September - October 2019

1. What's Going in Taitung City and County Townships/Municipalities 台東市,鄉,鎮最近動向 6

For those less familiar with Taiwan, the "big" cities are divided into districts (區), and the counties are divided into cities (市), townships (鄉), and municipalities (鎮).  給對台灣比較不熟悉的讀者: 大城市 (高雄, 台南, 台中, 新竹, 基隆, 嘉義, 台北, 跟新北市) 以下劃分為"區", 縣 (城市外的地方)則由市, 鄉, 鎮組成.

1. Da Ren Township 達仁鄉公所

No recent news out of Da Ren.  最近沒有達仁的新聞.

2. Da Wu Township 大武鄉公所

A concert held in conjunction with Taitung's hot air balloon festival took place in Da Wu's Seashore Park on the last day of August.  This concert was set to take place much earlier, but was postponed due to typhoons.  八月的最後一天, 大武海濱公園終於舉辦了台東熱氣球嘉年華的音樂會.  因為颱風的關係, 這場音樂會已經被延期兩次.

Police in Da Wu are using a new type of device to catch those driving over the speed limit. 大武警察分局開始使用最新型的雷達測速儀器.

3. Jin Feng Township 金峰鄉公所

The Taitung County Government is working to improve tourism and goods produced in Jin Feng Township.  As part of this effort they've placed a display on the top floor of the TT Style Innovation Hall.*  I went by there last weekend, and they were giving away locally-produced beers if you "liked" them on Facebook. 台東縣政府正努力推展金峰鄉的旅遊跟在地產品.  為了這個目的, 縣府在TT Style文創館展覽介紹金鋒鄉.  我上周末去過.  在臉書按讚就可以得到一瓶當地特產啤酒.

A local man was taking endangered plants from Jin Feng and other areas and selling them online.  He was recently apprehended.  一個男子盜採金峰等山區的稀有瀕危植物, 並且在網路販售.  他最近落網了.

4. Tai Ma Li Township 太麻里鄉公所

Not really news, but here's an article about Duo Liang, a big tourist draw in Tai Ma Li. 不算新聞, 可是這個部落格有些多良的照片.

5. Orchid Island Township 蘭嶼鄉公所

With Typhoon Ling Ling approaching, the East Coast Navigation Center announced that ferries to and from Green and Orchid Islands would be running for half a day during September 3.  隨著颱風玲玲的接近, 東部航務公告九月三日往返綠島與蘭嶼的船只營運上半天.

6. Green Island Township 綠島鄉公所

Ferry service to Green Island was suspended after Typhoon Bai Lu (White Deer) blew a lot of driftwood into Fu Gang Port. 颱風白鹿把漂流木吹進富岡漁港之後, 往綠島的船都停班.

The Green Island marathon is on 9/29.  Too late to register, but there's always next year. 九月二十九日綠島馬拉松已截止報名, 但是明年還會再辦.

7. Taitung City 台東市公所

Trees along Ss Chuan Road are suffocating.  The company in charge of improving the road covered the base of the trees with cement, and as a result the Taitung City Mayor is asking that the trees be replanted.  四川路上的一些樹沒辦法呼吸.  原本負責施工的公司把水泥鋪蓋在那些樹的根部.  台東市長要求改善挖除.

Amis tribal members from 22 different villages recently joined together for a dance celebrating their harvest festival in Taitung's Seashore Park.**  最近在台東市海濱公園舉辦22部落的阿美族聯合豐年祭.

More talk about turning on the garbage incinerator.  But before they turn it back on (?) they need to spend a lot of money to fix it.  又是在談焚化爐這件事.  如果真是要重啟的話, 要先花錢整修.

8. Beinan Township 卑南鄉公所

The Aboriginal Tribal Cultural Development Center has created a new dance interpretation of a Beinan tribal legend. 原民會原住民族文化發展中心發表新樂舞Kasavakan.  是以台東卑南族建和部落傳說故事改編.

A coffin fell on the road in Beinan and the police are trying to find out who it belongs to.  在卑南有一副棺材掉落路邊, 警察在找遺失者.

Jer Ben will host a "Forest Challenge Race" on 9/21.  Too late to sign up, but maybe keep it in mind for next year.  九月二十一日知本舉辦 "森林鐵腿人" 比賽已截止報名, 請留意明年的比賽資訊.

9. Dong He Township 東河鄉公所

No recent news out of Dong He.  最近沒有東河的新聞.

10. Cheng Gong Municipality 成功鎮公所

No recent news out of Cheng Gong.  最近沒有成功的新聞.

11. Chang Bin Township 長濱鄉公所

There was an earthquake off the coast of Taitung.  This earthquake was strongest off the coast of Chang Bin Township and Cheng Gong Municipality.  台東外海發生地震.  最大震度在成功的長濱鄉.

12. Lu Ye Township 鹿野鄉公所

No recent news out of Lu Ye.  最近沒有鹿野的新聞.

13. Yan Ping Township 延平鄉公所

No recent news out of Yan Ping.  最近沒有延平的新聞.

14. Guanshan Municipality 關山鎮公所

As a way of increasing safety in tourist spots, the Guanshan Precinct has set up "mobile police stations" around Guanshan and Chr Shang.  These mobile police stations are staffed by both police officers and volunteers.  為了加強大家的安全, 關山警分局在關山, 池上景區設置 "機動派出所."  除了警察之外, 機動派出所還有志工來服務.

15. Hai Duan Township 海端鄉公所

A baby Formosan black bear was discovered in Hai Duan about a month ago.  Under the Forest Management Bureau's care it has put on a lot of weight.  一個月前在海端發現了一隻幼台灣黑熊.  林管處照養之後, 那隻小熊胖了許多.

16. Chr Shang Township 池上鄉公所

No recent news out of Chr Shang.  最近沒有池上的新聞.***

2. Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum 佛光山佛陀紀念館

Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum is in Da Shu ("Big Tree") District, Kaohsiung City.  The easiest way to get there is via the Formosa (#3) Freeway.  The museum/monastery is located on the western edge of Kaohsiung City, just over the river from Pingtung. 佛光山佛陀紀念館位於高雄市大樹區.  紀念館離福爾摩沙高速公路很近.  紀念館 / 禪寺也靠近高雄市與屏東縣中間的高屏溪.

One of the great things about Fo Guang Shan is that it's nearly impossible to miss.  Just look for the big golden Buddha and the pagodas.  The main parking lot is next to this tower. 佛光山的一個好處就是很好找.  開往大佛像寶塔就對了.  停車場在這個塔旁邊.

After entering the main gate you'll see this building.  No need to pay an entrance fee, though they do accept donations. 進入大門之後你會看到大廳.  在這裡不用買門票, 可以捐款.

That gate in the background leads to the monastery. 後面的大門是往禪寺.

There's a vegetarian buffet on the second floor of the main hall.  It costs 150 NT a person to eat there.  Not a huge selection of stuff, but the food we had was good. 大廳二樓有素食自助餐.  一個人150元.  選擇不多可是料理好吃.

The shopping arcade inside the main hall.  We affectionately refer to this part as "the Buddha department store."  There's a Starbucks just inside the entrance. 大廳裏面的商圈.  我們有時候叫這個部分 "佛陀百貨."  入口旁邊有一家星巴克.

The view everybody comes here for.  I've seen some awesome pictures of this place, but pictures never do it justice.  You need to come here to get a sense of how BIG it all is. 這是大家想來看的景色.  這裡的美景照片非常多, 可是自己來看最好.  從照片看不出來這場地有多大.

