March - April 2016

1. It's Not Just a Pig 不只是一隻豬而已 (March 2016)

About a year ago I visited Tainan's Black Bridge Sausage Museum for the first time.  Yes, Tainan has its own sausage museum, and no, it's not very interesting.  But I am something of a completist when it comes to (weird) museums, and the minute I saw the sign I just had to go. 我第一次參觀台南的香腸博物館大約一年前.  你沒看錯, 台南真的有香腸博物館.  你也對了, 這博物館非常無聊.  可是因為我想要去奇怪的博物館, 所以我看到路邊的指示牌時, 一定要去看看.

While I was there I bought a mug.  This is one side of it.  我在那裡的時候買的馬克杯.  這是它的圖案.

And this is the other.  這是杯子的另一面.

Now before I get started - don't worry.  I'm not going to get on my high horse about what you should eat.  I'm not going to tell you how you can live longer, how we can "save the planet" (whatever that means) or how we can "live a greener lifestyle."  Certainly what I'm about to discuss has a bearing on all of those things, but I'll let you draw your own conclusions.  在我開始討論這個馬克杯前, 不用緊張.  我不是要告訴你什麼該吃.  也不是要跟你說怎麼活久一點.  或是跟你說怎麼"救地球", 還是怎麼過綠色生活.  當然! 我要討論的是與這些事物有關, 可是該怎麼做是你自己該想該決定的.

I just thought it was an interesting mug, and the message it's trying to convey is definitely food for thought.  Because when you think about it, it's really not just a pig.  It's an entire way of life.  It might just be an entire civilization.  這個馬克杯很有趣.  它發出的訊息也很重要.  因為我們思考一下, 牠真的不只是一隻豬而已.  牠也表示一種生活方式.  可能牠也表示一個文明的來源.

We use animals for a lot of things, right?  But I don't think most people are aware of just how many things, or how pervasive animal products are in our daily life.  It's not just that we're eating pigs - we're also drinking them, putting them on our faces, and using them for fuel.  Some of the ways in which we use pigs (or chickens, or cows for that matter) are conscious choices, but others are the results of how chemistry interacts with industry, large-scale agriculture, and large-scale food production.  動物有很多用途, 對不對?  可是大多數的人不知道這個用途有多廣, 也不知道動物產品如何充斥在我們生活中所有角落.  我們不只吃豬, 我們也把牠們喝掉, 把牠們擦在臉上, 把牠們變成燃料.  我們利用豬, 雞, 牛的方法取決於個人, 但還有很多的結果是化學, 工業, 大規模的農業生產和食品生產的成果.

Take the first group of pork products, for example. I realize that they're hard to see in the picture above, but the first row of objects is labeled "Life," and the pictures are labeled in the right-side column as "fat back," "Bath beads," "facial mask," "beer," and "Bio-diesel."  先看杯子上最上層的類別好了.  我知道上面的照片看不清楚, 那一類別是"Life."  它涵蓋右邊的"fat back," "Bath beads," "facial mask," "beer,"跟"Bio-diesel."

Now without getting into the meaning of "Life" (ha ha), "fat back" (or fatback) is just a fatty cut of pork used to make lard, salt pork, pork rinds, or sausages.  "Bath beads," "facial mask"(s), and "Bio-diesel" all contain glycerin, a substance rendered from pork fat.  "Beer" refers to pepsin, an enzyme in hog stomachs added to most beers. Both glycerin and pepsin have a wide range of commercial and industrial applications.  不看"Life"這個字的意思, "fat back"(還是fatback)指的是肥肉.  它用來炸豬油, 做鹹豬肉, 炸豬皮或香腸.  "Bath beads," "facial mask",跟"Bio-diesel"都含有從肥豬肉製作而成的甘油.  "Beer"表示的是啤酒裡面的胃蛋白酶.  這個從豬肚來的胃蛋白酶跟甘油在商業跟工業中有很多用途.

Fun Fact: Pepsi-Cola derives its name from pepsin.  The original recipe for this cola combined pepsin and kola nuts.  好玩的事實: 百事可樂的英文名字是Pepsi-Cola.  這個名稱是從胃蛋白酶(pepsin)來的.  它原本的食譜是用胃蛋白酶跟可樂果.

In the "Food" category we find "glycyrrizic acid," "Lollipop," "candy," "candyfloss," and "chocolate cookies."  The "glycyrrizic acid" part appears to be a mistake, since this chemical is derived from licorice root.  "Candy," "candyfloss" (another name for cotton candy), and "chocolate cookies" are all correct, however.  Most types of candy contain gelatin derived from pork, cotton candy often contains food coloring or flavoring agents derived from pork, and many brands of chocolate cookies contain lard or other pork-based ingredients.  在"Food"這個類別有"glycyrrizic acid," "Lollipop," "candy," "candyfloss,"跟"chocolate cookies."  這個"glycyrrizic acid"應該是個錯誤, 因為那個化學成分是從甘草來的.  其他的都有豬肉產品沒錯.  大部分的糖果有從豬肉來的明膠在裡面.  棉花糖的食用色素跟調味劑也來自豬肉.  很多種巧克力餅乾也含有豬油或其他的豬肉產品.

Lastly, in the "Meat" category we find "fish food," "foundation," "scratch feed," "frankfurt," and "braised beef."  "Fish food" is self-explanatory.  "Foundation" is another cosmetic item containing glycerin. "Scratch feed" is chicken feed which contains pork.  "Frankfurt" is a misspelling of frankfurter, or hot dog.  And "braised beef," much to my surprise, isn't all beef after all.  在最後"Meat"的類別中會找到"fish food," "foundation," "scratch feed,"跟"braised beef."  "Fish food"大家都知道了.  "Foundation"則是含有甘油的化妝品.  "Scratch feed"是含有豬肉的雞飼料.  "Frankfurt"這個單字拼錯了.  它就是"frankfurter"或是熱狗的意思.  我覺得最驚人的是"braised beef," 因為這種牛肉不是純的牛肉的食品.

So there you go.  It's not just a pig.  It's the makeup we put on our faces, the food we eat, the food we feed our pets and animals, and also many, many other things.  It's so many things, in fact, that I can't list them all here.  If you're interested, there's a list at this site.  And this list isn't even the end of the story, but rather a place to start.  所以你看.  真的不只是一隻豬而已.  它也是我們擦在臉上的化妝品; 是我們吃的食物; 是我們給動物吃的食物; 更是很多生活中的其他東西.  牠還有許多用途, 我沒辦法在這裡寫出牠所有的用途.  如果要了解更多, 可以參考這個網頁.  這個網頁也不是一個終點.  只是一個起點而已.

