January - March 2017
1. 台灣民俗由來 The Origin of Taiwanese Customs (4 of 4) (January 2017)
The (Chinese) questions and answers below are from the book "The Origins of Taiwanese Customs." The Chinese was written by Lin Mao-shian, and the English translation was written by me. 下列的中文問題跟答案來自於台灣民俗由來這本書. 這本書的作者是林茂賢先生. 我則是將他書中的部分內容翻譯成英文.
Below are chapters 25-32 from the "Folk Beliefs" section. There are 32 chapters in all. 以下是 "民俗信仰" 第二十五到第三十二章的部分. "民俗信仰" 這個單元總共有三十二章.
25. Q: 為什麼考生要拜文昌帝君? Why do students pray to Emperor Wen Chang before a test?
A: 在民間信仰中, 文昌星是專門掌管考試的神, 人們稱祂為 "文昌帝君." 古代有科舉制度, 所以考生會到文昌廟拜拜, 祈求文昌帝君保佑他們金榜題名, 文昌帝君也因此成為考生的守護神, 且流傳至今. 祭拜文昌帝君時, 除了要帶准考證影本外, 還要準備蔥 (聰明), 芹菜 (勤勞), 蘿蔔 (好彩頭), 粽子 (包中) 等. 當然, 除了祈求神明的保佑之外, 最重要的還是自己的努力唷! In folk beliefs, Wen Chang-shing is a spirit in charge of tests, and people also call him "Emperor Wen Chang." In ancient times there was an imperial examination system, and students taking the examination would go to Wen Chang's temple to pray for a passing score.1 Because of this, Emperor Wen Chang became the god which protects those who take tests, and this mark of distinction has been passed down to the present day. When praying to Emperor Wen Chang, you should bring your test registration paper2, and you should also prepare onions (which sound like "smart" in Chinese), celery (which sound like "hard-working"), radishes (which sound like "good luck" [in Taiwanese]), dumplings (which sound like "achievement")3, and other things. Of course, aside from praying to gods for protection, the most important thing is to always put forth your best effort!
26. Q: 為什麼會有 "床母?" Why is there a "Bed Mother?"
A: 床母是嬰兒的守護神, 人們會祭拜床母, 源自於古代的物靈崇拜, 認為窗戶, 門和床這些與生活息息相關的東西皆有神靈, 而小寶寶的睡眠時間較長, 自然與床的關係更密切. 據說為了方辨認不同的寶寶, 床母會在寶寶的身上做記號, 這就是 "胎記" 的由來, 也是閩南語所說的 "鳥母做記號." 如果寶寶在夜晚啼哭, 父母可以準備祭品擺在床鋪正中央來祭拜床母, 請祂保佑寶寶一夜好眠. The Bed Mother is a spirit that watches over infants. The worship of the Bed Mother comes from the ancient belief that everyday things such as windows, doors, and beds each have their own spirit, and that these spirits should be worshiped. Because babies sleep longer, the relationship between infants and their beds is even more intimate. It is said that in order to distinguish one baby from another, the Bed Mother will place a mark on each baby, and that this is where birthmarks come from. There is also the Taiwanese saying, "the mother bird makes a mark." If a baby cries during the night, the parents can place offerings to the Bed Mother in the center of the bed, and ask her to protect their child, so that it can have a good sleep during the night.
27. Q: 為什麼要拜 "地基主?" Why do we pray to the "Lords of the Place?"
A: 地基主指的是土地原來的主人, 所以搬新家時, 一定要先和地基主打個招呼, 以表達對祂的感恩; 逢年過節時, 也要記得向祂請安, 請祂保佑住在房子裡的人都平安, 順利, 祭拜地基主的時間通常是在中午過後, 天黑以前, 要準備一張矮桌, 以家中飯菜為供品, 從廚房往客廳的方向拜 (由外往內). 另外, 民間傳說地基主特別喜歡吃雞腿, 所以祭拜時, 別忘了準備一隻熟雞腿喔! "Lord of the Place" refers to the person who first lived upon a piece of land. When you move to a new house, you must first greet the Lord of the Place, and express your thanks to him or her.4 During festivals, you should also remember to ask this spirit to protect those living in your house. The Lord of the Place is usually worshiped after noon, and before the sky grows dark. You should prepare a short table, and use your home-cooked meals as an offering5 - praying from the kitchen to the living room (from the outside inward). In addition, it is a commonly held folk belief that the Lord of the Place likes chicken legs, so when you you make an offering to him or her, you should remember to include a cooked chicken leg!
28. Q: 什麼樣的人需要 "安太歲?" Who needs to "An Tai Suei?"
A: 太歲爺就是歲神, 一共有六十位, 祂們依照天干地支所配成的六十甲子輪流值歲. 由於這六十位太歲爺是依照十二生肖的順序排列, 所以每年值歲的太歲爺都不一樣, 而當年屬該生肖的民眾, 都要供奉太歲爺, 祈求祂保佑自己平安. 現在已經很少人會在家中祭拜太歲爺了, 大多會在每年過年的時候, 去廟裡安太歲. 其實安太歲同時有安穩心神的作用, 心情輕鬆愉快, 自然會覺得一切順利. The Tai Suei Grandfathers are the gods of (old) age, and there are 60 of them in total. They rotate in accordance with the "Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches,"6 through a period of 60 years. Since the 60 Tai Suei Grandfathers' positions change in relation to the Chinese zodiac, the yearly significance of each also changes. Those born under a zodiac sign for a given year should ask the Tai Suei Grandfather of that year for his protection. Very few people now worship the Tai Suei Grandfathers in their homes, and instead "An Tai Suei" in the temple each lunar new year. In fact, going to An Tai Suei can also have a calming effect on the mind, can raise your spirits, and improve your outlook on life.
29. Q: 為什麼客家人會有 "義民節?" Why do Hakka people celebrate the "Yi Min Festival?"
A: 清朝末年, 發生朱一貴, 林爽文, 戴潮春等抗清事件, 讓全台灣陷入混亂, 連官兵都無力抵抗, 各地人民只能自願組織義勇軍來保護家園. 當時, 以林爽文抗清事件的規模最大, 而新竹地區的客家義民團死傷特別慘重, 政府為了褒揚因平亂而犧牲的義士, 便封他們為 "義民," 地方上也興建了義民廟. 農曆七月二十日為 "義民節," 每年由客家村莊輪流祭拜, 已成為客家族群的重要節日之一. During the Ching Dynasty, Lin Shuang-wen, Dai Chao-chun, and others took part in one of the largest anti-Ching uprisings. This uprising caused a great deal of unrest in Taiwan. Even the officers of the empire were unable to quell the disturbance, and all that people could do was to form bands, and protect their own homes. At the same time, when Lin Shuang-wen's rebellion against the Ching reached its highest pitch, many of the bands formed by Hakka people around Hsinchu sustained heavy casualties. In order to memorialize the bravery of these combatants, the government declared that they were "righteous men" (Yi Min), and built the Yi Min Temple in their honor. The 20th day of the 7th lunar month is also the "Yi Min Festival," which is hosted in a different Hakka village every year. It has become one of the most important Hakka festivals.
30. Q: 八仙過海是指哪 "八仙?" Who are the "Eight Immortals" referred to as crossing the sea?
A: "八仙過海" 是道教的傳說故事, 民間一般認定的八仙是指漢鐘離, 呂洞賓, 張果老, 韓湘子, 鐵拐李, 何仙姑, 蘭采和, 曹國舅, 這八個代表男女老幼, 貧賤富貴的人. 祂們原本都是凡人, 在不同機緣下先後修得正果. 呂洞賓是八仙中最有名的, 還有專門供奉祂的寺廟, 不過傳說祂因為追求觀世音菩薩失敗, 所以看到祭拜者是情侶時就會心生忌妒, 故意拆散他們, 因而被稱為 "情人的尅星." "The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea" is a Taoist legend. The Eight Immortals are generally recognized as Han Jong-li, Lu Dong-bin, Jang Guo-lao, Han Shiang-dze, Tie Guai-li, He Shian-gu, Lan Tsai-he, and Tsao Guo-jiou. These eight beings represent men, women, the old, the young, the rich, and the poor. They were originally mortals, living under different circumstances, who came to different ends. Lu Dong-bin is the most famous of the Eight Immortals, and there was once a temple dedicated to him. But legend has it that he declined to follow the goddess Guanyin7, and that he would become jealous when lovers would come to worship him, and that he would subsequently cause their break-up. For this he was called "The Lover's Nemesis."
31. Q: 為什麼會有 "電母?" Why is there an "Electric Mother?"
A: 從前有一位善良的媳婦, 她平常十分節儉, 對婆婆也很孝順. 有一天, 她看見鄰居將不要的米飯丟掉, 就趕緊上前要去撿, 天上的雷公看見了, 誤以為米飯是她丟的, 認為她很浪費食物, 一氣之下就用雷把她劈死了. 玉皇大帝知道了這件事, 十分同情這位無辜的媳婦, 就讓她升天做仙, 成為電母. 從此以後, 雷公要劈雷前, 電都會先發出閃電, 好讓雷公看清楚, 不要再錯殺無辜了. A long time ago, there was a good daughter-in-law. She was usually very frugal, and dutiful toward her mother-in-law. One day she saw a neighbor throwing away some rice that he didn't want, and she quickly went over to pick it up. The Lord of the Lightning saw this clearly from the sky, and he mistakenly assumed that it was the daughter-in-law who had thrown out the rice, and thus wasted food. In his anger he struck her with a thunderbolt and killed her. Once the Jade Emperor learned of this business, he felt very sympathetic toward the innocent daughter-in-law, and he allowed her to live in heaven as an immortal. This is how she became the Electric Mother. After this, the Electric Mother would release [a flash of] lightning before the Lord of the Lightning struck, so that he could see clearly, and not mistakenly kill the innocent.8
32. Q: 為什麼寺廟會有 "建醮" 活動? Why do temples hold a "Jian Jiao" activity?
A: 建醮指的是道教儀式中 "設壇祭神" 的意思, 又稱為 "做醮," 通常在新廟落成, 或是想要祈福消災時便會舉辦此活動, 而祈福的例如祈安醮, 消災的例如瘟醮 (王船醮) 等. 一般建醮約舉行三天, 已算是大醮, 稱為三朝醮, 但依舉行的天數, 又有一朝醮, 二朝醮, 五朝醮, 七朝醮等差異, 甚至還有舉行四十九天的羅天大醮. 一般建醮期間, 住在附近的居民要吃素, 直到醮期結束. "Jian Jiao" refers to the Taoist ritual of "setting up the altar." It is also called "making Jiao," and is usually performed when a new temple is completed, or during a time of disaster. The more placid type of "Jiao" is the "Praying Jiao," while the type associated with disasters is the "Plague Jiao" (or "Wang Chuan Jiao"9). Most "Jiao" rituals last for three days, and are referred to as "Big Jiao," or "Three Jhao Jiao." "Jiao" rituals can also be held for other numbers of days, and include the "One Jhao Jiao," the "Two Jhao Jiao," the "Five Jhao Jiao," and the "Seven Jhao Jiao." There is also the "Luo Tian Big Jiao," which lasts for 49 days. During most of the "Jiao" rituals, those living nearby should refrain from eating meat until the ritual is concluded.
1. The phrase in Chinese - 金榜題名 is a little more complicated that just "passing the test." This was something specific to the old Chinese imperial examination system. They had a big board, and if your name appeared on the board you had passed the test. It can be an idiom (成語) for passing a test, doing well on a test, or even being "set for life."
2. When you take a big test in Taiwan, you get a registration paper with your number on it. According to my wife, you bring the paper so that the god can know your number.
3. A lot of the offerings made at temples consist of things with names that sound like, or are associated with, other things. "Onion" or 蔥 (tsong) for example, sounds like the 聰 (tsong) in 聰明 ("smart").
4. I'm adding the "her" here. I think the common assumption would be that the Lord of the Place was originally a man.
5. An "offering" in this context is something placed before a god, so that he/she might spiritually consume all or part of it. Of course the god doesn't actually eat the food, and those who cooked it are free to consume it after a respectful length of time.
6. Also called the "Chinese sexagenary cycle."
7. There are many instances of this kind of behavior in Chinese religion/mythology. Older, more traditional gods and goddesses give way to a newer Buddhist deity. Kind of a backhanded compliment paid toward Buddhism, if you ask me!
8. What a weird story. So by the reasoning of this story, it's a) ok for gods to kill people for wasting food, and b) everyone who gets struck by lightning deserves it!
9. Could be translated as: "Emperor Boat Jiao."
Below are chapters 25-32 from the "Folk Beliefs" section. There are 32 chapters in all. 以下是 "民俗信仰" 第二十五到第三十二章的部分. "民俗信仰" 這個單元總共有三十二章.
25. Q: 為什麼考生要拜文昌帝君? Why do students pray to Emperor Wen Chang before a test?
A: 在民間信仰中, 文昌星是專門掌管考試的神, 人們稱祂為 "文昌帝君." 古代有科舉制度, 所以考生會到文昌廟拜拜, 祈求文昌帝君保佑他們金榜題名, 文昌帝君也因此成為考生的守護神, 且流傳至今. 祭拜文昌帝君時, 除了要帶准考證影本外, 還要準備蔥 (聰明), 芹菜 (勤勞), 蘿蔔 (好彩頭), 粽子 (包中) 等. 當然, 除了祈求神明的保佑之外, 最重要的還是自己的努力唷! In folk beliefs, Wen Chang-shing is a spirit in charge of tests, and people also call him "Emperor Wen Chang." In ancient times there was an imperial examination system, and students taking the examination would go to Wen Chang's temple to pray for a passing score.1 Because of this, Emperor Wen Chang became the god which protects those who take tests, and this mark of distinction has been passed down to the present day. When praying to Emperor Wen Chang, you should bring your test registration paper2, and you should also prepare onions (which sound like "smart" in Chinese), celery (which sound like "hard-working"), radishes (which sound like "good luck" [in Taiwanese]), dumplings (which sound like "achievement")3, and other things. Of course, aside from praying to gods for protection, the most important thing is to always put forth your best effort!