Each of the pagodas to the right and left of the Buddha have their own exhibits.  Some are more interesting than others.  Many of these exhibits close during lunch time. 大佛像旁的寶塔都有不同的展覽, 有的很有趣.  中午的時候有的展覽館休息.

It would be misleading to say that the entire museum's indoors.  There are many statues, carvings and plaques on the outside, too. 紀念館外面也很有可看性.  外面的雕像, 雕刻, 牌匾很多.

Building this place must have cost a fortune.  Keeping it open and clean every day can't be easy.  They have a lot of volunteers to help out, but even so this place is huge. 蓋這個地方一定花了很多錢.  每天營運與保持清潔也不簡單.  來幫忙的志工很多, 可是整理那麼大的地方很不簡單.

The building under the big Buddha has the best exhibits.  Some of the carvings in here are amazing. 大佛像下面的展覽是最有趣的.  有的雕像很是令人驚奇.

An old "school bus" from Fo Guang Shan's early days. 佛光山早期的校車.

Another display explaining the monastery's community outreach programs.  I wasn't able to photograph the more religious exhibits here because photography is forbidden in those areas. 這個展覽在介紹佛光山的社區外展計畫.  我沒辦法拍裡面的佛像和佛壇類的展覽, 因為裡面禁止拍照.

Shrine/stupa next to the big Buddha. 大佛像旁邊的佛塔.

The main attraction and the top of the hill.  There's also another restaurant in this building, and many of the "events" held in the complex happen inside.  While we were there I believe they were displaying one of the Buddha's teeth. 山坡上最有名的佛像.  下面的大樓還有一家餐廳, 舉辦大部分活動的地點.  我們在那邊的時候, 紀念館裡有一顆佛陀的牙齒.

I've heard friends refer to this place as "Buddhist Disneyland," and while it doesn't have a roller coaster it does have that feeling.  Yet despite what some might perceive as "worldliness" Fo Guang Shan still an interesting and worthwhile place to visit. 我有幾個朋友叫這個地方 "佛教迪士尼."  它沒有過山車, 可是真是有那種感覺.  有的人會覺得這裡很"入世" , 我覺得佛光山是一個有趣, 值得參觀的地方.

3. 鐵道迷的第一本書 A Book for Train Aficionados 2

The Chinese text below was taken from "A Book for Train Aficionados" 鐵道迷的一本書, as written by 鄧志忠.  The English was written/translated by me.  I'm not sure how many entries from this book I'll do, but this will definitely be one of many.

Are the Lunchboxes Made for Every Rail Line Made by the Same Restaurant?

"便當" 一詞轉譯自日語的 "弁" (音讀eki-ban), 是指一種便於攜帶的盒裝餐盒.  不曉得從什麼時候開始, 列車上或車站月台周邊開始賣起這類餐盒, 貼心的服務讓往來旅客免於受飢腸轆轆之苦. The [Chinese] word "lunchbox" is taken from the Japanese "eki-ban," referring to a type of portable lunchbox.  It's not clear when the practice started, but [at some point the railway administration] began selling this type of lunchbox on trains and near platforms for the benefit of hungry travelers.

那麼, 究竟是鐵路便當本身美味十足令人食指大動, 還是在火車上吃便當別有一番風味而特別讓人難以忘懷?  這答案或許見仁見智, 但不少人認為在列車上享用便當, 不只能填飽肚腹, 還能欣賞車窗外風情萬千的景緻, 可說是最值回票價的景觀餐廳呢! So then, is it because the railway lunchboxes are so delicious that people feel compelled to eat them?  Or is it something else about the experience of eating a lunchbox on a train, something that makes [these lunchboxes] hard to forget?  The answer is a matter of opinion, but many people feel that eating a lunchbox on a train doesn't just fill your belly, but also affords you the opportunity to truly enjoy the scenery beyond your window.  It could be said that this culinary experience is well worth the price of a ticket!

台鐵的鐵路便當, 由餐旅服務總所直轄的台北, 台中, 高雄鐵路餐廳與七堵車勤服務部, 花蓮分部等五處負責, 每天供應大量熱騰騰的便當, 於列車上或車站內販售. The TRA* lunchbox service is handled by railway food service departments in Taipei, Taichung, Kaohsiung, and Chi Du, and also by five districts responsible to the [food service] branch in Hualien.  These places provide many lunchboxes for sale on trains or platforms every day.

台鐵鐵路便當以親民的價格與獨持的調味, 抓住許多乘客或饕客的心與胃, 一試成主顧的大有人在!  想大量訂購也沒有問題, 還可選擇外送服務. The distinctive [Taiwanese] taste and character of the TRA lunchboxes finds a place in many travelers' hearts.  One taste is all it takes!  If you want to order many of them it's no problem.  And you can also have them delivered!

不同於台鐵的親民路線, 高鐵便當走精緻簡約風格, 多在特定時段的高鐵列車與高鐵車站內提供高鐵便當販售, 同樣能讓搭乘的旅客搭配車窗景致享用. Unlike the more intimate routes followed by the TRA [lunchboxes], the lunchboxes offered on the HSR** lines are simpler and more refined.  Most of them are only sold during set times on the HSR trains or in the HSR stations.  They can also be enjoyed by passengers admiring the scenery outside their windows.

除了列車與車站內販賣的便當, 早年車站的月台上還有由民間業者於特定車站月台上販售的便當, 旅客能在搭車前或者短暫停車時間向服務人員購買, 成為當時台灣鐵路上特殊的鐵道人文景色.  如貢寮, 福隆, 池上, 關山站與阿里山上的奮起湖站, 目前仍有鐵路便當為特色美食代表. Aside from lunchboxes sold on the train or in the stations, from early on the platforms have hosted local salespeople selling lunchboxes during set times.  Travelers can purchase [lunchboxes] from these [salespeople] before boarding trains, or while trains have come to a stop.  These [local salespeople] have become part of the TRA travel experience.  There are still purveyors of special lunchboxes at Gong Liao, Fu Loong, Chr Shang, Guanshan and Fun Chi Hu (Alishan) Stations. 

4. Retrospective 懷舊的 1: Where is Taitung?

For the "Retrospective" entries I'll be revisiting posts from ten years ago.  The post referenced below is from 2009. 在這些 "懷舊的" 文章我再看十年前的文章.  下列的文章是2009年寫的.

The original version of "Where is Taitung?" is to be found in the Blog Archive 1 entry.  I've added comments below the italicized text. 原本的 "Where is Taitung?" 在Blog Archive 很久很久以前的文章 1的文章.  我在每一段下面加入新的意見.

"Taitung (which should probably be spelled "Taidong"), is on the southeast coast of Taiwan. Taitung is also a city and a county. Taitung County borders Hualien County to the north, and both Pingtung and Kaohsiung Counties to the west. The city of Taitung is on the coast, roughly halfway between the northern and southern borders of the county. "台東"這兩個字的官方英文拼法是Taitung, 可是我自己覺得Taidong這個字比較像中文的發音. 台東的位置在臺灣的東南部.通常提到 "台東"這個地方包括的是台東縣跟台東市,台東市正好在台東縣東海岸的中間. 台東縣北部接花蓮縣, 西部及南部則緊臨高雄縣和屏東縣."

