December 2014 - April 2015
1. Disconnected 切斷的 (December 2014)
Last weekend I was in a bar with my friends. We were sitting at a table in the center of the room, and during gaps in our conversation I studied people at other tables. The bar was full that night, and the staff were very busy taking orders and bringing drinks to each table. 上個周末我跟我的朋友去一家酒吧. 我們坐在中間的桌子聊天. 聊天的空檔我看其他桌的客人在做什麼. 當晚酒吧客滿, 工作人員忙著幫客人點單及送飲料.
The first thing I noticed about the other patrons was that none of them were talking. They were all staring down at their phones. On some of the phones I could see Facebook. On other phones Line. Occasionally the person holding the phone would lift it up to take a picture of himself (or herself), and then it was back to staring at their phone. 我最先注意到的是旁邊的客人都沒有講話. 他們都在看手機. 在有的手機上我看到臉書. 有的手機上看到的是Line. 不時地有人把手機拿出來拍自己, 然後繼續看手機.
And that night wasn't the first time I saw this. Just a few months ago I was in another local bar, this one divided into a "bar" section and a "dance" section. My friends and I, noticing that the "dance" section was packed with people, decided to sit there for a while. To our surprise it was exactly the same. No one was talking. Everyone was looking down at their phones. Occasionally a phone would come up, and someone would take another selfie. 那個晚上不是我第一次看到這種情形. 幾個月前我在另一家酒吧. 那家酒吧分成兩邊, 一邊是酒吧, 另一邊是可以跳舞的地方. 我們看到跳舞的區塊坐了很多人就過去那邊坐一下. 讓我們驚訝的是那裡的客人都在看手機. 沒有人講話. 他們都忙著看手機. 有時會看到手機被舉高, 因為它的主人要自拍.
Perhaps I notice this more because I don't own a smartphone. I still use the old style phone, the kind without Internet access. This is partly because I am too lazy to change it. This is also because I'd rather be experiencing real things, in real time. I don't want to feel like I'm connected to the Internet every second. I don't want to hear my phone beeping every time a Facebook friend updates their status. It just doesn't seem necessary to me. 可能我比較注意這件事是因為我沒有智慧型手機. 我還是在用舊型的無法上網的手機 . 我沒有智慧型手機的原因是因為我懶的換. 沒換手機的原因是我想要真實的生活經驗. 我不想時常被網路影響, 也不要一直聽到朋友們在臉書上更新消息的嗶嗶聲. 我覺得這樣的功能不是必要的.
Sure, you could own a smartphone and exercise self-control. You could turn it off before entering a social situation, or just not pay any attention to it. But I haven't seen a lot of smartphone owners with this ability. More often I see people staring at their phones at the most inappropriate (or even dangerous) times. 當然你可以擁有智慧型手機並且練習自我控制使用手機的時間. 可以在與朋友聊天前關掉手機或是不理它. 可是我還沒看過很多人這麼做. 我常看到的是許多人在最不適當的時候或是最危險的時候用手機.
And when I think back to that night at the bar, I can remember an actual conversation, with actual people, who were actually there. What about the other people in the bar that night? Well, perhaps they had some meaningful conversations on Line. Perhaps they found out what movies are playing. But wouldn't a real conversation, in a real place, have been better? 當我回想在酒吧的那個晚上, 我記得實際的對話內容跟當天一起的朋友. 那看手機的客人呢? 可能他們記得Line的對話. 可能他們知道電影院正播什麼電影. 可是實際的談話不是比較好嗎? 在真實存在的地方活動不是最好的選擇嗎?
2. Beigang 北港 (January 2015)
Beigang is a municipality in Yunlin County. It has a long history, and was an important port during the Ching Dynasty. It's deep in the country, and driving there takes a while. 北港是雲林縣的小鎮. 北港的歷史可追溯到清朝時期. 清朝時候它是個很重要的港口. 它的位置比較鄉下, 開車過去那裡要花點時間.
In the 1800s it was known as Bengang, and a lot of the shipping between Formosa and the Mainland passed through this part of Taiwan. The picture above is Beigang's Chao Tian Temple, which dates back to that time. 19世紀的時候它被稱為笨港. 是台灣的海運中心. 從大陸來的貨品都要經過這裡. 上面的相片是北港的朝天宮. 這座廟也是從那個時候留下來的.
There are other remnants of the Ching Dynasty in Beigang, but none of them are particularly impressive. Chao Tian Temple remains an important tourist site, and is very crowded on festival days. 還有其他的古物在北港, 只是它們不是那麼特別. 朝天宮目前仍是很重要的景點. 任何節日都是很熱鬧.
The street in front of this temple sells many local products. The most famous of these products seems to be peanut oil. 朝天宮前面的街道賣很多名產. 最有名的應該是附近的花生油.
The temple is interesting if you like local history. If not, there are more impressive temples. It reminded me a lot of Long Shan Temple in Taipei. 喜歡地區歷史的人會很喜歡這座廟. 對歷史沒興趣的觀光客應該不感到這座廟的特別. 這座廟很像台北的龍山寺.
The inside of the temple is like a maze. 廟裡面像迷宮.
Behind the temple there is a large building with a viewing platform. It offers a good view of the town. 廟後面的一棟大建築物上有一座風景台. 從那裏看北港的地形跟路線比較清楚.
This is the Beigang River. It was larger during Ching times, and fluctuating water levels led to the decline of the town's shipping business. 這是北港溪. 清朝的時候這條溪比較大. 因為溪水變化, 北港的海運利用慢慢消失了.
One of the many processions that pass through the temple. If you're bringing kids, beware of the firecrackers. It gets LOUD here! 其他地方的廟宇來這裡進香. 如果帶孩子來這裡要注意鞭炮. 這裡會很吵喔!
3. Train Stations, Old Streets, and Academies 舊火車站, 老街, 跟書院 (January 2015)
This is a list of old train stations, old streets, and old academies in Taiwan. The old streets and academies date back to the Ching Dynasty, and most of the train stations date back to the Japanese Imperial Administration. 以下是臺灣的舊火車站, 老街, 跟書院的整理. 老街跟書院是清朝時期建立的. 舊火車站是日據時代蓋的.
The "academies" referred to here are the schoolhouses used to teach the upper classes during the Ching Dynasty. They look a lot like temples or even old houses. Some, such as Kaohsiung's Feng Yi Academy, have displays and signage directed at foreign tourists. Others require a deeper knowledge of local culture and/or Chinese. 這裡提到的書院是清朝時身分較高的人民使用的. 這些書院看起來像廟宇或是舊房子. 有的像高雄的鳳儀書院一樣適合外國的觀光客參觀. 有的則需要先認識地區的文化和(或)會中文比較適合.
There are a lot of "old streets" in Taiwan, and they vary in quality. Some, like Taipei's Jiou Fen Old Street, cater directly to tourists, while others are all but invisible to those without a knowledge of the area. Many of the old streets specialize in food, some in local history, some in nothing at all. 台灣有很多老街. 但不是每條老街都有趣. 有的像新北市的九份老街很重視觀光客, 但有的則因地區的歷史文化不被了解而被忽視. 很多老街因為美食出名. 有的老街則是因為它的歷史角色. 有的老街則沒什麼特色.
A word of warning: before you visit any of these places, make sure they are still there. Some places are no longer maintained as tourist/historic attractions, some have changed names, and others are not to be found on Google maps. 去這些地方之前要先確定它是否還在. 有的地方不被保護, 有的名字已經改變, 有的則是你在Google地圖上找不到.
If you notice any omissions please let me know. I looked at many sources when compiling this list, and I tried to be thorough. 除了以下提到的地方, 如果我有任何的遺漏請告訴我. 我寫的時候看了很多書跟網站. 所有的舊火車站, 老街, 跟書院應該都在裡面.
Taitung County 台東縣:
Old Train Stations 舊車站: 舊檳榔火車站 Old Bin Lang Train Station, 關山舊火車站 Guanshan Old Train Station
Remarks 建議: The Taitung Old Train Station, although not maintained as a historic site, is a popular tourist attraction. 很多觀光客喜歡去台東舊火車站. 這個車站不受中央政府的保護.
Pingtung County 屏東縣:
Old Train Stations 舊車站: 竹田車站 Ju Tian Train Station
Old Streets 老街: 豐田(內埔)老街 Feng Tian (Nei Pu) Old Street, 東港延平老街 Dong Gang Yan Ping Old Street
Academies 書院: 屏東書院 Pingtung Academy
Remarks 建議: Several other structures around the Ju Tian Train Station were also preserved, and are to be found within the Ju Tian Station Park. 除了竹田車站之外, 竹田驛園還有其他的建築物也受保護.
Kaohsiung City 高雄市:
Old Train Stations 舊車站: 高雄車站 Kaohsiung Train Station, 舊打狗驛 Old Da Gou Station, 旗山火車站 Chi Shan Train Station, 三塊厝火車站 San Kwai Tswo Train Station, 原橋仔頭驛車站 Yuan Chiao Dzai Tou Train Station
Old Streets 老街: 美濃老街 Mei Nong Old Street, 旗山老街 Chi Shan Old Street, 岡山中街 Gang Shan Central Street, 橋頭老街 Chiao Tou Old Street, 通山(旗津)老街 Tong Shan (Chi Jin) Old Street, 哈瑪星社區 Ha Ma Shing Community
Academies 書院: 鳳儀書院 Feng Yi Academy, 萃文書院 Tsuei Wen Academy
Remarks 建議: The old Kaohsiung Train Station was moved from the present site of the new Kaohsiung Train Station. They are right next to each other. 高雄的舊火車站就在高雄新火車站的隔壁.
Tainan County 台南縣:
Old Train Stations 舊車站: 後壁車站 Ho Bi Train Station, 林鳳營車站 Lin Feng Ying Train Station, 保安車站 Bao An Train Station, 台南車站 Tainan Train Station
Old Streets 老街: 善化(中山路)老街 Shan Hua (Jung Shan Road) Old Street, 鹽水街 Yan Shuei Street, 麻豆老街 Ma Dou Old Street, 台南安平(開台第一)(延平)老街 Tainan Anping (Kai Tai #1) (Yan Ping) Old Street, 大目降老街 Da Mu Jiang Old Street, 神農(北勢)街 Shen Nong (Bei Shr) Street, 總爺街 Dzong Ye Street, 橋南老街 Chiao Nan Old Street, 新化老街 Shin Hua Old Street, 菁寮老街 Ching Liao Old Street, 東山老街 Dong Shan Old Street
Academies 書院: 中社書院 Jung She Academy, 篷壺書院 Peng Hu Academy
Remarks 建議: Shan Hua Old Street was important because it was close to the provincial government and also because water transport was convenient. 善化老街的發展是因為靠近台南府城, 水運交通也很便利.
Jia Yi County 嘉義縣:
Old Train Stations 舊車站: 阿里山車站 Alishan Train Station, 竹崎車站 Ju Chi Train Station, 嘉義車站 Jia Yi Train Station
Old Streets 老街: 奮起湖老街 Fen Chi Hu Old Street, 太平老街 Taiping Old Street, 大埔老街 Da Pu Old Street, 蒜頭老街 Suan Tou Old Street, 中正路老街 Jung Jung Road Old Street
Remarks 建議: Alishan Train Station is the largest wood train station in Taiwan. 阿里山是台灣最大的木造火車站.