26. Q: 為什麼會有 "床母?" Why is there a "Bed Mother?"
A: 床母是嬰兒的守護神, 人們會祭拜床母, 源自於古代的物靈崇拜, 認為窗戶, 門和床這些與生活息息相關的東西皆有神靈, 而小寶寶的睡眠時間較長, 自然與床的關係更密切. 據說為了方辨認不同的寶寶, 床母會在寶寶的身上做記號, 這就是 "胎記" 的由來, 也是閩南語所說的 "鳥母做記號." 如果寶寶在夜晚啼哭, 父母可以準備祭品擺在床鋪正中央來祭拜床母, 請祂保佑寶寶一夜好眠. The Bed Mother is a spirit that watches over infants. The worship of the Bed Mother comes from the ancient belief that everyday things such as windows, doors, and beds each have their own spirit, and that these spirits should be worshiped. Because babies sleep longer, the relationship between infants and their beds is even more intimate. It is said that in order to distinguish one baby from another, the Bed Mother will place a mark on each baby, and that this is where birthmarks come from. There is also the Taiwanese saying, "the mother bird makes a mark." If a baby cries during the night, the parents can place offerings to the Bed Mother in the center of the bed, and ask her to protect their child, so that it can have a good sleep during the night.
27. Q: 為什麼要拜 "地基主?" Why do we pray to the "Lords of the Place?"
A: 地基主指的是土地原來的主人, 所以搬新家時, 一定要先和地基主打個招呼, 以表達對祂的感恩; 逢年過節時, 也要記得向祂請安, 請祂保佑住在房子裡的人都平安, 順利, 祭拜地基主的時間通常是在中午過後, 天黑以前, 要準備一張矮桌, 以家中飯菜為供品, 從廚房往客廳的方向拜 (由外往內). 另外, 民間傳說地基主特別喜歡吃雞腿, 所以祭拜時, 別忘了準備一隻熟雞腿喔! "Lord of the Place" refers to the person who first lived upon a piece of land. When you move to a new house, you must first greet the Lord of the Place, and express your thanks to him or her.4 During festivals, you should also remember to ask this spirit to protect those living in your house. The Lord of the Place is usually worshiped after noon, and before the sky grows dark. You should prepare a short table, and use your home-cooked meals as an offering5 - praying from the kitchen to the living room (from the outside inward). In addition, it is a commonly held folk belief that the Lord of the Place likes chicken legs, so when you you make an offering to him or her, you should remember to include a cooked chicken leg!
28. Q: 什麼樣的人需要 "安太歲?" Who needs to "An Tai Suei?"
A: 太歲爺就是歲神, 一共有六十位, 祂們依照天干地支所配成的六十甲子輪流值歲. 由於這六十位太歲爺是依照十二生肖的順序排列, 所以每年值歲的太歲爺都不一樣, 而當年屬該生肖的民眾, 都要供奉太歲爺, 祈求祂保佑自己平安. 現在已經很少人會在家中祭拜太歲爺了, 大多會在每年過年的時候, 去廟裡安太歲. 其實安太歲同時有安穩心神的作用, 心情輕鬆愉快, 自然會覺得一切順利. The Tai Suei Grandfathers are the gods of (old) age, and there are 60 of them in total. They rotate in accordance with the "Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches,"6 through a period of 60 years. Since the 60 Tai Suei Grandfathers' positions change in relation to the Chinese zodiac, the yearly significance of each also changes. Those born under a zodiac sign for a given year should ask the Tai Suei Grandfather of that year for his protection. Very few people now worship the Tai Suei Grandfathers in their homes, and instead "An Tai Suei" in the temple each lunar new year. In fact, going to An Tai Suei can also have a calming effect on the mind, can raise your spirits, and improve your outlook on life.
29. Q: 為什麼客家人會有 "義民節?" Why do Hakka people celebrate the "Yi Min Festival?"
A: 清朝末年, 發生朱一貴, 林爽文, 戴潮春等抗清事件, 讓全台灣陷入混亂, 連官兵都無力抵抗, 各地人民只能自願組織義勇軍來保護家園. 當時, 以林爽文抗清事件的規模最大, 而新竹地區的客家義民團死傷特別慘重, 政府為了褒揚因平亂而犧牲的義士, 便封他們為 "義民," 地方上也興建了義民廟. 農曆七月二十日為 "義民節," 每年由客家村莊輪流祭拜, 已成為客家族群的重要節日之一. During the Ching Dynasty, Lin Shuang-wen, Dai Chao-chun, and others took part in one of the largest anti-Ching uprisings. This uprising caused a great deal of unrest in Taiwan. Even the officers of the empire were unable to quell the disturbance, and all that people could do was to form bands, and protect their own homes. At the same time, when Lin Shuang-wen's rebellion against the Ching reached its highest pitch, many of the bands formed by Hakka people around Hsinchu sustained heavy casualties. In order to memorialize the bravery of these combatants, the government declared that they were "righteous men" (Yi Min), and built the Yi Min Temple in their honor. The 20th day of the 7th lunar month is also the "Yi Min Festival," which is hosted in a different Hakka village every year. It has become one of the most important Hakka festivals.
30. Q: 八仙過海是指哪 "八仙?" Who are the "Eight Immortals" referred to as crossing the sea?
A: "八仙過海" 是道教的傳說故事, 民間一般認定的八仙是指漢鐘離, 呂洞賓, 張果老, 韓湘子, 鐵拐李, 何仙姑, 蘭采和, 曹國舅, 這八個代表男女老幼, 貧賤富貴的人. 祂們原本都是凡人, 在不同機緣下先後修得正果. 呂洞賓是八仙中最有名的, 還有專門供奉祂的寺廟, 不過傳說祂因為追求觀世音菩薩失敗, 所以看到祭拜者是情侶時就會心生忌妒, 故意拆散他們, 因而被稱為 "情人的尅星." "The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea" is a Taoist legend. The Eight Immortals are generally recognized as Han Jong-li, Lu Dong-bin, Jang Guo-lao, Han Shiang-dze, Tie Guai-li, He Shian-gu, Lan Tsai-he, and Tsao Guo-jiou. These eight beings represent men, women, the old, the young, the rich, and the poor. They were originally mortals, living under different circumstances, who came to different ends. Lu Dong-bin is the most famous of the Eight Immortals, and there was once a temple dedicated to him. But legend has it that he declined to follow the goddess Guanyin7, and that he would become jealous when lovers would come to worship him, and that he would subsequently cause their break-up. For this he was called "The Lover's Nemesis."
31. Q: 為什麼會有 "電母?" Why is there an "Electric Mother?"
A: 從前有一位善良的媳婦, 她平常十分節儉, 對婆婆也很孝順. 有一天, 她看見鄰居將不要的米飯丟掉, 就趕緊上前要去撿, 天上的雷公看見了, 誤以為米飯是她丟的, 認為她很浪費食物, 一氣之下就用雷把她劈死了. 玉皇大帝知道了這件事, 十分同情這位無辜的媳婦, 就讓她升天做仙, 成為電母. 從此以後, 雷公要劈雷前, 電都會先發出閃電, 好讓雷公看清楚, 不要再錯殺無辜了. A long time ago, there was a good daughter-in-law. She was usually very frugal, and dutiful toward her mother-in-law. One day she saw a neighbor throwing away some rice that he didn't want, and she quickly went over to pick it up. The Lord of the Lightning saw this clearly from the sky, and he mistakenly assumed that it was the daughter-in-law who had thrown out the rice, and thus wasted food. In his anger he struck her with a thunderbolt and killed her. Once the Jade Emperor learned of this business, he felt very sympathetic toward the innocent daughter-in-law, and he allowed her to live in heaven as an immortal. This is how she became the Electric Mother. After this, the Electric Mother would release [a flash of] lightning before the Lord of the Lightning struck, so that he could see clearly, and not mistakenly kill the innocent.8
32. Q: 為什麼寺廟會有 "建醮" 活動? Why do temples hold a "Jian Jiao" activity?
A: 建醮指的是道教儀式中 "設壇祭神" 的意思, 又稱為 "做醮," 通常在新廟落成, 或是想要祈福消災時便會舉辦此活動, 而祈福的例如祈安醮, 消災的例如瘟醮 (王船醮) 等. 一般建醮約舉行三天, 已算是大醮, 稱為三朝醮, 但依舉行的天數, 又有一朝醮, 二朝醮, 五朝醮, 七朝醮等差異, 甚至還有舉行四十九天的羅天大醮. 一般建醮期間, 住在附近的居民要吃素, 直到醮期結束. "Jian Jiao" refers to the Taoist ritual of "setting up the altar." It is also called "making Jiao," and is usually performed when a new temple is completed, or during a time of disaster. The more placid type of "Jiao" is the "Praying Jiao," while the type associated with disasters is the "Plague Jiao" (or "Wang Chuan Jiao"9). Most "Jiao" rituals last for three days, and are referred to as "Big Jiao," or "Three Jhao Jiao." "Jiao" rituals can also be held for other numbers of days, and include the "One Jhao Jiao," the "Two Jhao Jiao," the "Five Jhao Jiao," and the "Seven Jhao Jiao." There is also the "Luo Tian Big Jiao," which lasts for 49 days. During most of the "Jiao" rituals, those living nearby should refrain from eating meat until the ritual is concluded.
1. The phrase in Chinese - 金榜題名 is a little more complicated that just "passing the test." This was something specific to the old Chinese imperial examination system. They had a big board, and if your name appeared on the board you had passed the test. It can be an idiom (成語) for passing a test, doing well on a test, or even being "set for life."
2. When you take a big test in Taiwan, you get a registration paper with your number on it. According to my wife, you bring the paper so that the god can know your number.
3. A lot of the offerings made at temples consist of things with names that sound like, or are associated with, other things. "Onion" or 蔥 (tsong) for example, sounds like the 聰 (tsong) in 聰明 ("smart").
4. I'm adding the "her" here. I think the common assumption would be that the Lord of the Place was originally a man.
5. An "offering" in this context is something placed before a god, so that he/she might spiritually consume all or part of it. Of course the god doesn't actually eat the food, and those who cooked it are free to consume it after a respectful length of time.
6. Also called the "Chinese sexagenary cycle."
7. There are many instances of this kind of behavior in Chinese religion/mythology. Older, more traditional gods and goddesses give way to a newer Buddhist deity. Kind of a backhanded compliment paid toward Buddhism, if you ask me!
8. What a weird story. So by the reasoning of this story, it's a) ok for gods to kill people for wasting food, and b) everyone who gets struck by lightning deserves it!
9. Could be translated as: "Emperor Boat Jiao."
2. Walking Around Fu Yuan Leisure Farm 在富源農場散步 (January 2017)
On New Year's Eve my friend Paul and I were talking about our shared love of old, abandoned buildings. He reminded me of the Fu Yuan Leisure Farm, which I discovered not long before. 元旦前夕, 我跟我的朋友Paul討論著我們兩個人都喜歡的老舊且很久沒有人使用的建築物. 他讓我想到最近發現的富源農場.
There's not much to say about the following pictures, but if you're looking for the Fu Yuan Leisure Farm, it's not hard to find. Just go up Highway 197 from Shr Chuan Village, and when you're almost to Shing Shing ("Star Star") Village, you'll see a sign on your right. It's about minute or so down the hill. 下面的照片沒什麼好介紹的, 這個地方不難找. 從石川197縣路上去, 快到星星部落的時候你會在右邊看到富源農場的牌子, 從那裏到農場只要一分鐘.
3. Taipei from a Distance 遊客的台北 (February 2017)
I suppose I like Taipei because it's everything Taitung isn't. It's is big, it's crowded, it's expensive, and there's something going on all the time. If you've got the money, Taipei can be a fun place to visit. 我喜歡台北的原因應該是台北跟台東是二個完全不同的城市. 台北很大, 人很多, 很貴, 很熱鬧. 如果你有錢的話, 台北是個有趣的都市.
I was there during Chinese New Year. We arrived just before the holiday started, and left just as the holiday was ending. We took the train to get there, and spent a lot of time on the MRT. 我春節的時候在那裏. 我們除夕的前一天到台北, 初三回來台東. 我們坐火車, 然後利用捷運逛台北.
While we were there, we visited the new shopping center near the Nangang train station. We ate at restaurants near the 101. We had a big dinner with my wife's family in Keelung. We also had another big dinner with other family members in Shulin. 我們在台北的時候去南港車站附近的新百貨公司. 也在台北101附近的餐廳吃飯. 我們在各在基隆和樹林與我太太的家人吃團圓飯.
I had some time to bicycle around Keelung. It was a new experience for me. I took my brother's mountain bike from Baifu to Keelung Port, and on another day I rode from Baifu to Pingshi. As a result I know the roads around Keelung a lot better, and I think I'd have little trouble navigating that area in the future. 我這一次有時間在基隆騎單車. 對我來說這是新的體驗. 我從百福騎我小舅子的登山車到基隆港, 隔天則從百福騎到平溪. 在這之後, 我對基隆附近的路線比較了解了. 以後我應該不會在那裏迷路了!
And yes, my daughters got their red envelopes from various relatives. My younger daughter used her money to buy a toy scooter, and my older daughter bought a backpack and a new pair of shoes. It's always funny, watching their eyes grow big at the prospect of buying something in Taipei. So many stores. So many shopping districts. So many choices. 我的女兒從其他家人那裏收到紅包. 我的寶妮用錢買一台滑板車, 她姊姊用錢買一個背包跟一雙新鞋子. 看她們在台北考慮要買什麼滿好玩. 那麼多商店! 那麼多商圈! 那麼多選擇!
My wife and I spent most of our money on food. Burgers and beer, with the occasional coffee thrown in. There is really no end to the food in Taipei. None of it's cheap of course, but if you have the cash, there's always something new to eat. 我跟太太兩個人花最多錢在美食上. 我們去美式餐廳吃漢堡喝啤酒, 還有幾次在咖啡廳喝咖啡. 台北什麼美食都有. 當然也不便宜, 可是如果你有錢, 要嘗試沒吃過的食物都沒有問題.
Looking back at our trip now, I'm glad to say that we had a great time in Taipei, even if we went through A LOT of money. And I probably would have spent even more money, if it hadn't rained on one of the days we were there. 回頭看這次的台北行, 雖然我們花了許多的錢, 但我覺得這一次的經驗很棒. 如果我們在那裏的第四天沒下雨的話, 我們應該會花更多的錢.
I'd love to go back to Taipei, but I think that for the sake of my finances I'll be avoiding it until June, when we pass through it on our way to Seattle. Taipei is big, it's crowded, it's expensive, and there's something going on there all the time, but I hope to have something remaining in my bank account for an even more expensive place - the city where I was born. 我很想去台北, 可是為了省錢只好等到六月, 在回去西雅圖的路上順道去. 台北很大, 人很多, 很貴, 也很熱鬧, 可是我要把錢省下來回去我那個比台北貴的家鄉.
