邊看過黃色跟白色的出租單車? 它們叫oBikes. 有的縣民抱怨這種單車被亂停放影響交通.
C. It is Hot. 天氣很熱
It's summer. It's Taitung. It's hot. It will also continue to be hot for some time. Instead of complaining about it, maybe it's better to think of something more pleasant to talk about. 夏天到了. 我們台東天氣很熱. 以後也會繼續很熱. 不要一直抱怨天氣熱. 可以想些較愉快的事來討論!
And no, it's not necessarily global warming. Taitung was always hot in May. Taitung will probably always be hot in May. So settle in, make yourself as comfortable as possible, and try not to dwell on the fact that yes, it's hot. 不一定是世界變暖的關係. 台東五月的天氣原來很熱. 今年的五月大概會一樣熱. 所以放心, 讓自己舒服一點. 試著不讓天氣影響你的心情.
4. 就要這樣拜! 拜拜宜忌一本通 This is How You Worship! A Comprehensive Guide to the Dos and Don'ts of Worship (1 of 2) (May 2017)
A. Anything I missed? 我沒聽說的新聞呢?
A lot of news gets by me. A lot of news also gets by the major news outlets. If there's a recent happening that YOU think is important, let me know and I'll try to include it here. 有很多新聞我沒注意到. 還有很多新聞登不上各大報. 你如果知道某些重要的新聞但是在這裡找不到, 請告訴我, 我會試著放進這篇文章中.
B. Local News 地區新聞
A new baseball field was opened in Fengtian, Taitung City. The local councilwoman has stated that management of this field will never be handed over to the Taitung Bureau of Education. Given what they've done to the Flowing Lake, I applaud her statement. 台東市豐田地區的棒壘球場啟用. 台東議長表示球場 "絕不能給教育處管理." 我想到教育處 "管理" 活水湖的方式就覺得議長說得沒錯.
Kaohsiung's garbage incinerator is undergoing yearly maintenance, so for the time being Taitung's garbage will not be sent over there. 高雄的焚化廠歲修, 所以暫停代燒台東的垃圾.
The "Science Car," a type of moving classroom which circles Taiwan via the railway, will stop in Guanshan and Taitung City. "科學列車," 一種環島列車式的教室, 之後會停關山站跟台東站.
Taitung's Agricultural Leisure Areas won an award for their improvements. 台東休閒農業區再進化在評鑑中獲得佳績.
Due to the reduced number of tourists from Mainland China, many local hotels are in trouble. But is this really President Tsai Ying-wen's fault? Or did they just build too many hotels? 因為大陸客的人數減少, 台東地區大飯店的生意很差. 這真是總統蔡英文的錯嗎? 還是他們蓋太多大飯店了?
After local garbage is incinerated in Kaohsiung, it is often returned here as a fill used in construction sites. Some local residents are concerned about the safety of this practice, and are discussing whether or not the use of this fill should be continued. 台東垃圾在高雄焚燒之後, 再從高雄運再生粒料回台東在工程中使用. 很多縣民擔心利用這些粒料的安全性, 是否該繼續使用這些原料.
And that new baseball field in Fengtian? There are plans to build other such fields around the County. Local soccer fans are protesting, however, that there are enough baseball fields already. They think the County should invest in more soccer fields instead. 豐田的棒壘球場呢? 縣政府計畫還要在各地蓋其他的棒壘球場, 可是足球界表示棒壘球場已經夠了, 現在需要的是足球場.
Speaking of sports, did you know that Taitung hosted the National Dodgeball Championships last week? Kids from elementary and junior high schools all over Taiwan took part. 運動方面還有其他的消息. 上禮拜台東主辦全國躲避球賽. 每個縣市都有國中小學生參賽.
Taiwan's Bureau of Education has been discouraging teachers from using "physical punishment" as a means of correcting students' behavior. And yet a teacher from outside the County did just that in front of the Taitung Train Station recently. If you refer to the link below, you can see the students standing with their arms raised near the entrance. 台灣教育部要求教師不得體罰, 可是最近台東車站前有外縣市某國小教師做這種事. 要學生在台東火車站前高舉雙手半小時左右.
During the summer there will be more flights between Taitung and Hong Kong. Tourists from Hong Kong and Macao bring a lot of money into the area. Maybe those bus advertisements paid off? 這個夏天飛台東, 香港的航班將增加. 從香港, 澳門來玩台東的觀光客會在這裡大量消費! 可能之前在香港的叮叮車的外觀廣告產生效益了?
There have been 15 cases of scrub typhus in Taitung. If you have a particularly troublesome insect bite, and are suffering from fever, headaches, muscle pain, or stomach complaints, you might just have scrub typhus. 台東今年已經有15例恙蟲病. 如果你被蟲咬的傷口很嚴重, 並且伴隨發燒, 頭痛肌肉疼痛, 或是肚子不舒服, 有可能是感染了恙蟲病.
The chairman of the KMT arrived in Taitung, and various development strategies were discussed. Among the topics introduced was a 300 km bike trail from Taitung to Hualien. 國民黨的主席候選人在台東縣議會討論台東發展潛力, 這當中也提到花東300公里自行車道.
At the same time, several local fishermen showed up at the Taitung County Council, protesting restrictions on the use of harpoon guns. 同時在縣議會有很多漁民出席反對魚槍管制.
A local association is helping homeless people get haircuts and a fresh change of clothes. This is done to help them find employment. 人安基金會幫助街友理髮, 另外提供他們新衣服穿. 基金會以這樣的方式提升街友找工作的機會.
An aluminum shack caught on fire. No one was killed or injured. 鐵皮屋發生火災, 無人傷亡.
Have you seen the yellow and white rental bikes around town? They're called "oBikes," and some complain that they are often left in places where they interfere with traffic. 你有沒有在路邊看過黃色跟白色的出租單車? 它們叫oBikes. 有的縣民抱怨這種單車被亂停放影響交通.
C. It is Hot. 天氣很熱
It's summer. It's Taitung. It's hot. It will also continue to be hot for some time. Instead of complaining about it, maybe it's better to think of something more pleasant to talk about. 夏天到了. 我們台東天氣很熱. 以後也會繼續很熱. 不要一直抱怨天氣熱. 可以想些較愉快的事來討論!
And no, it's not necessarily global warming. Taitung was always hot in May. Taitung will probably always be hot in May. So settle in, make yourself as comfortable as possible, and try not to dwell on the fact that yes, it's hot. 不一定是世界變暖的關係. 台東五月的天氣原來很熱. 今年的五月大概會一樣熱. 所以放心, 讓自己舒服一點. 試著不讓天氣影響你的心情.
4. 就要這樣拜! 拜拜宜忌一本通 This is How You Worship! A Comprehensive Guide to the Dos and Don'ts of Worship (1 of 2) (May 2017)
The information below was taken from 就要這樣拜! 拜拜宜忌一本通 This is How You Worship! A Comprehensive Guide to the Dos and Don'ts of Worship. The Chinese was written by Good Friends Studio, and the English was written by me. 以下的內容來自就要這樣拜! 拜拜宜忌一本通這本書. 下列中文的部分是從好朋友工作室作者的書裡節錄的. 英文的部分則是我寫的.