This said, I think I'll go and enjoy some coffee in my "pig mug."  There's no pork in coffee, right?*  話說回來, 我現在想用我的"It's not just a pig"馬克杯喝杯咖啡.  咖啡總不含豬肉產品, 對不對?

Right? 對不對...?

2. A Miserable Day in Chr Shang 糟糕的池上戶外教學 (March 2016)

Last week my fourth grade students went to Chr Shang, at the north end of Taitung County.  The fourth grade classes are usually my favorites, so I figured it would be an easy day.  上個星期我們四年級的學生去台東縣北部的池上鄉.  四年級的班是我最喜歡的, 所以我覺得這一次的戶外教學應該會很輕鬆.

Unfortunately it was very cold and very rainy in Chr Shang that day, and as a result this field trip was really, really, really, really, really not fun.  It was, in fact, the worst ever.  可惜的是, 當天池上的天氣又濕又冷, 因為下大雨,  所以這次的戶外教學超不好玩.  真是最慘的!

The following pictures were taken in the Chr Shang Farmer's Association, where we spent most of the day.  Because of the rain, we were all trapped together in a series of little rooms.  這些照片是在池上農會拍的.  我們當天大部分的時間都在那裏.  因為下雨的關係, 我們都被困在室內.

Here the students are making straw men.  It was really loud in this place - not only because of the kids, but also because of the microphones the hosts were using and another, unrelated activity taking place at the same time.  這是學生們在做稻草人.  這個地方很吵鬧.  不只是我們的學生吵, 也是因為工作人員用的麥克風, 和除了我們之外的其他的活動的噪音.

After making our straw men we went to another small room, where the hostess talked about rice production.  Most of us could only hear every third word out of four, and it was all pretty complicated for fourth graders anyway.  做完稻草人之後我們去另一個房間聽他們介紹米的生產.  我們大部分的人只聽到四分之一的話.  而且他們講的內容對四年級的小朋友來說太複雜了.

Then it was time for lunch.  As you can see, we enjoyed a well-balanced lunch consisting of cookies, candies, and chips.  I felt a little ill afterward.  午餐時間到了.  你應該看的出來我們營養的午餐是什麼.  全部都是餅乾跟糖果.  我吃完後有點想吐.

After lunch we went to Mu Ye Pasture, a empty, broken-down, sad-looking place owned and operated by the Taisugar Corporation.  As far as I could tell, we were the only visitors.  午餐後我們去破破爛爛的牧野牧場.  這個牧場屬於台糖.  我們是那一天僅有的觀光客.

And this is Genghis Khan.  Mu Ye strives for a Mongolian feel, but doesn't quite succeed.  I suppose if you were interested you could stay in this place, but why would you want to?  It would be super spooky at night.  這是成吉思汗.  牧野有點蒙古風的感覺, 可是只是一點點而已.  有興趣的人可以住這裡, 可是真的有人要住這裡嗎?  晚上的時候應該很恐怖!

3. 十大建設對營造業發展之助一益 "The Ten Big Projects Help Expand the Construction Industry" (March 2016)

The Chinese text below was taken from "Taiwan's Construction Industry: A Centenary History" 台灣營造業百年史, published by Yuan Liou Publishing Ltd. 遠流出版事業股份有限公司 in 2012.  The Chinese text was written collectively by the Construction Corporation Ltd., and the English text was written by me. 下面的中文文章是出自台灣營造業百年史這本書. 這本書是遠流出版事業股份有限公司2012的作品. 中文的部分是營造股份有限公司寫的英文的部分是我從中文翻譯的. 

The Ten Big Projects Help Expand the Construction Industry

蔣經國組閣 推動建設 Chiang Ching-kuo forms a cabinet and promotes the projects

邁入1970年代以後, 台灣面對了一連串的外交失利. 就在台灣的國際處境面臨驚濤駭浪之際, 年邁的蔣介石總統也宣告了接班計畫, 任命自己的長子蔣經國出任行政院長, 企圖力挽狂瀾, 就在"莊敬自強, 處變不驚"的口號聲中, 台灣進入了"蔣經國時代".  At the beginning of the 1970s, Taiwan faced a series of diplomatic defeats, and Taiwan's place within the international community was uncertain.  During this time the elder President Chiang Kai-shek declared a plan for his succession, and it was decided that his oldest son, Chiang Ching-kuo would ascend to the office of President in his stead.  Chiang Ching-kuo would attempt to rally Taiwan behind his slogan "Self-strengthening of the village, change through moderation," and in this manner Taiwan entered "the era of Chiang Ching-kuo."

1972年5月29日, 蔣經國組閣, 他在擔任閣揆的第十天, 就宣布了"十項行政革新", 其新人新政整飭政風的態勢馬上令人刮目相看.  On May 29, 1972 Chiang Ching-guo formed a cabinet, and during the tenth day of his administration he announced "ten administrative reforms" which would breathe new life into the government through new policies, and through the appointment of new officials.

1973年11月12日, 在國民黨十屆四中全會上, 蔣經國正式宣布推動十大建設, 將以五年的時間完成, 並特別強調"今天不做, 明天就會後悔".  On November 12, 1973, during the fourth plenary session of the 10th Kuomintang Congress, Chiang Ching-kuo formally announced the promotion of the Ten Big Projects, which were to be completed within in five years' time.  With this he emphasized the idea that "What is not done today will be a disappointment tomorrow."

 70年代的外交失利 Diplomatic Defeats of the 1970s****

進入1970年代之後, 中華民國政府在國際上的地位逐漸被中華人民共和國政府取代, 首先是1971年4月美國宣布決定將釣魚臺交給日本. 接著, 1971年10月25日, 聯合國大會通過第2758號決議, 正式決定由中華人民共和國取代中華民國, 成為在聯合國代表中國的政府, 因而各國相繼與中華民國政府斷交, 轉與中華人民共和國建交, 其中以1972年9月日本宣布與中華人民共和國建交, 最讓國人感到挫折. 1978年12月16日, 美國總統卡特宣布, 美國將與中華人民共和國建交, 此與讓台灣的外交挫敗達到最高峰.  In the 1970s, the Republic of China's role within international affairs was slowly taken over by the People's Republic of China.  This process can be traced back to the American government handing the Diaoyutai Islands back to Japan in April of 1971.  After this, on October 25, 1971, the United Nations General Assembly passed resolution 2758, which formally gave the Republic of China's seat to the People's Republic of China, and recognized the People's Republic of China as the rightful government of China.  Because of this resolution, the other governments also ceased to recognize the Republic of China, and began to establish relations with the People's Republic.  On September 1972, Japan switched recognition to the PRC, which also frustrated many.  Then, on December 16, 1978 the US President Carter established formal relations with the People's Republic, and with this Taiwan's diplomatic defeat was total.