Yunlin County 雲林縣:
Old Train Stations 舊車站: 石榴站車站 Shr Liou Station Train Station
Old Streets 老街: 西螺(延平)老街 Shi Luo (Yan Ping) Old Street, 太平老街 Tai Ping Old Street, 宮口街 (北港老街) Gong Kou Street (Beigang Old Street), 土庫老街 Tu Ku Old Street
Academies 書院: 振文書院 Jen Wen Academy
Remarks 建議: Jen Wen Academy dates back to 1813. 振文書院是西元1813建立的.
Changhua County 彰化縣:
Old Streets 老街: 鹿港老街 Lugang Old Street, 溪湖老街 Shi Hu Old Street, 鹿港瑤林街 Lugang Yao Lin Street
Academies 書院: 興賢書院 Shing Shian Academy, 道東書院 Dao Dong Academy, 文開書院 Wen Kai Academy
Remarks 建議: Shing Shian Academy dates back to 1807. 興賢書院是西元1807建立的.
Nantou County 南投縣:
Old Train Stations 舊車站: 集集車站 Jiji Train Station, 車埕車站 Che Cheng Station
Old Streets 老街: 草屯老街 Tsao Tuen Old Street, 南興打鐵街 Nan Shing Ironwork Street, 永平老街 Yong Ping Old Street
Academies 書院: 藍田書院 Lan Tian Academy, 登瀛書院 Deng Ing Academy, 明新書院 Ming Shin Academy
Remarks 建議: Jiji Train Station was damaged during the 9-21 Earthquake, and was remodeled after. It is a major tourist attraction in Nantou County. 集集車站在921地震的時候損壞. 之後經過修建. 目前是南投縣的重要景點.
Taichung City 台中市:
Old Train Stations 舊車站: 台中火車站 Taichung Train Station, 泰安車站 Tai An Train Station, 追分車站 Juei Fen Train Station, 日南車站 Rh Nan Train Station, 台中市後火車站 (中南驛) Taichung City Rearward Train Station (Jung Nan Station) 清水車站 Ching Shuei Train Station
Old Streets 老街: 梧棲港老街 Wu Chi Gang Old Street, 石岡老街 Shr Gang Old Street, 大里老街 Da Li Old Street, 犁頭店老街 Li Tou Dian Old Street
Academies 書院:磺溪書院 Huang Shi Academy
Remarks 建議: The Huang Shi Academy dates back to 1799. 磺溪書院是西元1799建立的.
Miao Li County 苗栗縣:
Old Train Stations 舊車站: 勝興火車站 Sheng Shing Train Station, 談文火車站 Tan Wen Train Station, 大山火車站 Da Shan Train Station, 新埔火車站 Shin Pu Train Station
Old Streets 老街: 苑裡老街 Yuan Li Old Street, 南庄老街 Nan Jwang Old Street
Academies 書院: 英才書院 Ying Tsai Academy
Remarks 建議: The Sheng Shing Train Station was built of wood without the use of nails. 勝興火車站是木造的, 不用任何鐵釘.
Hsinchu County 新竹縣:
Old Train Stations 舊車站: 新竹火車站 Hsinchu Train Station, 香山火車站 Shiang Shan Train Station, 竹東車站 Ju Dong Station合興車站 He Shing Station
Old Streets 老街: 湖口老街 Hu Kou Old Street, 北門老街 Bei Men Old Street, 北埔老街 Bei Pu Old Street, 內灣老街 Neiwan Old Street
Remarks 建議: The Hu Kou Old Street was an important trade link between the mountains and the coast, and it's location near a rail line added to its importance. 湖口老街是連接山區與平地間的貨運中心. 它靠近鐵路的地理位置讓它更顯重要.
Taoyuan County 桃園縣:
Old Streets 老街: 大溪老街 Da Shi Old Street, 富岡老街 Fu Gang Old Street, 楊梅老街 Yang Mei Old Street, 和平老街 He Ping Old Street, 三坑子百年老街 San Keng Dze Hundred Year Old Street, 中山(新南)老街 Jung Shan (Shin Nan) Old Street
Remarks 建議: The Da Shi Old Street was an important avenue for trade between Mainland China and the north. It was also a portal for development of the surrounding mountains, and a port for shipping up the Dan Shuei River. 大溪老街是北台灣跟中國大陸的貨運中心. 山區的發展是從這邊開始. 也是淡水河河運的重要站.
New Taipei City 新北市:
Old Train Stations 舊車站: 菁桐車站 Jing Tong Train Station, 山佳車站 Shan Jia Station
Old Streets 老街: 三峽老街 San Shia Old Street, 鶯歌老街 Ying Ge Old Street, 新莊老街 Shin Juang Old Street, 淡水老街 Dan Shuei Old Street, 金山老街 Jin Shan Old Street, 坪林老街 Ping Lin Old Street, 石碇老街 Shr Ding Old Street, 深坑老街 Shen Keng Old Street, 瑞芳老街 Ruei Fang Old Street, 九份老街 Jiou Fen Old Street, 汐止(水返腳)老街 Shi Jr (Shuei Fan Jiao) Old Street, 瀑布老街 , Waterfall Old Street, 平溪老街(石底老街) Ping Shi (Shr Di) Old Street, 十分老街 Shr Fen Old Street, 菁桐老街 Jing Tong Old Street, 中正老街 Jung Jeng Old Street, 侯硐老街 Hou Tong Old Street
Academies 書院: 明志書院 Ming Jr Academy
Remarks 建議: The Ming Jr Academy is the oldest academy in Taiwan, dating back to 1764. 明志書院是台灣最古老的書院. 它是西元1764建立的.
Taipei City 台北市:
Old Streets 老街: 迪化老街 Di Hua Old Street, 艋舺老街 Meng Jia Old Street, 剝皮寮老街 Lu Pi Liao Old Street
Academies 書院: 學海書院 Shu Hai Academy, 大觀書院 Da Guan Academy
Remarks 建議: The Di Hua Old Street was important because it was close to the Dan Shuei River trade. It was also referred to as 年貨大街. 迪化老街的重要性是因為靠近淡水河運. 也叫年貨大街.
Jiloong (Keelung) City 基隆市:
Old Train Stations 舊車站: 七堵火車(前)站 Chi Du (Front) Train Station
Old Streets 老街: 崁仔頂老街 Keng Dzai Ding Old Street
Remarks 建議: The Keng Dzai Ding Old Street is no longer maintained as a tourist site. 崁仔頂老街現在已經不再受到政府的保護.
Yilan County 宜蘭縣:
Old Train Stations 舊車站: 太平山林鐵舊天送埤站 Taiping Mountain Forest Railway Old Tian Song Pi Station
Old Streets 老街: 頭城老街 Tou Cheng Old Street, 利澤老街 Li Tan Old Street
Remarks 建議: Taiping Mountain is well worth visiting, and if you're in a car the old train station is very convenient. 太平山很值得去. 如果開車去的話, 去天送埤車站很方便.
Penghu County 澎湖:
Old Streets: 澎湖中央街 Penghu Central Street
Jinmen County 金門:
Old Streets 老街: 金門摸範街 Jinmen Mo Fan Street, 明故老街 Ming Gu Old Street
4. Intro 自我介紹 7 (January 2015)
The following questions were taken from the Side by Side Activity Book, Level 2. 下列的問題出自Side by Side Level 2的作業簿
1. What do you like to do? 你喜歡做什麼?
Recently I like to watch American football. Next week is the conference championships, and after that is the Super Bowl. I am a big fan of the Seattle Seahawks. 最近我很喜歡看美式足球. 下禮拜有國聯決賽, 之後有超級盃賽. 我最喜歡的美式足球隊是西雅圖海鷹隊.
I also like to read, run, and ride my bicycle. Eating pizza is another favorite. Mmmm. Pizza. 我也喜歡看書, 跑步和騎單車. 吃比薩則是另一件我最喜歡的事. 比薩超好吃!
2. What don't you like to do? 你不喜歡做什麼?
I don't like to write plans for next semester. I just finished my plans the other day. I also don't like to write plans for English winter camps. I have to plan for an English winter camp soon. 我不喜歡寫下學期的課程計畫. 但我昨天才把它完成. 我也不喜歡寫寒假英語歡樂營的計畫. 但我必須很快地完成這個英語營的計畫.
3. How many oranges do you want? 你要幾個橘子?
I will take one orange, to be polite. 為了表現我的禮貌, 我拿一個.
4. Do we need anything from the supermarket? 我們需要在超市買什麼嗎?
Beer would be good, if it's a Friday and I don't have classes on Saturday. I would also like some cookies, and I should probably buy some more coffee filters. 如果今天是禮拜五,而且明天是禮拜六不用上班的話, 那我會買幾瓶啤酒. 我也想買餅乾. 也應該買咖啡濾紙.
5. Do you think it will snow this winter? 你覺得今年冬天會下雪嗎?
In Taiwan? Are you crazy? Maybe high up in the mountains, but never where most of the people live. 在台灣? 你瘋了? 可能高山上會下雪, 但是在大多數人住的地方不會下雪.
The snow is only fun on the first day anyway. After that you're digging your car out of the snow in the morning and wishing it was warmer. 反正只有在下雪的第一天好玩而已. 之後你一大早要把你的車挖出來, 並且希望天氣暖和點.
6. Do you like your Panorama fax machine, Jane? Jane妳喜歡妳的Panorama牌的傳真機嗎?
My name is not Jane. And how is it that you're still using a fax machine in this day and age? Haven't you discovered email yet? I can't even remember the last time I used a fax machine. Are there still fax machines to be used? 我的名字不是Jane. 這個時代你怎麼還在用傳真機? 你還不知道email嗎? 我不記得上次用傳真機是什麼時候了. 現在還找的到傳真機嗎?
7. Are you a dishonest card player? 你打牌的時候會不會作弊?
Yes, I am. Or am I? 是, 我是. 還是不是?
8. What were you and your friends doing? 你跟你的朋友們做什麼?
Which friends? Where? When? Have you been following me? 哪一些朋友? 在哪裡? 什麼時候? 你跟蹤我嗎?
9. Will you be able to join us for dinner? 你可以跟我們一起吃晚餐嗎?
Sorry I can't make it. After work today I'm going to go home and read my book. Another time perhaps. 很抱歉, 我沒辦法去. 今天下班以後我要回家看書. 下次吧!
10. Will your children be busy this afternoon? 今天下午你的孩子會很忙嗎?
Yes. They have big tests coming up, and they have to study. My daughters are smart, but they are a little bit lazy. I hope they can do better on their next test. 對. 她們快要考試了, 所以要讀書. 我的女兒很聰明, 可是有點懶惰. 希望她們下次考好一點.
5. How Are You? 你好嗎? (February 2015)
To start this semester off I thought we'd talk about YOU. I really have no idea who's reading this blog these days, though the "stats" function in Google tells me that quite a few are. 我覺得要討論"你"來做為這學期的開始, 我不知道最近這段時間看這個部落格的讀者是誰, 可是Google上顯示的人數數據不少.
With this in mind I'd like to ask you a few questions, in the hope that you'll answer in the comments section below. I am not collecting this information for any reason other than curiosity. 想到這件事, 我就想問你幾個問題. 希望你願意回答以下這些問題. 這些問題沒有其他特別用意 , 我只是因為好奇才問的.