Thoughts 意見: I used to be very opinionated on the "Taitung" vs. "Taidong" debate.  On the one hand 台東 sounds like "Taidong," but on the other "Taitung" is the spelling you see all over town and all over the internet.  These days I'm not that emotionally invested in the argument, but at the time it really bothered me. 我以前對Taitung vs. Taidong這個問題很有意見.  "台東" 這兩個字比較接近Taidong英文發音, 可是Taitung卻是路邊和網路上到處可見的拼法.  最近我對這件事比較沒有意見, 但我當時真的覺得這是個問題.

"The weather here is subtropical. It never snows, and from July to September the typhoons pass through the area. The typhoons invariably bring a lot of rain, though flooding is not generally as much of a problem near the ocean. 這邊的氣候屬於亞熱帶氣候不會下雪,每年的七月至九月是颱風季節. 颱風來時因為靠海所以風雨很大, 但是較少傳出水患."

Thoughts 意見: IS Taitung subtropical?  Some of the Social Studies textbooks describe it as tropical, so I'm not entirely sure.  I do know that the southern end of the county (particularly Da Wu) gets some of the hottest weather on the island, so the subject seems open to debate.  There's a definite change in weather as you approach Hualien.  For this reason "tropical" makes more sense to me. 台灣的氣候真是亞熱帶的嗎?  有的社會課本說台東的氣候是熱帶的, 所以我不曉得.  台東縣的南部 (特別是大武附近) 有全島最熱的天氣, 所以這件事不是很確定吧.  花蓮縣的氣候真的有差.  我想台東的氣候大概是熱帶的.

"There are about 230,000 people living in Taitung City. The only other "city" of any size is Cheng Gong to the north, and this city has less than half of the population of Taitung City. The rest of the county is sparsely populated. There are small fishing villages hugging the coast, and farming communities hidden away in the mountains. 台東市的人口差不多10萬人左右. 除了台東市以外, 台東縣最大城市是成功鎮, 它的人口數是台東市的一半,其餘的鄉鎮人口不多. 小小的魚港是台東海岸的特色之一, 而在山區的特色則是許多可愛的鄉村部落."*

Thoughts 意見: Pretty sure that number is/was wrong.  Google lists Taitung County's population as 224,500, and the County census for August 2019** lists it as 217,408, with 105,276 people in Taitung City.  As far as "city of any size" goes I'd also list Guanshan, north of Taitung City. 上面的數字大概錯了.  Google說台東縣的人數是224,500人.  縣政府人口統計說全縣人口是217,408, 台東市的人口是105,276. 除了台東市, 成功鎮之外, 北部的關山鎮人口也很多.

"Taitung boasts a higher-than-average aboriginal population. For those unfamiliar with patterns of migration to Taiwan, the island was originally settled by Austronesian peoples, coming up from islands farther south. These first settlers were in time displaced by later Chinese immigrants, who now form the majority in Taiwanese society. Despite the encroachment of Chinese culture and language, the aboriginal tribes still maintain a noticeable presence in this area. 台東的原住民人口較其他縣市多且居住密集. 他們的祖先是從臺灣以南的島嶼渡海而來的, 在漢人來台以前, 就已經成為這塊土地的保護者. 隨著臺灣漢文化跟語言的影響越來越大, 在這裡的原住民更是為保護自己的文化跟母語而努力."

Thoughts 意見: I still agree with all of that. 我還是同意這一段.

"There are really only two roads through the length of Taitung County. There is the mountain highway, starting in Hualien City and ending in Jer Ben, and there is the coastal road, running down (almost) the entire length of Taiwan. The mountain highway offers stunning views of farmland and mountain valleys, while the coastal road offers small fishing hamlets and spectacular panoramas of the Pacific Ocean. 台東縣的對外公路只有兩條.台 9線是從花蓮到知本, 台11線是從台北到大武. 走台9線的觀光客可以看山景, 走台11線的觀光客則可以欣賞古老的小村落跟美麗的太平洋."

Thoughts 意見: Driving to (or from) Hualien City?  Highway 9 is faster through Taitung, while Highway 11 is faster through Hualien.  Hualien's section of Highway 9 has a lot of lights, and Taitung's section of Highway 11 has a lot of speed cameras, and police officers lurking around corners.  Driving to (or from) Kaohsiung?  Highway 9 south of Taitung City is a mess right now, and even the parts that look finished are riddled with traffic lights and speed traps. 開車從台東到花蓮市或相反,  在台東走台9線比較快, 在花蓮走台11線比較快.  在花蓮, 台9線的紅綠燈比較多, 在台東, 台11線有很多照相機和躲在路邊的警察.  開車去高雄或從高雄來?  台東市以南的台9線路況很亂.  連完工的路段都有很多紅綠燈及測速照相機.

"Most of Taitung County is still very undeveloped. Those seeking the kind of urban amenities available in Taipei (bars, upscale restaurants, and of course department stores) will find little of that in Taitung. If, however, you are looking for a place to enjoy the scenery, you could do no better than this part of Taiwan. From feeding monkeys to rafting down the Shiogulan River, from surfing to hang gliding, there really is a lot to do here! 台東的海岸線未受都市文明侵襲,保持著自然風光 . 這邊沒有什麼大酒吧,高級餐廳,百貨公司,但是對於熱愛大自然的人來說,卻是一個不可多得的天堂, 從可愛的野生猴子到泛舟,從沖浪到滑翔翼,這個地方充滿了許多驚奇的戶外活動機會."

Thoughts 意見: The Shiou Gu Lan River is in Hualien!  The "urban amenities" have improved, and the hang gliding has been superseded by the hot air balloon festival. 秀姑蘭溪在花蓮.  花蓮都市發展顯著.  現在熱氣球活動比滑翔翼熱門.

5. Far From Home 離家

My older daughter just started college on the other side of the island.  I message her on Line several times a week.  She says everything is OK over there.  I believe her, but of course I worry.  It's her first time living away from home, and I just want her to be safe. 我的大女兒剛搬到台灣西部念大學.  我每個禮拜幾次用Line問她的近況.  她說沒事.  我相信她真的沒有事, 可是我當然還是會擔心.  這是她第一次離家住在其他地方, 我希望她平安.

Soon her younger sister might be headed in the same direction.  She's not going to college, but rather to a senior high school where she will, I assume, study cooking.  The senior high school in question is also on the other side of the island, about half an hour south of where her older sister is studying. 可能很快地她的妹妹也會跟她一樣離家.  只是不是念大學, 她想在高中學烹飪.  她想念的高中也在西部, 離姊姊的大學很近.

It's a strange feeling, to have spent so many years fretting over someone only to later see them move away.  If my younger daughter goes away to school next year, it'll just be my wife and I all over again, almost as if we'd set the clock back to 1999.  It's difficult to wrap my head around the idea of living in a house with only one other person, but I guess I'll have to adjust to that fact. 這種感覺很奇怪, 關心一個人那麼多年, 最後他們要搬到那麼遠的地方.  如果下學年我的小女兒也去西部的話, 家裡就只有我和太太二個人了.  好像我們家庭的時鐘調回到1999年.  我覺得家裡只剩二個人很奇怪, 我想只能調整我自己來面對這個變化.

Sometimes, when I think of my older daughter, I remember her in Seattle, strapped into a car seat at the age of 4.  Back then she liked to sing along with The Darkness*.  And that little girl, who knew all the words to "Get Your Hands Off My Woman (Motherfu%$er)" is an adult now.  She probably doesn't even remember doing that. 有時候我想到大女兒時, 我記得她四歲的時候.  我們那時候住在西雅圖,  她坐在兒童安全座椅裡唱The Darkness樂團的歌.  那位喜歡唱"Get Your Hands Off My Woman (Motherfu%$er)"的孩子已經長大了.  她應該忘記她以前做過那種事.