十大建設內容及原先進度與規劃 The Details of the Ten Big Projects, Their Planning and Progress*

1. 交通建設 Transportation Projects

     1a. 南北高速公路 The North-South Freeway - 1971年8月開工, 預計工程總經費193億元, 即今中山高速公路  Construction was begun on August of 1971, and the budget was set at 19.3 billion NT dollars.

     1b. 西部鐵路電氣化 The Electrification of the West Coast Railways - 1971年8月獲行政院通過, 計畫向國外貨款6,500萬美元 (約新台幣26億元)  In August 1971 this project was passed by the Executive Yuan, and the plan called for a budget of 65 million US dollars (about 26 billion NT dollars).***

     1c. 北迴鐵路 The Northern Cross-Island Railway - 1973年7月由行政院刻定, 預計工程總經費為20.7億元  The Executive Yuan resolved upon this project in July 1973, and proposed a budget of 20.7 billion NT dollars.

     1d. 台中港 Taichung Port - 1971年7月確定財務計畫, 工程總經費為83億元, 1973年10月開工  In July 1971 the financial plan was decided upon, and the total cost of this project was set at 8.3 billion NT dollars.  Construction was begun on October 1973.

     1e. 蘇澳港 Su Ao Port - 1970年列入行政院所刻定的"海路空十年運輸發展計畫"  
In 1970 the Executive Yuan included this in the "10 Year Plan for Air, Land, and Maritime Transportation Development."

     1f. 中正國際機場 Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Airport - 1970年列入行政院所刻定的"海路空十年運輸發展計畫," 即今桃園國際機場  In 1970 the Executive Yuan included this in the "10 Year Plan for Air, Land, and Maritime Transportation Development."  This airport is now called Taoyuan International Airport.

2. 重化工業 Renewed Industries

     2a. 一賞作業煉銅廠 A Copper Smelter - 1971年11月成立中國銅鐵股份有限公司, 即今中國銅鐵廠  In November of 1971 the Chinese Copper Smelting Corporation Ltd. was created, and the smelter is now referred to as the China Copper and Iron Plant. 

     2b. 石油化學工業 The Petrochemical Industry - 1973年6月開始廠址土地微收, 即今仁大石化工業區, 林園石化工業區  On June 1973 areas were appropriated, and these areas are now known as the Ren Da and Lin Yuan Petrochemical Industrial Zones.

     2c. 大造船廠 A Large Shipyard- 1972年4月, 高雄造船廠籌備處成立, 即今中國造船廠  In April 1972, the administrative division in charge of creating Kaohsiung's large shipyard was created.  This shipyard is now know as the China Shipyard.**

3. 發電工程 Electrification Projects

     3a. 核能發電廠 Nuclear-Powered Electric Plants - 1970年9月台電公司宣布"電源開發十年計畫," 計畫中包括建置核能發電機3部, 1970年11月核一場於台北的石門動工.  In September 1970, the Taiwan Electric Corporation announced its "10 Year Plan for the Development of Electric Power Sources."  Included in this plan was the installation of 3 nuclear reactors.  In November of 1970, construction of the first reactor was begun in Shr Men, Taipei County.

4. Nonsense That Fills My Head on a Friday (March 2016)

Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice is getting terrible reviews.  I haven't yet read any of these reviews (I don't want the plot twists ruined for me), but the headlines are worrying.  I already bought tickets for it, and I'm hoping it's not as bad as it's being made out to be.  Yes, the title is ridiculous, but I still want to see a Flash movie someday.

The steak I ate last night made me sick.  I'm not going to eat at Shiang Shiang (香香牛排) ever again.  I have a certain sense of nostalgia for the place, but their business seems to be going downhill, and the service was terrible.

I'm teaching a class in Jer Ben next month.  The first session will be for the workers in the Jer Ben Forest Recreation Area 知本森林遊樂區, and the second will be for high school students volunteering there.  It sounds like an easy and interesting gig, and it pays well.  I spent most of yesterday making a powerpoint for it.

I'm probably having lunch with my friends D. and R. today.  Sam's Burger yet again.  I'm pretty tired of Sam's Burger, but it's very convenient from my school.  After last week's Tainan Marathon I went to T.G.I. Friday's and had a BIG burger.  Since then I haven't wanted hamburgers so much.

And speaking of that Tainan Marathon 台南古都馬拉松, today I read a news report about it.  It seems the event wasn't organized very well, and some people were even cheating their way through it.  This I can easily believe.  With 15,000 people running through those old, narrow streets, it was easy for the race organizers to miss things.  Hopefully next time they can do a better job.

Saw R.S. in the Carrefour last night.  He really dresses like someone who lives in Luye 鹿野.  It always seems funny to me when I see him, because I remember buying that Lonely Planet he wrote back in 1999.  Who knew that years later I'd be running into him at Carrefour?

If J. is somehow reading this, please know that I got your message, but I was in Tainan at the marathon.  I really was busy, but I doubt I would have gone to that thing anyway.  I don't like being "distant," but every time I talk to you you try to bring up your personal business.  I just can't be in the middle of that, man.

A certain foreign colleague is leaving the Taitung Foreign Teacher Project.  I would give him an initial, but that would probably make it too obvious.  He formally resigned last week.  I haven't seen him much lately, but I hope he finds something more fulfilling next year.  This job certainly isn't for everybody.

I'll probably take my daughters out for pizza tomorrow.  I really want pizza now.  I'll also be riding my bike in the morning.  I can only hope the weather will be better than today.

I keep meaning to go down the coastal highway and take pictures.  There's been a lot of construction along that stretch of road, and I'd like to show people what's going on there.  A lot of people don't get out much, and unfortunately a lot of these development projects take place when most of us aren't paying attention.  I'm not against development, but I do think that local governments (and the democratic process in general) work better when everyone is well informed.  Too many things are done in secret. 

I (may have) got an extra job working as a translator for the Taitung County Government.  Communications with those in charge - in either language - are difficult.  They email me.  I email them back.  Several days pass.  I get another email.  It's a long, agonizing, and mystifying process, but I'm somewhat used to it now.  They want my help translating certain websites and documents into English.

That last entry I wrote about the Ten Big Projects was killing me.  There are a couple phrases in that one that I'm still not sure if I translated correctly.  I realize that many people find that subject boring, but those Ten Big Projects were what gave shape to modern Taiwan.

Finished watching the second season of Daredevil on Wednesday.  Good show, and much better than I thought it would be.  It got a little silly at the end, but I liked what they did with the Punisher and Elektra.