1. Do you live in Taiwan? 你住在台灣嗎?
2. What's your favorite color? 你最喜歡什麼顏色?
3. What is your first language? 你的母語是什麼?
4. What are your interests/hobbies? 你的興趣是什麼?
5. What did you do on Chinese New Year? 你春節時做了什麼?
6. What is your favorite Chinese food? 你最喜歡的中國料理?
7. What do you regard as Taiwan's biggest shortcoming? 你覺得台灣最大的缺點是什麼?
8. Do you have any thoughts about Mainland Chinese tourism in Taiwan? 你對大陸觀光客有什麼看法?
9. Which is more important to you - love or money? 哪一個比較重要 - 愛還是錢?
10. Do you read this blog in Chinese or English? Or both? 你看這個部落格的時候是看中文還是英文? 或是兩者都看?
6. Sad About the Lake 因為活水湖的事很失望 (March 2015)
After I moved to Taitung the Flowing Lake became my favorite place. For my first few months here, I just couldn't believe that there was a huge lake (15 minutes away!) where I could swim any time I wanted to.自從我搬到台東來之後, 活水湖成為我最喜歡的地方,剛開始的幾個月, 我真不敢相信離我家十五分鐘的地方就有一個這麼大的湖, 而且我可以任何時間想去就去游泳.
I have been swimming in the Flowing Lake since 2006. I swim (swam?) there almost year round, though I take a break around Chinese New Year because of the cold. Swimming there has become part of my exercise routine, and no matter how tired I am I always enjoy a swim across the Flowing Lake.從2006年到現在, 我一直是在活水湖游泳, 雖然會因為天氣太冷而在農曆春節前後的期間暫停, 但在活水湖游泳已經成為我運動習慣的一部分了, 無論身體多累, 我總是享受游跨活水湖的過程.
Until this year. Due to the number of drownings in the lake, the Taitung County Government has placed a "security guard" there, who watches the lake from 6 AM to 6 PM every day. This security guard's job is to stop people from swimming, and he is authorized to film anyone caught doing so. Those caught on film, I am told, will receive a fine.*直到今年, 台東縣政府基於活水湖的溺水死亡意外發生的數目, 在那裏從早上6點至傍晚6點設置了救生員, 他們的職責是禁止人們在湖裡游泳, 他們可以對在湖裡游泳的人拍照舉發, 被拍照的人將會收到罰單.
Now I know that the local government is just trying to keep people safe, but I am wondering if this is the best way to go about doing that. What about those of us who've been swimming in that lake for years without incident? What about the triathlons and swimming competitions held there? What about the students that go boating there every spring? 我知道當地的政府單位試著保障人們的安全, 但我懷疑不讓人們在湖裡游泳是最好的方法. 那我們這些一直以來都在活水湖游泳的人呢? 那舉辦鐵人賽和游泳比賽的團體呢? 那春天時在湖裡練習划船的學生呢?
Of course no one wants any more drownings in the Flowing Lake, but a lot of people will continue to use it, and I'm not sure that preventing people from swimming there is the best policy.當然沒有人希望任何的溺水事件在活水湖發生, 很多的人還是會繼續地到活水湖活動, 我不確定禁止人們在活水湖游泳是最好的解決方法.
For one thing, for each person that has drowned in that lake there are hundreds who haven't. The Flowing Lake is full of people in the summer months, and most of them enjoy the water without incident. Most of these people also know that those who swim must take responsibility for their own safety. And with the government of Taiwan spending so much money on swimming lessons for elementary students, it seems an odd choice to close off the lake entirely. Couldn't they just create a swimming area in the lake and post lifeguards there? Wouldn't that be a more sensible solution?每個溺水意外發生都屬於個案, 而在活水湖游泳的人數是以百計數, 而且夏天滿是到那裏游泳的人, 他們很開心而且也沒發生任何的意外, 而且大部分去游泳的人都知道要為自己的安全負責. 台灣政府花了那麼多的錢在國小學生的游泳課上, 卻很奇怪的禁止人們在湖裡游泳, 難道他們不能規劃個游泳區域然後請救生員值班嗎? 這樣不是個更合理的解決辦法?
And there are also the triathlons and swimming competitions. The triathlons held in the Flowing Lake are a major source of revenue, both for the local athletic associations and other local businesses. If they close the lake to swimming, how is anyone supposed to train for the triathlons? 還有鐵人賽及游泳比賽, 鐵人賽都是在活水湖舉辦, 它也是台東當地的運動協會和商家的主要收入來源, 如果禁止人們在湖裡游泳, 那有心參賽的人該在哪裡練習游泳?
I suppose local triathletes are expected to go to swimming pools, but many of us HATE swimming pools. Many of the competitors also have serious anxiety issues about swimming in deep water, and preventing them from training in the lake first is only going to make this problem worse. When people panic, people drown, and having the lake open and accessible before the triathlon gives people a chance to acclimate themselves to swimming in deeper water.我想台東當地的鐵人參賽者都被認為該在泳池練習游泳, 可是很多人都討厭在泳池游泳. 很多參賽者對在深水游泳有恐懼感, 但禁止他們在湖裡練習將讓問題更嚴重, 當人一緊張就容易溺水, 如果比賽前能讓人們有在湖裡練習的機會, 那能讓他們在深水裡游得更自在.
I think what it comes down to is your attitude toward the local government. Do you want the local government telling you what is safe and what is not? Or would you like the opportunity to decide for yourself? If you can't swim, of course you should stay away from the Flowing Lake. But if you can, shouldn't you be allowed to swim there? The Flowing Lake is, after all, the property of the people of Taitung, and those of us who enjoy swimming there should be allowed to use it. I don't think the few accidents that have occurred change that fact.我想最主要的問題是你對當地政府的態度. 你要政府機關來告訴你什麼是安全和不安全? 還是你喜歡有機會自己為自己做決定? 如果你不會游泳, 當然你要離活水湖遠一點, 但是如果你會游泳, 你不是應該被允許在那裏游泳嗎? 活水湖畢竟是台東人民的財產, 我們這些喜歡在那裏游泳的人應該被允許使用它, 我不認為那些意外可以改變這個事實.
I haven't been swimming in the Flowing Lake for a few months now, but this development makes me very sad. The Flowing Lake belongs to everybody, and I think we should be allowed to use it responsibly. I agree that it is a public safety issue, but I don't think that closing off the lake is the best solution.我已經幾個月沒在活水湖游泳了,這個發展讓我很傷心, 活水湖是屬於每個人的, 我認為我們都應該能被允許負責任地使用它, 我同意它是個公共安全的問題, 但我不認為禁止人們在活水湖游泳就能解決問題.
7. Conversation with My House Cats About the Flowing Lake 跟我的貓討論活水湖 (March 2015)
ME: So last week I wrote this thing about the Flowing Lake and some people got mad. What do you guys think? 上個禮拜我寫了一篇關於活水湖的文章. 這篇文章讓一些人生氣了. 你們的想法呢?
JOJO: What's a flowing lake? 活水湖是什麼?
CHRISTMAS: Yeah, what's that? Is it a new flavor of cat food? 我也不知道. 是新口味的貓食嗎?
SMOKEY: I like cat food. 我很喜歡貓食.
MUFFIN: Me too. 我也是.
STRIPEY: What? 什麼?
ME: The Flowing Lake is the big rectangular lake in Taitung's Forest Park. I used to go swimming there. 活水湖是台東森林公園裡的一個長方形的湖. 我以前在那裡游泳.
CHRISTMAS: What?!? Swimming?!? You're crazy, man. Don't go swimming. I HATE water! 你在說什麼? 游什麼泳? 你瘋了! 別去游泳. 我很討厭水.
MUFFIN: Yeah, I hate baths. 沒錯. 洗澡很糟糕.
STRIPEY: What? 什麼?
ME: So anyway, I was wondering if stopping people from swimming there was a good idea. I mean, they still have the triathlons and swimming competitions there, so... 反正我只是懷疑不讓民眾在那裡游泳是一個好主意. 他們還是在那裡舉辦鐵人三項跟游泳比賽, 所以...
SMOKEY: What's a triathlon? Is it a new flavor of cat food? 鐵人三項是什麼? 是新口味的貓食嗎?
CHRISTMAS: Yeah, I like cat food. 我很喜歡貓食?
JOJO: Me too. 我也是.
MUFFIN: Can you feed us again? 再餵我們一次好嗎?
STRIPEY: What? 什麼?
ME: A triathlon? It's... oh never mind. You guys hungry? 鐵人三項? 那就是...... 算了. 你們餓了沒?
JOJO: Hell yes, man. I thought you'd never ask! 當然很餓. 我快受不了了!
CHRISTMAS: Food! Food! Food! 食物! 食物! 食物!
STRIPEY: What? 什麼?
8. The Shape of Things to Come 未來的樣子 (March 2015)
I hope people aren't reading this blog and thinking I'm against development. I'm all for development if it benefits the right people. If I am sometimes skeptical about the way Taitung County is developing, it is because development never benefits all people equally. 希望看這個網站的讀者不會認為我反對地方發展. 如果一個地方的發展造福了需要幫助的人, 那我會舉雙手贊成. 我有時候對台東的發展抱持著懷疑的態度是因為它不一定幫助需要幫助的住民.
I have discussed development in Taitung County in this blog many times before. In any such discussion, I advance from the understanding that 1) development cannot, and indeed should not, be halted or reversed, and 2) local development projects do not benefit all local people in the same way. Some development projects do not really benefit local people at all. 我已經多次在這個網站上討論過台東的發展. 在這些討論中, 我相信的其中一點是發展的腳步不會停止也不會回復原狀, 其二是地區的發展計畫不一定能幫助地區中大多數的人, 有的發展計畫甚至不能幫助當地居民.
Some of these development projects may even carry hidden or unintended costs, such as when coral stores plunder local coral and thereby deplete the fishing stocks, or when a new hotel flushes its waste water into a local river. There is always a cost of development, and this cost should be assessed by the community beforehand. 有的發展計畫可能隱含了許多的代價. 例如社區的珊瑚店讓海裡的珊瑚變少了, 以後海裡的魚就變少了. 或是新飯店把廢水排放到附近的溪流. 所有的發展都有它的代價. 當地的人要能最先了解他們要承擔的代價是什麼.
There are a lot of hotels going up around Taitung County. These hotels - if and when completed - will generate a lot of money. They will also generate jobs for local people. But you have to ask yourself how much of that money goes into the local community, and how much is outsourced to other parts of Taiwan. These hotels will certainly employ local people, but if the jobs generated are only a handful of low-paying, long-hour jobs, then one has to ask if having that hotel is really worth the bother. To be sure, economies take time to develop, but there should be an immediate benefit to the community. 台東到處蓋很多飯店. 這些飯店蓋完之後會賺很多錢, 也能給台東住民新的工作機會. 可是我們要問自己的是這些錢會留在台東? 還是可能流到遠地去了? 新的飯店當然會有當地住民當工作人員, 可是薪水低時間長的工作不一定能提高民眾的生活品質. 我知道經濟發展需要時間, 但應該要對當地有立即性的好處才是.
Taitung County is changing now. Tourism is assuming an ever more important place in the local economy, replacing agriculture as the county's chief economic occupation. Property prices are rising, garbage and traffic are becoming bigger problems, and many are watching as new arrivals from out of town open prosperous businesses in Taitung, while they themselves struggle to get by. Certainly not all of these things are bad for everyone, and they will affect everyone differently, but they will affect everyone here in time. 台東縣正在改變. 旅遊觀光對當地經濟越來越重要, 領先農業的貢獻. 房地產價格越來越高, 路邊的垃圾跟路上塞車的問題也愈嚴重, 還有從外地來的人也經營了許多生意, 當地的人卻辛苦的生活. 不是每個人都覺得這樣不好. 因為每個人受影響的程度不一樣, 可是隨著時間的改變, 有一天大家都會感受到那股影響.