Now, 14 years later, she's living in another city, making new friends, and hopefully learning something.  Of course I'd like to be there to help her as she does some of these things, but when your kids reach 18 you just can't.  She has her own life to live now; she's got to find her own way.  I can offer help from afar, but I can't be there to guide her through everything. 經過了十四年, 她現在住在外縣市, 交新朋友和學習(希望吧).  我當然想在她的身邊幫忙, 只是她已經十八歲了.  她有她自己的人生, 她要建立自己的生活方式,  我可以從旁幫她的忙, 可是我不能再事事幫她了.

As my daughter tells me about her new life in college, I often think about myself at the same age.  In my late teens and early twenties I veered between self-love and self-loathing on a daily basis; I was never sure about my goals, and I was always asking myself what was right versus what was wrong.  When I look back at some of the ideas I held at 18 I feel embarrassed, but in other contexts I admire my bravado at that age, and my willingness to take chances. 我女兒跟我說她的大學生活時, 我也常回想起我大學時的生活.  我十幾, 二十歲的時候, 每天都有自愛, 自恨的感覺,  也沒有明確的目標, 我都問自己 "什麼是好" 跟 "什麼是壞" .  我回想起十八歲時的自己當時的想法都覺得不好意思, 可是有時候我也覺得那時候的我很勇敢.

At 18, 19 and 20 you spend a lot of time wondering what shape the rest of your life is going to take.  What career will you pursue?  How will you make your mark on the world?  Who will love you, and for how long?  When I think of how I obsessed over these kinds of questions I can't help but smile.  For the most part it all worked out, and when it didn't I found something else (or someone else) to do. 18, 19或20歲的時候, 我們花很多時間想人生的未來.  要找什麼工作?  怎麼出名?  誰會愛我?  會愛多久?  我那時候花很多精力想這種問題, 真是好笑.  隨著時間的經過, 問題都解決了.  碰到沒辦法解決的問題, 我就找別的事情做 (或是愛情).

Add to this the fact that at 18 you really don't know how long (or how short) 5, 10 or 20 years really is.  You don't know how your perspective can change over time.  You don't think about all the weird, random stuff that can happen between now and then, and about how a lot of that weird, random stuff can be good or bad depending on your point of view.  Of course you try to arrive at decisions about these things, but your personality is still forming, and your worldview is still in flux.  This isn't necessarily a bad thing.  It's just a reason not to be too set in your ways too early. 加上事實是人們十八歲的時候還不知道5, 10或是20年到底多長 (或是多短).  年輕人不知道自己對事物的看法會隨著時間改變;  也不會想到現在到未來會發生什麼奇奇怪怪的事情; 更沒想到這些奇奇怪怪的事情的價值只有他們能決定.  年輕人當然有自己的看法, 只是個性還沒有那麼穩定,  觀念會改變.  這不全然是壞處,   這只是不早固定下來的原因.

After she graduated from senior high school, we told our older daughter that we wanted her to get out into the world, to experience different things, and to meet different sorts of people.  We told her that if she didn't go to college it was fine, but not going to college meant going to work.  All we wanted was for her to DO something, and we weren't that concerned with where that something led.  It was up to her to make something of herself, and as long as she wasn't lurking at home we figured she would do so.  大女兒從高中畢業之後, 我們告訴她要走出去, 要找新的經驗, 要交新朋友.  我們跟她說不上大學沒關係, 可是不上大學的話一定要找工作.  我們只想要她出去找事做, 不管那件事的未來性.  只要她努力就好, 不要躲在我們家裡我們就沒意見.

I still feel that way, mostly because I know her and I know that (on average) she'll make the right choices.  Will she make mistakes?  Sure.  Will she fail sometimes?  Of course.  But it would be wrong to shield her from that reality, because on the other side of that reality is the adult version of her; the person she's supposed to grow into. 我仍是這麼想的, 因為我知道她是個懂事的人.  她會犯錯嗎?  當然.  她可能失敗嗎?  當然.  可是我不應該成為她經驗現實的阻礙, 因為在她經歷錯誤與失敗的另一面, 就是被塑造出的成人的她.

But yeah, I worry like most parents worry.  I want her to be happy and successful.  I want her to live well.  Yet exactly how she finds happiness and success is up to her.  I'll certainly be there to lend a helping hand if I can (and if I should), but most of it comes down to her own decisions. 我跟很多父母一樣擔心自己的孩子.  我希望她開心和成功.  我希望她的人生順利, 可是她的開心和成就感是她自己的責任.  只要我有能力, 我一定會幫忙, 可是她要自己決定走什麼路.

I just hope she knows how much we love her, and that we look forward to hearing about all her adventures on the other side of Taiwan.  Maybe one day we can even laugh about this time together, when we're all much older people, and when she's sending her own kid off to school, somewhere far away. 我只是希望她知道我們很愛她, 我們也很想知道她在西部的冒險.  未來某一天我們會一起嘲笑現在的我們, 可能是當她自己要送孩子去外縣市的大學的時候, 我們能一起開開心心的討論這個時候的事.

6. What May Or May Not Be Going On In My County

OK, OK, I get it.  No names or personal details.  No invasions of privacy.  But keep it in mind that a lot of people have similar names, and a lot of people find themselves in similar situations.  But yeah, I get it.  Whatever.

I. Up the Coast

Maybe my ex-coworker's grandma is in her nice fang dze on the hill.  Maybe her other chin ren are there, those people who were good at sorting 咖啡豆.  Maybe they're selling more of their 咖啡豆 now.

Perhaps R and his family are in that room they rented up in 美山.  Perhaps R is getting ready to go chong lang.  Perhaps T is playing in that jang peng I left there.

It might be that some dramatic event is consuming the foreign community in 都蘭 even as I type this.  It might be that someone slept with someone else they weren't supposed to sleep with.  It might be about du pin, it might be about old grudges, or it might be about harsh words spoken after a few pi jiou.

II. Up the Valley

It's possible that the yoga teacher is still holding classes in 池上.  It's possible she has many shuei sheng now.  It's possible she's quietly getting rich up there.

My tai tai may or may not be teaching a class.  She may or may not be sitting in an ban gong shr using the 電腦.  She may or may not be talking to coworkers.

It could be that someone in 鹿野 is drinking too much.  It could be that this person is going to kai che very soon.  It could be that I'll soon read about this ren in the newspaper

III. In the City

Possibly someone is eating their 早餐.  Possibly they're having a chi sse dan bing with milk tea.  Possibly someone else is cleaning up a nearby juo dze, and a third person is possibly cooking.

Odds are that J is teaching Math or 國語.  Odds are one of the students in her class isn't juan shin.  Odds are it's raining wai mien, with the wind blowing the trees back and forth.

Conceivably someone's soaking in a 溫泉.  Conceivably jhan ji are taking off from the air base north of town.  Conceivably fishermen are out on yu chuan, trying to catch enough to pay back loans or to pay off houses.

IV. Down South

Maybe someone is lighting incense in a 廟.  Perhaps someone is burning garbage.  It might be that someone is celebrating a birthday.  It's possible someone's hunting in the shan chu.  It may or may not be that someone's buying a bag of betel nut.  It could be that someone's picking up a bao guo from 7-11.  Possibly kids are playing basketball.  Odds are that a train is passing through.  Conceivably jing cha are policing, babies are crying, and older people are talking about older times.  Maybe I even have a friend or two down there, or even friends that I have yet to meet.