4. What's Going on with the Taitung County Government 台東縣政府最近動向 (February 2017)
What follows below are what I thought were the most important and/or most interesting bits of news from various county government websites. 下列的內容都是我在縣府的各個單位網站上找到的. 是我認為最有趣或是最重要的.
Almost all of the sites below have an "English" link at the top of the page, but this link just directs you to the County's tourism portal. This tourism portal is listed below as "The Taitung County Tourism Department." Only the Cultural Affairs Department has its own English website. 幾乎下列的網站在網頁的最上方都有英文版的連結, 只是這些連結都會將你帶去觀光旅遊處的網站. 只有文化處有它自己的英文網站.
1. The Taitung County Government International Development and Planning Department 台東縣政府國際發展及計畫處
Because the Taitung County Government loves us more than our own parents, they are now posting an online version of the "Seeing Taitung" newsletter. Read and enjoy! 因為台東縣政府愛我們, 所以我們來看一看他們現在出的看見台東的電子報.
2. The Taitung County Indigenous Peoples Website 台東縣原住民族行政處
The Department of Culture's Film and TV Division and the "Pop Music Industry Bureau are encouraging Hakka residents and members of aboriginal tribes to register for the "Taiwan Locally Produced Pop Music Awards." There are a lot of talented aboriginal performers in Taitung County. "檢送文化部影視及流行音樂產業局、客家委員會與原住民族委員會共同舉辦之「臺灣原創流行音樂大獎徵選要點」...鼓勵各部落、原住民族團體及個人踴躍報名." 台東縣有很多有天分的原住民.
3. The Taitung County Personnel Department 台東縣政府人事處
Unsurprisingly, this is the most boring of the County websites. Want to know what positions they are hiring for? Look here! 這個網頁當然是縣政府網站上最無聊的. 想知道他們在找什麼人才嗎? 可以參考一下這個網頁.
4. The Taitung County Cultural Affairs Department 台東縣政府文化處
The Taitung Concert Orchestra will play at the Art Museum on February 28. Taitung's Christian Hospital will be sponsoring the event, so it might be kind of... religious? 台東回響樂團將於二月二十八日在美術館表演. 這是由台東基督教醫院所贊助, 所以可能有點宗教氣息?
5. The Taitung County Land Administration Department 台東縣政府地政處
They recently discussed how to improve maps of the areas around Yan Ping Township. 他們最近開會討論怎麼把延平附近的地圖畫得更好.
6. The Taitung County Civil Affairs Department 台東縣政府民政處
On February 6 they released a new County census. In case you're interested, there are now 220, 712 people residing in Taitung. 114,127 of them are men, and 106,585 of them are women. 106,364 of Taitung County's residents live in Taitung City, and only 3,522 people live in Yan Ping Township, which remains the most sparsely populated area in Taitung County. 他們二月六日發布最新的 "臺東縣各鄉鎮市現住人口數按姓別及原住民身分分." 如果你有興趣的話, 現在台東縣總共有220,712住民. 114,127住民是男的, 106,585是女的. 106,364的住民住在台東市內. 臺東縣人口最少的是延平鄉. 那邊的住民只有3,522個人.
7. The Taitung County Government Education Department 台東縣政府教育處
Orchid Island will host a marathon next month. Why this is on the Department of Education's website I have no idea. 下個月蘭嶼要舉辦一場馬拉松. 我搞不清楚這種資料怎麼會在教育處的網站上.
8. The Taitung County Agriculture Department 台東縣政府農業處
They recently held a meeting to discuss how to get young people to remain in their villages. As the census numbers suggest, many younger people are moving away from the countryside to pursue opportunities in urban areas. 行政院農業委員會跟水土保持局辦理 "2017年青年回留農村創新研究示範計畫." 看上面的人口普查就知道, 很多年輕人要離開鄉村去都市找工作機會.
9. The Taitung County Tourism Department 台東縣政府觀光旅遊處
This website hasn't been updated since October of last year! I think they are putting most of their energy into another tourism portal. 這個網頁的最新資料是去年十月的時候發出的. 我想他們可能把精力放在縣政府其他的觀光網頁吧!
10. The Public Health Bureau, Taitung County 臺東縣衛生局
The Bureau of Public Health has conducted several food safety inspections in advance of Lantern Festival. The result? All of the rice balls were ok! 元宵節前衛生局檢查湯圓的食品安全. 結果呢? 湯圓沒問題!
11. The Taitung County Fire Department 臺東縣消防局
As you might expect, the Fire Department's focus in advance of Lantern Festival has been fire safety. The Chinese New Year and Lantern Festival holidays are (by far) the most convenient times to accidentally set your house on fire. 元宵節前, 消防局當然很重視加強防火的能力. 春節跟元宵節是最容易把房子燒掉的時候.
12. The Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau 台東縣環境保護局
The local Environmental Protection Bureau has been trying to reduce noise pollution during Lantern Festival. This is a big concern for many local residents, and may be one of the reasons that Lantern Festival seems to get smaller every year. 地區的環保局努力降低元宵節的噪音汙染. 這是很多住民關心的問題, 這也可能是元宵節活動越來越少的原因.
Almost all of the sites below have an "English" link at the top of the page, but this link just directs you to the County's tourism portal. This tourism portal is listed below as "The Taitung County Tourism Department." Only the Cultural Affairs Department has its own English website. 幾乎下列的網站在網頁的最上方都有英文版的連結, 只是這些連結都會將你帶去觀光旅遊處的網站. 只有文化處有它自己的英文網站.
1. The Taitung County Government International Development and Planning Department 台東縣政府國際發展及計畫處
Because the Taitung County Government loves us more than our own parents, they are now posting an online version of the "Seeing Taitung" newsletter. Read and enjoy! 因為台東縣政府愛我們, 所以我們來看一看他們現在出的看見台東的電子報.
2. The Taitung County Indigenous Peoples Website 台東縣原住民族行政處
The Department of Culture's Film and TV Division and the "Pop Music Industry Bureau are encouraging Hakka residents and members of aboriginal tribes to register for the "Taiwan Locally Produced Pop Music Awards." There are a lot of talented aboriginal performers in Taitung County. "檢送文化部影視及流行音樂產業局、客家委員會與原住民族委員會共同舉辦之「臺灣原創流行音樂大獎徵選要點」...鼓勵各部落、原住民族團體及個人踴躍報名." 台東縣有很多有天分的原住民.
3. The Taitung County Personnel Department 台東縣政府人事處
Unsurprisingly, this is the most boring of the County websites. Want to know what positions they are hiring for? Look here! 這個網頁當然是縣政府網站上最無聊的. 想知道他們在找什麼人才嗎? 可以參考一下這個網頁.
4. The Taitung County Cultural Affairs Department 台東縣政府文化處
The Taitung Concert Orchestra will play at the Art Museum on February 28. Taitung's Christian Hospital will be sponsoring the event, so it might be kind of... religious? 台東回響樂團將於二月二十八日在美術館表演. 這是由台東基督教醫院所贊助, 所以可能有點宗教氣息?
5. The Taitung County Land Administration Department 台東縣政府地政處
They recently discussed how to improve maps of the areas around Yan Ping Township. 他們最近開會討論怎麼把延平附近的地圖畫得更好.
6. The Taitung County Civil Affairs Department 台東縣政府民政處
On February 6 they released a new County census. In case you're interested, there are now 220, 712 people residing in Taitung. 114,127 of them are men, and 106,585 of them are women. 106,364 of Taitung County's residents live in Taitung City, and only 3,522 people live in Yan Ping Township, which remains the most sparsely populated area in Taitung County. 他們二月六日發布最新的 "臺東縣各鄉鎮市現住人口數按姓別及原住民身分分." 如果你有興趣的話, 現在台東縣總共有220,712住民. 114,127住民是男的, 106,585是女的. 106,364的住民住在台東市內. 臺東縣人口最少的是延平鄉. 那邊的住民只有3,522個人.
7. The Taitung County Government Education Department 台東縣政府教育處
Orchid Island will host a marathon next month. Why this is on the Department of Education's website I have no idea. 下個月蘭嶼要舉辦一場馬拉松. 我搞不清楚這種資料怎麼會在教育處的網站上.
8. The Taitung County Agriculture Department 台東縣政府農業處
They recently held a meeting to discuss how to get young people to remain in their villages. As the census numbers suggest, many younger people are moving away from the countryside to pursue opportunities in urban areas. 行政院農業委員會跟水土保持局辦理 "2017年青年回留農村創新研究示範計畫." 看上面的人口普查就知道, 很多年輕人要離開鄉村去都市找工作機會.
9. The Taitung County Tourism Department 台東縣政府觀光旅遊處
This website hasn't been updated since October of last year! I think they are putting most of their energy into another tourism portal. 這個網頁的最新資料是去年十月的時候發出的. 我想他們可能把精力放在縣政府其他的觀光網頁吧!
10. The Public Health Bureau, Taitung County 臺東縣衛生局
The Bureau of Public Health has conducted several food safety inspections in advance of Lantern Festival. The result? All of the rice balls were ok! 元宵節前衛生局檢查湯圓的食品安全. 結果呢? 湯圓沒問題!
11. The Taitung County Fire Department 臺東縣消防局
As you might expect, the Fire Department's focus in advance of Lantern Festival has been fire safety. The Chinese New Year and Lantern Festival holidays are (by far) the most convenient times to accidentally set your house on fire. 元宵節前, 消防局當然很重視加強防火的能力. 春節跟元宵節是最容易把房子燒掉的時候.
12. The Taitung County Environmental Protection Bureau 台東縣環境保護局
The local Environmental Protection Bureau has been trying to reduce noise pollution during Lantern Festival. This is a big concern for many local residents, and may be one of the reasons that Lantern Festival seems to get smaller every year. 地區的環保局努力降低元宵節的噪音汙染. 這是很多住民關心的問題, 這也可能是元宵節活動越來越少的原因.
5. Nonsense That Fills My Head on a Saturday (February 2017)
Damn I'm tired. I got about three hours of sleep last night, and yet here I am, on a Saturday, trying to cope with another day of work.
We are working today because we will take the 27th off for a four-day weekend. Since last year, the government has been trying to turn any public holiday that falls on a Tuesday or Thursday into a four-day weekend, and as a result we end up working one or two Saturdays every semester.
Speaking only for myself, I'd rather work on the 27th. These four-day weekends always come up too fast for me to make any plans, and working on Saturdays is LAME.
Anyway, on to sunnier subjects...
1. Been catching up on movies from last year. Yes, I was stuck in that 70s coma for a while, but I've finally reemerged into the present day. Saw a boxing movie, but I can't remember its name. Frank and Lola? Not bad, but not great. La La Land... had a hard time with La La Land. I got about half way through and had to call it quits. All that singing and dancing got on my nerves.
2. Work this week has been very busy. I'm going to take the last two weeks of the semester off, and fly to the States on June 19, so I have to make up the third, fourth, and fifth grade classes I'll be missing. I've made up a week's worth of third grade classes so far, and at my current pace I should have them all made up in about five more weeks.
3. And what really keeps me going at work is the thought of a HUGE enchilada plate, at my favorite Mexican restaurant in Seattle. Next to that enchilada plate sits a cold glass of Dos Equis, and in front of that plate sits me.
I don't have many plans for the summer as yet. We were thinking about flying to Cancun in Mexico for a week or so, but I'm not sure how realistic that idea is. I've looked into flights and hotels - and it certainly seems doable - but there remains the problem of leaving my daughters behind in Seattle, and some other potential issues that it's better not to discuss here.
And there's also that Grand Canyon trip we always talk about. Or Alaska. Or even going down to see my brother in Oakland. But who knows? It's too early to decide anything.
4. Been reading Americanah, a novel by a Nigerian-born author residing in the States. After reading the publisher's blurb on the back, I expected it to be a lot of politically correct bullshit, but as it turns out it's not a bad book. A lot of the author's observations on what it means to live in another culture reminded me of my own experiences in Taiwan.
5. I'll be running in Tainan's Old Capital Marathon two weeks from now. I'm signed up for the half, which I've joined many times before. I'm not ecstatic about it, but I am looking forward to going. We'll be staying in a hotel close to the Tainan City Government Building, not far from where the race starts. This should make the experience MUCH more pleasant.
6. Yesterday I almost got in trouble for taking a particularly troublesome student out of a class I was teaching, and putting him in an adjoining class where another teacher was correcting her students' homework. This might not seem like a big deal, but I later learned that doing so is against the law. Really!
Sigh. Students now have so many rights, and even though most of these rights are to everyone's benefit I think that some of these rights hamper teachers' ability to teach effectively. Many of these "rights" impinge upon both the classroom teacher's ability to manage a classroom and the students' right to a safe and effective classroom environment.
Though of course this situation is nothing new. I suppose I just find it more disconcerting because I thought I left such nonsense behind in America.
7. I keep thinking about what I want to have for dinner. Pizza? Dumplings? Stir fry? Definitely not burgers. I had my fill of burgers in Taipei.
8. And Trump? What about Donald Trump? I've been reading about that massive idiot for so many weeks now, to the point that I'm growing numb in the face of his stupidities. I'm really starting to wonder how likely his impeachment is, and how long the world will have to suffer his foolishness. I am embarrassed to say he's my President.
And in related news, there will be a Trump Steakhouse opening behind the McDonald's on Shin Sheng Road. They've already got a sign up, and it says (I kid you not) "Making Food Great Again." Christ. It'll probably close before too long, but I'll have to eat there at least once.
6. Taiwanese Culture 台灣文化 (1 of 3) (February 2017)
What follows below was taken from The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Taiwan Culture (一看就懂台灣文化). If the title sounds familiar, it's because I introduced another book in the series, the Illustrated Encyclopedia of Conventional Industries last year. 以下的內容來自一看就懂台灣文化這本書. 如果你覺得書名似曾相識, 可能是因為我以前介紹過類似的書籍一看就懂台灣博覽.
The Chinese was written by Wang Song-shan, Li Kwang-ti, and Hong Li-wan. The English was written by me. 下列中文的部分是從王嵩山, 李匡悌, 洪麗完這三個作者的書裡節錄的. 英文的部分則是我寫的.
Below are excerpts from the 歲時節慶 section, or pages 86-95 in the book. 這一次的文章是出自"歲時節慶"單元來的, 自86到95頁.