I just hope that we are educating ourselves about the shape development is taking. Then, after educating ourselves, I hope that we are taking actions in our best interests. Development isn't something that other people ought to decide for us. It is, rather, something that we should participate in together. Taking part in the ongoing political discussion is part of this process, as is spending your dollars wisely. 我只希望我們教育自己了解這些開發會形塑出的未來. 了解到未來的發展之後, 我們可以用行動來創造我們要的世界. 發展計畫不應該是別人為我們決定的. 而是應該由我們大家一起決定的. 參加社區政治討論和用你的消費行為來發聲.
If you live in Taitung, I would encourage you to look into what plans the local government has for your future. It may be that you will agree with all of these plans. It may be that you find fault with some of them. If you object to what others plan for your future, you owe it to yourself to make your voice heard. I know that for some people this is hard to do, especially given the local culture and the nature of local politics, but it may be the thing most worth doing. In a democratic society, you have the right to complain. 我鼓勵台東的住民了解一下社區政府的發展計畫. 有可能你同意所有的發展計畫. 也有可能你覺得有一些發展計畫是有問題的. 如果你不贊成計畫中的某部分, 我希望你能讓政府單位知道. 我知道對一些人來說這樣做不容易, 尤其是文化跟政治因素可能會阻止你這麼做, 可這卻是最值得做的事情. 在民主社會裡, 你有權利抗議.
I believe that it is the people of Taitung who should decide the shape of things to come. I also believe that development in this county should be both sustainable and profitable for local people. If such a belief makes me seem "anti-development," then so be it. 我相信台東的未來應該是由台東民眾決定的. 我也相信台東縣的發展應該要兼顧環保和民眾的生活品質. 如果這樣的想法讓別人覺得我反對發展, 那就讓我是個反對發展的人吧.
9. Saying Goodbye 說再見的時候 (March 2015)
I've lived in Taiwan since 1999, and during that time I've said goodbye to a lot of foreign friends. Some of these friends were, of course, more like acquaintances, but others were people that I was genuinely close to. Saying goodbye to close friends is never easy, but in many ways it's the price of being a foreign resident in Taiwan. 我1999年搬到台灣. 住在台灣的這幾年我陸續跟很多外國朋友說再見. 有的外國朋友屬於點頭之交, 有的則是感情很好的朋友. 跟好朋友說再見不是一件簡單的事情, 但這就是當台灣的外國住民的代價.
Most foreign residents don't stay here for long. Yes, there are guys like me who've been around a while, but most people leave after a year or two. Some don't even make it that long. Maybe they get tired of Taiwan. Maybe they get kicked out. Maybe they just have other plans in another part of the world. They all have their reasons, and all of these reasons are equally valid. 大部分的外國住民不會留在台灣很久.大概住一或二年就離開的, 當然也有像我一樣住在台灣很久的. 也有一些住不到一年. 有的厭煩了台灣的生活. 有的則被驅離. 也許他們在世界的另一個角落有其他的計畫. 每個人都有自己的理由. 每個理由都有意義.
At this point in my life, I can't tell you how many times I've been in a bar for someone's big send-off. Sometimes the someone in question is happy to be leaving, and sometimes they are nervous. Sometimes they worry that they'll be on the next plane back to Taiwan, trying to pick up where they left off. "Not to worry," I say, "I'll be here when you get back." 在這個時刻, 我不知道已經幾次在酒吧裡參加朋友的歡送會. 有的人要走的時候很高興, 有的人則很緊張. 有時候他們擔心自己可能馬上又回來台灣. 我會跟他們說 "不用緊張" , "你回來的時候我還在這裡吧."
Very soon I'll see some more friends leaving. Two of these friends, an American couple, are going back to New York. Another of these friends, a local business owner, will be taking his son back to Arizona. I'm sorry to see them go, but I know that the world is a big place, and many people end up going elsewhere. 很快地我又有幾個朋友要離開台灣. 其中兩個朋友是男女朋友, 他們要回去紐約. 另外一個在台灣做生意的朋友要帶他兒子回去亞利参那. 我看他們離開有一點難過, 可是我知道世界很大, 很多人要去很遠的地方追求他的夢想.
Thinking of these foreign friends, so many other faces pop into my mind. The guy I worked with in Hsinchu, with all the tattoos. The girl I taught with in Taichung, who moved back to South Africa. The guy who left for Canada in a great big hurry, desperate to escape a half-crazed girlfriend. I can remember so many people, and my memories of them are mostly good. I've said goodbye to a lot of people over the years, and I'm sure that I'll be saying goodbye to many more in the future. 想到這三位外國朋友的時候, 同時出現許多其他的外國朋友的面孔在我的腦海裡. 一個身上有許多刺青的新竹工作時的同事. 我在台中工作時的一位搬回南非的女同事. 也想起一位急著離開台灣的加拿大朋友, 因為他要躲開他半瘋狂的女朋友. 我想起很多人, 而且那些回憶大多數是好的. 我在十幾年中跟很多朋友說再見. 我也知道以後還會跟很多朋友說再見.
It's not easy to say goodbye. But I suppose there are always new friends, waiting in the future. There are also old friends, whose plans - or lack of plans - bring them back to Taiwan. 跟朋友說再見不容易, 可是未來還有新的朋友等著我們去認識. 也有可能老朋友會回來. 可能台灣在他們的計畫中, 或是他們沒有計畫好, 所以就回來.
10. 10 Great Places on the East Coast 東海岸很棒的地方 (April 2015)
There are of course more than 10 "great places" on the east coast of Taiwan, but these were the first ten that popped into my head. Those looking for a (somewhat) deeper analysis of certain areas will find links to previous posts below. 當然台灣東海岸"很棒的地點"不只十個, 可是這十個地點是最先出現在我腦海的. 對於那些在找比較深入討論介紹這些地點的讀者,可以看以下的相關文章.
1. Jin Luen Hot Springs 金崙溫泉
This is the most peaceful hot spring area I know of. Most tourists pass it by on their way to Taitung City, and I've never seen a single tour bus stop there. If you want impressive hot springs go to Jer Ben, further north, but if you want a quiet place to relax go to Jin Luen. 我覺得這是最悠閒的溫泉區. 大多數往台東市的觀光客只會經過這邊. 我還沒在這裡看過遊覽車. 如果想要去外觀漂亮的溫泉應該去比較北邊的知本, 可是如果是要比較平靜的溫泉經驗應該去金崙.
2. The National Museum of Prehistory 國立史前博物館
As Taiwanese museums go, I would rank this one second after the National Palace Museum. It is located in Taitung City, not far from the airport. Many of the exhibits focus on Taiwanese archaeology, and there is a nice park behind it. 以台灣的博物館來說, 我覺得這是繼故宮之後排名第二的博物館. 它位於台東市, 靠近台東機場. 很多展覽品介紹台灣考古學. 博物館後面還有一個漂亮的公園.
3. Beaches in the East Coast National Scenic Area 東海岸風景區的海灘
I could tell you about my favorite beach in the East Coast National Scenic Area, but then I'd have to kill you. There are a lot of great beaches between Shan Yuan in Taitung and areas just south of Hualien City. Most of these beaches put that minuscule beach in Kenting to shame. 我可以告訴你我最喜歡的東海岸風景區裡的哪個海灘, 但那之後就需要把你滅口了. 在杉原跟花蓮市南邊中間有很多很棒的海灘. 大部分的海灘比墾丁小小的海灘好很多.
4. Hai Duan Township 海端鄉
This is the area surrounding the south entrance to Jade Mountain National Park. The scenery here is outstanding, though it isn't easy to get to. There are a few hot springs on the way up, and a nice trail near the Tian Loong Hotel. This road is often washed out after typhoons, so be sure to check ahead of time. 這裡靠近玉山國家公園南入口. 這附近的風景很棒, 可是這裡不方便到達. 上山的路上有些溫泉. 天龍飯店也有個很不錯的步道. 只是這裡的道路常被颱風破壞, 所以要去之前要先確認路況.
5. Ruei Suei Hot Springs/Ranch 瑞穗溫泉跟瑞穗牧場
Compared to Hai Duan, this area is quite easy to get to. The Ruei Suei Ranch is south of the Ruei Suei Train Station. There's no entrance fee, and it's a nice place to sit and have coffee. The Ruei Suei Hot Springs are behind the train station, and some of them - although impressive - are practically abandoned on weekdays. 跟海端鄉比起來, 瑞穗牧場比較方便到達. 瑞穗牧場在瑞穗火車站南邊. 它不用門票, 也是個適合喝咖啡的地方. 而瑞穗溫泉區在火車站後面. 有的溫泉很棒, 可是星期一至四客人不多.
6. Sixty Stone Mountain 六十石山
This is the mountain in Hualien that was in all the commercials not long ago. The "peak" offers an amazing view of the surrounding countryside, and when the daylilies are blooming it's very pretty. Avoid this place on weekends or major holidays. 沒多久前這座山出現在很多廣告裡面. 從最上面可以看到花東縱谷國家風景區的風景,金針花開的時候很漂亮. 但是周末和節日的時候不要去.
7. Taroko Gorge National Park 太魯閣國家公園
The lame thing about Taroko Gorge is that the weather isn't usually very good. It is of course a gorge, and this gorge tends to trap the rain inside the park. This said, it's a great place to explore when the sun is shining. It can be super touristy at times, but this is to be expected. 太魯閣的缺點就是天氣很差. 當然因為太魯閣是個峽谷, 所以雲雨都滯留在裡面. 但是除了這件事之外, 太魯閣在晴天時是一個適合散步的地方. 而且在那麼有名的景點通常觀光客很多.
8. Shr Ti Ping Port/Scenic Area 石梯坪漁港跟石梯坪遊憩風景區
This is an area famous for whale watching in south Hualien. There is a good seafood restaurant in the port, and the scenic area is just up the hill from there. Erosion has created "wells" in the rocks along the coast, and the view in any direction is stunning. 這個地區最有名的活動是賞鯨. 漁港裡有一家很好吃的海鮮餐廳, 遊憩風景區也在港口旁的小坡上. 海浪的侵蝕作用在石頭上造了許多的"井". 這裡的風景無論從哪個方向看都美不勝收.
9. Dong Shan River Park冬山河親水公園
This park is in Yilan City, and there is a place inside for kids to play with water. You can also take boats up and down the adjoining river, and there is an interesting "Craft Center" on the other side of the river. If you're lucky the sun will be out when you're there. 這個公園在宜蘭市. 它也有給小朋友玩水的部分. 也可以從這裡坐船去河的另外一邊的傳統藝術中心. 你運氣好的話,太陽會露臉 .
10. Tai Ping Mountain 太平山森林遊樂區
This is still my favorite single mountain in Taiwan, if not my favorite mountain area. There is a train that goes up near the top, and the whole place feels very mysterious and remote. It's not far from Yilan City by car. 太平山是我在台灣最喜歡的一座山, 可是它不是我最喜歡的森林遊樂區. 那裡有小火車上山, 整個地方充滿了神秘感也很空曠. 離宜蘭市也很近.