7. Retrospective 懷舊的 2: Bicycling in Taitung 臺東腳踏車之旅

For the "Retrospective" entries I'll be revisiting posts from ten years ago.  The post referenced below is from 2009. 在這些 "懷舊的" 文章我再看十年前的文章.  下列的文章是2009年寫的.

The original version of "Where is Taitung?" is to be found in the Blog Archive 2 entry.  I've added comments below the italicized text. 原本的 "Where is Taitung?" 在Blog Archive 很久很久以前的文章 2的文章.  我在每一段下面加入新的意見.

"During most of my time in Taitung I've gotten around by bike. When I first moved here, this was the only option available to me, since at that time I was too poor to buy any other form of transportation. After a few weeks I got used to getting around this way, and even though we now have a scooter I only ride it once a week.在臺東的大部分時間我都是以腳踏車代步,剛開始是因為這是我們唯一買得起的交通工具,幾個禮拜後就習慣了,就算現在我們有一輛摩托車,我一個星期只用一次接小孩."

Did we have a scooter ten years ago?  Man, I really don't remember that.  We must have had a scooter because I wrote about it here.  I sure don't remember it! 我們十年前有摩托車嗎?  我真是記不得了.  我在這裡提到摩托車, 所以一定有.  我真的忘了!

I still go almost everywhere by bike.  We do own a car and scooter however.  I sometimes ride the scooter to visit friends outside of town.  We sometimes drive the car up the coast on weekends. 單車還是我最常用的交通工具, 可是我家也有汽車跟摩托車.  我有時騎摩托車去市區外的朋友家.  我們有時也會在周末開車到東海岸玩.

"We'll probably be buying a car soon. That is if we can find one that's reasonably priced and not a total wreck. This car will be purchased in anticipation of Chinese New Year, and the trips we hope to take to the other side of the island. In the interim, between now and January; there will be only my bike and I, and I cannot feel too much regret at not having a car right now.我們可能近期買輛二手車,但這取決於價錢及車況,因為我們希望可以在過年期間到西部去拜訪親友,所以從現在起到一月這段期間,應該還是我與我的腳踏車為伍."

The car we eventually purchased was a 20+ year old Ford Festiva, and damn that car was a piece of crap.  I was SO slow, and it broke down all the time.  You don't even want to know what it was like to take that thing on the freeway.  Let's just say it got scary fast. 我們那時買的車是一台車齡二十年的福特汽車公司的festiva.  那台車又慢又常需要修理.  開那台車上高速公路是一件很可怕的事情.

Many years later we bought a new Nissan Tiida.  This is a popular model that you can see all over Taiwan.  After driving the old Festiva for a couple years the Tiida felt like a Ferrari. 幾年後我們買了一輛日產汽車公司的tiida.  這種車在台灣很普遍.  開過那輛festiva之後,  覺得tiida開起來跟法拉利一樣快.

"Taitung is a great place to own a bicycle, and I cannot understand why so many people insist on driving all the time. Given the population of Taitung City, you wouldn't think that traffic jams are possible here, and yet every weekday from 5 to 6 this is exactly what I see taking place. I cannot think of anywhere in Taitung City that is farther than thirty minutes away by bike, and yet people insist on driving their cars to work or school every day. In the summer you might use the heat as an excuse, but it's now the end of October and the weather is far from hot.臺東是最適合騎腳踏車的地方,我不明白為何大部分人還是堅持開車?從人口數來看,臺東不應該會塞車的,但它真的在每天下班時間發生了,臺東市區任何地方的距離騎腳踏車都不超過30分鐘,可是很多人還是每天開車上下班,在夏天你可能以天氣太熱為藉口,但是現在正是秋高氣爽的好時節."

I still agree with all of this.  Most people really don't need to drive as much as they do. 我還是同意這個部分.  大部分的人其實不需要開那麼多車.

Last weekend we rode our bikes to the Li Ji Badlands, just northwest of the Train Station. It was an enjoyable ride, with stops at parks along the way, and a lunch just before coming home. As we went, I could not help but think where we might have gone if we owned a car. Hualien I guess, but how often can you go to Hualien? There are nice places there, but there are also many nice places within Taitung City.上個星期我們騎腳踏車到新火車站西北邊的利吉惡地,一路上有許多的休息景點,沿途風景怡人,在我們的騎程中我忍不住想到如果有部車就可以到更遠的地方,可能是花蓮,但是另一方面,花蓮雖然有許多漂亮的地方,但是臺東美麗的景點也不少.

I haven't been up to Li Ji in a while.  Not exactly sure why, but I just don't like it the way I used to.  Part of it might be all the bicycling I've done up there.  One year I trained very hard for the "Loving 197" bicycle race, and this meant going back and forth through Li Ji a lot. 我很久沒去利吉了.  我不知道原因, 只是我不像以前一樣對它有興趣.  可能是我之前常騎腳踏車去那裡.  因 為有一年我很認真的準備戀戀197的單車比賽, 所以常在那附近騎車.

I think I was a little dismissive toward Hualien at the time, perhaps because I was less familiar with it.  I really like the areas between Fu Li and Guang Fu in the East Rift Valley.  I've even considered moving up there more than once. 我想我以前對花蓮不屑一顧是因為我對它不熟.  我很喜歡花東縱谷的富里到光復一帶.  我也曾經考慮過搬到那邊去.

"When you buy a car you are making your world much larger. Places that were previously too far become very near, and excursions that would have been very complicated suddenly become very simple. This is not always a good thing. By passing by those places near at hand, we can easily forget the places outside our own front doors. In longing for what lies in Taipei, Kaohsiung, and Hualien, it is so easy to forget all the good things right here, in Taitung.擁有車子是可以讓人的活動範圍增大許多,很多地方變得不再遙遠,可是那也不一定都是好的,因為你可能因此就錯失了近在咫尺的美好."

I still agree with this but I can't say that having a car isn't nice.  Of course you can always rent one if you need it, but owning a car makes typhoon days less problematic.  If I lived in one of the big cities I doubt I'd own a car, but yeah, having a car makes living on the east coast much easier. 我還是同意這個部分, 可是有車也是件不錯的事.  當然有需要的話可以租車, 可是颱風天時, 有車的家庭不會碰到那麼多問題.  我如果住在大都市應該不會有車, 可是在東部, 擁有一部車讓生活方便許多.

"I've noticed more people riding bikes lately. This is a good thing. With recent improvements to the trail system, there are indeed a lot of places you can visit on a bicycle. Yes, it's hot sometimes, and yes, sometimes you get caught in the rain, but if you aren't the kind who normally pursues this kind of exercise you might give it a try. Weather permitting, we'll be riding to Fu Gang this weekend. Perhaps we'll see you there?有越來越多人加入騎腳踏車的行列,隨著腳踏車道的改善與完成,你可以到的景點更多了,是的,有時天氣太熱有時下雨,但是你真的該試試這項運動,如果天氣許可,我們這週末想騎腳踏車到富崗,也許你會在那裡看到我們."

This was probably written as the "biking fad" was winding down.  Bike stores were opening up everywhere, and a lot of people were buying new, modern bikes to replace their old ones.  Unfortunately people can only own so many bikes, and Taiwan's population is shrinking, so that market was only going to grow for so long. 我寫這文章的時候騎單車是件非常流行的事.  到處有新的單車店, 很多人買新型及現代化的單車取代舊單車.  可惜人們能買單車的量有限, 人口也慢慢減少了, 所以單車的市場的成長也有限.