神明廳的擺設與位置 1
Placement and Arrangement of the Household Altar
許多人會在家中供奉神明, 保佑闔家平安. 但是, 神像的擺放位置可是一門大學問. 倘若神像位置擺放正確, 可以改善家運, 保佑子孫, 相反地, 神像的位置如果擺放錯誤, 則可能帶來病痛災厄, 福運遠離. 所以一般而言, 供奉神像時都必須請專業的風水老師在旁指導, 但是以下有關居家風水的神明廳擺放基本小常識, 大家還是瞭解一下, 才能夠避免因無知而招來的厄運, 並且能享福氣安康. Many people, in order to receive heavenly protection and prosperity, worship gods at home. The placement of these household gods is, however, a matter requiring deep knowledge. If the gods are placed correctly, a household will enjoy greater fortune and the family will be protected. If the gods are placed improperly, however, it may invite sickness and misfortune into the home, and prosperity will be that much more distant. So in most instances, it is important to place gods as instructed by a teacher of feng shui.2 Below are some important points to take into consideration when using feng shui to place gods inside a house. Everyone should be aware of these points, so as not to harm one's good fortune through carelessness, and to share in both good luck and health.
1. 神桌的位置 Position of the Altar Table
神桌的設立位置相當重要, 一般來講會擺放在家中的大廳或是獨立的佛堂, 而且該處一定得是陽光充足和空氣流通的位置, 如此一來才能夠聚集旺氣, 為家中成員帶來好運. 一般來講, 神桌最忌諱擺在陰暗不通風的角落, 或是走動太頻繁的走到處, 這兩種地方都很容易讓氣場受到干擾, 不但不能夠得到庇佑, 還可能因此招來厄運. 另外, 一般見到的神桌高度一定都是比人還要 高, 意謂神明在上, 代表人類的敬仰與尊敬之意; 而神桌背後要靠牆面擺放, 代表子孫有所依靠, 神明, 祖先能夠庇蔭後代子孫. The position of the altar table is very important. In most homes this altar table is placed in either the living room or a special room set aside for the gods. The altar table should be located in a place that receives sunlight, and where air circulates freely. In this way good fortune collects within the room, and the people within it will have good luck. In most instances the altar table should not be placed in a dark or stuffy corner, or in a place that people walk past too often. In these two types of places the accumulated good fortune is easily disturbed [or dispersed]. Not only will the household not receive the gods' protection, but misfortune can be the result. In addition, most altar tables should be taller than a [sitting] person, so that when the gods are placed upon them the respect and reverence of the worshipers is evident. The altar table should also be placed against a wall. This [placing of the table against the wall] signifies the way in which one's ancestors, one's family, and one's descendants rely upon the gods.
2. 神像與祖先牌位的放置 Placement of Gods and Ancestor Plaques
神像與祖先牌位的擺放一定要正確, 才能讓家運圓融, 平安順利. 一般來說, 神像面對大門應擺放在左側, 祖先擺放在右側; 神像擺放的順序則應按照中間, 左邊, 右邊依序擺放. Both the gods and the ancestor plaques must be placed correctly, so that peace and prosperity can surround the family. In most cases, the idols should be to the left of the door they are facing, and the ancestor [plaques] should be to the right. Idols should be arranged [in order of importance] from the center to the left, and then to the right.
3. 供奉的神明 Gods to be Worshiped
一般來說, 在家中供神, 並沒有規定一定要供奉什麼神明. 大多數人會在家中供奉福德正神, 觀音佛祖, 媽祖娘娘, 以求一家大小平安順利; 也有人會供奉財神爺, 祈求財運享通, 家中有在做生意的, 則大多會供奉關聖帝君. 家中所供奉的神明, 乃視個人情況而定, 但必須特別注意的一點是無論家中供奉什麼神明, 都應該要祭拜天公, 以表示對天公的尊敬. There aren't really any restrictions with regard to what gods should be worshiped at home. Most people worship Tu Di Gong [the "Earth God"], Guanyin, and Matsu at home, to ensure their family's prosperity. Other people worship the gods of wealth in hopes of securing their fortunes. In households that are involved in business, Guan Yu [Lord Guan] is worshiped. The gods worshiped in any household are a reflection of the circumstances in that household. Aside from this, the only requirement is that the members of the household pray to the Lord of Heaven and show him the proper respect.
4. 供奉的神像數 Number of Gods to be Worshiped
在 "易經" 裡單數代表陽, 偶數代表陰, 陽可以讓萬物滋長, 帶來力量, 陰則會使事物蕭條, 力量變弱, 因此, 家中的神像數應以奇數為宜. 若神像數量太多時, 則可以分為上下層來擺放. In the Book of Changes [I Ching]3, odd numbers represent "yang" [the positive or male principle], and even numbers represent "yin" [the negative or female principle]. "Yang" gives rise to all things, and brings strength. "Yin" reduces [or diminishes] things, and makes them weaker. For this reason, the number of gods within a house should be an odd number. If the number of gods is too large, they can be arranged in two levels.
5. 神像的高度 Height of Gods
家中的神像高度沒有限制, 只要注意神明的腳不要跟香爐口祈平即可. 因為有一說神明踏盧會進進出出, 較少時間待在家中, 所以只要避開這個細節就好. There is no restriction upon the height of household gods. You just need to keep their feet above the level of the pot where the incense is placed. If the gods "step" into the [smoke of the incense] pot too often, their "presence" within the house is "limited," so one should be attentive to this detail.
6. 神桌的禁忌 Taboos Regarding the Altar Table
1. 不宜對路沖: 容易折損財帛宮, 遭小人, 有意外災害. Don't place the altar table facing a road. This will diminish the family's wealth, attract bad sorts of people, and invite disaster.
2. 神桌後面為淋浴間: 烏穢之氣可能導致眾神退位, 無法彰顯神力, 達到庇佑效果. Don't place the altar table in front of a bathroom. The foul air may drive the gods away from their positions, and the household will lose their spiritual power and protection.
3.上面不宜有樑: 雖說神力無邊, 但若能和風水搭配則能得最佳效果. 神桌上有樑的話, 容易造成家運被壓抑無法上揚, 出現有志難伸, 懷才不遇的情況. Don't place the altar table beneath a beam. Although it is said that spiritual power is omnipresent, an accordance with the principals of feng shui will make [the altar table] most effective. When there is a beam above the altar table, the household's good fortune is "compromised" [oppressed], and when difficulties arise they will not be overcome.
4. 兩旁不要掛先人遺照: 很多人會在家中牆上掛先人照片追思, 但神明廳掛放先人遺照容易招來外來無形寄宿, 此舉不但不能庇陰子孫, 反而影響家運變弱, 家人易生病發生災難, 因此建議不要懸掛先人照片較好. Don't hang pictures of departed relatives next to the altar table. Many people hang pictures of their departed relatives on the walls of their house in remembrance, but if this kind of picture is hung in the same room as the altar table it will invite malicious influences to live in the house. In this situation the family will not receive spiritual protection, and the household's fortune will be diminished. It will be easier for the family members to become sick, and to experience misfortune. For this reason it is advised not to hang pictures of the departed on the walls.
5. 長明燈不宜滅: 神明廳的燈光明亮可以為主人帶來前途光明運勢, 若熄滅則會讓運勢變弱, 導致官司纏身, 所以在能力所及的範圍, 神明桌上的長明燈最好要保持光亮, 並隨時注意燈泡是否會因會壞損而熄滅. Keep the lights above [or in] the altar table on.4 The lights in the same room as the altar table bring good fortune to the family. If they are turned off they will weaken the family's good fortune and invite conflict. If possible the lights above [or in] the altar table should always be kept on, and the bulbs should be replaced regularly.
Types of Ceremonial (Ghost) Money5
大抵來說, 祭拜時燒化的紙錢會分為祭神和祭祖兩種; 祭拜神明用的是金紙, 祭拜祖先則為銀紙, 而燒給孤魂野鬼的紙錢則是銀紙中的小銀. 另外還有其他如蓮花座以及經衣 (或稱更衣), 這些物品都有一定的燒化對象及用途, 祭拜時可千萬不要買錯. For the most part, ceremonial money burned during worship is divided into the type used for gods and the type used for ancestors. The type used for gods is "gold money," and the type used for ancestors is "silver money." The type burned for wandering spirits is a type of "silver money" called "little silver." In addition there is also the "lotus flower offering" and "clothing" (also called "a change of clothes"). These types of ceremonial money all have their intended [divine] recipients, and for the purposes of worship it is imperative that you buy the right type.