Last weekend I was in a bar with my friends. We were sitting at a table in the center of the room, and during gaps in our conversation I studied people at other tables. The bar was full that night, and the staff were very busy taking orders and bringing drinks to each table. 上個周末我跟我的朋友去一家酒吧. 我們坐在中間的桌子聊天. 聊天的空檔我看其他桌的客人在做什麼. 當晚酒吧客滿, 工作人員忙著幫客人點單及送飲料.
The first thing I noticed about the other patrons was that none of them were talking. They were all staring down at their phones. On some of the phones I could see Facebook. On other phones Line. Occasionally the person holding the phone would lift it up to take a picture of himself (or herself), and then it was back to staring at their phone. 我最先注意到的是旁邊的客人都沒有講話. 他們都在看手機. 在有的手機上我看到臉書. 有的手機上看到的是Line. 不時地有人把手機拿出來拍自己, 然後繼續看手機.
And that night wasn't the first time I saw this. Just a few months ago I was in another local bar, this one divided into a "bar" section and a "dance" section. My friends and I, noticing that the "dance" section was packed with people, decided to sit there for a while. To our surprise it was exactly the same. No one was talking. Everyone was looking down at their phones. Occasionally a phone would come up, and someone would take another selfie. 那個晚上不是我第一次看到這種情形. 幾個月前我在另一家酒吧. 那家酒吧分成兩邊, 一邊是酒吧, 另一邊是可以跳舞的地方. 我們看到跳舞的區塊坐了很多人就過去那邊坐一下. 讓我們驚訝的是那裡的客人都在看手機. 沒有人講話. 他們都忙著看手機. 有時會看到手機被舉高, 因為它的主人要自拍.
Perhaps I notice this more because I don't own a smartphone. I still use the old style phone, the kind without Internet access. This is partly because I am too lazy to change it. This is also because I'd rather be experiencing real things, in real time. I don't want to feel like I'm connected to the Internet every second. I don't want to hear my phone beeping every time a Facebook friend updates their status. It just doesn't seem necessary to me. 可能我比較注意這件事是因為我沒有智慧型手機. 我還是在用舊型的無法上網的手機 . 我沒有智慧型手機的原因是因為我懶的換. 沒換手機的原因是我想要真實的生活經驗. 我不想時常被網路影響, 也不要一直聽到朋友們在臉書上更新消息的嗶嗶聲. 我覺得這樣的功能不是必要的.
Sure, you could own a smartphone and exercise self-control. You could turn it off before entering a social situation, or just not pay any attention to it. But I haven't seen a lot of smartphone owners with this ability. More often I see people staring at their phones at the most inappropriate (or even dangerous) times. 當然你可以擁有智慧型手機並且練習自我控制使用手機的時間. 可以在與朋友聊天前關掉手機或是不理它. 可是我還沒看過很多人這麼做. 我常看到的是許多人在最不適當的時候或是最危險的時候用手機.
And when I think back to that night at the bar, I can remember an actual conversation, with actual people, who were actually there. What about the other people in the bar that night? Well, perhaps they had some meaningful conversations on Line. Perhaps they found out what movies are playing. But wouldn't a real conversation, in a real place, have been better? 當我回想在酒吧的那個晚上, 我記得實際的對話內容跟當天一起的朋友. 那看手機的客人呢? 可能他們記得Line的對話. 可能他們知道電影院正播什麼電影. 可是實際的談話不是比較好嗎? 在真實存在的地方活動不是最好的選擇嗎?
2. Beigang 北港 (January 2015)
Beigang is a municipality in Yunlin County. It has a long history, and was an important port during the Ching Dynasty. It's deep in the country, and driving there takes a while. 北港是雲林縣的小鎮. 北港的歷史可追溯到清朝時期. 清朝時候它是個很重要的港口. 它的位置比較鄉下, 開車過去那裡要花點時間.
In the 1800s it was known as Bengang, and a lot of the shipping between Formosa and the Mainland passed through this part of Taiwan. The picture above is Beigang's Chao Tian Temple, which dates back to that time. 19世紀的時候它被稱為笨港. 是台灣的海運中心. 從大陸來的貨品都要經過這裡. 上面的相片是北港的朝天宮. 這座廟也是從那個時候留下來的.
There are other remnants of the Ching Dynasty in Beigang, but none of them are particularly impressive. Chao Tian Temple remains an important tourist site, and is very crowded on festival days. 還有其他的古物在北港, 只是它們不是那麼特別. 朝天宮目前仍是很重要的景點. 任何節日都是很熱鬧.
The street in front of this temple sells many local products. The most famous of these products seems to be peanut oil. 朝天宮前面的街道賣很多名產. 最有名的應該是附近的花生油.
The temple is interesting if you like local history. If not, there are more impressive temples. It reminded me a lot of Long Shan Temple in Taipei. 喜歡地區歷史的人會很喜歡這座廟. 對歷史沒興趣的觀光客應該不感到這座廟的特別. 這座廟很像台北的龍山寺.
The inside of the temple is like a maze. 廟裡面像迷宮.
Behind the temple there is a large building with a viewing platform. It offers a good view of the town. 廟後面的一棟大建築物上有一座風景台. 從那裏看北港的地形跟路線比較清楚.
This is the Beigang River. It was larger during Ching times, and fluctuating water levels led to the decline of the town's shipping business. 這是北港溪. 清朝的時候這條溪比較大. 因為溪水變化, 北港的海運利用慢慢消失了.
One of the many processions that pass through the temple. If you're bringing kids, beware of the firecrackers. It gets LOUD here! 其他地方的廟宇來這裡進香. 如果帶孩子來這裡要注意鞭炮. 這裡會很吵喔!
3. Train Stations, Old Streets, and Academies 舊火車站, 老街, 跟書院 (January 2015)
This is a list of old train stations, old streets, and old academies in Taiwan. The old streets and academies date back to the Ching Dynasty, and most of the train stations date back to the Japanese Imperial Administration. 以下是臺灣的舊火車站, 老街, 跟書院的整理. 老街跟書院是清朝時期建立的. 舊火車站是日據時代蓋的.
The "academies" referred to here are the schoolhouses used to teach the upper classes during the Ching Dynasty. They look a lot like temples or even old houses. Some, such as Kaohsiung's Feng Yi Academy, have displays and signage directed at foreign tourists. Others require a deeper knowledge of local culture and/or Chinese. 這裡提到的書院是清朝時身分較高的人民使用的. 這些書院看起來像廟宇或是舊房子. 有的像高雄的鳳儀書院一樣適合外國的觀光客參觀. 有的則需要先認識地區的文化和(或)會中文比較適合.
There are a lot of "old streets" in Taiwan, and they vary in quality. Some, like Taipei's Jiou Fen Old Street, cater directly to tourists, while others are all but invisible to those without a knowledge of the area. Many of the old streets specialize in food, some in local history, some in nothing at all. 台灣有很多老街. 但不是每條老街都有趣. 有的像新北市的九份老街很重視觀光客, 但有的則因地區的歷史文化不被了解而被忽視. 很多老街因為美食出名. 有的老街則是因為它的歷史角色. 有的老街則沒什麼特色.
A word of warning: before you visit any of these places, make sure they are still there. Some places are no longer maintained as tourist/historic attractions, some have changed names, and others are not to be found on Google maps. 去這些地方之前要先確定它是否還在. 有的地方不被保護, 有的名字已經改變, 有的則是你在Google地圖上找不到.
If you notice any omissions please let me know. I looked at many sources when compiling this list, and I tried to be thorough. 除了以下提到的地方, 如果我有任何的遺漏請告訴我. 我寫的時候看了很多書跟網站. 所有的舊火車站, 老街, 跟書院應該都在裡面.
Taitung County 台東縣:
Old Train Stations 舊車站: 舊檳榔火車站 Old Bin Lang Train Station, 關山舊火車站 Guanshan Old Train Station
Remarks 建議: The Taitung Old Train Station, although not maintained as a historic site, is a popular tourist attraction. 很多觀光客喜歡去台東舊火車站. 這個車站不受中央政府的保護.
Pingtung County 屏東縣:
Old Train Stations 舊車站: 竹田車站 Ju Tian Train Station
Old Streets 老街: 豐田(內埔)老街 Feng Tian (Nei Pu) Old Street, 東港延平老街 Dong Gang Yan Ping Old Street
Academies 書院: 屏東書院 Pingtung Academy
Remarks 建議: Several other structures around the Ju Tian Train Station were also preserved, and are to be found within the Ju Tian Station Park. 除了竹田車站之外, 竹田驛園還有其他的建築物也受保護.
Kaohsiung City 高雄市:
Old Train Stations 舊車站: 高雄車站 Kaohsiung Train Station, 舊打狗驛 Old Da Gou Station, 旗山火車站 Chi Shan Train Station, 三塊厝火車站 San Kwai Tswo Train Station, 原橋仔頭驛車站 Yuan Chiao Dzai Tou Train Station
Old Streets 老街: 美濃老街 Mei Nong Old Street, 旗山老街 Chi Shan Old Street, 岡山中街 Gang Shan Central Street, 橋頭老街 Chiao Tou Old Street, 通山(旗津)老街 Tong Shan (Chi Jin) Old Street, 哈瑪星社區 Ha Ma Shing Community
Academies 書院: 鳳儀書院 Feng Yi Academy, 萃文書院 Tsuei Wen Academy
Remarks 建議: The old Kaohsiung Train Station was moved from the present site of the new Kaohsiung Train Station. They are right next to each other. 高雄的舊火車站就在高雄新火車站的隔壁.
Tainan County 台南縣:
Old Train Stations 舊車站: 後壁車站 Ho Bi Train Station, 林鳳營車站 Lin Feng Ying Train Station, 保安車站 Bao An Train Station, 台南車站 Tainan Train Station
Old Streets 老街: 善化(中山路)老街 Shan Hua (Jung Shan Road) Old Street, 鹽水街 Yan Shuei Street, 麻豆老街 Ma Dou Old Street, 台南安平(開台第一)(延平)老街 Tainan Anping (Kai Tai #1) (Yan Ping) Old Street, 大目降老街 Da Mu Jiang Old Street, 神農(北勢)街 Shen Nong (Bei Shr) Street, 總爺街 Dzong Ye Street, 橋南老街 Chiao Nan Old Street, 新化老街 Shin Hua Old Street, 菁寮老街 Ching Liao Old Street, 東山老街 Dong Shan Old Street
Academies 書院: 中社書院 Jung She Academy, 篷壺書院 Peng Hu Academy
Remarks 建議: Shan Hua Old Street was important because it was close to the provincial government and also because water transport was convenient. 善化老街的發展是因為靠近台南府城, 水運交通也很便利.
Jia Yi County 嘉義縣:
Old Train Stations 舊車站: 阿里山車站 Alishan Train Station, 竹崎車站 Ju Chi Train Station, 嘉義車站 Jia Yi Train Station
Old Streets 老街: 奮起湖老街 Fen Chi Hu Old Street, 太平老街 Taiping Old Street, 大埔老街 Da Pu Old Street, 蒜頭老街 Suan Tou Old Street, 中正路老街 Jung Jung Road Old Street
Remarks 建議: Alishan Train Station is the largest wood train station in Taiwan. 阿里山是台灣最大的木造火車站.