"Riding to Fu Gang."  I think that was as far as my family ever rode together.  Maybe once we went a little farther, to Shiao Ye Liou, but that was definitely it.  We still talk about riding to the Green Island Ferry and taking the bikes over there, but in ten years we still haven't done it. "騎腳踏車到富岡."  我想富岡就是我們全家一起騎單車到的最遠的地方.  有可能我們曾一次騎到小野柳, 可是一定沒有超過那裡.  我們仍是在討論騎到富岡漁港, 然後帶單車一起去綠島, 可是十年了, 我們只是討論而已.

8. Social Studies 社會 3, Second Semester 下, Unit 2-3 第二單元到第三單元

The Chinese text below was taken from the textbook published by Kang Shuan 康軒文教事業.  For the first unit of this book click here.  For other excerpts from other textbooks click here.

二 Two: 居民總動員 Mobilizing the Community

多采多姿的活動是家鄉生活的一部分.  我們應該積極參與村里, 鄉鎮市區和社區舉辦的各種活動, 為自己創造一個良好的生活環境. Many activities are part of hometown life.  We should actively participate in every kind of village, township, municipality and community activity so that we can make a good living environment for ourselves.

第1課 Lesson One: 參與家鄉活動 Joining Hometown Activities

社區活動的內容與功能 Content and Use of Community Activities*

家鄉中有些居民會組成社區發展協會.  社區發展協會通常在社區設有活動中心, 舉辦各種活動.  這些活動, 不但可以提共居民正當的休閒娛樂, 也能聯絡居民的感情.  Some residents in our hometown form community development associations.  Community development associations will usually build an activity center and host every kind of activity there.  These activities don't only provide opportunities for recreation or entertainment, but also allow residents to develop a sense of community.

惜福愛物回饋社區 Giving Back to the Community

社區有時也會舉辦資源回收, 義賣, 舊物再利用的活動.  這樣的活動, 不但讓居民可以獲得有用的物品, 也培養惜福愛物的態度. Sometimes the community will host recycling, flea market and other activities for the reuse of old things.  This type of activity not only allows residents to acquire useful objects, but also encourages a thrifty attitude.

社區的居民在工作之餘, 也會組成志工團體, 協助指揮交通或探訪獨居老人.  這些居民自動自發的服務工作, 不但可以發揮行善助人的精神, 也可以營造一個祥和的社區. Aside from work-related groups, residents also form volunteer groups to direct traffic or visit elderly residents living alone.  This type of community service not only allows people to help one another, but also creates a peaceful community.

積極參與家鄉活動 Actively Taking Part in Hometown Activities

家鄉居民平時各忙各的, 很少有機會能往來交流.  因此, 為了凝聚家鄉居民的情感, 村里, 鄉鎮市區和社區等單位, 會經常舉辦各種活動, 例如: 郊遊聯誼, 才藝表演, 慶典活動等, 增加居民相處機會; 有時候, 還會針對家鄉的問題或共同利益, 召開說明會, 協調會等, 讓大家都有機會可以參與公共事務. Hometown residents are usually busy with their own affairs, and seldom have time to gather together.  Because of this, villages, townships, municipalities, districts, communities and other organizations host activities to foster a sense of community.  For example, trips/outings, talent shows and celebrations all provide chances for residents to be together.  Sometimes community concerns or benefits will be addressed in explanatory meetings, coordination meetings or other meetings, so that everyone has a chance to participate in public affairs.

家鄉的居民應該積極參加, 並主動辦理各種活動.  在活動中, 大家培養出深厚的感情及愛鄉愛土的情懷, 就能團結成改造家鄉的力量, 不分你我一起參與, 讓家鄉變得更美好. Hometown residents should both actively participate in and actively host every kind of activity.  During such activities everyone should maintain enthusiasm and concern for the community, so that we can join together and collectively make our hometown better.

學習加油站 "Learning Gas Station"

口頭報告 Oral Reports

在學校的過程中, 有時候會利用口頭報告的方式來表達.  你知道如何進行口頭報告嗎?  現在就以參與家鄉活動為主題, 來學習口頭報告的方式吧! In school we sometimes use oral reports to make presentations.  Do you know how to begin an oral report?  Using Hometown Activities as our topic, we'll learn how to give an oral report!

步驟1 Step One: 分組討論 Group Discussion

報告前先針對主題進行討論. Discuss the topic before the report.

步驟2 Step Two: 列出報告大綱 Make an Outline for the Report

討論時先把內容重點以條列的方式寫下來. During the discussion list the important points,

步驟3 Step Three: 進行口頭報告 Begin the Oral Report

報告一開始先自我介紹, 說出自己的名字或組別, 以及報告的主題. At the start of the report introduce yourself, say your name or the name of your group, and the topic of your report.

步驟4 Step Four: 搭配主題海報 Make a Matching Poster

報告時可搭配製作好的海報, 介紹報告的主題及重點, 並依各重點進行報告. You can make a poster to go along with your topic, to introduce important points, and to address points listed.

第2課 Lesson Two: 多元的生活風貌 Diverse Lifestyles

多元的生活方式 Different Lifestyles

隨著交通的發達, 經濟的發展, 現在家鄉中也出現許多因為求學, 工作或結婚等原因, 而從外地或其他國家移居到這裡的居民. Along with the growth of the transportation [infrastructure] and the development of the economy, our hometown has many [new] residents from other places or other countries.  Many of these [new residents] have immigrated here for study, work, marriage or other reasons.

這些來自不同地區或國家的居民, 和家鄉居民經過長時間的共同生活, 彼此間互相影響, 甚至融合不同國家, 不同地區的生活方式, 為家鄉帶來更多元的生活風貌. These residents from other places or countries live among hometown residents for a long time, and the [two cultures represented] influence each other, to the point where ways of living from different places or different cultures make hometown life more diverse.

體驗多元文化 Experiencing Different Cultures

在家鄉裡, 各種文化不斷融入我們的生活, 由於觀念和習慣的不同, 難免形成偏見或誤會.  政府或居民舉辦的活動, 正好讓大家有機會認識其他文化的特色.  透過這些活動, 讓我們更了解不同文化的人們, 也學習以尊重, 包容和平等的態度對待他們, 進而珍惜家鄉的多元文化. In our hometown, every type of culture continues to influence our daily life.  Because perspectives and customs differ, different points of view and misunderstandings easily arise.  The activities hosted by the government or residents give everyone an opportunity to acquaint themselves with other cultures.  Joining in these activities allows us to understand members of other cultures better, and to learn how to respect and maintain a tolerant attitude toward them.  [This also allows us to] treasure the diversity of our hometown culture.

三 Three: 生活要更好 Life is Getting Better

家鄉有許多場所與設施, 能為居民的便利生活堤共多元的服務.  使用這些設施, 有許多應該注意的事項, 需要大家學習. [Our] hometown has many places and facilities geared toward the convenience of residents and assisting them in many ways.  When using these facilities there are many things we should be aware of.

第1課 Lesson One: 便利的家鄉生活 A Convenient Hometown Life

不論我們的家鄉是在山上, 海邊, 農村或都市, 都有許多為大家堤共服務的場所和設施, 滿足大家日常生活的基本需求. Regardless of whether our home is in the mountains, near the sea, in a farming village or in the city, there are many places and facilities available for the assistance of residents and the fulfillment of their many needs.