神明專用 Used for Gods
刈金 Yi Gold
(刈金為任何神祈都通用的金紙. This type of ceremonial money can be used for any god.)
(刈金為任何神祈都通用的金紙. This type of ceremonial money can be used for any god.)
福金 Fortune Gold
(用來祭祀土地公和掌管財寶之神明 Used for Tu Di Gong and gods of wealth)
(用來祭祀土地公和掌管財寶之神明 Used for Tu Di Gong and gods of wealth)
壽金 Longevity Gold
(用來祭拜燒化給一般神祈. used for most gods)
(用來祭拜燒化給一般神祈. used for most gods)
太極金 Ultimate Gold (Tai Ji Gold)
(用來祭拜玉皇大帝, 三官大帝, 帝君. Used for the Jade Emperor, the Lords of the Three Realms, and Emperor Wen Chang)
(用來祭拜玉皇大帝, 三官大帝, 帝君. Used for the Jade Emperor, the Lords of the Three Realms, and Emperor Wen Chang)
頂極金 Top-Level Gold (Ding Ji Gold)
(祭祀玉皇大帝, 三官大帝, 帝君. Used for the Jade Emperor, the Lords of the Three Realms, and Emperor Wen Chang)
(祭祀玉皇大帝, 三官大帝, 帝君. Used for the Jade Emperor, the Lords of the Three Realms, and Emperor Wen Chang)
四色金 Four-Color Gold
(刈金, 福金, 壽金, 太極金. The first four types of ceremonial money listed above)
(刈金, 福金, 壽金, 太極金. The first four types of ceremonial money listed above)
五色金 Five-Color Gold
(刈金, 福金, 壽金, 太極金, 頂極金. The first five types of ceremonial money listed above)
(刈金, 福金, 壽金, 太極金, 頂極金. The first five types of ceremonial money listed above)
天尺金 Heaven-Spanning Gold (Tian Chr Gold)
(用來祭拜玉皇大帝之部將, 三界公及天上諸神. used to worship the court of the Jade Emperor, the Lords of the Three Realms, and any other gods)
(用來祭拜玉皇大帝之部將, 三界公及天上諸神. used to worship the court of the Jade Emperor, the Lords of the Three Realms, and any other gods)
天地水庫 Heaven, Earth, and Sea "Ku" (Tian Di Shuei Ku)
(用於消災解厄, 補運 used during times of disaster to restore one's good fortune)
(用於消災解厄, 補運 used during times of disaster to restore one's good fortune)
補運金 Luck-Restoring Gold (Bu Yun Gold)
(初一, 十五拜拜時使用 used on the first and fifteenth days of the lunar calendar)
(初一, 十五拜拜時使用 used on the first and fifteenth days of the lunar calendar)
床母衣 Bed Mother Clothes
(又稱婆姐衣... 祭拜床母專用 also called "auntie's clothes... used for worshiping the Bed Mother)
(又稱婆姐衣... 祭拜床母專用 also called "auntie's clothes... used for worshiping the Bed Mother)
甲馬 The Armored Horse
(送神迎神時使用 used for welcoming and saying farewell to spirits)
(送神迎神時使用 used for welcoming and saying farewell to spirits)
雲馬 The Clouded Horse
(送神迎神時使用 used for welcoming and saying farewell to spirits)
(送神迎神時使用 used for welcoming and saying farewell to spirits)
高錢 High-Level Money (Kao Money)
(黃色紙用來祀神, 白色則專門用來拜鬼 the yellow kind is used for gods, the white kind is used for ghosts)
(黃色紙用來祀神, 白色則專門用來拜鬼 the yellow kind is used for gods, the white kind is used for ghosts)
五路財神金 Five Gods of Wealth Gold
(用來祭拜財神 used for the gods of wealth)
(用來祭拜財神 used for the gods of wealth)
八路財神金 Eight Gods of Wealth Gold
(用來祭拜財神 used for the gods of wealth)
(用來祭拜財神 used for the gods of wealth)
五路發財金 Fivefold Prosperity Gold (Wu Lu Fa Tsai Gold)
(用來祭拜財神... 內有疏文可以寫上自己的名字或公司行號 used for worshiping the gods of wealth... there are blanks on this money where you can write your name or the name of your company)
(用來祭拜財神... 內有疏文可以寫上自己的名字或公司行號 used for worshiping the gods of wealth... there are blanks on this money where you can write your name or the name of your company)
發財金 Prosperity Gold (Fa Tsai Gold)
(祭拜神明時使用, 以求招財納福 used for the worship of gods, or to request good fortune)
(祭拜神明時使用, 以求招財納福 used for the worship of gods, or to request good fortune)
財神寶衣 Fine Robes for the Gods of Wealth
(祭拜神明時使用, 以求招財納福 used during the worship of gods, and when requesting good fortune)
(祭拜神明時使用, 以求招財納福 used during the worship of gods, and when requesting good fortune)
壽生蓮花 Longevity Lotus (Shou Sheng Lotus)
(祭拜神明或為神明祝壽用 used for gods or to celebrate longevity)
(祭拜神明或為神明祝壽用 used for gods or to celebrate longevity)
祖先, 往生者, 孤魂專用 Used for Ancestors, the Dead, and Wandering Spirits
大銀 Big Silver6
(台灣人掃墓和祭祖一定會用到 this is always used during Tomb-Sweeping Festival for one's deceased relatives)
(台灣人掃墓和祭祖一定會用到 this is always used during Tomb-Sweeping Festival for one's deceased relatives)
小銀 Little Silver
(大多用來祀拜孤魂 primarily used for wandering spirits)
經衣 Clothing
(代表著衣物和生活日用品, 專門用來普渡孤魂野鬼 represents clothes and daily necessities, used only for ghosts during Ghost Month)
金白錢 White Gold Money (Jin Bai Money)
(主要用來祭祀城隍爺東獄大帝等神祈的部將, 或用來祭拜好兄弟 primarily used for worshiping the City God, the Emperor of the Eastern Hell, or related dieties. Also used for appeasing hungry ghosts)
貼箔元寶 Paper Ingots (Tie Bo Yuan Bao)
(祭拜祖先, 孤魂, 往生者用 used for worshiping ancestors, wandering spirits, and the living)
往生蓮花 Living Lotus (Wang Sheng Lotus)
(是民間用來燒化給祖先的物品 this is a [ceremonial] good burned for one's ancestors)
庫錢 Savings/Stock Money (Ku Money)
(死時必須帶更多的錢回到陰間, 而這些帶回去的錢也就是俗稱的庫錢 when you die you need to take a lot of money back to the underworld. This type of money is called Savings Money)
往生錢 Living Money (Wang Sheng Money)
(為超度先人之用 used for ancestors)
墓紙 Grave Paper
(清明掃墓時壓在墳墓上的墓紙 A type of paper pressed onto graves during Ching Ming Festival)
(清明掃墓時壓在墳墓上的墓紙 A type of paper pressed onto graves during Ching Ming Festival)
1. More literally, "Placement and Arrangement of the Household Altar in the Room Set Aside for It." In older, more traditional houses there is a 神明廳 or "god room" set aside for the altar table.
2. I'm sure everyone's somewhat familiar with 風水 feng shui, or Chinese geomancy. To be such a "feng shui teacher" can be a very lucrative practice, considering that the principles of feng shui extend to every single item on the property. Wealthy people pay fortunes to these "teachers" to arrange their entire house.
3. I Ching is, unfortunately, the most accepted translation of this important book. "Yi Jing" (易經) is a much closer approximation of the Chinese name.