Yunlin County 雲林縣:
Old Train Stations 舊車站: 石榴站車站 Shr Liou Station Train Station
Old Streets 老街: 西螺(延平)老街 Shi Luo (Yan Ping) Old Street, 太平老街 Tai Ping Old Street, 宮口街 (北港老街) Gong Kou Street (Beigang Old Street), 土庫老街 Tu Ku Old Street
Academies 書院: 振文書院 Jen Wen Academy
Remarks 建議: Jen Wen Academy dates back to 1813. 振文書院是西元1813建立的.
Changhua County 彰化縣:
Old Streets 老街: 鹿港老街 Lugang Old Street, 溪湖老街 Shi Hu Old Street, 鹿港瑤林街 Lugang Yao Lin Street
Academies 書院: 興賢書院 Shing Shian Academy, 道東書院 Dao Dong Academy, 文開書院 Wen Kai Academy
Remarks 建議: Shing Shian Academy dates back to 1807. 興賢書院是西元1807建立的.
Nantou County 南投縣:
Old Train Stations 舊車站: 集集車站 Jiji Train Station, 車埕車站 Che Cheng Station
Old Streets 老街: 草屯老街 Tsao Tuen Old Street, 南興打鐵街 Nan Shing Ironwork Street, 永平老街 Yong Ping Old Street
Academies 書院: 藍田書院 Lan Tian Academy, 登瀛書院 Deng Ing Academy, 明新書院 Ming Shin Academy
Remarks 建議: Jiji Train Station was damaged during the 9-21 Earthquake, and was remodeled after. It is a major tourist attraction in Nantou County. 集集車站在921地震的時候損壞. 之後經過修建. 目前是南投縣的重要景點.
Taichung City 台中市:
Old Train Stations 舊車站: 台中火車站 Taichung Train Station, 泰安車站 Tai An Train Station, 追分車站 Juei Fen Train Station, 日南車站 Rh Nan Train Station, 台中市後火車站 (中南驛) Taichung City Rearward Train Station (Jung Nan Station) 清水車站 Ching Shuei Train Station
Old Streets 老街: 梧棲港老街 Wu Chi Gang Old Street, 石岡老街 Shr Gang Old Street, 大里老街 Da Li Old Street, 犁頭店老街 Li Tou Dian Old Street
Academies 書院:磺溪書院 Huang Shi Academy
Remarks 建議: The Huang Shi Academy dates back to 1799. 磺溪書院是西元1799建立的.
Miao Li County 苗栗縣:
Old Train Stations 舊車站: 勝興火車站 Sheng Shing Train Station, 談文火車站 Tan Wen Train Station, 大山火車站 Da Shan Train Station, 新埔火車站 Shin Pu Train Station
Old Streets 老街: 苑裡老街 Yuan Li Old Street, 南庄老街 Nan Jwang Old Street
Academies 書院: 英才書院 Ying Tsai Academy
Remarks 建議: The Sheng Shing Train Station was built of wood without the use of nails. 勝興火車站是木造的, 不用任何鐵釘.
Hsinchu County 新竹縣:
Old Train Stations 舊車站: 新竹火車站 Hsinchu Train Station, 香山火車站 Shiang Shan Train Station, 竹東車站 Ju Dong Station合興車站 He Shing Station
Old Streets 老街: 湖口老街 Hu Kou Old Street, 北門老街 Bei Men Old Street, 北埔老街 Bei Pu Old Street, 內灣老街 Neiwan Old Street
Remarks 建議: The Hu Kou Old Street was an important trade link between the mountains and the coast, and it's location near a rail line added to its importance. 湖口老街是連接山區與平地間的貨運中心. 它靠近鐵路的地理位置讓它更顯重要.
Taoyuan County 桃園縣:
Old Streets 老街: 大溪老街 Da Shi Old Street, 富岡老街 Fu Gang Old Street, 楊梅老街 Yang Mei Old Street, 和平老街 He Ping Old Street, 三坑子百年老街 San Keng Dze Hundred Year Old Street, 中山(新南)老街 Jung Shan (Shin Nan) Old Street
Remarks 建議: The Da Shi Old Street was an important avenue for trade between Mainland China and the north. It was also a portal for development of the surrounding mountains, and a port for shipping up the Dan Shuei River. 大溪老街是北台灣跟中國大陸的貨運中心. 山區的發展是從這邊開始. 也是淡水河河運的重要站.
New Taipei City 新北市:
Old Train Stations 舊車站: 菁桐車站 Jing Tong Train Station, 山佳車站 Shan Jia Station
Old Streets 老街: 三峽老街 San Shia Old Street, 鶯歌老街 Ying Ge Old Street, 新莊老街 Shin Juang Old Street, 淡水老街 Dan Shuei Old Street, 金山老街 Jin Shan Old Street, 坪林老街 Ping Lin Old Street, 石碇老街 Shr Ding Old Street, 深坑老街 Shen Keng Old Street, 瑞芳老街 Ruei Fang Old Street, 九份老街 Jiou Fen Old Street, 汐止(水返腳)老街 Shi Jr (Shuei Fan Jiao) Old Street, 瀑布老街 , Waterfall Old Street, 平溪老街(石底老街) Ping Shi (Shr Di) Old Street, 十分老街 Shr Fen Old Street, 菁桐老街 Jing Tong Old Street, 中正老街 Jung Jeng Old Street, 侯硐老街 Hou Tong Old Street
Academies 書院: 明志書院 Ming Jr Academy
Remarks 建議: The Ming Jr Academy is the oldest academy in Taiwan, dating back to 1764. 明志書院是台灣最古老的書院. 它是西元1764建立的.
Taipei City 台北市:
Old Streets 老街: 迪化老街 Di Hua Old Street, 艋舺老街 Meng Jia Old Street, 剝皮寮老街 Lu Pi Liao Old Street
Academies 書院: 學海書院 Shu Hai Academy, 大觀書院 Da Guan Academy
Remarks 建議: The Di Hua Old Street was important because it was close to the Dan Shuei River trade. It was also referred to as 年貨大街. 迪化老街的重要性是因為靠近淡水河運. 也叫年貨大街.
Jiloong (Keelung) City 基隆市:
Old Train Stations 舊車站: 七堵火車(前)站 Chi Du (Front) Train Station
Old Streets 老街: 崁仔頂老街 Keng Dzai Ding Old Street
Remarks 建議: The Keng Dzai Ding Old Street is no longer maintained as a tourist site. 崁仔頂老街現在已經不再受到政府的保護.
Yilan County 宜蘭縣:
Old Train Stations 舊車站: 太平山林鐵舊天送埤站 Taiping Mountain Forest Railway Old Tian Song Pi Station
Old Streets 老街: 頭城老街 Tou Cheng Old Street, 利澤老街 Li Tan Old Street
Remarks 建議: Taiping Mountain is well worth visiting, and if you're in a car the old train station is very convenient. 太平山很值得去. 如果開車去的話, 去天送埤車站很方便.
Penghu County 澎湖:
Old Streets: 澎湖中央街 Penghu Central Street
Jinmen County 金門:
Old Streets 老街: 金門摸範街 Jinmen Mo Fan Street, 明故老街 Ming Gu Old Street
4. Intro 自我介紹 7 (January 2015)
The following questions were taken from the Side by Side Activity Book, Level 2. 下列的問題出自Side by Side Level 2的作業簿
1. What do you like to do? 你喜歡做什麼?
Recently I like to watch American football. Next week is the conference championships, and after that is the Super Bowl. I am a big fan of the Seattle Seahawks. 最近我很喜歡看美式足球. 下禮拜有國聯決賽, 之後有超級盃賽. 我最喜歡的美式足球隊是西雅圖海鷹隊.
I also like to read, run, and ride my bicycle. Eating pizza is another favorite. Mmmm. Pizza. 我也喜歡看書, 跑步和騎單車. 吃比薩則是另一件我最喜歡的事. 比薩超好吃!
2. What don't you like to do? 你不喜歡做什麼?
I don't like to write plans for next semester. I just finished my plans the other day. I also don't like to write plans for English winter camps. I have to plan for an English winter camp soon. 我不喜歡寫下學期的課程計畫. 但我昨天才把它完成. 我也不喜歡寫寒假英語歡樂營的計畫. 但我必須很快地完成這個英語營的計畫.
3. How many oranges do you want? 你要幾個橘子?
I will take one orange, to be polite. 為了表現我的禮貌, 我拿一個.
4. Do we need anything from the supermarket? 我們需要在超市買什麼嗎?
Beer would be good, if it's a Friday and I don't have classes on Saturday. I would also like some cookies, and I should probably buy some more coffee filters. 如果今天是禮拜五,而且明天是禮拜六不用上班的話, 那我會買幾瓶啤酒. 我也想買餅乾. 也應該買咖啡濾紙.
5. Do you think it will snow this winter? 你覺得今年冬天會下雪嗎?
In Taiwan? Are you crazy? Maybe high up in the mountains, but never where most of the people live. 在台灣? 你瘋了? 可能高山上會下雪, 但是在大多數人住的地方不會下雪.
The snow is only fun on the first day anyway. After that you're digging your car out of the snow in the morning and wishing it was warmer. 反正只有在下雪的第一天好玩而已. 之後你一大早要把你的車挖出來, 並且希望天氣暖和點.
6. Do you like your Panorama fax machine, Jane? Jane妳喜歡妳的Panorama牌的傳真機嗎?
My name is not Jane. And how is it that you're still using a fax machine in this day and age? Haven't you discovered email yet? I can't even remember the last time I used a fax machine. Are there still fax machines to be used? 我的名字不是Jane. 這個時代你怎麼還在用傳真機? 你還不知道email嗎? 我不記得上次用傳真機是什麼時候了. 現在還找的到傳真機嗎?
7. Are you a dishonest card player? 你打牌的時候會不會作弊?
Yes, I am. Or am I? 是, 我是. 還是不是?
8. What were you and your friends doing? 你跟你的朋友們做什麼?
Which friends? Where? When? Have you been following me? 哪一些朋友? 在哪裡? 什麼時候? 你跟蹤我嗎?
9. Will you be able to join us for dinner? 你可以跟我們一起吃晚餐嗎?
Sorry I can't make it. After work today I'm going to go home and read my book. Another time perhaps. 很抱歉, 我沒辦法去. 今天下班以後我要回家看書. 下次吧!
10. Will your children be busy this afternoon? 今天下午你的孩子會很忙嗎?
Yes. They have big tests coming up, and they have to study. My daughters are smart, but they are a little bit lazy. I hope they can do better on their next test. 對. 她們快要考試了, 所以要讀書. 我的女兒很聰明, 可是有點懶惰. 希望她們下次考好一點.
5. How Are You? 你好嗎? (February 2015)
To start this semester off I thought we'd talk about YOU. I really have no idea who's reading this blog these days, though the "stats" function in Google tells me that quite a few are. 我覺得要討論"你"來做為這學期的開始, 我不知道最近這段時間看這個部落格的讀者是誰, 可是Google上顯示的人數數據不少.
With this in mind I'd like to ask you a few questions, in the hope that you'll answer in the comments section below. I am not collecting this information for any reason other than curiosity. 想到這件事, 我就想問你幾個問題. 希望你願意回答以下這些問題. 這些問題沒有其他特別用意 , 我只是因為好奇才問的.