Trying to read a science fiction anthology from 2003.  I think if you are writing a science fiction story it had better be damn good if you are going to namedrop guys like Asimov and Herbert.  Otherwise you come off looking worse by comparison.

I often dislike talking about the weather (it's usually like saying you don't have anything more meaningful to say) but it's raining and I'm feeling very sleepy.  Perhaps I should just call it a day here, and leave you to your own thoughts, and your own Friday.  Whoever you are, and whatever you're doing, have a good one.

5. 台東的鯉魚山傳奇 "The Legend of Taitung's Carp Mountain" (March 2016)

The Chinese text below was taken from "Taiwan Place Name Stories" 台灣地名故事, published by Windmill 風車圖書出版有限公司 in 2012.  The Chinese text was written by Jang Ching-shr 張青史, and the English was written by me.  下面的中文文章是出自台灣地名故事這本書.  這本書是風車圖書出版有限公司2012年的作品.  中文的部分是張青史寫的.  英文的部分是我從中文翻譯的.

The Legend of Taitung's Carp Mountain

在台東附近, 自古就流傳著一個錯誤的習俗, 當地百姓認為婦女生雙胞胎是不吉利的事, 因此, 生雙胞胎的婦女都會被趕出家門.  如果娘家願意收留, 婦女至少還有一個療傷止痛的地方; 如果娘家不接納, 婦女走頭無路, 往往會投海自盡或做出違反善良風俗的事.  Around Taitung, in ancient times, there was passed down a misconception.  The local people thought that the birth of twins was a very unlucky thing, and for this reason women who gave birth to twins were cast out of their homes.  For those women that were accepted by their families, there was at least a place of refuge, but for those that weren't there was no hope, and they were often forced to kill themselves for their violation of moral standards.

這一年, 當地發生了一連串的怪事, 凡是懷孕的婦女都生下雙胞胎, 因此滿街都是怨婦, 婦女自殺的不幸事件也接二連三的發生, 造成許多家庭因為沒有婦女操持家務, 生活秩序大亂.  而新婚的婦女也都拒絕懷孕, 生孩子.  During one year, a strange business occurred in that locality.  All of the pregnant women gave birth to twins, and for this reason many blamed the mothers.  Incidents of women committing suicide multiplied rapidly, and many households suffered from the absence of a woman able to do housework.  Society began to deteriorate, and many brides refused to become pregnant and bear children.

當地的仕紳聚在一起, 憂心忡忡的討論: "這種情形如果持續下去, 人類豈不是要絕後了!  我們必須想個辦法防止才行."  The local gentry convened, and there was a worried discussion: "If this situation continues, the people may disappear altogether!  We must think of a way to end this situation."

一位仕紳說: "我有一個大膽的建議, 我們如果把生雙胞胎當作是正常的事, 不要把生雙胞胎的婦女趕出去, 問題不就解決了嗎?"  One member of the gentry said: "I have a bold suggestion.  If we accept the birth of twins as a normal event, and we don't ostracize the women who give birth to twins, won't the problem be solved?"

他的建議立刻受到守舊派仕紳的反對: "不行, 這是祖訓, 先人這麼做, 一定有他們的道理.  如果違反祖訓, 恐怕會帶來更嚴重的災禍."  His suggestion was immediately met with hostility from the more conservative members of the gentry:  "We cannot do this.  We must follow the ways of our ancestors.  Those before us acted [and believed] in this way, and they must have had their reasons.  If we act against propriety, great misfortune will surely fall upon us."

另一位仕紳說: "現在最迫切的, 是必須找出今年產婦都生雙胞胎的問題根源.  我建議不妨重金懸賞, 徵求能人異士來幫我們解決問題."  Another member of the gentry said: "Right now the most pressing problem is to find out why all of the women are having twins this year.  I suggest we offer a large reward, in order to attract men of ability, men who can help us solve this problem."

大家認為這個辦法可行, 便湊足一百兩黃金, 然後對外宣布: "不論是誰, 只要能夠解決本地產婦都生雙胞胎的問題, 就可以獲得一百兩黃金的獎賞."  Everyone thought that this method should be tried, and one hundred and twenty pieces of gold were gathered together.  After this it was proclaimed: "No matter who it is, all you have to do is solve the problem of local women giving birth to twins, and you will earn a reward of one hundred and twenty gold pieces."

俗話說: "財帛動人心", 一百兩黃金不是小數目, 因此, 立刻吸引許多自稱"能人異士"的人前來應徵, 提出各種千奇百怪的解決方法.  可是這些誇大其詞的方法都禁不起考驗, 產婦依然生下雙胞胎.  As the saying goes, "wealth moves the hearts of men," and one hundred and twenty pieces of gold is no small amount.  Because of this [reward], many presented themselves and claimed to be "men of ability," and these persons suggested many unusual solutions to the problem.  These strange solutions, however, didn't pass muster, and the women continued to give birth to twins.

過了一年, 一位遊方道士來到台東.  知道這件事以後, 夜以繼日的明查暗訪, 然後對仕紳們說: "我找出產婦生雙胞胎的原因了."  One year passed, and a wandering Taoist priest arrived in Taitung.  After he learned of this business, he conducted a thorough investigation, which lasted the better part of a night and a day.  Afterward he said to the gentry: "I have found the reason that the women are giving birth to twins."

仕紳們看他道服破舊, 以為又是來騙吃騙喝的, 因此冷淡的說: "什麼原因?  說來聽聽."  The gentry looked upon his shabby clothes and thought he was just another freeloader.  For this reason they very coolly said: "What reason?  Let's hear it."

道士說: "貴地的產婦會生雙胞胎, 是因為一條鯉魚精在作怪."  The Taoist priest said: "The women of this honorable place give birth to twins because a carp spirit is causing mischief."

仕紳們聽了, 吃驚的問: "你說是鯉魚精在作怪?  牠在哪裡?  要如何制伏牠呢?"  Once the gentry heard this, they asked in amazement: "You say it is a carp spirit which is causing mischief?  Where is it?  How can we subdue it?"

道士說: "根據我的調查, 鯉魚精白天住在貓山的一座湖裡, 要制伏牠只有一個辦法."  The Taoist priest said: "According to my investigations, the carp spirit lives within a lake atop Cat Mountain during the day.  There is only one method of subduing it."**

仕紳們齊聲問: "什麼辦法?  只要能制伏牠, 我們會全力配合."  The gentry asked in unison: "What method?  If we can only subdue it, we will cooperate completely."