4. A lot of altar tables have built-in lights.
5. A few notes on this part. 1) The words for 錢 "money" and 金"gold" in this context usually imply the same thing. 2) The translations of money types in this part are only approximations, and I doubt you'd see them anywhere else. In many cases the Chinese name is offered alongside the English translation, and in my opinion this Chinese name would be the closest representation of the money type's meaning/use. Most people wouldn't think about what the 庫 in 庫錢 really means.
6. You may notice Big Silver and Little Silver types of money on the road, or thrown onto a building. Sometimes this is done to shame people, as if they've dishonored their (or your) ancestors. Sometimes this is also done to appease ghosts living in a place people assume is haunted.
5. 就要這樣拜! 拜拜宜忌一本通 This is How You Worship! A Comprehensive Guide to the Dos and Don'ts of Worship (2 of 2) (May 2017)
The information below was taken from 就要這樣拜! 拜拜宜忌一本通 This is How You Worship! A Comprehensive Guide to the Dos and Don'ts of Worship. The Chinese was written by Good Friends Studio, and the English was written by me. 以下的內容來自就要這樣拜! 拜拜宜忌一本通這本書. 下列中文的部分是從好朋友工作室作者的書裡節錄的. 英文的部分則是我寫的.
Also, this will be the last entry on traditional Chinese religion for a while. I may return to this subject next semester, or I might do something else entirely. I was thinking of using Taiwan's transportation infrastructure as a theme, though there is certainly a lot still to be said about traditional Chinese beliefs. Old or new? Traditional or modern? If you have a preference, maybe you can tell me. 還有. 這個文章應該是關於中國傳統宗教的最終. 我不一定下學期還討論這種事情. 我考慮下學期探索台灣的交通基礎設施, 或是繼續中國傳統信仰, 這個範疇還有很多可以討論. 古代的還是現代的? 傳統還是今日的? 如果你有不同的想法, 請讓我知道.1
Oh, and one more thing. If these entries have made you curious about traditional Chinese religion, I encourage you to visit your local temple, "ceremonial money store," or religious festival. To be sure, some of the people at some of the temples (or stores) are less than friendly, but there are also temples (or stores) where they're happy to greet visitors, happy to explain things, and happy to interact with foreign people. 還有件事. 如果這些文章讓你對傳統中國信仰很好奇, 建議你參觀附近的廟, 金香鋪, 或是廟會, 一定更有趣. 當然有的廟或店裡的人不是很親切, 可是還有更多廟和金香舖的人不是這樣子. 他們歡迎你的光臨, 又很願意跟外國人介紹他們的宗教信仰.
And in the case of religious festivals, the sooner you see them the better. Faced with the rising cost of insurance, new environmental regulations, and lack of interest from "modern-thinking" Taiwanese, many of these festivals are shrinking every year. Some city and county governments have come up with more "eco-friendly" alternatives, but if you ask me these new inventions really aren't the same thing. A Chinese religious procession without firecrackers? Without the burning of ceremonial money? It seems to me that they might as well not bother. 以傳統祭典來說, 早一點去參觀了解比較好. 各廟會都面臨保險費提升, 環保法規越來越多的限制, 即愈來愈多有 "現代想法" 的台灣人的問題, 所以這種傳統活動的規模逐年變小. 有的縣市舉辦 "環保的" 傳統活動, 可是我覺得這樣子的活動根本不同. 沒有鞭炮的廟會? 沒有燒金紙的廟宇? 我覺得這樣就乾脆不用舉辦了.
祭拜用的香束 Incense Used for Worship
焚香的意義在於藉著裊裊雲煙, 明光火星及四散香氣上達神界, 引領神明循香下凡, 享用善男信女們準備的豐富祭品, 聽見人們的祈願, 在祭典的儀式中, 占有不可或缺的地位. Clouds of incense travel from this world to the world of the spirits, to encourage the gods to receive sacred offerings from humankind, and to hear their entreaties. Incense is indispensable with regard to this kind of ritual observance.
線香 Incense Sticks
排香 Incense Bundles
環香 Incense Coils
香末 Incense Powder
上香的方式 How to Burn Incense
上香, 是向神明表示敬意以及傳達心願的一種儀式. 藉由焚香上升的煙霧, 將我們想要傳達的事情帶給天上的神明, 是與神明溝通最普遍的方式. Burning incense is a ritual signifying one's respect for the gods. The clouds which waft up from the incense allow us to pass messages to gods in the celestial realm, and [this burning of incense] is the most common way of communicating with the spirit world.
持香的方式 How to Present [or Hold] Incense
祭拜神明時, 以右手持香, 再用左手扶住右手, 將雙手放於胸前, 然後上舉至鼻頭處, 不可超過眉毛和頭頂, 接著彎腰行禮, 背部呈半月形. 拜三拜後, 可向神明說出姓名, 生辰, 家住何處, 所求何事, 接著再三拜, 心誠則靈. 若是空手朝拜, 則雙手合十, 同樣上舉至鼻頭處, 接著彎腰行禮. When worshiping the gods, hold the incense in your right hand, and place your left hand over your right. Hold your hands in front of your chest, and then raise your hands up to the level of your head. Do not raise your hands above your eyebrows, and bow from the waist, making a half moon shape with your upper torso. After doing this three times you can tell the god(s) your name, your date of birth, where you live, and the nature of your request. Then bow three more times and concentrate upon your prayer. If you are arriving before the gods without incense, place your hands together, raise them to the level of your head, and bow three times in the same fashion.
另外要特別注意的一點是, 祭拜神明時持香的數量必須是奇數, 一般以1, 3, 5, 7支為佳. In addition, be aware that the number of incense sticks held/presented before any god should be odd, and not even. In most cases presenting incense in multiples of 1, 3, 5, or 7 is best.
插香的方式 How to Place the Incense
以傳統習俗來說, 插香時應使用左手, 因為人們在生活中習慣使用右手做許多事, 較為汙穢, 對神明不敬. 另外插香應先將一炷清香插在香爐的正中央, 再將第二炷香插在面向神像的右方, 最後將第三炷香插在面向神像的左方. 插完香後, 記得要雙手合十再拜三拜, 才算完成整個插香的程序. With respect to traditional folk beliefs, incense should be placed inside the pot/ash with the left hand. Because people usually use their right hand for doing things, it is regarded as "more polluted," and not appropriate to use on the gods' behalf. You should also place the incense into the middle of the pot/ash, with the next stick of incense placed to the right of the god, and the next stick of incense after that placed to the left. After placing your incense, you should put your hands together and bow three times in order to properly conclude the ritual.
祭拜的水果與禁忌 Fruits Used for Worship and Related Taboos
在祭拜神明或好兄弟時, 有一些水果是禁止祭拜的, 因為其諧音會招來不好的東西或是不禮貌等等, 在祭拜時千萬要特別注意才行, 不要讓無心之舉帶來無妄之災. In the worship of gods or wandering spirits some fruits are forbidden. This is because the sound of their names attracts "bad things" or is considered bad manners. When worshiping your should always be aware of this, and not let ignorance [of proper etiquette] invite misfortune.
不能拜神的水果 Fruits Unsuitable for Worship
芭樂, 番茄, 釋迦 (鳳梨釋迦): 祭拜神明的水果忌用籽多且籽可食的水果, 據說這一類水果的籽因為可吃又不太好消化, 容易隨著排泄物一起排出, 被視為不潔之物, 所以不能拿來拜神明. Guava, tomatoes, sugar apples ("pineapple sugar apples"): fruits containing many seeds, or fruits containing edible seeds are unsuitable for worship. It is said the fruits containing edible seeds are not easily digested, and their nutritional value is [too] easily excreted. [This type of fruit] is viewed as being "unclean," so it should not be offered to the gods.