1. Do you live in Taiwan? 你住在台灣嗎?
2. What's your favorite color? 你最喜歡什麼顏色?
3. What is your first language? 你的母語是什麼?
4. What are your interests/hobbies? 你的興趣是什麼?
5. What did you do on Chinese New Year? 你春節時做了什麼?
6. What is your favorite Chinese food? 你最喜歡的中國料理?
7. What do you regard as Taiwan's biggest shortcoming? 你覺得台灣最大的缺點是什麼?
8. Do you have any thoughts about Mainland Chinese tourism in Taiwan? 你對大陸觀光客有什麼看法?
9. Which is more important to you - love or money? 哪一個比較重要 - 愛還是錢?
10. Do you read this blog in Chinese or English? Or both? 你看這個部落格的時候是看中文還是英文? 或是兩者都看?
6. Sad About the Lake 因為活水湖的事很失望 (March 2015)
After I moved to Taitung the Flowing Lake became my favorite place. For my first few months here, I just couldn't believe that there was a huge lake (15 minutes away!) where I could swim any time I wanted to.自從我搬到台東來之後, 活水湖成為我最喜歡的地方,剛開始的幾個月, 我真不敢相信離我家十五分鐘的地方就有一個這麼大的湖, 而且我可以任何時間想去就去游泳.
I have been swimming in the Flowing Lake since 2006. I swim (swam?) there almost year round, though I take a break around Chinese New Year because of the cold. Swimming there has become part of my exercise routine, and no matter how tired I am I always enjoy a swim across the Flowing Lake.從2006年到現在, 我一直是在活水湖游泳, 雖然會因為天氣太冷而在農曆春節前後的期間暫停, 但在活水湖游泳已經成為我運動習慣的一部分了, 無論身體多累, 我總是享受游跨活水湖的過程.
Until this year. Due to the number of drownings in the lake, the Taitung County Government has placed a "security guard" there, who watches the lake from 6 AM to 6 PM every day. This security guard's job is to stop people from swimming, and he is authorized to film anyone caught doing so. Those caught on film, I am told, will receive a fine.*直到今年, 台東縣政府基於活水湖的溺水死亡意外發生的數目, 在那裏從早上6點至傍晚6點設置了救生員, 他們的職責是禁止人們在湖裡游泳, 他們可以對在湖裡游泳的人拍照舉發, 被拍照的人將會收到罰單.
Now I know that the local government is just trying to keep people safe, but I am wondering if this is the best way to go about doing that. What about those of us who've been swimming in that lake for years without incident? What about the triathlons and swimming competitions held there? What about the students that go boating there every spring? 我知道當地的政府單位試著保障人們的安全, 但我懷疑不讓人們在湖裡游泳是最好的方法. 那我們這些一直以來都在活水湖游泳的人呢? 那舉辦鐵人賽和游泳比賽的團體呢? 那春天時在湖裡練習划船的學生呢?
Of course no one wants any more drownings in the Flowing Lake, but a lot of people will continue to use it, and I'm not sure that preventing people from swimming there is the best policy.當然沒有人希望任何的溺水事件在活水湖發生, 很多的人還是會繼續地到活水湖活動, 我不確定禁止人們在活水湖游泳是最好的解決方法.
For one thing, for each person that has drowned in that lake there are hundreds who haven't. The Flowing Lake is full of people in the summer months, and most of them enjoy the water without incident. Most of these people also know that those who swim must take responsibility for their own safety. And with the government of Taiwan spending so much money on swimming lessons for elementary students, it seems an odd choice to close off the lake entirely. Couldn't they just create a swimming area in the lake and post lifeguards there? Wouldn't that be a more sensible solution?每個溺水意外發生都屬於個案, 而在活水湖游泳的人數是以百計數, 而且夏天滿是到那裏游泳的人, 他們很開心而且也沒發生任何的意外, 而且大部分去游泳的人都知道要為自己的安全負責. 台灣政府花了那麼多的錢在國小學生的游泳課上, 卻很奇怪的禁止人們在湖裡游泳, 難道他們不能規劃個游泳區域然後請救生員值班嗎? 這樣不是個更合理的解決辦法?
And there are also the triathlons and swimming competitions. The triathlons held in the Flowing Lake are a major source of revenue, both for the local athletic associations and other local businesses. If they close the lake to swimming, how is anyone supposed to train for the triathlons? 還有鐵人賽及游泳比賽, 鐵人賽都是在活水湖舉辦, 它也是台東當地的運動協會和商家的主要收入來源, 如果禁止人們在湖裡游泳, 那有心參賽的人該在哪裡練習游泳?
I suppose local triathletes are expected to go to swimming pools, but many of us HATE swimming pools. Many of the competitors also have serious anxiety issues about swimming in deep water, and preventing them from training in the lake first is only going to make this problem worse. When people panic, people drown, and having the lake open and accessible before the triathlon gives people a chance to acclimate themselves to swimming in deeper water.我想台東當地的鐵人參賽者都被認為該在泳池練習游泳, 可是很多人都討厭在泳池游泳. 很多參賽者對在深水游泳有恐懼感, 但禁止他們在湖裡練習將讓問題更嚴重, 當人一緊張就容易溺水, 如果比賽前能讓人們有在湖裡練習的機會, 那能讓他們在深水裡游得更自在.
I think what it comes down to is your attitude toward the local government. Do you want the local government telling you what is safe and what is not? Or would you like the opportunity to decide for yourself? If you can't swim, of course you should stay away from the Flowing Lake. But if you can, shouldn't you be allowed to swim there? The Flowing Lake is, after all, the property of the people of Taitung, and those of us who enjoy swimming there should be allowed to use it. I don't think the few accidents that have occurred change that fact.我想最主要的問題是你對當地政府的態度. 你要政府機關來告訴你什麼是安全和不安全? 還是你喜歡有機會自己為自己做決定? 如果你不會游泳, 當然你要離活水湖遠一點, 但是如果你會游泳, 你不是應該被允許在那裏游泳嗎? 活水湖畢竟是台東人民的財產, 我們這些喜歡在那裏游泳的人應該被允許使用它, 我不認為那些意外可以改變這個事實.
I haven't been swimming in the Flowing Lake for a few months now, but this development makes me very sad. The Flowing Lake belongs to everybody, and I think we should be allowed to use it responsibly. I agree that it is a public safety issue, but I don't think that closing off the lake is the best solution.我已經幾個月沒在活水湖游泳了,這個發展讓我很傷心, 活水湖是屬於每個人的, 我認為我們都應該能被允許負責任地使用它, 我同意它是個公共安全的問題, 但我不認為禁止人們在活水湖游泳就能解決問題.
7. Conversation with My House Cats About the Flowing Lake 跟我的貓討論活水湖 (March 2015)
ME: So last week I wrote this thing about the Flowing Lake and some people got mad. What do you guys think? 上個禮拜我寫了一篇關於活水湖的文章. 這篇文章讓一些人生氣了. 你們的想法呢?
JOJO: What's a flowing lake? 活水湖是什麼?
CHRISTMAS: Yeah, what's that? Is it a new flavor of cat food? 我也不知道. 是新口味的貓食嗎?
SMOKEY: I like cat food. 我很喜歡貓食.
MUFFIN: Me too. 我也是.
STRIPEY: What? 什麼?
ME: The Flowing Lake is the big rectangular lake in Taitung's Forest Park. I used to go swimming there. 活水湖是台東森林公園裡的一個長方形的湖. 我以前在那裡游泳.
CHRISTMAS: What?!? Swimming?!? You're crazy, man. Don't go swimming. I HATE water! 你在說什麼? 游什麼泳? 你瘋了! 別去游泳. 我很討厭水.
MUFFIN: Yeah, I hate baths. 沒錯. 洗澡很糟糕.
STRIPEY: What? 什麼?
ME: So anyway, I was wondering if stopping people from swimming there was a good idea. I mean, they still have the triathlons and swimming competitions there, so... 反正我只是懷疑不讓民眾在那裡游泳是一個好主意. 他們還是在那裡舉辦鐵人三項跟游泳比賽, 所以...
SMOKEY: What's a triathlon? Is it a new flavor of cat food? 鐵人三項是什麼? 是新口味的貓食嗎?
CHRISTMAS: Yeah, I like cat food. 我很喜歡貓食?
JOJO: Me too. 我也是.
MUFFIN: Can you feed us again? 再餵我們一次好嗎?
STRIPEY: What? 什麼?
ME: A triathlon? It's... oh never mind. You guys hungry? 鐵人三項? 那就是...... 算了. 你們餓了沒?
JOJO: Hell yes, man. I thought you'd never ask! 當然很餓. 我快受不了了!
CHRISTMAS: Food! Food! Food! 食物! 食物! 食物!
STRIPEY: What? 什麼?
8. The Shape of Things to Come 未來的樣子 (March 2015)
I hope people aren't reading this blog and thinking I'm against development. I'm all for development if it benefits the right people. If I am sometimes skeptical about the way Taitung County is developing, it is because development never benefits all people equally. 希望看這個網站的讀者不會認為我反對地方發展. 如果一個地方的發展造福了需要幫助的人, 那我會舉雙手贊成. 我有時候對台東的發展抱持著懷疑的態度是因為它不一定幫助需要幫助的住民.
I have discussed development in Taitung County in this blog many times before. In any such discussion, I advance from the understanding that 1) development cannot, and indeed should not, be halted or reversed, and 2) local development projects do not benefit all local people in the same way. Some development projects do not really benefit local people at all. 我已經多次在這個網站上討論過台東的發展. 在這些討論中, 我相信的其中一點是發展的腳步不會停止也不會回復原狀, 其二是地區的發展計畫不一定能幫助地區中大多數的人, 有的發展計畫甚至不能幫助當地居民.
Some of these development projects may even carry hidden or unintended costs, such as when coral stores plunder local coral and thereby deplete the fishing stocks, or when a new hotel flushes its waste water into a local river. There is always a cost of development, and this cost should be assessed by the community beforehand. 有的發展計畫可能隱含了許多的代價. 例如社區的珊瑚店讓海裡的珊瑚變少了, 以後海裡的魚就變少了. 或是新飯店把廢水排放到附近的溪流. 所有的發展都有它的代價. 當地的人要能最先了解他們要承擔的代價是什麼.
There are a lot of hotels going up around Taitung County. These hotels - if and when completed - will generate a lot of money. They will also generate jobs for local people. But you have to ask yourself how much of that money goes into the local community, and how much is outsourced to other parts of Taiwan. These hotels will certainly employ local people, but if the jobs generated are only a handful of low-paying, long-hour jobs, then one has to ask if having that hotel is really worth the bother. To be sure, economies take time to develop, but there should be an immediate benefit to the community. 台東到處蓋很多飯店. 這些飯店蓋完之後會賺很多錢, 也能給台東住民新的工作機會. 可是我們要問自己的是這些錢會留在台東? 還是可能流到遠地去了? 新的飯店當然會有當地住民當工作人員, 可是薪水低時間長的工作不一定能提高民眾的生活品質. 我知道經濟發展需要時間, 但應該要對當地有立即性的好處才是.
Taitung County is changing now. Tourism is assuming an ever more important place in the local economy, replacing agriculture as the county's chief economic occupation. Property prices are rising, garbage and traffic are becoming bigger problems, and many are watching as new arrivals from out of town open prosperous businesses in Taitung, while they themselves struggle to get by. Certainly not all of these things are bad for everyone, and they will affect everyone differently, but they will affect everyone here in time. 台東縣正在改變. 旅遊觀光對當地經濟越來越重要, 領先農業的貢獻. 房地產價格越來越高, 路邊的垃圾跟路上塞車的問題也愈嚴重, 還有從外地來的人也經營了許多生意, 當地的人卻辛苦的生活. 不是每個人都覺得這樣不好. 因為每個人受影響的程度不一樣, 可是隨著時間的改變, 有一天大家都會感受到那股影響.