道士說: "每天的正午, 是鯉魚精法力最弱的時候, 你們用大網把牠網住, 拖上岸, 先挖去牠的雙眼, 就能夠輕易的殺死牠.  婦女懷雙胞胎的問題也就解決了."  The Taoist priest said: "Every day at noon is when the carp spirit's magic power is weakest.  You can trap it in a net, haul it to the shore, and once you've dug out both its eyes you can easily kill it.  After this the problem of the women giving birth to twins will be solved."

仕紳們原本還不相信貓山上有鯉魚精, 派人去實地勘查後, 才相信道士的話.  Originally the gentry didn't believe that there was a carp spirit on top of Cat Mountain, so they ordered people to the place to investigate, and only after this did they believe what the Taoist priest had said.

於是, 仕紳們動員數百名年輕人, 用山藤編造一面堅固的網, 然後帶著長矛, 刀劍, 悄悄的把騰網運到貓山上, 準備捕捉鯉魚精.  Eventually the gentry commanded several hundred youths to make a net, and with spears and swords they moved it to Cat Mountain, where they prepared to catch the carp spirit.

正如道士所說的, 原本在湖裡生龍活虎, 游來游去的鯉魚精, 一到日正當中時, 就變得懶洋洋的, 無精打采.  Just as the Taoist priest said, the waters of the lake were moving this way and that, and [they could see] a carp spirit moving back and forth.  It had become lazy and listless in the middle of the day.

道士看到這種情形, 一聲號令, 年輕人立刻用藤網將鯉魚精網住.  鯉魚精雖然奮力掙扎, 但是因為中午時法力較弱, 加上拉網的都是身強體壯的年輕人, 因此最後終於筋疲力盡, 無法動彈, 被拖到岸上.  When the Taoist priest saw what was happening, he shouted for the young men to restrain the carp spirit with the net.  Even though the carp was struggling, its magic was much weaker around noon, and the young men were all very strong.  Because of this the carp was exhausted, and as it was unable to move, they brought it ashore.

道士取出一把寶劍, 把鯉魚精的眼睛挖出來.  鯉魚精痛得滿地翻滾, 掙脫藤網, 逃到現在鯉魚山的位置, 因流血過多, 就氣絕身亡了.  牠死了以後, 屍體變成鯉魚山; 現在鯉魚山上還留有兩個山洞, 據說就是鯉魚精的眼睛被挖出來後所留下的遺跡.  The Taoist priest brought forth a sword, and dug out the carp spirit's eyes.  The carp spirit writhed in agony, ripped its way free of the net, and fled to the present location of Liyu Mountain.  It died soon after, due to excessive blood loss.  After its death, its corpse became Liyu Mountain, and it is said that the two caves atop Liyu Mountain are the remains [i.e. the eye sockets] of the carp spirit.***

說也奇怪, 鯉魚精被殺死以後, 台東的婦女就不再生雙胞胎了.  It is strange to say, but after the carp spirit was killed, the women of Taitung stopped giving birth to twins.

道士領了賞金, 臨走之前, 語重心長的說: "你們太迷信了, 其實, 世界上任何一個地方的婦女都有機會生雙胞胎.  生雙胞胎是一種福氣, 雙喜臨門, 是值得高興和慶祝的好事啊!"  The Taoist priest then collected his reward.  Before leaving them, he said with all earnestness: "You are too superstitious.  Truly, any woman in any part of the world can give birth to twins.  To give birth to twins is good fortune, and brings great happiness to all.  It is a thing to be happy about, and a thing worth celebrating!"

道士這番話, 是否有讓台東人改變錯誤的觀念與習俗, 就不得而知了!"  Whether this remark by the Taoist priest changed the misconceptions and customs of those in Taitung remains a mystery!

6. Development in Taitung 2 台東的發展 (April 2016)

The pictures below are just a sample of ongoing construction projects in Taitung City.  There are many more underway.  下面的照片只是目前正在台東市進行的一些工程.  還有很多其他的工地在施工中.

I didn't take pictures of it, but the Flowing Lake is also a bit different now.  Whoever's currently managing that place has set up a boating center, roped off a swimming area, and installed a zip line across the lake.  我沒有拍活水湖, 但那裏也有點不同了.  負責那裡的單位在湖岸設立了一個划船中心, 一個游泳區, 和一條鋼纜.

This red hotel is at the intersection of Ma Heng Heng Bouldevard and Highway 11, just down the road from the Forest Park.  Looked pretty empty inside, but it appears to be open.  這間紅色的飯店位於馬亨亨大道跟台11線的路口, 靠近森林公園.  好像已經開始營業了, 只是裡面空空的.

They built a parking lot across from the hotel, and cut down a lot of trees to do so.  他們在飯店前砍了許多樹蓋一個停車場. 

On the other side of the hotel, along Highway 11, there is work being done near the Seashore Park. 在台11上, 飯店的另一邊, 海濱公園附近有很多地方在施工.

Just a little further down, there is an even bigger construction site.  I'm guessing another hotel, but it could just as easily be a park or even a parking lot.  There are no signs explaining what they're doing here.  再往下走一點, 有更大的地方在施工.  我猜是蓋飯店, 也有可能是公園或是停車場.  工程旁沒有任何指示牌說明他們到底在蓋什麼.

This is still further down, near Lin Family Dumplings.  This used to be a feed factory (?).  There are plans underway to build a hotel here.  這塊地在鄰家蒸餃附近.  以前是飼料工廠.  以後他們要在這裡蓋一棟飯店.

This is also on Highway 11, not far from Tung Hai Junior High School.  I'm thinking this will be another park, but I could be wrong.  Hard to tell if the drainage work was set down recently, or if it's something they're eventually going to remove.  這也在台11線上, 靠近東海國中.  我覺得這裡可能會變成公園, 也有可能我搞錯了.  看不出來田裡的小水溝是新蓋的, 還是以前就做好的.

Near Tie Hua Village.  The buildings are still empty, and work on the building behind the fence is ongoing.  靠近鐵花村.  建築裡面還是空的.  圍起來的建築物還在施工中.

The building behind the fence.  The interior is composed of shipping containers, and as of now it looks fairly hideous.  Maybe it will look better later?  圍牆後的建築物裡面有許多貨櫃,  看起來很醜.  也許以後會變得比較好看吧!

Tie Hua Village, with another new hotel looming behind it.  This hotel is located on the intersection of Shin Sheng Road and Bo Ai Road, just behind the Eslite Bookstore.  鐵花村後面還有一間新的飯店正在蓋.  這棟飯店位於新生路跟博愛路的路口, 在誠品後面.