不能拜好兄弟的水果 Fruits That Shouldn't be Offered to Ancestors or Other Spirits
香蕉, 李子, 梨子, 鳳梨: 祭拜好兄弟時忌用諧音為 "旺來" 的鳳梨, 以及諧音為 "招你來" 的香蕉, 李子, 梨子等三種水果, 否則, 好兄弟可是會因為你的誠心 "招待" 而到家裡來拜訪. Bananas, plums, pears, and pineapples: when making offerings to wandering spirits it is forbidden to offer pineapples because of their (nick)name, "prosperity is here." Bananas, which sound like "please come here," and also plums and pears sound, to the spirits, like an invitation to "stay awhile."
適合拜拜的水果 Fruit Suitable for Worship
通常拜拜時所說的 "四果" 指的並不是四樣水果, 而是指四季時令水果. 拜拜時應以1, 3, 5樣奇數水果為主, 或是3, 6, 9的倍數, 而適合祭拜的水果則有: 蘋果, 桃子, 李子, 棗子, 葡萄柚, 柚子, 橘子等等, 其中又以蘋果有 "保平安", 柚子有求 "有子" 的吉祥話最理想. The "four fruits" usually mentioned in connection with worship are not just four different kinds of fruit, but rather fruits from four different seasons. When worshiping, fruits should be offered in ratios of 1, 3, and 5, or 3, 6, and 9. Fruits suitable for worship are apples, peaches, plums, dates, grapefruit, pomelos, and oranges. Within these fruits, apples carry the special significance of "preserving peace," and grapefruit signify "being fruitful."*
1. If it helps you decide, I've got the book "Taoism" 道教 on my desk, and another book called "Taiwan's Temples Tell Stories" 台灣廟宇說故事 at home. At home I've also got a book about trains, a book about the development of the shipping industry, and a book about the Taiwan's infrastructure projects over the years.
*"Fruitful" as in "bearing children."
6. Driving from Taitung City and Back Again 從山區開回來台東市 (May 2017)
The ruins of an old, old house in Mei Shan. There's not much of it left, but what's left dates back to the late 1800s. The man who built it moved to Taitung from Pingtung. 在美山的遺址. 目前可以看到的部分不多, 這可是西元19世紀時建蓋的. 當時的主人是從屏東過來的.
More of the same old house. Probably also a good place to find snakes. 同一個遺址. 住在草下的蛇應該滿多.
There are two temples on the other side of the ruins, one for Tu Di Gong and one for Matsu. The Matsu temple looks out on this view of the Mei Shan port. That's San Shian Tai ("Three Immortals Bridge") in the background. 遺址另外一邊有兩間廟. 一間祭拜的是土地公, 另外一間是給媽祖的. 媽祖廟正對著美山漁港. 背景的小島就是三仙台.
Taken from the Hualien half of the Yu Chang Highway. This road starts in Chang Bin Township, Taitung County, passes through the Coastal Mountain Range, and ends in Yu Li, near Jade Mountain National Park. 在花蓮那一段的玉長公路. 這條路從台東縣長濱鄉經過海岸山脈, 然後到玉山國家公園附近的玉里鎮.
In front of the Guanshan Train Station. Much better weather. 在關山車站前面. 天氣好多了.
Also in downtown Guanshan. 也在關山市區.
The house on the left in the above picture. 這一棟是上一張照片中左邊的房子.
Sasame house, from another angle. 同一棟房子. 是房子的另外一邊.
7. How to Make (More) Money in Taiwan (June 2017)
So you're a foreigner, you're in Taiwan, you've got a job at a cram school somewhere, and you want to make more money. What can you do?
1. Know your visa.
A lot of foreigners seem very confused about their visa, and what kind of things it allows them to do in Taiwan. You want to be familiar with the duration of your visa, who is sponsoring your visa, and whether your employment is compatible with the kind of visa you've been issued. (Link: List of Visa Types)
And once you've learned all you need to know about your visa, it's good to ask yourself whether or not your visa is hampering your ability to make money. If so, you want to look at getting a different type of visa (if possible).
2. Know your contract.
It never ceases to amaze me how many people never bother to read their contracts. For instance, is your contract valid given the type of visa you have? Is your contract legal in all other respects? Is your employer abiding by the rules set down in the contract?
Most contracts aren't all that complicated, and most of them are written in Chinese AND English. Reading them through should be the first thing you do before you sign them, and also the first thing you do after you sign them. After reading them (twice), it pays to think about "hypotheticals" that may occur during the duration of your employment. What happens if you're sick for more than 10 days? What happens if you don't get along with a co-teacher? What happens if the number of students in your class falls below a certain number?
3. Know more (kinds of) people.
Do you hang out with other foreigners all the time? This might be a great strategy if all you're after is sub work in various English schools, but there are other ways of making money in Taiwan, and escaping the "foreigner bubble" can make these ways of earning money more feasible.
Cultivating relationships with Taiwanese people will make you money. I know this sounds crass and manipulative, but it's true. The more Taiwanese people you talk to (and really engage with), the more opportunities you will have to make money. And even if you aren't just after money, many Taiwanese people can also be good friends who will bring joy to your life.
Knowing more kinds of (Taiwanese) people can also make you more money. If all the people you know are teachers, that's fine if all you want to do is teach. But what if you want to do something else? In such a situation knowing people like bankers, lawyers, fishermen, or even construction workers can be very helpful. You never know what might come your way through such contacts. (Link: National Statistics for the Republic of China)
4. Know yourself.
Who are you? What do you want to do? Where do you want to do it? How often do you want to do it? Answering such questions to your own satisfaction won't just make you more money, it will make you a happier person. I realize that answering these kind of questions is often easier said than done, but it's often the most difficult tasks that are the most essential.
5. Know the laws.
This goes beyond knowing the limitations placed upon your particular visa. This extends to taxes, and things that can - if you're not careful - get you sent to jail. For instance, if I start organizing parasailing tours off the coast of Green Island, what kind of insurance am I required to have? What kind of equipment? How can I be reported if I break law, and what will happen to me if I am reported? I realize that many ventures in Taiwan operate in a gray area between legal and illegal, but it's useful to think about consequences, and plan for worst case scenarios.
6. Know how to advertise.
If I'm opening a restaurant, is it worth taking out an ad in the Apple Daily? Or is Facebook a cheaper and more sensible solution? How can I use Line to expand my market? How can I get people talking about what I do/sell/make? It continually amazes me how little most people think about advertising, and how content they are to let word of mouth (or the lack thereof) guide their destiny.
However you're going to advertise, don't sell yourself short. Make a lot of noise. Get people's attention. And remember that consistency is important. Your message should be the same every time - or at least appear to be so. This tells people that you know what you are doing. (Link: "The Six Best Advertising Strategies for Small Business" at Entepreneur.com)
7. Know your market.
It's probably not the best idea to open up a pizza restaurant way up in the mountains. Why? Because only tourists are likely to eat there, and adverse road conditions (and weather) will impact your business. For similar reasons, don't open up a beef noodle restaurant next to everyone's favorite swimming beach. Why? Because people only swim when it's hot, and when it's hot they're not likely to want beef noodles.
A lot of people seem to have this "if you build it, they will come" attitude towards their business. They seem to think that if they love doing something, and they do it better than anyone else, customers will show up automatically.
This is of course not the case. You need to be somewhat unromantic about any business. You need to look at your location (or possible locations) and first think about what people in that area need or want. YOU are the one providing the service, not them. They are only providing the (potential) profit. This doesn't mean that you can't open the kind of business that appeals to you, but it does mean that you need to find a match between your product and your market.