家鄉的場所和設施 Hometown Places and Facilities

自來水公司滿足居民用水的需求, 電力公司堤共大家用電的服務, 電信公司堤共我們電話, 網路等通訊的服務.  客運站, 火車站, 高鐵站, 機場和港口等, 是方便居民往來各地的場所.  學校, 圖書館, 公園, 體育場等, 是堤共大家學習新知, 休閒娛樂或運動的地方. The water company gives residents the water they need.  The electric company provides everyone with power.  the telecommunications company provides phone, internet and messaging services.  Bus stations, train stations, high-speed rail stations, airports, sea ports and other facilities are places that allow residents to travel.  Schools, libraries, parks, stadiums and other places allow everyone to acquire new knowledge, enjoy recreational activities or exercise.

醫院, 珍所等是居民看病的地方.  銀行或農, 漁會信用部, 則提共居民存錢, 提款和投資理財等服務.  郵局除了堤共郵件, 包裹的投遞, 也可以存錢和提款.  廟宇和教堂是信仰中心, 通常也成為居民情感交流與聚會的場所. Hospitals, clinics and other places are where residents go when they're sick.  Banks, agricultural or fishing credit unions allow residents to save money, withdraw money or invest their savings.  Aside from providing postal services such as the sending of packages, the post office is also a place where money can be saved and withdrawn.  Temples and churches are spiritual places where residents can gather together and develop a sense of community.

善用場所和設施 How to Use Places and Facilities Well

大家要愛惜並善用家鄉裡的各種場所和設施, 讓生活更豐富充實. Everyone should treasure every place and facility in their hometown, so that our lives can be rich and fulfilling.

第2課 Lesson Two: 買東西學問大 The Knowledge [Related to] Buying Things is Deep

為了滿足居民生活各方面的需要, 家鄉有許多商店, 市場等, 堤共居民多元的選擇. For the sake of meeting residents' daily needs, every hometown has many stores and markets to provide more choices.

交易工具的改變 Changes in Currency

現代人購物時, 大多是利用貨幣進行交易.  但是在遠古時代, 人們是用物品交換物品的方式, 滿足生活的需求.  後來的人, 發現不同的物品, 價值有高有低, 不容易換算, 於是就利用貝殼等作為交易的工具.  隨著時代的進步, 人們逐漸發展出各種貨幣, 使物品的買賣更為便利. When modern people buy things they usually use money.  But in ancient times people used the barter system to fulfill their daily needs.  Later people discovered that the value of different goods fluctuated, that rates of exchange were difficult to calculate, and for this reason they used shells or other items as currency.  As the years progressed people gradually developed many kinds of money to make buying and selling goods easier.

使用信用卡購物 Using a Credit Card to Make Purchases

現在有愈來愈多的人在購物時使用信用卡付帳, 而不必攜帶大量的現金, 讓交易更為方便.  但是, 刷卡購物時, 要先考慮自己有多少可以使用的錢, 不能想買就買, 以避免成為還不出錢的卡奴. More and more people now use credit cards to buy things.  [When they use credit cards] they don't need to carry around a lot of money, and purchases are much more convenient.  But when you use a credit card you must first think about how much money you can spend.  You can't just buy anything you want, and you don't want to get stuck with goods you can't get a refund for.

購物也需要學習 Buying Things also Requires Study

買東西是一門學問, 購物前要先確認是否有需要才購買.  購物時, 要注意商品的標示, 例如: 有效日期, 產地, 成分, 廠商等.  付帳時, 要當場點清物品, 並收回找回的零錢; 同時, 別忘了要索取統一發票.  如果有發現商品有問題時, 可以憑發票要求商家退換商品, 保障自己的消費權益. Buying things is a form of knowledge.  Before buying something, you should decide whether you need to buy it or not.  When making a purchase you should be aware of certain things like the date of expiration, where it was made, ingredients, and the company that made it.  When paying, you should retrieve your items and take back any change owed to you.  At the same time don't forget to take a (registered) receipt*.  If you discover any problem with items purchased, you can use the receipt to exchange your goods and protect your rights as a consumer.

9. Jun Jie to Water Running Up 郡界到水往上流

Jun Jie is the area north of Shan Yuan.  It's between Beinan and Dong He townships. 郡界位於杉原北邊.  它位在卑南鄉和東河鄉之間.

These guys are hiding out in what used to be the Golden Beach Resort.  It's been closed for years. 這二位先生隱身在以前的黃金海灘裡面.  這個地方好幾年前就停止營業了.

Further north there's a road down to the ocean. 更往北有條路通到海邊.

Looking north toward Shin Lan. 往北邊的新蘭看過去.

Looking south, not far from the southern end of Dong He Township.  The hill in the background is Monkey Mountain near Fu Gang. 靠近東河鄉南部的邊界往南看.  背景中的山坡是富岡附近的猴子山.

Scenic overlook next to Highway 11. 台11線的觀景台.

Shin Lan.  It doesn't look like much from the highway, but it's much cuter near the ocean. 新蘭.  從台11線看起來不怎麼樣, 可是靠近海邊的部分很可愛.

Jia Mu Dze Bay, south of Dulan.  This area is very popular with tourists. 都蘭南邊的加母子灣.  這裡很受觀光客的歡迎.

View from the other side of the same bay. 加母子灣的另外一邊.

Overlooking Jia Mu Dze Bay is an abandoned building.  It's both spooky and full of interesting graffiti.  It's probably also a good place to find snakes. 加母子灣上有一棟荒廢的建築物.  這棟屋子除了陰森外, 還有很多有趣的塗鴉.  應該也很容易看到蛇吧.

On top of the hill, just before Dulan, is Water Running Up.  In my opinion this is one of the lamest tourist attractions in Taitung County*, but of course everyone has to go there at least once. 在山坡上, 還不到都蘭水往上流.  我覺得這個景點是台東最爛景點中的一個, 卻是大家都一定要去過一次的地方.

Is the water running up?  I suppose you'll have to go and see for yourself. 水真是往上流嗎?  你自己來看看吧!

There are a few stands inside, but nothing you can't buy in other places.  If I were you, I'd avoid this place on weekends (if possible). 裡面有幾個攤子, 可是那邊的商品你在其他地方都可以買到.  週末最好不要來這裡(如果可以的話).

Back down the coast, close to the northern boundary of Beinan Township, is the road up to Dulan Mountain.**  This road goes up very high, and ends in a parking lot where the Dulan Mountain Trail starts. 再回到海邊, 卑南鄉北部的邊界附近有一條上都蘭山的路.  這條路通到高山上, 終點是都蘭山林道的停車場.

It's definitely the least visited area in this entry. 這個地區是觀光客最少的.

Looking north, way down toward Dulan.  My wife spotted a family of wild pigs here, but they ran away too quickly for me to take a picture. 看往北邊的都蘭.  我太太在這裡看到一家山豬, 可是牠們跑太快, 沒辦法拍照.

10. What's Going in Taitung City and County Townships/Municipalities 台東市,鄉,鎮最近動向 7

For those less familiar with Taiwan, the "big" cities are divided into districts (區), and the counties are divided into cities (市), townships (鄉), and municipalities (鎮).  給對台灣比較不熟悉的讀者: 大城市 (高雄, 台南, 台中, 新竹, 桃園, 基隆, 嘉義, 台北, 跟新北市) 以下劃分為"區", 縣 (城市外的地方)則由市, 鄉, 鎮組成.