There is also work being done on Highway 9 south of Taitung City, which includes a tunnel through Da Ren and an impressive bridge/span near Jin Luen.  In Luye the coral company has completed its big resort, though I'm not sure if it's fully operational yet.  There are also a few projects on or near Jung Shing Road, between the Prehistory Museum and RT Mart.  台東市南邊的台9線也在施工.  他們在達仁挖隧道, 也在金崙蓋高架橋.  珊瑚公司也在鹿野把他們的度假村蓋完了, 可是我不知道那裡是否開始營業了.  在中興路, 大潤發, 和史前博物館附近也有些建築工程在進行中.

I'm sure there are also other plans afoot - some harmless, and some worrying to those who enjoy Taitung's natural scenery.  Development isn't always a bad thing - but it's not always good thing, either. 應該還有其他的工程進行中.  有的是好的, 有的讓喜愛台東自然風景的人很緊張.  城市發展不一定會破壞環境, 但是它一定有它的代價.

7. Nonsense That Fills My Head on a Thursday (April 2016)

It's getting hot again.  I am OK with this.  I think it was unnaturally cold before.  This is the right temperature for Taitung.

There were a lot of tourists in town last weekend.  We had a four-day weekend because of Children's Day and Tomb Sweeping Day, and it felt like half of Taiwan had driven over.  I rode my bike up the coast last Sunday, and could not believe the traffic.

Thanks to the above-mentioned four-day weekend there are only three days of work this week.  Next week is a full week, but the week after that is only four days long.  We get an additional five days off because of the National High School Athletic Games.

Went to R's house last weekend.  D, J, J2, and P were there too.  I left as their poker game started.  I've never been into poker, and can only hope they don't despise me too much for my unmanliness.

Finished testing the kids in my school.  Asking a group of 29 kids the same 6-8 questions is exhausting.  I thought it was kind of interesting when I started, but it grew tedious very quickly.  I'm thinking that next time they can ask ME the questions, and I can answer however I wish.

Wrote a really long entry in my other blog yesterday.  I felt quite proud of it once I'd finished, but my pride was mediated by the fact that it's only a blog entry about superhero movies, and few will ever read it.  Deep thoughts?  Not quite! 

I often wish I could summon up greater depths of eloquence about less frivolous subjects.  Occasionally I manage to do so, but for the most part my attempts at being more "serious" founder.  At times it's also a language issue, since translating deeper thoughts into Chinese presents difficulty.

Boredom makes people weird.  So does loneliness.  People want to change, but it's not easy.

But then I suppose we've all been there, at one time or another.

I really want to go back to that Korean restaurant in Chr Shang 池上.  Unfortunately the only day I can get back there is Saturday, and it's hard to find a Saturday when I have so much time.

Finally saw Fast and Furious 7 last night.  I'd been meaning to see that movie since it came out, mostly because of Tony Jaa.  As expected it was ridiculous.  Cars driven out of airplanes with parachutes that the drivers somehow steer down onto an isolated mountain road, where they fight with bad guys who have machine guns and no one gets shot even though only one of the cars is armored.

As I mentioned to D already, I think the bikini girls in Furious 7 are akin to explosions in other action movies.  In Die Hard, for example, there's always a big explosion that the hero walks away from, and while he's walking away he can't be bothered to turn around and look at the explosion.  In Furious 7, Vin Diesel can't be bothered to notice the bikini girls or their big, round asses.  He's too cool for that.

A gay parody of Furious 7 would almost write itself.

Taiwanese people I don't know who give expensive bottles of scotch to Taiwanese people I do know are AWESOME.  Why?  Because the Taiwanese people I do know often give that expensive scotch to me!  I would never drink so well in the States.

I was in one of the fifth grade classrooms just now and some examples of their "letter to my future self" were on the bulletin board.  With this in mind, I have written my own letter to a future self:

Hey Man,

How you doing?  Been a while since I talked to myself, so I thought I'd see what you were up to.  I imagine you're a little different now, mostly because it's 20 years later and you're 61.  Hope your penis still works, hope your heart is OK, and hope your family is alright.  Let me know how everything is going when you have some time.


And with that I leave you.  Hope your penis (or vagina) still works, hope your heart is OK, and hope your family (or friends) are doing alright.  If you have your health, you have almost everything.

8. 了解台灣遠洋漁業: 六個問答 "Understanding Taiwan's Deep Sea Fishing Industry: Six Questions and Answers (April 2016)

The Chinese text below was taken from Greenpeace's 2016 spring issue.  下面的中文取自"綠色和平2016年春節的成果報告".

I don't always agree with Greenpeace, but I read their newsletters and I have been a member.  They have a lot to say about many environmental issues, though I think they have a tendency to overlook any local factors that they find inconvenient.  我不完全贊同"綠色和平"的看法, 可是我會看他們的成果報告, 而且我也是他們的會員.  他們提出許多的環保議題, 但是這些報告中卻看不到這些議題的完整的面向與探討.

Taiwan's deep sea fishing industry was also discussed in the Conventional Industries (2) entry, the Fishing Ports of Taiwan entry, and in the Cheng Gong Fishing Port entry.  我以前也在Conventional Industries (2)Fishing Ports of Taiwan, 和Cheng Gong Fishing Port成功漁港討論過台灣遠洋漁業

了解台灣遠洋漁業: 六個問答
Understanding Taiwan's Deep Sea Fishing Industry: Six Questions and Answers

新政府即將上任, 所有關心環境的人, 能否期待未來將實現更多對環境友善的政策?  過程中, 絕不能少了您的關注.  去年十月以來, 在您的支持之下, 綠色和平藉由政策建議, 法規遊說, 專注推動改善台灣遠洋漁業的管理.  為什麼?  唯有台灣的法規與國際接軌, 並有效賞行, 才能更有效地守護區域以至全球海洋的生物多樣性. As a new administration takes over, all of those who care about the environment are wondering what kinds of environmentally-friendly policies will be enacted in the future.  We must all, of course, be attentive to this process.  Since October of last year, and with your support, Greenpeace has offered its advice with regard to policies and lobbying regulations, and has concentrated on the improved management of Taiwan's deep sea fisheries.  Why?  It is only when Taiwan conforms to regulations and international standards, and with effective implementation of these regulations and standards, that we can more effectively protect both our local fisheries and the biodiversity which the oceans of the world provide.

1. 台灣, 是遠洋漁業強權?  Is Taiwan an "Offshore Fishing Power"?