Maintaining consistent quality, availability or products, and staying open at predictable times is part of this process. People want to know what they'll get the next time they step through your door. They want to know that you'll always have enough pepperoni to make pizza on Friday. They want to know that you'll always be open at 11 a.m. (if that's what your sign says). They want to know that you'll always stock shoes in their size. (Link: "Steps to Identify Your Target Market" at Forbes.com)
8. Know the online market.
Nowadays you can do a lot of stuff online, from teaching English to wedding photography. This online market can be particularly helpful if you live in a more rural area, or if you're operating in an area where others haven't yet embraced the technology. A lot of people flirt with the Internet and then retreat to business as usual, but it's worth a more thorough investigation. (Link: "8 Affordable and Effective Ways to Advertise Online" at OPENforum)
9. Know how to get new skills and/or credentials.
Finding out where to acquire new skills, degrees, or certificates is always helpful. In the big cities this will be easier, but for those in rural areas there are also online resources. Just don't forget that in the process of acquiring new skills and credentials you'll also be meeting people who in themselves provide business opportunities later on. (Link: "Working in Taiwan" at Forumosa.com)
10. Know that whatever you're business you're in, it will probably take a long time to prosper.
Determination. That's what will see you through, 9 times out of 10. Why do most people fail to succeed? Simply because they've given up too early. If you have an idea, and you're certain it's the right one for you, the only thing standing between you and making that idea a reality is your ability to see it through to the end.
So don't give up! It might not come easy, but it'll come. Make yourself believe it, and others will too!
P.S. It should be noted that I am NOT a businessman, though I have used many of the principles listed above to make money. Many of my family members and friends are engaged in various businesses, and over the course of my time in Taiwan I've had the opportunity to see many businesses succeed and fail.
A lot of foreigners seem very confused about their visa, and what kind of things it allows them to do in Taiwan. You want to be familiar with the duration of your visa, who is sponsoring your visa, and whether your employment is compatible with the kind of visa you've been issued. (Link: List of Visa Types)
And once you've learned all you need to know about your visa, it's good to ask yourself whether or not your visa is hampering your ability to make money. If so, you want to look at getting a different type of visa (if possible).
It never ceases to amaze me how many people never bother to read their contracts. For instance, is your contract valid given the type of visa you have? Is your contract legal in all other respects? Is your employer abiding by the rules set down in the contract?
Most contracts aren't all that complicated, and most of them are written in Chinese AND English. Reading them through should be the first thing you do before you sign them, and also the first thing you do after you sign them. After reading them (twice), it pays to think about "hypotheticals" that may occur during the duration of your employment. What happens if you're sick for more than 10 days? What happens if you don't get along with a co-teacher? What happens if the number of students in your class falls below a certain number?
3. Know more (kinds of) people.
Do you hang out with other foreigners all the time? This might be a great strategy if all you're after is sub work in various English schools, but there are other ways of making money in Taiwan, and escaping the "foreigner bubble" can make these ways of earning money more feasible.
Cultivating relationships with Taiwanese people will make you money. I know this sounds crass and manipulative, but it's true. The more Taiwanese people you talk to (and really engage with), the more opportunities you will have to make money. And even if you aren't just after money, many Taiwanese people can also be good friends who will bring joy to your life.
Knowing more kinds of (Taiwanese) people can also make you more money. If all the people you know are teachers, that's fine if all you want to do is teach. But what if you want to do something else? In such a situation knowing people like bankers, lawyers, fishermen, or even construction workers can be very helpful. You never know what might come your way through such contacts. (Link: National Statistics for the Republic of China)
4. Know yourself.
Who are you? What do you want to do? Where do you want to do it? How often do you want to do it? Answering such questions to your own satisfaction won't just make you more money, it will make you a happier person. I realize that answering these kind of questions is often easier said than done, but it's often the most difficult tasks that are the most essential.
5. Know the laws.
This goes beyond knowing the limitations placed upon your particular visa. This extends to taxes, and things that can - if you're not careful - get you sent to jail. For instance, if I start organizing parasailing tours off the coast of Green Island, what kind of insurance am I required to have? What kind of equipment? How can I be reported if I break law, and what will happen to me if I am reported? I realize that many ventures in Taiwan operate in a gray area between legal and illegal, but it's useful to think about consequences, and plan for worst case scenarios.
6. Know how to advertise.
If I'm opening a restaurant, is it worth taking out an ad in the Apple Daily? Or is Facebook a cheaper and more sensible solution? How can I use Line to expand my market? How can I get people talking about what I do/sell/make? It continually amazes me how little most people think about advertising, and how content they are to let word of mouth (or the lack thereof) guide their destiny.
However you're going to advertise, don't sell yourself short. Make a lot of noise. Get people's attention. And remember that consistency is important. Your message should be the same every time - or at least appear to be so. This tells people that you know what you are doing. (Link: "The Six Best Advertising Strategies for Small Business" at Entepreneur.com)
7. Know your market.
It's probably not the best idea to open up a pizza restaurant way up in the mountains. Why? Because only tourists are likely to eat there, and adverse road conditions (and weather) will impact your business. For similar reasons, don't open up a beef noodle restaurant next to everyone's favorite swimming beach. Why? Because people only swim when it's hot, and when it's hot they're not likely to want beef noodles.
A lot of people seem to have this "if you build it, they will come" attitude towards their business. They seem to think that if they love doing something, and they do it better than anyone else, customers will show up automatically.
This is of course not the case. You need to be somewhat unromantic about any business. You need to look at your location (or possible locations) and first think about what people in that area need or want. YOU are the one providing the service, not them. They are only providing the (potential) profit. This doesn't mean that you can't open the kind of business that appeals to you, but it does mean that you need to find a match between your product and your market.
Maintaining consistent quality, availability or products, and staying open at predictable times is part of this process. People want to know what they'll get the next time they step through your door. They want to know that you'll always have enough pepperoni to make pizza on Friday. They want to know that you'll always be open at 11 a.m. (if that's what your sign says). They want to know that you'll always stock shoes in their size. (Link: "Steps to Identify Your Target Market" at Forbes.com)
8. Know the online market.
Nowadays you can do a lot of stuff online, from teaching English to wedding photography. This online market can be particularly helpful if you live in a more rural area, or if you're operating in an area where others haven't yet embraced the technology. A lot of people flirt with the Internet and then retreat to business as usual, but it's worth a more thorough investigation. (Link: "8 Affordable and Effective Ways to Advertise Online" at OPENforum)
9. Know how to get new skills and/or credentials.
Finding out where to acquire new skills, degrees, or certificates is always helpful. In the big cities this will be easier, but for those in rural areas there are also online resources. Just don't forget that in the process of acquiring new skills and credentials you'll also be meeting people who in themselves provide business opportunities later on. (Link: "Working in Taiwan" at Forumosa.com)
10. Know that whatever you're business you're in, it will probably take a long time to prosper.
Determination. That's what will see you through, 9 times out of 10. Why do most people fail to succeed? Simply because they've given up too early. If you have an idea, and you're certain it's the right one for you, the only thing standing between you and making that idea a reality is your ability to see it through to the end.
So don't give up! It might not come easy, but it'll come. Make yourself believe it, and others will too!
P.S. It should be noted that I am NOT a businessman, though I have used many of the principles listed above to make money. Many of my family members and friends are engaged in various businesses, and over the course of my time in Taiwan I've had the opportunity to see many businesses succeed and fail.
8. Paradise on Vacation 天堂在放假 (June 2017)
Billy lives in Kaohsiung. Kaohsiung is a big city. Kaohsiung is always busy! Billy住在高雄. 高雄是一個大都市也是一個熱鬧的地方!
When Billy drives to work, he drives through traffic. When Billy drives home, he drives through traffic. So many cars everywhere. So much traffic, everywhere he goes! Billy開車上班的時候都塞車. Billy下班回家的時候也塞車. 到處都是車. 他無論去哪裡都塞車!