1. Da Ren Township 達仁鄉公所

They'll be opening the new stretch of the Southern Cross-Island Highway soon.  The article says December 20, but I've also heard December 25 (Christmas) as the date it will be open to traffic. 南迴公路最新一段快要通車了.  報告說十二月二十日, 可是我還聽說是十二月二十五日 (聖誕節).

The abandoned aquaculture ponds north of Nan Tian Village are the only public lands in Da Ren Township.  The local government recently tried to auction the right to use that land and no one put in a bid.  達仁鄉的公共用地只有南田村北邊的養殖魚地.  最近公所對外招標, 可是沒有廠商投標.

2. Da Wu Township 大武鄉公所

A fashion designer from Da Wu is getting some attention from the local government.  County Magistrate Rao Ching-ling has been spotted wearing some of his designs. 縣政府支持大武鄉的服裝設計師.  縣長饒慶鈴穿過他的衣服.

3. Jin Feng Township 金峰鄉公所

In Jin Feng it's the start of the roselle flower season.  金峰的洛神花季開始了.

4. Tai Ma Li Township 太麻里鄉公所

A girl was crushed to death under one of those "plastic pipe fishing boats" used by local fishermen.  The boat had been pulled up onto a nearby beach. 太麻里沙灘上的膠筏翻覆, 女子遭重壓死亡.  

In order to protect the "Japanese bald-headed shark", authorities in Tai Ma Li have suspending fishing on the Tai Ma Li and Jin Luen rivers.* 為了保育日本禿頭鯊, 太麻里溪和金崙溪公告禁漁期.

14 local farmers won awards in the Tai Ma Li Farmer's Association Coffee Competition. 14位農民在太麻里農會咖啡競賽得獎.

5. Orchid Island Township 蘭嶼鄉公所

Boat service to Orchid Island was cancelled on October 14-16 because of heavy winds.  Visitors to Taitung should be aware that this happens often.  因為東北風的影響, 14-16日往返台東與蘭嶼的船班被取消.  來台東的觀光客應該知道這種事常常發生.

6. Green Island Township 綠島鄉公所

Boat service to Green Island was also cancelled.  往返綠島的船班也被取消.

Members of the coast guard rescued a sea turtle from a fishing net.  海巡越洋救被漁網纏繞的海龜.

Netizens and members of the Taitung County Government blamed residents of Green Island for the disappearance of (pearl-bearing) clams that were raised there.  The head of the Green Island Township Office protested.  有的網友說在綠島養的海中玫瑰失蹤是綠島鄉民的錯.  綠島鄉長抗議鄉民被汙名化.

7. Taitung City 台東市公所

A doctor at the Christian Hospital won an award for his dedication to medicine.  He's delivered A LOT of babies.  基督教醫院的醫生獲醫療奉獻獎.  他接生了非常多嬰兒.

Monkeys!  I hate monkeys!  One of them is causing trouble for homeowners near the Taitung Train Station. 猴子!  我很討厭猴子!  有一隻在台東車站附近作怪.

A foreign woman was sunbathing near Taitung's Seashore Park* and was harassed by a Taiwanese man.  Now he gets to go to prison for a year.  一名外國女子在台東海濱公園附近做日光浴, 卻受到一名台灣男子撫摸猥褻, 最後法院審結依強制猥褻罪判處男子一年一個月期徒刑.

8. Beinan Township 卑南鄉公所

There was a softball competition in Beinan recently. 最近卑南舉辦慢速壘球賽.

A 56 year old farmer was killed after his truck, one of those elongated types used to spray pesticides, tipped over and crushed him. 農用噴藥車翻覆, 壓死56歲農夫.***

9. Dong He Township 東河鄉公所

A driver lost control of his car, hit a guardrail, and his car then erupted into flames.  He died on the scene.  All I can say is that guy must have been driving FAST.  小車失控撞護欄起火.  駕駛當場身亡.  他一定開超級快.

The surfing competition is coming.  It starts on November 23. 衝浪比賽快到了, 是11月23日開始.

Hey, I know some of those guys!  Here's an article about foreigners living and and surfing in Dulan. 我認識其中的一些人.  這篇報導介紹了都蘭喜歡衝浪的外籍居民.

10. Cheng Gong Municipality 成功鎮公所

A groundbreaking ceremony was held for a multi-purpose care center in Cheng Gong.  This facility will provide more services for the elderly.  成功舉辦多元照服中心的開工動土典禮, 以後那邊的長者將能享受到更多的服務.

In Cheng Gong the arrival of fall means the arrival of swordfish.  Local fishermen will be competing to catch them. 在成功, 秋天的到來就是旗魚的季節.  當地的漁民能參加鏢旗魚競賽.

11. Chang Bin Township 長濱鄉公所

A private foundation has set up a new "work station" in Chang Bin to assist the elderly in remote areas.  一個基金會在長濱建置一所工作站, 提供偏鄉長輩的服務.

A farmer in Chang Bin is using a special method to increase the number of times he's able to harvest plaintains each year.  He's making a lot of money doing so. 長濱有一位農夫用特別的方法種芭蕉.  一年可以多次收成.  他賺大錢!

12. Lu Ye Township 鹿野鄉公所

A cyclist in his/her 60s, attempting to bicycle around the island, had to call for assistance after encountering the heat in Lu Ye.  The cyclist was later taken to Fu Li. 一位六十幾歲的單車騎士環島時, 因為天氣太熱而在鹿野求救.  最後警方幫助他前往下一個目的地富里.

Several Germans recently visited Yong An Community in Lu Ye as part of an agricultural exchange.  They had many good things to say about their experience. 最近幾個德國人來鹿野鄉永安社區參訪 "金牌農村."  一位德國人說要" 把這裡的好帶回德國分享."

13. Yan Ping Township 延平鄉公所

Yan Ping Township is looking to hire a "monkey expeller" to drive monkeys from local fields.  It doesn't pay much, but if you're looking for a career change... 延平鄉公所僱用 "驅猴人."  工作就是嚇阻猴子.  月薪不高, 可是想換工作跑道的人可以試試...

Women's wrestling was a highlight of a recent athletic competition held in Yan Ping.  最近延平舉辦的運動會有女子摔角競賽.

14. Guanshan Municipality 關山鎮公所

Jong Fu Community in Guanshan won an award for community development. 關山中福區獲社區發展的甲等獎.

Authorities in Guanshan have already seized more than 1500 kg in property from drug dealers.  The police chief there are taking a hard line against drugs. 關山警察查獲1500餘公斤毒品.  分局長上廣播反毒.

15. Hai Duan Township 海端鄉公所

The head of the Hai Duan Township Office is asking the Taitung County Government for assistance in improving facilities in that area. 海端鄉長尋求台東縣政府的協助改善那裏的建設.

In Hai Duan the persimmons have ripened, and are selling in places as far away as Taipei. 海端的柿子紅了, 將到北部行銷.

A climber suffering from altitude sickness while trying to visit Jia Ming Lake was taken to Guanshan for medical attention. 往嘉明湖的登山客罹患高山症被送到關山醫院.

16. Chr Shang Township 池上鄉公所

The Chr Shang Farmer's Association won a prize in the "Taiwan Fried Rice King" competition's eastern division. 池上農會獲得台灣炒飯王東區競賽的冠軍.

Starting December 21 the Chr Shang Township Office will run a free"lucky bus" to meet residents' transportation needs.  十二月二十一日開始, 池上公所特別開辦免費的幸福巴士滿足鄉民交通需求. 


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