是的.  全球九成的魚貨都來自六大遠洋捕魚國的船隊, 臺灣是其中之一.  臺灣的遠洋漁業年產值居全球前三位, 達400多億元, 其中, 鮪延繩釣產業規模全球排名第一, 作業漁場遍佈世界三大洋區.  您喜歡秋刀魚嗎?  去年, 臺灣秋刀魚年產量蟬聯世界第一.  Yes.  Taiwan is counted among the six fleets that fish 90% of the world's fishing stocks.  Taiwan's yearly catch from deep sea fishing is the world's third largest, amounting to more than 400 billion NT.  In this context, Taiwan's longline tuna fishing industry ranks first worldwide within the three major ocean fishing areas.  Do you like Pacific saury?  Last year, Taiwan's Pacific saury catch was the largest in the world. 

2. 遠洋漁業, 對台灣有多重要?  How Important is the Deep Sea Fishing Industry to Taiwan?

遠洋漁業除了為台灣帶來豐富收益, 也因為漁業合作打開許多外交機會.  臺灣22個邦交國中, 太平洋島國就佔了六個.  在許多重要的區域漁業管理組織中, 台灣都是正式會員, 而非僅止於觀察員身分.  遠洋漁業是台灣以產業實力參與國際社會的例證.  In addition to the prosperity that deep sea fishing brings to Taiwan, there are also the diplomatic opportunities that cooperation among deep sea fishermen engenders.  Of the 22 countries with which Taiwan has diplomatic ties, 6 of these are Pacific island nations.  Taiwan is a full member, not merely an observer, of many important local fishery management organizations, and Taiwan's ability to capitalize on its deep sea fishing industry makes its participation in the international community an established fact.*

3. 遠洋漁業, 究竟出了什麼問題?  What Problems Really Accompany Deep Sea Fishing?

您是否同意, 作為遠洋漁業強權, 法規也應與國際接軌?  Do you agree, that as a "deep sea fishing power," Taiwan should abide by [domestic] regulations and international standards?

台灣遠洋漁業管理的癥結在於船隊太多, 但管理不善.  漁業署不論人力或經費, 都不足以有效監控龐大的船隊.  多數漁船待在公海數月, 甚至數年也不需進港, 成為管理上最大漏洞.  現在漁業資源持續減少, 競爭越來越激烈, 不少漁民鋌而走險, 進行非法漁業.  臺灣現有法規無法有效遏止, 成為在區域漁業組織或國際會議上一再被指陳的問題.  The real problem with Taiwan's deep sea fishing industry is that the fleet is too large, and that it is not well regulated.  The Fisheries Department has neither enough people nor funds to effectively monitor a large fleet.  Most fishing boats remain on the high seas for months or even years without entering into any port, and this is the Fisheries Department's greatest weakness.  At the present time, the fishing industry's resources continue to decline, competition grows, and many fisherman take risks and/or engage in illegal fishing.  Taiwan's present laws cannot halt this trend, and in both regional and international fishing organizations [illegal practices] have become a bone of contention. 

4. 歐盟發給黃牌, 為什麼?  What Does it Mean When the EU Issues a Yellow Card?

因為長期以來管理不力, 去年十月, 歐盟將台灣列入打擊IUU不合作第三國警告名單, 如不改善, 可能施以經濟制裁禁止海鮮出口.  Due to long term mismanagement, in October of last year the EU placed Taiwan third on its list of countries not complying with its IUU [fishing] regulations.  If Taiwan fails to improve, the EU may impose economic sanctions and ban imports of [Taiwanese] seafood.

為了維護台灣多數辛苦的合法漁民, 捍衛其生活與工作權利, 綠色和平主張, 應修法大幅提高罰則, 執行進步的管理政策, 諸如增加觀察員覆蓋率, 電子漁護日誌或電子觀察員改善監控技術, 和其他國家聯合海上巡邏等.  In order to protect Taiwan's many hard working and law-abiding fishermen, to defend their lives and right to work, Greenpeace has argued that laws should be amended and penalties increased.  With this should come the implementation of improved management policies, such as increasing the number of observers, the use of electronic journals, the use by observers of electronic surveillance technology, and international maritime patrols.

5. 經濟制裁, 改善更快?  If Economic Sanctions are Imposed, Will the Situation Improve Faster?

絕非如此.  歐盟是全世界最大的魚類消費市場, 從2008年開始, 歐盟希望從市場端出發改善產業鏈.  以經濟制裁的角度出發, 歐盟積極與各國協商, 希望各國盡力打擊非法漁業.  Far from it.  The EU is the world's largest market for fish, and from 2008 it hopes to improve their market from the suppliers upward.  The EU actively consults other countries with regard to the economic sanctions it opposes, and it is hoped that all countries will do their utmost to combat illegal fishing.

之前歐盟曾經對菲律賓, 韓國也發出過類似的警告, 韓國與菲律賓都因此而加強了管理, 包括重新修改法規, 加強對非法行為的制裁.  Previously the EU issued similar warnings to both the Philippines and South Korea, and for this reason both countries improved the management of their fishing industries.  This improvement included new legislation and regulations to stem illegal activities.

如升高為紅牌禁止海鮮進口, 台灣最主要的海鮮市場美國與日本也可能跟進, 影響嚴重.  然而, 台灣的損失, 絕對不只是經濟收益.  If seafood imports [into the EU] are banned with the issuance of a red card, it is possible that Taiwan's two most important export markets, the US and Japan, will follow suit, and the impact of this will be very serious.  The loss to Taiwan, however, will not only be economic in nature.**

您能想像嗎?  如果有一天, 台灣所代表的不再是溫暖的人情, 自然美景或美食, 而是非法漁船橫行, 濫捕, 濫抓?  台灣有許多美好事物足以自豪, 非法漁業絕非其中之一.  Can you imagine?  What if one day Taiwan is not known for the kindness of its people, its natural beauty, and its cuisine, but is known instead for the widespread practices of illegal fishing, overfishing, and excessive catches?  Taiwan has many things to be proud of, but illegal fishing is definitely not one of them.

6. 現在, 正是法規改善的良機?  Is Now Really the Best Time to Improve Legislation?

是的.  "漁業法" 從1929年立法以來, 從未作大幅調整, 現在是台灣重新整頓漁業管理的良機.  修法影響層面廣大, 政府應召開公聽會, 收集漁民, 公民團體的意見, 而除了法規修正與立法, 為了確保真正落實, 還需要配套措施.  Yes.  Since the "Fisheries Act" of 1929 never had any real impact, now is the time to revolutionize the management of Taiwan's fishing industry.  In order to amend the law to reflect the will of the majority, the government should hold a public hearing to hear suggestions from both fisherman and the general public.  In addition to new and amended laws, and these [new and amended laws] being implemented effectively, we also need [other] supporting measures.

也因此, 除了推動法規修訂, 未來是否能有效執法, 也是綠色和平一大關注重點.  As a result of this, in addition to promoting amended legislation, in the future effective law enforcement is also necessary, and this is one of the issues that Greenpeace is focusing on.