"I know," he says. "I'll go to Taitung, and enjoy some peace and quiet. Taitung is not a big city like Kaohsiung. Taitung is never busy. I can drive there tomorrow, and leave all the traffic behind." "我想到了," 他說. "我要去享受台東寧靜的生活. 台東與高雄比起來很鄉下, 也不那麼熱鬧. 我明天要開車到那裡, 把大都市的塞車問題留在這裡."
...but what Billy doesn't know is that everyone in Kaohsiung has the same idea. They are ALL driving to Taitung. They are ALL looking for peace and quiet! 可是Billy不知道高雄所有的人都這麼想. 他們都要開車到台東, 他們所有的人都在尋找寧靜祥和的環境!
Billy visits the Forest Park, and finds it full of people. Billy drives up the coast, and finds it full of people. Billy visits downtown Taitung, and finds it full of people, too. There are so many people everywhere. Just like in Kaohsiung! Billy去森林公園才發現那裡人山人海. Billy開車上東海岸才發現那裡也充滿了人群. Billy又去台東市區, 竟發現也是處處都是人, 跟高雄一樣!
Lily lives in Taipei. Taipei is an even bigger city. In Taipei it's always raining. Lily住在台北. 台北是一個更大的都市. 台北常常下雨.
When Lily walks to school, she walks through the rain. When Lily walks home, she walks through the rain. So much rain everywhere. So much rain, everywhere she goes! Lily走路上學的時候常常下雨. Lily走路回家的時候也是在下雨. 到處都在下雨. Lily去哪裡都是雨!
"I know," she says. "I'll go to Taitung, and enjoy some sunshine. Taitung is not a rainy city like Taipei. Taitung is almost never rainy. I can take the plane there tomorrow, and leave all this rain behind." "我想到了," 她說. "我要去台東享受那邊的陽光. 台東的天氣比台北的好很多. 台東不會這樣下雨. 我明天就坐飛機到那裡, 遠離台北的天氣."
...but what Lily doesn't know is that all the clouds in Taipei have the same idea. They are ALL floating down the coast, toward Taitung. They are covering up the sun, and the sky is growing darker! 可是Lily不知道的是台北的雲霧也這麼想. 它們都飄往台東. 它們擋住了陽光, 讓天空越來越黑了!
Lily visits the Forest Park, but it's raining. Lily drives a scooter into the mountains, but it's raining. Lily goes to the Seashore Park, but it's raining. There is so much rain everywhere. Just like in Taipei! Lily去森林公園, 那裡在下雨. Lily騎摩托車進山區, 那裡也在下雨. Lily又去海濱公園, 竟發現在下雨. 到處都在下雨. 跟台北一樣!
Joe lives in Taichung. Taichung is a big city, but not as big as Kaohsiung or Taipei. Taichung is not good for surfing! Joe住在台中. 台中是一個大都市, 可是它比台北跟高雄小. 在台中沒辦法衝浪!
When Joe rides his scooter to work, he feels sad that he can't go surfing. When Joes goes to the local park, he feels sad that he can't go surfing. No ocean anywhere. Only the city, everywhere he goes! Joe騎摩托車上班的時候, 都覺得失望, 他沒辦法衝浪. Joe去自家附近的公園的時候, 都覺得失望沒辦法衝浪. 到處看不到海. Billy去哪裡都是城市的一角!
"I know," he says. "I'll go to Taitung, and do some surfing. Taitung is not far from the ocean like Taichung. In Taitung the coast is always near. I can take the train there tomorrow, and leave this city far behind." "我想到了," 他說. "我去台東衝浪. 台東不是跟台中一樣離海很遠. 在台東到處都離海邊很近. 我明天坐火車去那裡, 把城市拋到腦後."
...but what Joe doesn't know is that other people, in other parts of Taiwan, have the same idea. They are ALL driving, taking a plane, or taking a train to Taitung. They are ALL looking for a place to surf! 可是Joe不知道台灣其他地方的人也這麼想. 他們都開車, 坐飛機, 或是坐火車往台東. 他們所有的人都在找地方衝浪!
Joe visits "The Reef," and finds it full of other surfers. Joe visits the "River Mouth," and finds it full of other surfers. Joe even takes the bus up to Du Li, and finds it full of other surfers. There are so many surfers everywhere. Unlike Taichung! Joe去"The Reef," 後發現很多人已經在衝浪. Joe去"The River Mouth," 也發現很多人已經在那裏衝浪. Joe又坐公車去都歷, 又發現已經很多人在衝浪. 到處都是來衝浪的人. 跟台中不一樣!
Later, Billy drives back to Kaohsiung. He hits traffic, but he doesn't feel so bad. He's just glad to be home. His friends are waiting for him at the movie theater, and he knows he'll have a good time. 之後Billy開車回去高雄. 他雖然碰到塞車, 可是不覺得那麼傷心了. 他很高興回到家. 他的朋友們在電影院等他, 他知道跟朋友一起看影片會很好玩.
Later, Lily takes the plane back to Taipei. She sees the rain, but she doesn't feel so bad. She's just happy to be home. Her mother is waiting for her at the airport, and they'll have hot pot for dinner. 之後Lily坐飛機回去台北. 她看到下雨, 可是她不覺得那麼傷心. 她很高興回到家. 她媽媽在機場等她, 他們要一起去吃火鍋.
Later, Joe takes the train back to Taichung. He sees the city, but he doesn't feel so bad. He's just excited to be home. His favorite band is playing that evening, and there's still time to make the concert. 之後Joe坐火車回去台中. 他看到大都市, 可是他不覺得那麼傷心了. 他到家的時候很興奮. 那個晚上他最喜歡的樂團要表演, 而且他還有時間趕上那場音樂會.
Many other people also return to many other places, all of them disappointed by their weekends. It's not only those who went to Taitung. It's the same for those who went to Taipei, Kaohsiung, or Taichung. It's also the same for those who went to Miaoli, Taoyuan, or Kenting. These people all had high hopes for the places they were going, but found themselves defeated by the traffic, or the rain, or the crowds. 很多人各自回去其他的地方, 他們都對周末有些失望. 不只是往台東方向的人有這種感覺, 往台北, 高雄, 或台中的旅客也有. 甚至是到苗栗, 桃園, 或墾丁的旅客也是. 這些人都對自己的目的地有很高的期望, 可是最後因為塞車, 下雨, 或是人多的狀況掃興了.
Maybe, in some cases, it was simply bad luck. Maybe, in other cases, something was genuinely wrong. But whatever the case, it's always easy to think that the grass is greener on the other side, and that the place you're going to is better than the place you're coming from. It's easy to think that the place you don't live is better, for any number of reasons. 有的人可能只是單純的運氣不好. 也有人是真的發生意外. 不管運氣不好還是意外, 人都很容易覺得 "另一邊的草比較綠," 也很容易覺得旅行的目的地比自己原來居住的地方好很多. 因為許多不同的理由而覺得自己居住的地方沒有其他地方好是很簡單的事.
What's more difficult is to remember the good things about the place where you live, and why you chose to live there in the first place! 比較難做到的事情就是記得你自己居住地的優點, 也記得自己原來選擇那個地方的理由.
9. Letter to B and C from A (June 2017)
Even now, when one of our coworkers mentions you in passing, I feel a little angry. You're in the States now, and you'll probably never read this, so I might as well take the opportunity to explain why.
You spent a lot of time talking about how much more "mature" you are compared to the other "teachers" in your program. In my opinion, your maturity was just a false sense of superiority, and in the end you only proved that you're even less mature than they are. They stuck around to the end of their contracts. You didn't.
You had an easy job here. Our school was full of people willing to help you. But somewhere along the line you decided that none of us (myself included) were worth talking to. You decided - out of your vast experience of the human condition - that staring at a computer in a darkened room was preferable to having a conversation.