Yearly Celebrations
Yearly Celebrations
1. 農曆春節 Chinese Lunar New Year
台灣節慶分為兩種: 農曆的民俗節日及國曆的紀念日. 農曆春節在鞭炮聲中展開, 象徵著一元復始, 萬象更新的意義: 年節中祭拜神明, 祖先, 還要敦親睦鄰, 充滿熱鬧, 喜慶的新氣氛. There are two types of Taiwanese holidays: the traditional holidays following the lunar calendar, and the memorial holidays following the solar (Western) calendar. Chinese New Year, which follows the lunar calendar, begins with the sound of fireworks, and signals a time of renewal. During this holiday people worship their gods and ancestors, and try to strengthen relationships with their neighbors. It is a lively time of year, and one full of celebration.
開正 "Opening the Door"
也叫 "開春," 是農曆正月初一, 要燃放鞭炮然後開廳門, 並且由長輩帶領燃香點燭敬神祭祖, 恭迎新年的到來, 為新年揭開序幕. 傳統習俗初一有許多禁忌, 如不可掃地或倒垃圾, 以免把財富掃出門外; 不可說壞話及吵架; 不可打破碗盤, 若不小心打碎了, 要趕緊說 "歲歲 (碎碎) 平安," 祈求化凶趨吉. This is also called "The Spring Opening," and falls upon the first day of the lunar new year. People light fireworks after opening the doors of their houses, and the older members of every family burn incense and candles for their ancestors and the gods. Through this ceremony the new year is welcomed in, and there are many customs regarding things you should not do. You cannot sweep the floor or throw away trash, because doing so might remove some of the good fortune you've received. You cannot use bad words or argue. You cannot break bowls or plates, and if you do so you should quickly say "Suei suei ping an" [peaceful year] to turn it into a blessing.1
賀正 Celebrating Good Fortune2
新年期間要互相拜年, 互道祝福, 並準備果盤甜品待客, 吃甜象徵富貴吉祥. 是傳統禮尚往來的習俗, 也叫 "拜正." People should pray for a fortunate new year together, and prepare a plate of fruits and candies for guests. Eating sweets is an auspicious activity, and can be counted among the new year traditions. It is also called "giving thanks."
拜公媽 "Praying to Grandparents"
大年初一, 拜祖先, 稱為 "拜公媽." Praying to ancestors during the first day of the lunar new year is also called "praying to [your] grandparents."
回娘家 Returning to the Wife's Side of the Family
初二回娘家探親, 娘家有幼童, 除了伴手禮還要贈送紅包. 若回娘家的女兒有小孩, 娘家要回送雞腿, 或用紅絨線繫古錢掛在小孩頸上, 象徵 "結綵帶" 添增喜氣. 中餐吃團圓飯, 敘舊, 約午後三點離開. During the second day of lunar new year, a wife "returns home" to visit her relatives. If she has children, she should present gifts and red envelopes, and her family should give her chicken legs, or use a red thread to tie an old coin around her children's necks. This signifies good fortune. They then eat a family dinner, reminisce about good times, and at around three o'clock in the afternoon the wife and her children leave.
遊春 The Spring Excursion
開正當天, 由長輩率領子女出遊, 到附近寺廟或名勝古跡遊覽, 稱為 "遊春." On the first day of the lunar new year, the older members of each family take their children for a walk to the nearest temple or monument. This is called "the spring excursion."
行春 The New Year'sTrip
新年期間男女老幼攜甜料, 水果, 金紙香燭等至寺廟燒香, 祈求一家平安. During the new year holiday, the older and younger members of every family take sweets, fruit, ghost money, candles, and other offerings to the temple, and pray for their family's well-being.
迎神 Welcoming the Spirits
農曆年前十二月二十四送神日後, 初四是迎神日. 灶君向玉皇大帝述職後, 再回到人間監督. On the 24th day of the 12th lunar month, people say farewell to the spirits, and then on the fourth day of the new year they welcome them back. Later Dzao Jun takes up his post as Jade Emperor, and resumes his watch over living people.
開市 The Market Opens
初五, 商人在這一天開張, 家家撤去祭祀供品, 有宴客親友和迎接財神的活動. On the fifth day of the lunar new year, businessmen reopen their businesses. Everyone prepares sacrificial offerings, and there are many activities for family, friends, or the gods of wealth.
拜天公 Worshiping the Lord of Heaven
年初九為玉皇大帝誕辰, 也是新春後的第一個大節日, 要製作紅龜粿, 發粿, 並準備牲禮, 焚香點燭祭拜 "天公," 以祈求家戶平安. The ninth day of the lunar new year is the Jade Emperor's birthday, and it's also the first big holiday after Chinese New Year.3 People need to prepare "red tortoise cakes," "fa gao cakes," and the "three offerings."4 They also need to burn incense and candles, and offer these for the Lord of Heaven's protection of their family.
2. 元宵燈節 Lantern Festival
元宵節是一個多采多姿的節日, 除了吃元宵祈求團圓外, 還有以民間故事為主題的燈展及猜燈謎, 表現出古人的智慧; 各式美輪美奐的花燈, 更發揮了多樣的民藝技巧. Lantern Festival is a very colorful holiday. Aside from eating a ceremonial family meal, there are also folk activities such as the lantern exhibition and the guessing of riddles, which represent the wisdom of the ancients. The multitude of magnificent lanterns also demonstrate the vitality of [Taiwanese] folk arts.
元宵節 Lantern Festival
農曆正月十五是元宵節, 又稱上元節, 民間會在清晨祭拜 "三界公" 中的天官大帝, 祈求賜福. 香案桌分上下桌, 上桌安置在兩條板凳上面, 供奉素菜, 香花, 水果; 下桌擺放牲禮, 年糕等葷菜. Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the first lunar month. It is also called the "Shang Yuan Holiday." Very early in the morning, people pray to the "Lords of the Three Realms"5 in order to receive their blessings. The table set out for offerings is divided into an upper and lower part. On the upper part are placed two benches, and on that part are placed vegetables, scented flowers, and fruit. On the lower part are placed the "three offerings," rice cakes, and meat dishes.
燈節 The Lantern Activity
元宵夜, 舊俗是家家張燈, 舉行燈會和提燈遊行, 每年正月十三至十五稱為 "迎燈;" 燈節前一天稱 "放燈," 連同最後一天的 "謝燈," 合稱為 "燈節." 著名的台南鹽水蜂炮, 新北平溪放天燈為元宵夜空添增燦爛色彩, 有 "南蜂炮, 北天燈" 之稱. The old custom during Lantern Festival was that every family would put up lanterns, then host a lantern party, and take part in a procession. The 13th to the 15th days of the first lunar month were referred to as "welcoming the lanterns." The first of these days was called "putting up the lanterns," the last of these days was called "thanking the lanterns," and together they were called "lantern festival." The famous "swarming of bees"6 in Yanshui, Tainan City, and the raising of lanterns in Pingxi add a lot of local color to Lantern Festival, so much so that people say "In the south there is the swarming of bees, and in the north the lanterns fill the sky."
平溪放天燈 The Flight of Lanterns in Pingxi
地處山區的平溪鄉舊時有山賊出沒, 當地村民歲末收成後, 便帶著細軟財產躲入深山, 直到元宵前夕才派壯丁返村查看, 確定安全後施放天燈, 通知村民可以回鄉. 流傳至今, 平溪鄉在每年元宵前夕舉行大型放天燈活動, 吸引許多遊客上山參加. A long time ago, there were bandits in the mountains around Pingxi Township, and after the yearly harvests locals took to hiding their goods deep in the mountains. On the day before lantern festival, they would send a strong young man out to check on the safety of their village, and once he decided the coast was clear, he would send a lantern up into the sky, telling the villagers that they could return from where they were hiding. From this practice comes the tradition of sending lanterns into the sky on the day before Lantern Festival every year, and this activity draws many tourists into the mountains [around Pingxi].
吃元宵 The Ceremonial [Lantern] Meal
元宵也稱為湯圓. 元宵夜闔家吃元宵, 意味著過年團圓, 重溫團圓的天倫之樂. Lantern Festival is also called "Soup Ball." On the night of Lantern Festival every family eats a "lantern dinner" together. This is done to celebrate their togetherness during the passing of a year, and to reaffirm family ties.
鹽水蜂炮 "The Swarming of Bees" in Yanshui
清代台南鹽水感染瘟疫, 死傷無數, 鎮民在正月十三關聖帝君誕辰日抬神轎出巡, 以繞境驅邪和除疫. 日後瘟疫漸漸弭平, 由於神轎所到之處就以燃放爆竹歡迎, 民眾相信炮竹可以驅除邪鬼, 燃爆竹儀式流傳至今, 並廣大舉行. During the Ching Dynasty there was a great plague in Yanshui, Tainan, and countless people died. On the 13th day of the first lunar month, the citizens of the municipality sought the protection of the god Guan Yu on his birthday, and held a "Rao Jing" activity7 to banish the evil spirits that caused the plague. After that day the plague slowly abated, and the people lit fireworks everywhere in thanks. People believe that fireworks can drive away evil spirits, and this lighting of fireworks has been passed down to the present time, where it has become a large activity.
新丁粄比賽 The "New Mold Competition"
台中東勢在農曆正月十五舉辦新丁板比賽, 為家中新添男丁而謝神求福, 也將大紅粄分享親友, 共沾喜氣. In Dong Shr, Taichung City, on the 15th day of the lunar new year, they host a "new mold competition." This is done in the hopes of bearing male children, and as a way of thanking the gods for everyone's prosperity. Red glutinous rice cakes are shared between friends and family in a festive atmosphere.8
3. 清明, 端午 Ching Ming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival
清明節承襲著尊重祖先, 重視宗族倫理的傳統觀念, 是慎終追遠的民族掃墓節. 端午節源自入夏驅邪的習俗, 更有健身, 節慶的賽龍舟活動. Ching Ming Festival represents a respect for one's ancestors, and reflects the importance of traditional values. It is from this hallowed tradition that Tomb Sweeping Festival comes. Dragon Boat Festival arises from the summer customs of banishing evil spirits, maintaining health, and the dragon boat race.
清明祭祖 The Worship of Ancestors During Ching Ming Festival
清明節大多在國曆四月五日前後舉行, 但是從農曆元宵節過後到清明節期間也有人選擇古日祭祖. 掃墓時, 會清理祖先墳幕, 供拜粿類, 糕餅. 祭拜後, 會將供品紅蛋的蛋穀剝撒在幕上, 以示新陳代謝, 送舊迎新之表徵. Most of Ching Ming Festival usually occurs before or after the 5th of March, but during the time between Lantern Festival and Ching Ming Festival many people choose to worship their ancestors on more traditional dates. On Tomb Sweeping Day, people clean family graves and make offerings of cakes or cookies. After they've made their offering, they will place the dyed red shells of eggs before the grave, as a way of representing thanks for "new" lodging, and the replacing of the old with the new.
掛紙 Hanging Paper
又稱 "壓紙," 是把祖先墳幕上的雜草木割除後, 以小石頭或草皮將長方形黃白幕紙, 或紅黃藍白黑的五色紙壓在墳上, 表示幕主有後嗣. 掛紙所用的五色紙就又稱為 "幕紙." This is also called "pressing paper," and is done after the grave has been cleared of plants that were growing on it. Rectangular yellow and white papers are fixed to the grave using rocks or dirt, or 5-color papers are pressed into the earth around the grave. This represents the owner of the grave having an heir. The 5-color paper hung upon the grave is also called "grave paper."
端午節 Dragon Boat Festival
時值夏季的農曆五月初五端午節, 古時是疾病開始流行的季節, 因此端午節的由來, 是有驅邪避惡, 以求身心平安的習俗意涵. In ancient times, it was with the onset of the summer months, around the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, that diseases began to spread. This is how Dragon Boat Festival came into existence - out of a desire to banish the evil spirits that cause sickness, and as a custom for ensuring the well being of both body and mind.
端午粽子 Dragon Boat "Rice Tamales"
端午節, 家家戶戶都會準備牲禮, 粽子, 拜神祭祖, 常見的粽子有肉粽, 鹼粽兩種, 肉粽用糯米包豬肉, 蝦米, 香菇, 芋頭, 蠔乾, 栗子等內餡蒸煮成; 鹼粽則是用糯米拌鹼油而煮熟. On Dragon Boat Festival, each household prepares the "three offerings" and rice tamales as offerings to both gods and ancestors. Commonly seen types of rice tamales include meat tamales and sweet tamales. The meat tamales combine glutinous rice and pork, shrimp, mushrooms, taro, dry oysters, chestnuts and other ingredients steamed together. The sweet type combine glutinous rice and a type of oil.
辟邪 Warding Off Evil Spirits
早年的台灣, 端午用布料包著檀香等香料做成香包, 配帶在小孩身上, 可以避邪. 另外, 用艾草, 榕樹枝, 菖蒲等懸掛於大門, 或是用艾草, 菖蒲等水洗浴, 或是潑灑雄黃酒於牆壁下, 都可去除毒蟲邪氣. From early on in Taiwan's history, incense and other herbs have been sown into a cloth to make a sachet for Dragon Boat Festival. Children wear these on their person, and they ward off evil spirits. In addition, wormwood, twigs from banyan trees, calamus, and other things are hung from gates. Wormwood, calamus and other ingredients are also used for washing, and a type of wine is also placed below walls to keep away insects and malign forces.
划龍舟 Rowing Dragon Boats
又稱賽龍舟, 競渡, 是端午節最受歡迎的活動. 起源於弔祭從前投入汨羅江詩人屈原; 而競渡的場所都在河流或海口, 台灣以高雄愛河, 台南安平運河和台北淡水河的龍舟比賽規模較大. This is also called racing dragon boats or simply racing. It is the most popular activity on Dragon Boat Festival. It originates with the poet Chu Yuan, who committed suicide by jumping into the Mi Luo River. The sites for the race are always rivers or ports, and the biggest races are held in Kaohsiung's Love River, the Yun River in An Ping, Tainan City, and the Danshui River in Taipei.
祭江, 謝江 Worshiping the River, Thanking the River
每年龍舟賽競渡開始前後, 由一艘龍舟在河面上焚香禱告, 並丟擲紙錢和粽子祈求神明保佑, 稱為祭江. 比賽結束後, 同樣焚香禱告, 燒化紙錢, 則稱為 "謝江." Every year, before and after the dragon boat races are conducted, a single dragon boat floats down the river, burning incense, offering prayers, and placing both ghost money and rice tamales into the water to ensure the gods' protection. This is called worshiping to the river. After the race is concluded the same ritual is repeated, and this is called "thanking the river."