I just hope that we are educating ourselves about the shape development is taking. Then, after educating ourselves, I hope that we are taking actions in our best interests. Development isn't something that other people ought to decide for us. It is, rather, something that we should participate in together. Taking part in the ongoing political discussion is part of this process, as is spending your dollars wisely. 我只希望我們教育自己了解這些開發會形塑出的未來. 了解到未來的發展之後, 我們可以用行動來創造我們要的世界. 發展計畫不應該是別人為我們決定的. 而是應該由我們大家一起決定的. 參加社區政治討論和用你的消費行為來發聲.
If you live in Taitung, I would encourage you to look into what plans the local government has for your future. It may be that you will agree with all of these plans. It may be that you find fault with some of them. If you object to what others plan for your future, you owe it to yourself to make your voice heard. I know that for some people this is hard to do, especially given the local culture and the nature of local politics, but it may be the thing most worth doing. In a democratic society, you have the right to complain. 我鼓勵台東的住民了解一下社區政府的發展計畫. 有可能你同意所有的發展計畫. 也有可能你覺得有一些發展計畫是有問題的. 如果你不贊成計畫中的某部分, 我希望你能讓政府單位知道. 我知道對一些人來說這樣做不容易, 尤其是文化跟政治因素可能會阻止你這麼做, 可這卻是最值得做的事情. 在民主社會裡, 你有權利抗議.
I believe that it is the people of Taitung who should decide the shape of things to come. I also believe that development in this county should be both sustainable and profitable for local people. If such a belief makes me seem "anti-development," then so be it. 我相信台東的未來應該是由台東民眾決定的. 我也相信台東縣的發展應該要兼顧環保和民眾的生活品質. 如果這樣的想法讓別人覺得我反對發展, 那就讓我是個反對發展的人吧.
9. Saying Goodbye 說再見的時候 (March 2015)
I've lived in Taiwan since 1999, and during that time I've said goodbye to a lot of foreign friends. Some of these friends were, of course, more like acquaintances, but others were people that I was genuinely close to. Saying goodbye to close friends is never easy, but in many ways it's the price of being a foreign resident in Taiwan. 我1999年搬到台灣. 住在台灣的這幾年我陸續跟很多外國朋友說再見. 有的外國朋友屬於點頭之交, 有的則是感情很好的朋友. 跟好朋友說再見不是一件簡單的事情, 但這就是當台灣的外國住民的代價.
Most foreign residents don't stay here for long. Yes, there are guys like me who've been around a while, but most people leave after a year or two. Some don't even make it that long. Maybe they get tired of Taiwan. Maybe they get kicked out. Maybe they just have other plans in another part of the world. They all have their reasons, and all of these reasons are equally valid. 大部分的外國住民不會留在台灣很久.大概住一或二年就離開的, 當然也有像我一樣住在台灣很久的. 也有一些住不到一年. 有的厭煩了台灣的生活. 有的則被驅離. 也許他們在世界的另一個角落有其他的計畫. 每個人都有自己的理由. 每個理由都有意義.
At this point in my life, I can't tell you how many times I've been in a bar for someone's big send-off. Sometimes the someone in question is happy to be leaving, and sometimes they are nervous. Sometimes they worry that they'll be on the next plane back to Taiwan, trying to pick up where they left off. "Not to worry," I say, "I'll be here when you get back." 在這個時刻, 我不知道已經幾次在酒吧裡參加朋友的歡送會. 有的人要走的時候很高興, 有的人則很緊張. 有時候他們擔心自己可能馬上又回來台灣. 我會跟他們說 "不用緊張" , "你回來的時候我還在這裡吧."
Very soon I'll see some more friends leaving. Two of these friends, an American couple, are going back to New York. Another of these friends, a local business owner, will be taking his son back to Arizona. I'm sorry to see them go, but I know that the world is a big place, and many people end up going elsewhere. 很快地我又有幾個朋友要離開台灣. 其中兩個朋友是男女朋友, 他們要回去紐約. 另外一個在台灣做生意的朋友要帶他兒子回去亞利参那. 我看他們離開有一點難過, 可是我知道世界很大, 很多人要去很遠的地方追求他的夢想.
Thinking of these foreign friends, so many other faces pop into my mind. The guy I worked with in Hsinchu, with all the tattoos. The girl I taught with in Taichung, who moved back to South Africa. The guy who left for Canada in a great big hurry, desperate to escape a half-crazed girlfriend. I can remember so many people, and my memories of them are mostly good. I've said goodbye to a lot of people over the years, and I'm sure that I'll be saying goodbye to many more in the future. 想到這三位外國朋友的時候, 同時出現許多其他的外國朋友的面孔在我的腦海裡. 一個身上有許多刺青的新竹工作時的同事. 我在台中工作時的一位搬回南非的女同事. 也想起一位急著離開台灣的加拿大朋友, 因為他要躲開他半瘋狂的女朋友. 我想起很多人, 而且那些回憶大多數是好的. 我在十幾年中跟很多朋友說再見. 我也知道以後還會跟很多朋友說再見.
It's not easy to say goodbye. But I suppose there are always new friends, waiting in the future. There are also old friends, whose plans - or lack of plans - bring them back to Taiwan. 跟朋友說再見不容易, 可是未來還有新的朋友等著我們去認識. 也有可能老朋友會回來. 可能台灣在他們的計畫中, 或是他們沒有計畫好, 所以就回來.
10. 10 Great Places on the East Coast 東海岸很棒的地方 (April 2015)
There are of course more than 10 "great places" on the east coast of Taiwan, but these were the first ten that popped into my head. Those looking for a (somewhat) deeper analysis of certain areas will find links to previous posts below. 當然台灣東海岸"很棒的地點"不只十個, 可是這十個地點是最先出現在我腦海的. 對於那些在找比較深入討論介紹這些地點的讀者,可以看以下的相關文章.
1. Jin Luen Hot Springs 金崙溫泉
This is the most peaceful hot spring area I know of. Most tourists pass it by on their way to Taitung City, and I've never seen a single tour bus stop there. If you want impressive hot springs go to Jer Ben, further north, but if you want a quiet place to relax go to Jin Luen. 我覺得這是最悠閒的溫泉區. 大多數往台東市的觀光客只會經過這邊. 我還沒在這裡看過遊覽車. 如果想要去外觀漂亮的溫泉應該去比較北邊的知本, 可是如果是要比較平靜的溫泉經驗應該去金崙.
2. The National Museum of Prehistory 國立史前博物館
As Taiwanese museums go, I would rank this one second after the National Palace Museum. It is located in Taitung City, not far from the airport. Many of the exhibits focus on Taiwanese archaeology, and there is a nice park behind it. 以台灣的博物館來說, 我覺得這是繼故宮之後排名第二的博物館. 它位於台東市, 靠近台東機場. 很多展覽品介紹台灣考古學. 博物館後面還有一個漂亮的公園.
3. Beaches in the East Coast National Scenic Area 東海岸風景區的海灘
I could tell you about my favorite beach in the East Coast National Scenic Area, but then I'd have to kill you. There are a lot of great beaches between Shan Yuan in Taitung and areas just south of Hualien City. Most of these beaches put that minuscule beach in Kenting to shame. 我可以告訴你我最喜歡的東海岸風景區裡的哪個海灘, 但那之後就需要把你滅口了. 在杉原跟花蓮市南邊中間有很多很棒的海灘. 大部分的海灘比墾丁小小的海灘好很多.
4. Hai Duan Township 海端鄉
This is the area surrounding the south entrance to Jade Mountain National Park. The scenery here is outstanding, though it isn't easy to get to. There are a few hot springs on the way up, and a nice trail near the Tian Loong Hotel. This road is often washed out after typhoons, so be sure to check ahead of time. 這裡靠近玉山國家公園南入口. 這附近的風景很棒, 可是這裡不方便到達. 上山的路上有些溫泉. 天龍飯店也有個很不錯的步道. 只是這裡的道路常被颱風破壞, 所以要去之前要先確認路況.
5. Ruei Suei Hot Springs/Ranch 瑞穗溫泉跟瑞穗牧場
Compared to Hai Duan, this area is quite easy to get to. The Ruei Suei Ranch is south of the Ruei Suei Train Station. There's no entrance fee, and it's a nice place to sit and have coffee. The Ruei Suei Hot Springs are behind the train station, and some of them - although impressive - are practically abandoned on weekdays. 跟海端鄉比起來, 瑞穗牧場比較方便到達. 瑞穗牧場在瑞穗火車站南邊. 它不用門票, 也是個適合喝咖啡的地方. 而瑞穗溫泉區在火車站後面. 有的溫泉很棒, 可是星期一至四客人不多.
6. Sixty Stone Mountain 六十石山
This is the mountain in Hualien that was in all the commercials not long ago. The "peak" offers an amazing view of the surrounding countryside, and when the daylilies are blooming it's very pretty. Avoid this place on weekends or major holidays. 沒多久前這座山出現在很多廣告裡面. 從最上面可以看到花東縱谷國家風景區的風景,金針花開的時候很漂亮. 但是周末和節日的時候不要去.
7. Taroko Gorge National Park 太魯閣國家公園
The lame thing about Taroko Gorge is that the weather isn't usually very good. It is of course a gorge, and this gorge tends to trap the rain inside the park. This said, it's a great place to explore when the sun is shining. It can be super touristy at times, but this is to be expected. 太魯閣的缺點就是天氣很差. 當然因為太魯閣是個峽谷, 所以雲雨都滯留在裡面. 但是除了這件事之外, 太魯閣在晴天時是一個適合散步的地方. 而且在那麼有名的景點通常觀光客很多.
8. Shr Ti Ping Port/Scenic Area 石梯坪漁港跟石梯坪遊憩風景區
This is an area famous for whale watching in south Hualien. There is a good seafood restaurant in the port, and the scenic area is just up the hill from there. Erosion has created "wells" in the rocks along the coast, and the view in any direction is stunning. 這個地區最有名的活動是賞鯨. 漁港裡有一家很好吃的海鮮餐廳, 遊憩風景區也在港口旁的小坡上. 海浪的侵蝕作用在石頭上造了許多的"井". 這裡的風景無論從哪個方向看都美不勝收.
9. Dong Shan River Park冬山河親水公園
This park is in Yilan City, and there is a place inside for kids to play with water. You can also take boats up and down the adjoining river, and there is an interesting "Craft Center" on the other side of the river. If you're lucky the sun will be out when you're there. 這個公園在宜蘭市. 它也有給小朋友玩水的部分. 也可以從這裡坐船去河的另外一邊的傳統藝術中心. 你運氣好的話,太陽會露臉 .
10. Tai Ping Mountain 太平山森林遊樂區
This is still my favorite single mountain in Taiwan, if not my favorite mountain area. There is a train that goes up near the top, and the whole place feels very mysterious and remote. It's not far from Yilan City by car. 太平山是我在台灣最喜歡的一座山, 可是它不是我最喜歡的森林遊樂區. 那裡有小火車上山, 整個地方充滿了神秘感也很空曠. 離宜蘭市也很近.
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