And speaking of your friendliness (or lack thereof), I was really unhappy with your dismissive attitude toward our students. They just wanted to know you. They were just curious. But instead of giving them the chance to interact with you, you spent months hiding in your classroom. Even when you were around them your defenses were up, and after a few weeks they were smart enough not to bother.
I know a lot of those kids - I can't claim to know them all. But I think that whether I know them or not they deserved better from you. They deserved your patience. They deserved your warmth. You could have taken the time to try to communicate with them. They would have enjoyed that.
Not that your unfriendliness was the only problem. I could never figure out why it was so hard for you to get organized. I could never understand why you didn't know what to do. Maybe you did come here from older students, but you had your degree, and you ought to have known better. What happened?
Maybe what happened, in your mind, is that the culture here was a barrier you couldn't cross. Maybe you looked at me and thought: "He knows the language. He knows the culture. So of course it's no problem for him." But from my perspective such a rationalization will always ring false, because once upon a time I was just like you. I was new to Taiwan. I didn't speak the language. I didn't understand the culture. And yet... I still did my job. I still found ways to improve, and I still fulfilled my commitments. I still taught English, as well as I knew how.
You're probably in the States now, thinking "Thank God that's over!" But is it? Really? Are you going to be friendlier in the future? Are you going to be more professional? Are you going to be more patient and attentive toward your students?
I kind of doubt it. Wherever you go, you'll still be stuck with yourself. You just don't seem capable of that kind of change. You seem to lack the ability to self-analyze, and to reflect on that level. Hopefully one day you'll have that ability, but based on your conduct, it's not likely to happen anytime soon.
But then again, maybe your work over there is just another exercise in hand-holding, wherein you'll be little more than another body filling space. If so, I'm sure you'll do fine. In such an environment it doesn't matter how friendly or hard-working you are. All you'll need to do is show up, and follow the rules.
You might be thinking that it was just a year in Taiwan. Just a year, no big deal. But how many years do we have in our lives? How many chances to do the right thing, and at the right time? You might think you have another chance, and in that you'd be right, but you have to be the right kind of person to seize that chance, and the right kind of person to make the most of it.
For your sake, I hope you're having a better time in the States than you had here. Just don't blame Taiwan for your bad experience. That's all on you.
10. Different Angles (June 2017)
Urban. Urban is Taipei, with all its department stores and trendy restaurants. Urban is the bars near the Xinyi Shopping District, and paying far too much for a beer. Urban is the hum of the MRT, and the buildings viewed through a freeway overpass.
Rural. Rural is Yunlin, where even the "local" 7-11 is a long walk away. Rural is the day market up in Yu Li, where the locals sip noodles beneath scant shade and sweat. Rural is the clack of the slow train as it passes through yet another town, whose name you won't remember.
Modern. Modern is that one place next to that one MRT station that has more Western things than the West has Western things. You can have some of the things if you've brought your credit card, but if you haven't don't bother.
Ancient. Ancient is walking over bricks in Tainan. Bricks that were placed there before the city where I was born existed. Bricks that bore the weight of horses before they bore the weight of cars. Bricks that have resonated with centuries of fireworks. Bricks that remember times long forgotten.
Crowded. Crowded is the doors of the temple before the first day of the lunar new year. Crowded is all of the bodies straining to get inside, to be the first to plant their incense before the idols. Crowded is also the starting line near the "Big Egg," with all the bodies likewise straining.
Empty. Empty is the industrial parks around Chinese New Year, the places where everybody works but where nobody is from. Empty is the fields east of Chao Jhou, where few bother to grow things, and fewer bother to travel. Empty is the old factories that speak of industries moved elsewhere.
High. High, of course, is up in the mountains. High, if you can get far enough away from a road, is a good place to be. People bring a lot of things to get high. They travel in groups, and they are wary of reptiles. High is not easy to get to, but it's much easier to get from.
Low. Low is the land near Bu Dai, the land submerged during the typhoons. Low is the place so low that many people have gone away, and the houses only emerge when it's dry enough, and high enough, for old bricks to remember better times.
Legal. Legal is the policeman waiting in Da Ren to catch me. He knows, I think, that I drive without a license. Legal is the cameras that lie in wait along the highway, and the men in bright vests waiting to flag me down. Legal is a real worry.
Illegal. Illegal is perhaps too many beers in, and perhaps something I had best not talk about. Illegal is neon lights, and the promise of something secret enough to be greater. Between legal and illegal there is only the slightest step, the slightest shift away from center.
Theirs. Theirs is everything I don't like about Taiwan. It's the attitudes, the provincialisms, and the languages I don't understand. Theirs is ignorance and superstition. Theirs is xenophobia and a jumping off to strange conclusions. Theirs is the herd, and the knowledge that I'll never be that type of animal.
Mine. Mine is everything I like about Taiwan. It's the attitudes, the provincialisms, and languages I do understand. Mine is knowledge and rationality. Mine is welcoming smiles and a shared comprehension. Mine is a friend, and the knowledge that I don't need to be that type of animal.
Urban. Urban is Taipei, with all its department stores and trendy restaurants. Urban is the bars near the Xinyi Shopping District, and paying far too much for a beer. Urban is the hum of the MRT, and the buildings viewed through a freeway overpass.
Rural. Rural is Yunlin, where even the "local" 7-11 is a long walk away. Rural is the day market up in Yu Li, where the locals sip noodles beneath scant shade and sweat. Rural is the clack of the slow train as it passes through yet another town, whose name you won't remember.
Modern. Modern is that one place next to that one MRT station that has more Western things than the West has Western things. You can have some of the things if you've brought your credit card, but if you haven't don't bother.
Ancient. Ancient is walking over bricks in Tainan. Bricks that were placed there before the city where I was born existed. Bricks that bore the weight of horses before they bore the weight of cars. Bricks that have resonated with centuries of fireworks. Bricks that remember times long forgotten.
Crowded. Crowded is the doors of the temple before the first day of the lunar new year. Crowded is all of the bodies straining to get inside, to be the first to plant their incense before the idols. Crowded is also the starting line near the "Big Egg," with all the bodies likewise straining.
Empty. Empty is the industrial parks around Chinese New Year, the places where everybody works but where nobody is from. Empty is the fields east of Chao Jhou, where few bother to grow things, and fewer bother to travel. Empty is the old factories that speak of industries moved elsewhere.
High. High, of course, is up in the mountains. High, if you can get far enough away from a road, is a good place to be. People bring a lot of things to get high. They travel in groups, and they are wary of reptiles. High is not easy to get to, but it's much easier to get from.
Low. Low is the land near Bu Dai, the land submerged during the typhoons. Low is the place so low that many people have gone away, and the houses only emerge when it's dry enough, and high enough, for old bricks to remember better times.
Legal. Legal is the policeman waiting in Da Ren to catch me. He knows, I think, that I drive without a license. Legal is the cameras that lie in wait along the highway, and the men in bright vests waiting to flag me down. Legal is a real worry.
Illegal. Illegal is perhaps too many beers in, and perhaps something I had best not talk about. Illegal is neon lights, and the promise of something secret enough to be greater. Between legal and illegal there is only the slightest step, the slightest shift away from center.
Theirs. Theirs is everything I don't like about Taiwan. It's the attitudes, the provincialisms, and the languages I don't understand. Theirs is ignorance and superstition. Theirs is xenophobia and a jumping off to strange conclusions. Theirs is the herd, and the knowledge that I'll never be that type of animal.
Mine. Mine is everything I like about Taiwan. It's the attitudes, the provincialisms, and languages I do understand. Mine is knowledge and rationality. Mine is welcoming smiles and a shared comprehension. Mine is a friend, and the knowledge that I don't need to be that type of animal.
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