9. The 2016 National High School Athletic Games 全中運 (April 2016)

I'm only working four days this week.  I get Friday off because Taitung is hosting the National High School Athletic Games.  Because I am not "administrative staff," I get a whole week off starting Friday.  我這禮拜只上四天班.  這禮拜五不用上班是因為台東要舉辦全中運.  我不是行政人員, 所以我從這禮拜五開始放一個禮拜的假.

The National High School Athletic Games are, by the way, a big deal.  They will be held from April 23 to 28.  If you are interested, there's a website here, though I'm sorry to say it doesn't have any English.  全中運是很重要的大事.  這個活動從4月23日進行到4月28日.  他們的網站在這.  可惜的是, 這網站沒有任何的英文介紹.

There are many events included in the National High School Athletic Games.  There's track and field, swimming, gymnastics, table tennis, badminton, tennis, martial arts, weightlifting, archery, shooting, triathlon, wrestling, and croquet.  Venues include the Taitung University campus, the Taitung high school campus, the Forest Park, and a few other places.  全中運有很多不同種類的競賽,  包括:田徑, 游泳, 體操, 桌球, 羽球, 網球, 武術, 舉重, 射箭, 射擊, 鐵人三項, 角力, 還有木球.  比賽會場在台東大學, 台東高中, 森林公園和其他的學校.

If you're in town between the 23rd and the 28th, you might want to check it out.  I doubt it will be super interesting, but it's something to see.  The opening ceremony will probably be the liveliest part.  如果你23日至28日在台東, 可以去參觀並為他們加油.  我覺得它應該不是很有趣, 但會是一件值得看的賽事.  開幕典禮應該是最熱鬧的部分.

And on the week after, from April 30th to May 5, the National Intercollegiate Games come to town.  I'm not sure how big a deal the Intercollegiate games are, especially since no one I know has anything to do with them.  The website for that event is here.  全中運後的那個禮拜還有4月30日到5月5日的全大運.  我不知道全中運是不是跟全中運一樣重要, 因為我的同事中沒有人跟這個活動有關係.  它的網站在這裡.

My condolences to coworkers who'll be assisting with this competition, and are thus unable to get a week off.  At least you get extra pay?  我對要幫忙全中運的同事很不好意思.  因為他們那禮拜要上班.  還好那時候有加班費吧!

10. Captain America: Civil War 美國隊長3: 英雄內戰 (April 2016)

Anyone who knows me knows I love superhero movies.  I know all the characters.  I know all the actors that have played all the characters.  I know all the movies that all the actors who've played all the characters have been in.  認識我的人都知道我超愛超人電影.  我知道電影裡的所有的角色.  我更知道這些演員在哪部電影裡所飾演的角色.

I suppose it's not unusual among American guys my age.  A lot of us grew up reading comic books, and it's only in recent years that we've seen a lot of the comic books I grew up with adapted into movies.  Yes, the first Superman movie came out in 1978 (when I was three!), but it wasn't until 2005's Batman Begins that I really felt like I was seeing movie versions of the comic book characters I grew up with.  Before 2005, the movie superheroes weren't much like the comic books that inspired them.  很多年紀跟我差不多的美國男人都是看漫畫書長大的, 近年來才有很多小時候看的漫畫拍成電影.  我知道第一部超人是1978年上映 (我三歲的時候!), 但直到2005年的蝙蝠俠 : 開戰時刻才看到我小時候最喜歡的那種超人在電影裡面.  2005年之前, 電影裡的超人都不像我小時候在漫畫書裡的超人.

In the summer of 2016, superheroes will continue to rake in billions at the box office.  Last month witnessed the release of Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, which was a big financial (if not critical) success for the studio that produced it.  This month will see the release of Captain America: Civil War, which will probably make even more money than Batman v. Superman.  And later this summer there's X-Men: Apocalypse and Suicide Squad, two films I'm looking forward to very much.  2016年暑假, 超人系列的電影會持續在電影院裡賺很多錢.  蝙蝠俠對超人 : 正義曙光也賺了很多錢, 可惜很多人覺得不好看.  美國隊長 : 英雄內戰這個月也要上映, 大概會勝過蝙蝠俠對超人 : 正義曙光的票房.  美國隊長上映之後還有X戰警 : 天啟跟自殺突擊隊.  這二部電影我也很想看.

Three of these four movies also originate in comics I read when I was a kid.  Batman v. Superman borrows a lot from The Dark Knight Returns, a comic I loved when I was in elementary school.  X-Men: Apocalypse uses a villain that first appeared not long after.  The Suicide Squad also made its first comic book appearance around that time.  這四部電影中的三部的故事是我小時候的漫畫書的情節.  蝙蝠俠對超人 : 正義曙光中的內容很多取自我國小時最愛的蝙蝠俠漫畫 : 黑暗騎士歸來.  X戰警 : 天啟的壞人也是差不多那時候出現的.  自殺突擊隊的也是.

The Civil War storyline, which the third Captain America uses, came out in 2006, so it's a bit harder for me to relate to.  Nevertheless I've also read those comics, and I'm eager to see how they adapt them into a film.  It will be cool to see Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and Black Panther was always one of my favorite characters. 英雄內戰取自2006年的美國隊長漫畫故事, 所以它跟我的距離遠一點.  可是我看過原來的漫畫書, 也很想知道漫畫中的故事在電影裡會如何表現.  看到蜘蛛人終於在漫威電影宇宙出現是很棒的事情, 我也很喜歡黑豹這個角色.

Captain America: Civil War, by the way, opens in Taiwan on April 27.  I'll probably see it the first day, and I might even see the first showing.  I'm fairly punctual about my superhero movies, and if I haven't seen it on the day of its premier, I've seen it during the following weekend.  美國隊長 : 英雄內戰在4月27日在台灣上映.  我應該會在上映的第一天去看.  也有可能看早場.  我對超人電影很忠誠.  如果第一天沒辦法看, 那我一定在當周末看.

Maybe I'll see you there.  And if you do end up seeing it (along with most of the other people in the world), let me know what you think.  I realize that superhero movies aren't for everyone, and I know that some people are getting tired of them, but for me they're like old friends, coming to see me after a long time away.  It's not often that we get to relive our childhood, and superhero movies provide a way for me to do just that.  我可能會在電影院碰到你.  如果你也去看的話, 請跟我分享你對那部電影的意見.  我知道有人不喜歡超人這種電影, 我也知道有人快受不了超人電影, 可是對我來說, 這種電影很像很久沒見面的好朋友, 它從很遠的地方回來跟我見面.  重返童年時光是很難得的事情.  看超人電影就給我這種感覺.


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