4. 中元普渡 Ghost Festival
相傳農曆七月是鬼月, 這個月 "好兄弟" 會來到人間接受祭拜供品. 在古代, 農間在農曆七月十五以剛收成的新穀祭拜祖先, 佛教的盂蘭盆節, 道教的中元節也在這一天舉行, 由種種的由來融合成今日的 "中元普渡." The seventh month on the traditional lunar calendar is known as the ghost month. In this month the "good brothers" will come to everyone's house to receive offerings. In ancient times, people would make offerings to their ancestors after bringing in the harvest on the 15th day of the seventh lunar month, and this day was also a Buddhist holiday honoring the dead. The Taoist Jung Yuan Festival was also held on this day, and many different influences combined to create the "Ghost Festival" we know today.
中元節 The Jung Yuan Festival9
農曆七月的主要活動動是普渡, 普渡的種類很多, 有街普, 市仔普, 子弟普, 廟普等, 以廟普最為盛大. 農曆七月十五中元節當天黃昏, 和尚, 法師依序進行開壇, 發關, 豎旛, 請神, 謝三界, 請觀音, 請孤魂, 安灶君, 拜幢, 戲供, 小施, 揚旛, 謝壇和誦經等超渡亡魂的儀式. The most important activity during the seventh lunar month is the "Pu Du." There are many kinds of Pu Du, and the largest are the Street Pu Du, the City Pu Du, the Children's Pu Du, and the Temple Pu Du. During the afternoon of the 15th day of the seventh lunar month, also know as Jung Yuan Festival, the monks and magicians prepare the altar, "open the door," pray to the heavens, thank Lord San Jie, entreat [the goddess] Kuanyin, invite the wandering spirits, notify [the god] Dzao Jun, give thanks for the scriptures, perform the "gong play" for the gods, play temple music, fly banners, and chant in order to prepare the spirits for their passage from the afterlife to the world of the living.
開鬼門 Opening the Door to the Spirits
俗稱農曆七月初一地府鬼門大開, 稱為 "好兄弟" 的孤魂野鬼會在陽間徘徊. On the first day of the seventh lunar month, it is customary to "open the door to the spirits," and the wandering ghosts referred to as the "good brothers" return to the earthly sphere.
拜門口 Praying to the Doorway
鬼門開後, 各家戶要在門口供拜魚, 肉, 雞, 鴨, 菜等五味碗和糕, 粿等; 在供物上各插上一枝香, 上完二柱香後, 燒經衣, 銀紙, 稱為 "拜門口." After the spirit door is closed, every family must place a 5-bowl offering of fish, pork, chicken, duck, vegetables and rice cakes before the door. Incense must be burned twice over the offerings, and after the second time clothes, coins, and paper money must be burned [over or near the offerings]. This is called "praying to the doorway."
關鬼門 Closing the Spirit Door
七月末日為關鬼門日, 也稱為 "謝燈腳." 從七月初一開始在陽間徘徊的孤魂必須回歸冥府. 寺廟會撤除燈篙, 舉行祭拜. The last day of the seventh month is the day on which the spirit door is closed. It is also called "giving thanks beneath the lanterns." From the first day of the seventh month the wandering spirits begin returning to the spirit world, and temples light lamps and hold services.
豎燈篙 The Raising of the Lanterns
農曆七月初一寺廟在廟前豎立帶枝葉的長竹竿, 上懸燈籠作為孤魂聚集的標誌, 就是豎燈篙. On the first day of the seventh lunar month, they hang sections of bamboo in front of temples, and lanterns are hung from these sections. This serves as a signpost for the returning wandering souls, and is referred to as the raising of the lanterns.
放水燈 Placing Lanterns Upon the Water
普渡前一天會以施放水燈方式, 為溺斃的孤魂照路. Lanterns are placed upon the water on the day before Pu Du. These lanterns help the spirits of drowned people find their way back.
搶孤 "Grabbing Up What the Ghosts Have Left Behind"10
中元普渡活動, 在超渡結束時, 會以鑼鼓為信號, 開放信眾搶奪孤棚上的祭品, 作為分享, 也帶來好運. After Ghost Festival has concluded, gongs and drums signal the end of the festival, and the offerings to the wandering spirits are placed upon a scaffold, and shared so that everyone can enjoy good fortune.
5. 中秋, 歲末 Mid-Autumn (Moon) Festival, The End of the Year
相傳中秋節源自於古代祭祀月神, 後來有吃月餅的習俗, 更增添了中秋節的節慶色彩. 農曆歲末有 "冬至," "除夕," "圍爐" 等. 都有除舊布新, 全家團圓等意義. Mid-Autumn Festival dates back to the ancient practice of making offerings to the god of the moon, which later became the custom of eating moon cakes, and this practice adds a lot of character to the holiday. At the end of the lunar calendar, there are Winter Solstice, "Chinese New Year Eve," the "Good Luck Dinner," and other traditions. All of these traditions celebrate renewal and family togetherness.
中秋節 Mid-Autumn Festival
農曆八月十五中秋節, 是 "太陰娘娘" 的聖誕, 晚上各戶吊燈結綵, 並在月下設香案, 供香花, 月餅, 水果等祭拜月神. 全家一起賞月, 吃月餅, 文旦以及小酌, 別有一番情趣. 另外, 中秋夜, 未婚男女會到廟中祭拜月下老人, 祈求獲得幸福, 美滿的姻緣. The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month. It is the goddess Tai In's birthday. During the evening each family carries lanterns and burns incense beneath the moon, offering scented flowers, moon cakes, fruit, and other things to the moon god. The whole family enjoys the moon, eats moon cakes, pomeloes, and drinks. In addition, on Mid-Autumn Festival unmarried people go to the temple and make offerings to the Old Man Under the Moon, requesting a happy and fortunate marriage.11
團圓節 Reunion Day12
天下月圓象徵家人團圓美好的事務, 所以在中秋月圓時, 異鄉人都要回家和家人團圓, 所以中秋又稱為 "團圓節." The fullness of the moon resembles the fullness one finds in a family, so when the moon is full during Mid-Autumn Festival, families come together. For this reason Mid-Autumn Festival is also called "Reunion Day."
冬至 Winter Solstice
冬至, (國曆十二月二十一或二十二日) 民間稱為 "冬節," 全家大小一起搓 "冬節圓," 有紅白兩色. 冬至當天, 以冬節圓供拜神明祖先, 祭後以湯圓黏在門窗, 桌椅, 床櫃, 雞舍, 豬舍, 牛舍等處, 表達對一年來的謝恩, 祈求來年招福. Winter Solstice, which occurs on December 21st or 22nd, is popularly called "Winter Day." Everyone eats red and white "Winter's Day balls" [soup balls]. During the Winter Solstice people worship their gods and ancestors, and after doing so they stick soup balls on their doors and windows, on tables and chairs, on beds and in cabinets, in chicken coops, in pig pens, in cattle enclosures, and in other places. This represents their gratitude for the present year, and also signifies their desire for good fortune in the coming year.
尾牙 "The Weiya"13
農曆每月的初二, 十六為 "做牙," 十二月十六是每年的最後一次, 所以稱為 "尾牙." 農民及商人以五牲祭拜土地公. 公司行號宴請員工, 從前有藉此日告知辭退員工的習俗, 現在則是以年終聚餐或聯歡晚會來犒賞員工. The second and 16th days of every lunar month are referred to as the "dzuo ya," and the 16th day of the 12th lunar month is the last of these special days. For this reason it is called the "wei ["tail-end"] ya." On these days farmers and businessmen make the five sacrificial offerings to Tu Di Gong. Companies will treat present and former staff members to a dinner or party to show their appreciation.
送神 Sending Forth the Gods
農歷十二月二十四送神回天庭, 灶君是玉皇大帝派駐各家庭的大使, 每年要回天庭報告一年來的是非善惡', 大帝依據灶君的報告來決定各家下一年的禍福吉凶. On the 24th day of the 12 lunar month, the gods are welcomed back into heaven, and the Jade Emperor commands his ambassador Du Jun to visit every household and report on their doings. The report he brings back to the Jade Emperor is of pivotal importance to each family, and determines every family's fortunes for the next year.
辭年 Leaving the Year
農歷十二月三十除夕是一年的最後一天, 具感恩及團圓的重要意義. 除夕下午供拜牲禮, 祭拜祖先, 稱為 "辭年." 會在神明和公媽牌位前堆疊柑橋, 供奉年粿, 春飯和壓歲錢, 另外用五味碗拜門口和地基主, 用春飯祭拜灶神和床母. The 30th day of the 12th lunar month is the last day of the year, and is a time to express thanks and reunite with one's family. In the afternoon of the day before Chinese New Year, offerings to gods and ancestors are made, and this is called "Leaving the Year." Before their gods and ancestors memorial plaques people stack oranges, and place offerings of glutinous rice cakes, cooked rice, and lucky money. They also present the 5-bowl offering to the doors, the windows, and "the Lord of the Place." The cooked rice is also offered to Du Jun and "the Bed Mother."14
圍爐 "The Good Luck Dinner"15
除夕夜, 出外的遊子都要趕回家 "圍爐," 全家團圓吃年夜飯, 吃長年菜代表長壽; 韭菜代表長久; 菜頭即好彩頭; 魚圓, 肉圓, 蝦圓取意 "三元及第;" 魚代表 "年年有餘." 雞和台語 "家" 同音, 吃雞肉有 "食雞起家" 的意義. On the night before Chinese New Year, those who've moved away from their hometown must return for the "wei lu" ["good luck dinner"]. As the whole family eats together, a kind of cabbage ["chang nian"] symbolizes a long life, leeks ["jiou tsai"] symbolize a long time, and turnips ["tsai tou"] symbolize good luck. Fish balls, meatballs, and shrimp balls make up the "three treasures," with fish symbolizing a yearly surplus, chicken sounding like "family" [or "house"] in Taiwanese. Eating chicken also connotes "raising one's family through chickens."
守歲 "Keeping Your Age"
就是在除夕夜把一年守到最後一刻, 有依依不捨和迎接新年的意涵. 相傳孩子守歲, 父母可以延年益壽. The remaining moments of one's year occur during the last night of the lunar new year, and during this time the promise of the coming year is made known to all. Children grow a year older, and their parents are blessed with another year of life.
1. The word for "year" or "age" (歲) sounds like the word for "broken" (碎). "Ping an" (平安) means "peace" or "peaceful."
2. Translating this term is hard. The 賀 can be translated as "congratulate," and the 正 refers to the first month of the lunar new year. The same could be said of 拜正.
3. The holiday period commonly referred to as "Chinese New Year" extends from the last day of the previous lunar year, to the fifth day of the present lunar year.
4. The "three offerings" are usually chicken, pork, and fish. See "The Origin of Taiwanese Customs" (3 of 4)".
5. This "Lords of the Three Realms" (三界公) part gets pretty heavy. I am vastly oversimplifying in my translation of this section, but explaining all of it would involve a whole lot of Taoism.
6. 蜂 means "bee," and 炮 means "fireworks." People shoot each other with fireworks, and it is like the swarming of bees.
7. The Rao Jing activity was discussed in "The Origins of Taiwanese Customs (1 of 4)" entry.
8. In this instance, a picture is really worth a thousand words. Look here. The molds used are wooden boards used to shape the cakes.
9. This section is even worse than that bit about the "Lords of the Three Realms." Rather than drowning in a sea of Taoist terminology, I've left some of this vague.
10. There's really no good way to translate this term into English.
11. The Old Man Under the Moon was discussed in "The Origins of Taiwanese Customs (2 of 4)" entry.
12. You could just as easily call this "Family Day."
13. Also discussed in "The Origins of Taiwanese Customs (1 of 4)" entry.
14. A lot of this section was also discussed in "The Origins of Taiwanese Customs (4 of 4)" entry.
15. Many of the food items discussed are homonyms for beneficial things, and thus connote good luck. That phrase at the end, "食雞起家." further plays upon the similarity between "chicken" in Chinese and "family/home" in Taiwanese. The "raising" there is more like "raising up."
7. Driving Around Kaohsiung, Running Around Tainan 高雄開車, 台南跑步 (March 2017)
I ran the half in the Tainan Old Capital Marathon today. Before and after we stopped by a few places in Kaohsiung and Tainan. 我今天跑台南古都馬拉松的半馬. 馬拉松前與馬拉松後我們去了一些高雄跟台南的景點.
This is Taroko Park, south of downtown Kaohsiung. It's part sports center, part department store, and part amusement park. 這是高雄市區南邊的大魯閣. 它結合了運動中心, 百貨商場, 跟遊樂園.
It's not cheap, but my daughters loved it, and it's a lot closer than E-Da World. I'd like to go back there and go bowling. 這個地方一點都不便宜, 可是我女兒非常喜歡這裡. 也比義大世界近多了. 我想回去那裏打保齡球.
This is what it looks like inside the main building. I think Dream Mall has a better selection of stores, but there's a lot more to do at Taroko Park. 這是百貨商場一樓的主要室內空間. 我覺得夢時代的商店比較多, 可是大魯閣的活動場所比較多樣.
After Taroko Park we drove up to Tainan, and visited the National Museum of Taiwan History. It was surprisingly interesting. 逛完大魯閣以後我們開車到台南的台灣歷史博物館. 那個地方真的很有趣.
If you want to know more about the history of Taiwan, this is the place to go. Most of the exhibits are in Chinese and English. 如果想多了解台灣歷史的話, 你一定要來這裡. 大部分的展覽有中文跟英文的介紹.
The special exhibit on food was my favorite part of the museum. Food of course holds a very special place in Chinese culture, and this exhibit goes a long way toward explaining why. 台灣美食的特展是我最喜歡的部分. 在中國文化中食物很重要. 這個特展介紹了中國文化跟食物的關係.
Many of the exhibits here discussed the connection between Taiwanese holidays and food. No English here, but the exhibits are all fairly self-explanatory. 特展也介紹了台灣節日跟很多種食物的關係. 這個部分沒有英文的介紹, 可是這些節日跟食物的特色看就知道了.
We stayed the night in a motel not far from An Ping. This was the river in front of the hotel. 我們在安平區附近的旅館過夜. 這是旅館前面的河.
The next day - today - I ran the half marathon. Sorry, to busy running to take pictures of that! 第二天 (今天) 我完成了半馬拉松. 但我忙著跑步沒有拍照.
But we did visit the Shin Kong Mitsukoshi in Shin Dzuo Ying after. On the top floor there was a puppet exhibition. 這是我們之後去的新左營的新光三越. 它的頂樓有布袋戲偶展覽.
View north from the Shin Kong Mitsukoshi. There's a trail up that mountain to the left, and I'd like to go up there another day. 新光三越北邊的風景. 左邊的山有步道上去, 我改天要去看看.
This is Taroko Park, south of downtown Kaohsiung. It's part sports center, part department store, and part amusement park. 這是高雄市區南邊的大魯閣. 它結合了運動中心, 百貨商場, 跟遊樂園.
It's not cheap, but my daughters loved it, and it's a lot closer than E-Da World. I'd like to go back there and go bowling. 這個地方一點都不便宜, 可是我女兒非常喜歡這裡. 也比義大世界近多了. 我想回去那裏打保齡球.
This is what it looks like inside the main building. I think Dream Mall has a better selection of stores, but there's a lot more to do at Taroko Park. 這是百貨商場一樓的主要室內空間. 我覺得夢時代的商店比較多, 可是大魯閣的活動場所比較多樣.
After Taroko Park we drove up to Tainan, and visited the National Museum of Taiwan History. It was surprisingly interesting. 逛完大魯閣以後我們開車到台南的台灣歷史博物館. 那個地方真的很有趣.
If you want to know more about the history of Taiwan, this is the place to go. Most of the exhibits are in Chinese and English. 如果想多了解台灣歷史的話, 你一定要來這裡. 大部分的展覽有中文跟英文的介紹.
The special exhibit on food was my favorite part of the museum. Food of course holds a very special place in Chinese culture, and this exhibit goes a long way toward explaining why. 台灣美食的特展是我最喜歡的部分. 在中國文化中食物很重要. 這個特展介紹了中國文化跟食物的關係.
Many of the exhibits here discussed the connection between Taiwanese holidays and food. No English here, but the exhibits are all fairly self-explanatory. 特展也介紹了台灣節日跟很多種食物的關係. 這個部分沒有英文的介紹, 可是這些節日跟食物的特色看就知道了.
We stayed the night in a motel not far from An Ping. This was the river in front of the hotel. 我們在安平區附近的旅館過夜. 這是旅館前面的河.
The next day - today - I ran the half marathon. Sorry, to busy running to take pictures of that! 第二天 (今天) 我完成了半馬拉松. 但我忙著跑步沒有拍照.
But we did visit the Shin Kong Mitsukoshi in Shin Dzuo Ying after. On the top floor there was a puppet exhibition. 這是我們之後去的新左營的新光三越. 它的頂樓有布袋戲偶展覽.
View north from the Shin Kong Mitsukoshi. There's a trail up that mountain to the left, and I'd like to go up there another day. 新光三越北邊的風景. 左邊的山有步道上去, 我改天要去看看.
8. Friends to a Fault 正直的人 (March 2017)
A coupla guys sittin' outside the Family Mart. Or maybe the local 7-11. Not any nice bar, not noways. Too expensive, and the night is young yet.幾個男人坐在某全家便利商店外,也或許是附近的7-11, 不是閃亮的酒吧! 沒辦法! 太貴了! 快樂的夜晚才剛拉開序幕.
"What you smokin'?" says the one."你抽什麼菸?" 一個人問.
"Marbs," says the other, "You smokin' too?" "萬寶路" , "你也抽嗎?"另一人答.
"Sure I am," says the one, "The night is young, after all. How about handin' one over here?""對","夜還早 , 要不要在這裡坐一下? "第一個人說.
Thusly friends are made, and smoke wafts up toward the stars. A buncha gangster types cruise by in a low-slung Toyota. A lady parks her scooter real quiet like, and lurks in without being noticed. 就這樣成為朋友, 抽的煙也裊裊向星空飄去, 幾個混混般的人開著低底盤的豐田汽車遊蕩, 一個女人安靜的停好機車, 在不引人注意的情況下晃進商店.
A third friend pops up out of the city shadows. Friends in the night somewhere. It's always the same on a Saturday. He sits right down. 第三個朋友從城市角落中閃了出來, 藏身夜晚的友人, 他坐了下來, 這樣的情景總是出現在星期六 .
"What you drinkin'?" says the third, "And is it too much?"第三個朋友問:"你在喝什麼?", "太多了嗎?"
"Beer," say the first and second, "Can't you tell by all these cans? We're drinking it all tonight. We're gonna drink the store dry. And you? Are you on your Father's business?" 第一與第二位男士說:"啤酒", "從這些瓶罐你看不出來嗎? 今晚我們不醉不歸, 我們要把這間店喝乾! 你呢? 當好學生嗎? "
"Not I," says the third. "The night is young, after all. I'll be having myself a beer, because I've already had far too many. And from here I'll drive off, endangering." 第三個人說:"不", "今晚我已經喝很多了,但我還要喝瓶啤酒, 等一下我要開車離開, 畢竟夜還早".
"A wise course," say the other two. "The night is indeed young, and we young with it." 另外二人說:" 聰明的做法", "夜確實還早,我們也要越夜越歡".
And by the pile beneath them will you know their covenant. A dog barks far off. A truck flirts with traffic. The subtle lady reemerges, and is gone.藉著那堆瓶罐可以看出他們的關係, 遠處的狗叫著, 一輛卡車在路上咨意蛇行, 那個纖細的女人再一次出現並離開.
A fourth companion appears at their side. They do not see him arrive. He is just there, as if he'd been there all the while. Laughing he is, as if he'd heard it all before. He has.第四個人出現在他們身邊, 他們都沒看到他的到來, 彷彿他就一直坐在旁邊, 就這樣地出現存在, 笑得好像他一直參與著這場對話.
"You guys got anything to smoke?" this fourth gallant asks the gathering, "Not that kind sold inside the store," he says, "But rather something more pungent. Or perhaps," he whispers, "The night is young, after all... Perhaps something that I might swallow, or snort into myself?" 第四個人問參與這場聚會的人:" 有沒有菸?" , "不是那種商店裡賣的, 是某種更有料的.", 他壓低聲音說:" 夜才剛開始, 也或許是某種可以吃或吸的東西."
"Wait for a sixth," say the guys, "For we can see a fifth added to your fourth, coming now toward. Yet we know that he is not the man you want, as we ourselves are wanting.""等第六個人"這些人說,"就我們知道第五個人快到了", "但我們知道他不是你要的那個人, 我們自己也在等那樣的人".
"Fair enough," says the fourth, "For as you, I know this man. A virtuous one he is, and not given to such diversions."第四個人說:" 對! 我認識這個人, 他是個有道德的人, 他不是個會做那種消遣的人."
On comes the fifth, and their eyes are all a-skeptic.第五個人出現了, 其餘的人眼中看不到任何熱情.
"Hey," says the fifth of those before the Family Mart. Or maybe it's the local 7-11. Not any nice bar, not noways.
"嗨!" 在某全家或是某7-11的第五個人說, 不是在任何酒吧, 也不是現在.
"HEY," say the other four. 其餘四人回答:"嘿!"
"You want a smoke?" says the first.第一位問:" 要抽菸嗎?"
"No," says the fifth.第五位說:"不".
"You want a drink?" say the second and third.第二與第三位說:"要喝嗎?"
"No thanks," says the fifth.第五位說:" 不, 謝謝."
"You want something stronger?" says the fourth. 第四位說:" 要強一點的嗎?"
"Not me," says the fifth.第五位說:"我不要".
"Or be it women you're wanting?" adds the first, "A KTV, and the exercise of commerce?" 第一位問: " 還是你要女人? 去KTV做運動?"
"No, no, not that.." says the fifth.第五位說:"不, 當然不是那個."
"Very well," says the gathering. And all fall silent."很好"大家回答著, 然後在場男士都陷入了沉默.
Someone far away coughs. Cats fight in an alleyway. The moon looms up above them, ominous. Automatic doors open and close, open and close. The night, it seems, is not so young, and they have places yet to be. Not Family Mart. Certainly not 7-11. A more expensive bar perhaps, for when the night is older.遠處的人咳漱著, 巷弄中的貓在打架, 月亮也升到他們頭上,空氣中瀰漫著詭譎的氣氛, 自動門開了又關, 關了又開, 夜似乎漸漸深了, 他們也各自有該去的地方, 不是全家便利商店, 當然也不是7-11, 也許是更昂貴的酒吧, 因為夜晚顯得沉重了.
"We'll see you," they say to the fifth companion. "The night is not so young, after all. And we know you have to go to bed, and early at that!" "再見了"他們對第五個同伴說, "夜深了,我們知道你必須早早睡覺了".
9. What's Going on with the Taitung City, Township, and Municipality Offices 台東市,鄉,鎮公所最近動向 (March 2017)
In the What's Going on with the Taitung County Government entry I discussed the recent doings of the Taitung County Government. In this entry I'd like to go a bit more local, and discuss the doings of even smaller administrative divisions within Taitung County. 在台東縣政府最近動向那篇文章已經討論過縣政府最近的動向. 這篇文章我想討論台東市, 鄉, 鎮公所的動向.
For those less familiar with Taiwan, the "big" cities are divided into districts (區), and the counties are divided into cities (市), townships (鄉), and municipalities (鎮). 對台灣比較不熟悉的讀者, 大城市 (高雄, 台南, 台中, 新竹, 基隆, 嘉義, 台北, 跟新北市) 以下有區的劃分, 縣 (城市外的地方)則由其他的市, 鄉, 鎮組成.
The websites for each of the Taitung city, township, and municipality offices are linked below. Many of these websites aren't updated very often. 以下有每個市, 鄉, 鎮公所的網站. 只是有的網站不常更新他們的資料.
I also scanned through the news for any interesting news items relevant to the township and municipalities below. There isn't a lot of Taitung-related news in the best of times, but I did my best to find relevant articles. 我也看最近的新聞, 希望找與這些城鎮相關的有趣的報導. 我盡力了, 只是台東的新聞不多.
1. Da Ren Township 達仁鄉公所
On April 1 and 2 there will be a sports activity and agricultural goods exhibition in Da Ren's Exercise Park. But where is this "Exercise Park?" I think they might be referring to this. 四月一日到四月二日, 達仁鄉公所將在運動公園舉辦運動活動跟農業特產展. 可是運動公園在哪裡呢? 大概在這裡.
2. Da Wu Township 大武鄉公所
The township office recently held an activity to help recent high school graduates find jobs. 最近鄉公所舉辦大專校院辦理區域性校園徵才活動.
Oh, and here's an uninformative article about the colorful buildings in Da Wu. 最近還有新聞報導介紹大武彩虹色的建築物.
3. Jin Feng Township 金峰鄉公所
Work is being done to preserve aboriginal residents' rights to the land. 上個月舉辦原住民保留地土地權利審查會.
The government is also encouraging people in Jin Feng to stop smoking and chewing betel nut. All I can say is good luck with that. 台東縣政府在金峰舉辦不吃檳榔不吸菸的活動. 縣政府在這一點要加油吧!
4. Tai Ma Li Township 太麻里鄉公所
Last Saturday some roads in Tai Ma Li were closed for the Ironman Triathlon. 因為鐵人三項的關係太麻里有的道路被管制.
The hours for the Senior Citizens' Cultural and Health Activity Center were posted. 老人文康活動中心開放時間公布在網路上.
And this isn't in the news, but they're still doing a lot of construction on Highway 9 through Tai Ma Li Township. Jin Luen south is much faster now, but Jin Luen is much slower due to ongoing construction. What will happen to Jin Luen Village after they finish that ramp? 這件事不在最近的新聞報導裡, 可是台9線, 太麻里鄉的那一段還在施工. 金崙往南的交通變得比較快, 可是金崙往北, 因為施工的關係比較慢. 等到工程完成之後, 金崙村怎麼辦?
5. Orchid Island Township 蘭嶼鄉公所
The Township Office offered residents of Orchid Island free transportation back home during the Chinese New Year holiday. Many residents of Orchid Island need to leave the island to find work. 春節的時候, 蘭嶼鄉公所讓蘭嶼鄉的居民免費坐船回家鄉. 很多蘭嶼居民都需要去外縣市找工作.
More depressingly, a lot of fuel and garbage from container ships is washing up on Green and Orchid Islands. 可惜最近很多海洋船的油污跟垃圾被沖到綠島跟蘭嶼.
6. Green Island Township 綠島鄉公所
They will be building new roads on Green Island. 綠島將開闢新的道路.
That fuel pollution problem on Green Island? Many people want to make it a legal issue, too. 綠島油污的問題呢? 台東地檢考慮立案偵辦.
7. Taitung City 台東市公所
There was a slow-pitch baseball competition last week. 上周台東市公所舉辦慢速壘球錦標賽.
I kid you not, they'll be opening the Trump Steakhouse behind the McDonald's on Shin Sheng Road, where the Tasty used to be. They already have a sign up that says "Make food great again." 不是開玩笑的! 新生路上的麥當勞後面將開一家川普牛排館. 這是以前西堤的位置. 店面已經放牌子說"Make food great again."
8. Beinan Township 卑南鄉公所
Beinan is trying to implement its "smart transportation network" plan. Whatever that means. 卑南鄉公所在推動他們的智慧運輸計畫. 我看不太懂這個計畫.
On March 11 the Beinan Township Office sponsored an archery competition for members of aboriginal tribes. 三月十一日卑南鄉公所舉辦原住民射箭賽.
9. Dong He Township 東河鄉公所
The Taitung County Government has plans to build a market for locally produced aboriginal crafts, a restaurant, and a fish market near Jin Dzuen Harbor. 台東縣政府計畫在金樽漁港附近打造餐飲, 在地原住民手工藝展售區, 跟漁村市集.
10. Cheng Gong Municipality 成功鎮公所
Cheng Gong Port, where many fishermen long ago made a living hunting whales, is now known for its whale-watching tours. 很久以前很多成功漁港的漁民捕鯨魚為生. 現在將同一個地點變成賞鯨中心.
11. Chang Bin Township 長濱鄉公所
There will be a marathon in Chang Bin on May 7. 五月七日長濱將舉辦馬拉松.
12. Lu Ye Township 鹿野鄉公所
Some kind of picnic activity? Not much news from Lu Ye... 野餐活動呢? 鹿野的消息不多...
13. Yan Ping Township 延平鄉公所
There will be several harvest festivals in Yan Ping during this and next month. 這個月跟下個月延平的幾個村子將舉辦射耳祭活動.
Have you noticed all the landslides in places like Yan Ping? It isn't only the recent typhoons, but also destructive farming practices. 你注意延平發生多次的土石流嗎? 原因不一定是最近的颱風, 應該也跟農民用地有關係.
14. Guanshan Municipality 關山鎮公所
The Guanshan Township kindergarten is looking to hire a short-term administrative assistant. 關山鎮立幼兒園在找短期臨時行政助理人員.
15. Hai Duan Township 海端鄉公所
Nothing much going on in Hai Duan. No big surprise there. 海端沒什麼消息...
16. Chr Shang Township 池上鄉公所
Also nothing going on in Chr Shang. If you get bored you can drive up there I guess. There's some nice scenery. 池上也沒什麼消息. 你如果很無聊的話, 可以開車去那裡. 那附近的風景不錯!
For those less familiar with Taiwan, the "big" cities are divided into districts (區), and the counties are divided into cities (市), townships (鄉), and municipalities (鎮). 對台灣比較不熟悉的讀者, 大城市 (高雄, 台南, 台中, 新竹, 基隆, 嘉義, 台北, 跟新北市) 以下有區的劃分, 縣 (城市外的地方)則由其他的市, 鄉, 鎮組成.
The websites for each of the Taitung city, township, and municipality offices are linked below. Many of these websites aren't updated very often. 以下有每個市, 鄉, 鎮公所的網站. 只是有的網站不常更新他們的資料.
I also scanned through the news for any interesting news items relevant to the township and municipalities below. There isn't a lot of Taitung-related news in the best of times, but I did my best to find relevant articles. 我也看最近的新聞, 希望找與這些城鎮相關的有趣的報導. 我盡力了, 只是台東的新聞不多.
1. Da Ren Township 達仁鄉公所
On April 1 and 2 there will be a sports activity and agricultural goods exhibition in Da Ren's Exercise Park. But where is this "Exercise Park?" I think they might be referring to this. 四月一日到四月二日, 達仁鄉公所將在運動公園舉辦運動活動跟農業特產展. 可是運動公園在哪裡呢? 大概在這裡.
2. Da Wu Township 大武鄉公所
The township office recently held an activity to help recent high school graduates find jobs. 最近鄉公所舉辦大專校院辦理區域性校園徵才活動.
Oh, and here's an uninformative article about the colorful buildings in Da Wu. 最近還有新聞報導介紹大武彩虹色的建築物.
3. Jin Feng Township 金峰鄉公所
Work is being done to preserve aboriginal residents' rights to the land. 上個月舉辦原住民保留地土地權利審查會.
The government is also encouraging people in Jin Feng to stop smoking and chewing betel nut. All I can say is good luck with that. 台東縣政府在金峰舉辦不吃檳榔不吸菸的活動. 縣政府在這一點要加油吧!
4. Tai Ma Li Township 太麻里鄉公所
Last Saturday some roads in Tai Ma Li were closed for the Ironman Triathlon. 因為鐵人三項的關係太麻里有的道路被管制.
The hours for the Senior Citizens' Cultural and Health Activity Center were posted. 老人文康活動中心開放時間公布在網路上.
And this isn't in the news, but they're still doing a lot of construction on Highway 9 through Tai Ma Li Township. Jin Luen south is much faster now, but Jin Luen is much slower due to ongoing construction. What will happen to Jin Luen Village after they finish that ramp? 這件事不在最近的新聞報導裡, 可是台9線, 太麻里鄉的那一段還在施工. 金崙往南的交通變得比較快, 可是金崙往北, 因為施工的關係比較慢. 等到工程完成之後, 金崙村怎麼辦?
5. Orchid Island Township 蘭嶼鄉公所
The Township Office offered residents of Orchid Island free transportation back home during the Chinese New Year holiday. Many residents of Orchid Island need to leave the island to find work. 春節的時候, 蘭嶼鄉公所讓蘭嶼鄉的居民免費坐船回家鄉. 很多蘭嶼居民都需要去外縣市找工作.
More depressingly, a lot of fuel and garbage from container ships is washing up on Green and Orchid Islands. 可惜最近很多海洋船的油污跟垃圾被沖到綠島跟蘭嶼.
6. Green Island Township 綠島鄉公所
They will be building new roads on Green Island. 綠島將開闢新的道路.
That fuel pollution problem on Green Island? Many people want to make it a legal issue, too. 綠島油污的問題呢? 台東地檢考慮立案偵辦.
7. Taitung City 台東市公所
There was a slow-pitch baseball competition last week. 上周台東市公所舉辦慢速壘球錦標賽.
I kid you not, they'll be opening the Trump Steakhouse behind the McDonald's on Shin Sheng Road, where the Tasty used to be. They already have a sign up that says "Make food great again." 不是開玩笑的! 新生路上的麥當勞後面將開一家川普牛排館. 這是以前西堤的位置. 店面已經放牌子說"Make food great again."
8. Beinan Township 卑南鄉公所
Beinan is trying to implement its "smart transportation network" plan. Whatever that means. 卑南鄉公所在推動他們的智慧運輸計畫. 我看不太懂這個計畫.
On March 11 the Beinan Township Office sponsored an archery competition for members of aboriginal tribes. 三月十一日卑南鄉公所舉辦原住民射箭賽.
The Taitung County Government has plans to build a market for locally produced aboriginal crafts, a restaurant, and a fish market near Jin Dzuen Harbor. 台東縣政府計畫在金樽漁港附近打造餐飲, 在地原住民手工藝展售區, 跟漁村市集.
10. Cheng Gong Municipality 成功鎮公所
Cheng Gong Port, where many fishermen long ago made a living hunting whales, is now known for its whale-watching tours. 很久以前很多成功漁港的漁民捕鯨魚為生. 現在將同一個地點變成賞鯨中心.
11. Chang Bin Township 長濱鄉公所
There will be a marathon in Chang Bin on May 7. 五月七日長濱將舉辦馬拉松.
12. Lu Ye Township 鹿野鄉公所
Some kind of picnic activity? Not much news from Lu Ye... 野餐活動呢? 鹿野的消息不多...
13. Yan Ping Township 延平鄉公所
There will be several harvest festivals in Yan Ping during this and next month. 這個月跟下個月延平的幾個村子將舉辦射耳祭活動.
Have you noticed all the landslides in places like Yan Ping? It isn't only the recent typhoons, but also destructive farming practices. 你注意延平發生多次的土石流嗎? 原因不一定是最近的颱風, 應該也跟農民用地有關係.
14. Guanshan Municipality 關山鎮公所
The Guanshan Township kindergarten is looking to hire a short-term administrative assistant. 關山鎮立幼兒園在找短期臨時行政助理人員.
15. Hai Duan Township 海端鄉公所
Nothing much going on in Hai Duan. No big surprise there. 海端沒什麼消息...
16. Chr Shang Township 池上鄉公所
Also nothing going on in Chr Shang. If you get bored you can drive up there I guess. There's some nice scenery. 池上也沒什麼消息. 你如果很無聊的話, 可以開車去那裡. 那附近的風景不錯!
10. Taiwanese Culture 台灣文化 (2 of 3) (March 2017)
What follows below was taken from The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Taiwan Culture (一看就懂台灣文化). If the title sounds familiar, it's because I introduced another book in the series, the Illustrated Encyclopedia of Conventional Industries last year. 以下的內容來自一看就懂台灣文化這本書. 如果你覺得書名似曾相識, 可能是因為我以前介紹過類似的書籍一看就懂台灣博覽.
The Chinese was written by Wang Song-shan, Li Kwang-ti, and Hong Li-wan. The English was written by me. 下列中文的部分是從王嵩山, 李匡悌, 洪麗完這三個作者的書裡節錄的. 英文的部分則是我寫的.
Below are excerpts from the 生命禮俗 ("Rites of Passage") section, or pages 98-107 in the book. 這一次的文章是出自"生命禮俗"單元來的, 自98到107頁.
每個人從出生到生命結束之間, 首先會經歷 "出生禮", 接著有 "成年禮", "婚禮", "壽禮", "喪禮" 等基本生命禮俗; 在每一個過程中, 當事者與親友的社會角色和人際網路, 會有調整而進入新的生命階段. In the time between birth and death, each person passes through a birth ritual, a rite of adulthood, a wedding, a rite of seniority, and a funeral, along with other rites of passage. As one passes through each stage of life, one enters into a new web of relationships with friends and family, and each stage requires its own set of adjustments.
接生 Delivering the Baby
生產時, 傳統社會是請 "先生媽" 或 "產婆" 到家裡來接生, 後來西醫逐漸普及, 孕婦都到醫院產檢及生產. During childbirth, the traditional practice is to invite a "first-delivered mother" or midwife to the household to deliver the baby. Yet as Western medical practices have taken hold, mothers now go to hospitals for checkups and deliveries.
拜床母 Worshiping the "Bed Mother"3
嬰兒出生三天後便要準備供品, 金紙, 在床邊祭拜床母, 感謝其保佑孩子. 祭拜時間不能太久, 未來孩子的動作才會快速. Three days after the baby's birth, offerings and ghost money should be placed before the Bed Mother. This is done to thank her for her protection of the child. The duration of this ceremony should not be too long, so that later the child will move quickly.
坐月子 Sitting Out the Month
產婦生產後身體虛弱, 傳統上會在一個月內 "坐月內" (坐月子), 多吃一些營養食物, 滋補身體, 在這期間有很多飲食禁忌, 也不能外出或碰冷水, 避免遭受風寒, 影響健康. A woman's body is very weak after birth, and within the first month it is traditional to "sit for a month" (or sit out the month). [During this time the new mother] eats healthy foods in order to recover her physical strength. There are many foods that are forbidden during this time, and [new mothers are] also forbidden from going out, and coming into contact with cold water. This prevents colder temperatures from affecting their health.1
三朝報酒 "San Jhao," Recompensing with Wine
嬰兒出生三天後要洗特別的澡, 水中放入桂花心 (喻富貴), 柑橘葉 (喻吉祥), 龍眼葉 (喻子孫滿堂), 以及石頭 (喻頭硬, 膽狀); 之後抱到廳堂拜神佛及祖先, 稱為 "三朝禮", 並分送 "油飯", "雞酒" 給親友, 稱為 "報酒." Three days after birth, the baby must undergo a special bath, in which the hearts of osmanthus flowers (called "fu guei"), citrus leaves (called "ji shiang"), leaves from the dragon eye tree (called "dze suen man tang"), and rocks (called "tou ying," "dan jhuang") are placed. Afterward the baby is brought into the living room, and the gods, the Buddha, and the ancestors are worshiped. This is called "the San Jhao ritual." [At this time] sticky rice and "chicken wine" are given to friends and family. [The giving of these gifts] is called "recompensing with wine."2
剃髮 A Shave
滿月時, 由族長或是剃頭師傅為嬰兒 "剃髮", 同時準備紅蛋 (喻升官), 石頭 (喻做膽), 銅錢十二個 (喻富有), 蔥 (喻聰明) 等. 剃頭時要對嬰兒說祝福的話; 有些人家把剃下來的胎髮做成 "胎毛筆" 留作紀念. After a month has passed, either the head of the family or a barber will shave the baby's hair off. At the same time [the family] will prepare red eggs (called "sheng guan"), stones (called "dzuo dan"), 12 coins (called "fu you"), onions (called "tsong ming"), and other things. Auspicious words must be spoken to the baby while its head is being shaved. Some people will use the shaved hair to make a "baby hair brush" as a souvenir.
滿月 A Full Month
嬰兒滿月時, 準備油飯或蛋糕等祭拜神明與祖先, 並分送親友. 若曾向註生娘娘祈子許願者也會到廟裡拜神答謝. When the baby is one month old, sticky rice, cake, or other offerings must be taken to the temple and placed before the gods and ancestors. These offerings are later given to friends and relatives. If new parents have previously prayed to Ju Sheng Mother3 for a child, they will also visit the temple to express their thanks to her.
作四月日 Fulfilling Four Months
滿四個月時, 要為嬰兒 "收涎", 以紅線串著餅乾十二或二十四個, 掛其胸前, 由長輩剝餅抹去唾液, 稱為 "作四月日". After four months, the baby must "receive its teeth." 12 or 24 biscuits are tied around the baby's neck on a red string, and with these biscuits the elders give the baby something to teethe on. This is called "fulfilling four months."4
作度晬 Celebrating the First Birthday
滿週歲稱為 "作度晬", 親友送禮來祝賀, 嬰兒的父母則回贈紅龜粿, 並且帶著嬰兒祭拜祖先後, 還會安排 "抓周" 儀式. 抓周是將十多種物品放在嬰兒面前, 隨他任意抓取, 以預測將來的職業發展, 可說是中國版的幼兒性向測驗. After a year the baby "reaches its first birthday," and family and friends give gifts as a means of congratulation. The parents in turn give red glutinous rice cakes, and take the baby to the temple to worship his or her ancestors. A "grab a path" ritual is also arranged. During this ritual, ten or more objects are placed before the baby [on the floor or bed], and the family watches to see which object the baby will grab. Whatever object the baby grabs indicates its future career path, and you could also say that this is the Chinese version of a personality test.
2. 成年禮, 壽禮 Rites of Adulthood, Birthday Rituals
成年禮 The Rite of Adulthood
許多父母會透過超自然的力量和信仰, 為孩子祈福, 希望孩子順利長大成人, 因此有 "成年禮" 的生命禮俗. Many parents share a belief in supernatural powers, and as a way of easing their child's growth into an adult there are many "rituals of adulthood."
謝神 Thanking the Gods
小孩在成年之前, 為求順利成長, 父母會帶其到廟裡祈求註生娘娘, 七娘媽等保護. 當孩子受神明庇佑長到滿十六歲時, 家長便會帶孩子準備相關的供品, 於七娘媽生或神明生時, 到廟宇敬拜感謝神明使孩子平安順利長大成人. Before a child reaches adulthood, and in order to ensure that it reaches adulthood without incident, parents will take their child to the temple to ask the Ju Sheng Mother and the Seven Mothers for their protection. Once the child has reached 16 years of age, the parents will prepare offerings for the Seven Mothers, or other spirits as a way of thanking them for watching over the child until he or she has reached adulthood.
謝天公 Thanking the Lord of Heaven
孩子出生後身體不適或較難養育時, 會向玉皇大帝 (天公) 和三界神明許願, 當孩子平安順利長大到成年 (滿十六歲) 或結婚時, 就延請道士誦讀經文, 並準備豐盛供品答謝, 俗稱 "作十六歲謝天公". When a child is born sickly, or is otherwise difficult to take care of, prayers will be offered to the Jade Emperor (The Lord of Heaven) and the Gods of the Three Realms. Once the child has safely reached adulthood (at 16 years of age) or has been married, [the family] will ask a Taoist monk to chant sacred texts, and will prepare bountiful offerings as a way of expressing the family's thanks. This ritual is called "giving thanks to the Lord of Heaven for 16 years."
集體成年禮 The Group Rite of Adulthood
行政院文化建設委員會提倡舉辦集體成年禮, 以滿十八歲的年輕男女為主, 在國曆三月二十九日青年節前後, 由各地縣市政府機關, 學校, 寺廟舉行集體成年禮, 讓參加者一起分享成長的喜悅. A committee assembled by the [central government's] Department of Culture has suggested holding group rites of adulthood for men and women who have reached 18 years of age. Around March 29, just before and just after Youth Day, departments within the city and county governments, schools, and temples will hold a group rite of adulthood. [This activity] allows those attending to share in the joy of growing up.
大生日 The Big Birthday5
傳統上五十歲以上才能稱 "壽", 之後每十年做一次大壽稱為 "大生日", 家族會在壽星家中聚餐, 演戲來慶祝. 六十歲稱 "下壽", 七十歲稱 "中壽", 八十歲稱 "上壽", 九十歲稱 "耆壽", 百歲稱 "期頤". In traditional beliefs, those reaching 50 years of age can be called "shou." Afterward, every tenth birthday is called a "big birthday." As a way of celebrating [this event], the family will host a dinner and performances at the person's house. The 60th birthday is called the "lower shou," the 70th birthday is called the "middle shou," and the 80th birthday is called the "upper shou." The 90th birthday is called the "very old shou," and the 100th birthday is called "the centennial."
拜壽 Praying for Longevity
過生日時, 壽星親友準備壽幛, 壽聯, 壽禮等作為祝賀; 出嫁的女兒加送雞, 酒, 蛋等禮物, 父壽加送裘, 鞋, 帽, 母壽則送裘, 金簪, 俗稱為 "拜壽", "敬壽". 壽星的家屬則準備壽金與鞭炮, 與壽星一起敬拜神明, 祖先, 祈求保佑長壽康泰. On a person's birthday, their family prepares birthday scrolls, birthday banners, and birthday gifts as a means of congratulation. Daughters who have married [outside the family] send gifts of chicken, wine, and eggs. For a father's birthday one gives a fur coat, shoes, and hats. For a mother's birthday one gives a fur coat or gold hairpins, and this ritual is called "praying for life" or "praying for longevity." The family of the person celebrating their birthday also prepares ceremonial money and firecrackers, and they go to the temple, so that they can pray to their gods and ancestors for protection, a long life, and health.
問壽 Asking for Longevity
女兒逢父母親六十歲下壽時, 依習俗必須為父母準備 "壽衣", 供他們百年之後使用, 稱為 "問壽". When a woman's parents reach 60 years of age, it is customary for her to prepare their burial clothes. This is for their use after they reach 100 years of age, and this ritual is called "asking for longevity."
拜七星娘娘 Praying to the Seven Star Goddess
在孩子年滿十六歲的七夕, 客家父母會帶孩子到廟裡拜神明感謝其保佑, 或是七夕晚上在家中向北方祭拜七星娘娘或是註生娘娘, 祭拜供品包括梳子, 鏡子, 針線, 香菸, 扇子, 胭脂, 香水, 圓仔花, 七姑星花等. On the seventh day of the seventh month, during the child's 16th year6, Hakka parents will take their children to the temple, to pray to the gods and thank them for their protection. Either this, or during an evening seven days before, they will remain in their house, facing north, and will pray to the Seven Star Goddess or the Ju Sheng Mother. Offerings [to these deities] include combs, mirrors, needles, cigarettes, paper fans, rouge, perfume, globe amaranth flowers, or sea-blites.
3. 傳統婚禮, 婚前禮 Traditional Wedding, Pre-Wedding Rituals
傳統婚禮關係著家族薪火的延續, 是重要的生命禮儀. 台灣河洛人, 客家人及其他族群的婚禮習俗同中有異, 各地的儀式內容也有不同, 但是都十分注重儀式的莊重與吉祥意涵. A traditional wedding represents the passing on of certain observances within a family, and is an important ritual in people's lives. Among Hakka and other minority groups, weddings differ with regard to rituals observed, but in all types of wedding there is a concern for ceremony and [giving the marriage] an auspicious beginning.
說媒提親 The Marriage Proposal
台灣傳統社會多賴媒婆介紹, 才能促成婚事. 古代說媒還會送雁鳥到女方家, 因雁較難找, 後來以鵝或雞替代. 現在社會盛行自由戀愛, 通常請現成的媒人到女方家提親. In traditional Taiwanese society, it is customary to consult a matchmaker before a wedding. In ancient times, they would send a wild goose to the woman's family, but finding such geese was difficult, and so later domesticated geese or chickens were used as a substitute. In modern society, it is normal to marry for love [instead of marriage being arranged between families], and a prearranged "matchmaker" will be sent to the woman's family to propose marriage.
問名 Asking About Someone's [Good] Name
訂婚前男方在徵得女方同意聯婚後, 便著手進行 "問名", "提字仔" 或 "討生時" 步驟. 男方將男子生辰八字, 以及三代祖先姓名, 名諱, 里居, 經歷等寫在稱為庚帖的紅帖上, 由媒婆交給女方, 交換女子生辰八字, 三代祖先姓名等的庚帖. Before the [official] engagement, but after the bride's family has given its consent, the couple must "ask about [the betrothed's] name," "recommend [their] character," or "discuss their doings." The husband consults a fortuneteller, researches his family's names three generations back, taboos regarding these names, his place of residence, and personal history, and he writes this information on a red "geng card."8 The matchmaker gives this card to the bride's family, in exchange for a similar card about her family names, place of residence, and personal history.
訂婚 Getting Engaged
舉行婚禮前須先有訂婚儀式, 俗稱 "送定". 男方請媒人攜帶禮餅, 豬蹄, 麵線, 桂圓, 米酒, 罐頭, 糖果, 豬肉, 羊肉, 喜酒, 糕仔, 荖花等十二種禮物至女方家. 女方會將禮餅分贈親友, 以表示自家女兒業已訂婚, 此即所謂的 "分餅". Before the wedding is held, [couples] must attend an engagement ritual called "sending the decision." The husband brings wedding cookies, pig's feet, noodles, dragon eyes, rice wine, canned goods, candy, pork, lamb, wedding wine, cake, and flowers to the bride's house, comprising 12 gifts in all. The bride's family gives the wedding cookies to family and friends, and this signifies the woman's engagement. This whole process is also referred to as "sharing cookies."
結婚六禮 The Six Wedding Ceremonies
傳統婚姻禮俗的有 "六禮" 程序, 包含 "納采", "問名", "納吉", "納徵", "請期" 和 "迎娶" 等六項, 換成現在的名詞就是, "說媒提親", "議婚 (問名, 換庚帖)", "過聘 (訂婚)", "請期, 送日子 (完聘)" 和 "結婚迎娶 (迎親)". A traditional wedding ceremony is composed of six procedures, and these are the "first meeting," "asking about someone's good name," "making arrangements," the "acceptance," "setting the date," and "the marriage." The modern name for these six procedures is "announcing a match and alerting the family," "discussing the marriage (asking about someone's good name, exchanging "geng cards")," "the engagement," "setting the date, setting a day (completing the engagement)" and "the wedding ceremony (welcoming the family)."
請期 Setting the Date
訂婚後, 男方將新娘八字送請命相師選定挽面 (開容), 裁衣 (開剪), 安床, 娘娶, 出轎, 入房等事宜時刻寫於紅紙稱 "日頭". 將日頭, 日頭餅和米糖, "金, 香, 炮, 燭" 四樣與 "蓮蕉芋, 五穀仔, 生鐵, 炭" 四樣, 託媒人送女方家稱為請期. After the engagement has been decided upon, the man's family will send the woman to a fortuneteller, and [the fortuneteller] will select the dates on which she is to have her makeup done, have her dress tailored, when the [wedding] bed is to be installed, when the wedding is to be held, when she is to be taken to her wedding, and when she is to enter the bridal chamber. These [dates/times] are written upon a red paper called the "rh tou". [After receiving the "rh tou"], the husband-to-be sends "rh tou cookies," rice candy, the four offerings of gold, incense, fireworks, and candles, and the four offerings of lotus root, the five grains, pig iron, and charcoal to the woman's home, and this is referred to as setting the date.
謝天公 Thanking the Lord of Heaven
結婚前夕, 選定吉時, 備豐盛葷素供品, 延請道士誦經, 讀疏文, 以及加演傀儡戲或大戲, 向玉皇大帝和眾神明祝禱, 感謝多年來的護佑. On the eve of the wedding, offerings are placed in the temple at an auspicious time. A Taoist monk chants sacred texts, and a puppet show or drama is enacted for the enjoyment of the Jade Emperor and other gods. This is a way of thanking them for many years of protection.
安床 Installing a New Bed
按照慣俗, 男方於結婚前一天要選吉時安放新床, 而且晚上不能空床或是讓準新郎一人獨睡, 必須由男童陪睡, 有早生貴子的意涵. In accordance with custom, on the day before the wedding the husband must install a new bed. During the evening [before the wedding], the bed cannot remain empty, and the husband-to-be cannot sleep alone. A male child must sleep [with the husband], so that he can father a male child sooner.
現代婚禮 Modern Weddings
除了傳統婚禮外, 有人因為宗教信仰, 或是受到公證, 集團婚禮觀念影響, 會採用現代式的婚禮, 例如: (一) 佛化婚禮, (二) 天主教婚禮, (三) 基督教婚禮, (四) 公證結婚, (五) 集團結婚 (聯合婚禮), (六) 異國婚姻等. Aside from traditional weddings, people also take part in other kinds of weddings, either because of their religious beliefs or because they want to take part in public or group weddings. [In such cases] they choose modern types of wedding ceremony, such as: (1) a Buddhist wedding ceremony, (2) a Catholic wedding ceremony, (3) a Protestant wedding ceremony, (4) a public wedding, (5) a group wedding (collective wedding ceremony), or (6) a type of wedding from a foreign country.
4. 傳統婚禮: 正婚禮 Traditional Weddings: Formal Weddings
迎娶 The Wedding
古代親迎之日, 新郎戴冠身著莽袍, 騎馬或坐子婿轎, 以花轎迎娶, 新娘則穿戴鳳冠霞披; 現代社會普遍穿西式白紗禮服, 禮車迎娶. 男方帶豬腳, 雞, 魚牲禮和轎斗圓給女方, 用以祭拜祖先, 答謝父母養育之恩. In ancient times, the bride and groom would wear traditional robes, and either ride horses or be carried on a cart or a sedan to their wedding. In modern society, it is customary to wear Western clothes, and go to the wedding ceremony by car. The groom brings the three offerings of pig feet, chicken, fish, and [a type of] wedding cake to the bride, and these are placed before the ancestors as a way of thanking them for their care.
食姊妹桌 The Bride Eats with Her Sisters
出嫁前, 新娘與姊妹們團圓會餐, 以示依依不捨之情. 菜餚有祝賀之意, 如食雞能起家, 食紅棗年年好, 食肉丸萬事圓等. Before the marriage, the bride shares a meal with her sisters, and this represents the leaving of her family behind. The dishes are served as a means of congratulation. Eating chicken and jujubes brings good fortune to the family. Eating meatballs brings longevity.
辭祖 Leaving One's Ancestors
男方抵達女方家迎娶時, 將帶來的供品敬獻女方神明和祖先. 新娘再由媒人牽引出大廳, 由女方舅父或長輩點燭祝福, 敬告女方神明和祖先, 新娘並跪別父母. When the groom comes to the bride's house [just before] the wedding, he brings offerings for the bride's gods and ancestors. The matchmaker then brings the bride into the living room, and the bride's elders, aunts, and uncles light candles as a way of telling their gods and ancestors that she is adopting new parents.
上轎擲扇 Throwing the Fan from the Car
新人坐上喜車後, 新娘從車上丟出一把繫著紅包的扇子, 由女方家屬派人撿拾, 表示新娘從此與娘家舊姓脫離關係. 丟扇子也有因 "扇" 與 "善" 同音, 而有 "留善給娘家" 之意. After the couple are seated in their vehicles, the bride throws a fan containing a red envelope [from the car or sedan], and someone from her family will be sent to pick it up. This represents the bride leaving her family [name] behind. Throwing the fan ("shan" [in Chinese], which is a homonym for "good") also signifies "giving good to the bride's family."
踩瓦過火 Stamping the Tile and Stepping Over the Fire
新娘進入男方家前, 要先踩破一塊瓦片, 俗稱 "破外口", 即把不好的東西留在外面, 把好的東西帶入男方家門; 然後跨過一火爐, 有為新娘除穢淨身與帶來興旺的思意. Before the newly married bride enters her husband's house, she must break a tile with her foot. This is called "breaking outside [the house]". In this way the "bad things" are left outside the house, and the good things are brought into it. Afterward they step over a fire, which purifies the bride and brings good luck into the house.
拜堂 Praying at the Altar
新娘進入家內大廳與新郎一同拜堂, 由男方長輩或母舅主持 "拜堂" 儀式, 上香祭拜神明和祖先. 接著再拜父母, 之後夫妻交拜. The new bride enters her husband's family's living room with her new husband, and they pray before the family altar. The husband's parents, aunts, and uncles then take part in a "praying" ceremony, burning incense for their family's gods and ancestors. The new bride also prays to her husband's parents, and afterward the couple pray to each other.
入洞房 Entering the Bridal Chamber
新郎新娘進洞房後, 對座 "食新娘圓" (吃甜湯圓), 有團圓之意. After the new bride and groom enter the bridal chamber, they must eat sweet soup balls or "feed the new bride soup balls." This [custom] signifies togetherness.
喜宴 The Wedding Banquet
結婚當天由男方宴請親朋好友, 過去農業社會, 喜宴多在自家門前. 請總鋪師來外燴, 俗稱 "辦桌"; 現在則多選擇在里民活動中心或餐廳舉辦. On the day of the wedding, the husband's family invite their friends and [extended] relatives to a banquet. In a rural society [this banquet] would take be held in front of their house, and cooks would be called in to cook the food there. This is called "putting out the tables." Nowadays most people choose to [host this banquet] at a civic activity center, or a restaurant.
壓茶甌 Offering the Tea Cups7
宴席結束後, 男方家族長輩坐在正廳, 新娘端茶向長輩一一獻茶, 長輩以紅包回贈新娘, 稱為 "壓茶甌". 此時長輩會說些吉祥話, 又稱為 "吃新娘茶". 客家習俗則是新婚第二天, 新娘要 "見拜" 親有長輩, 依序敬茶, 逐一尊稱, 親友則答話祝賀同時回贈紅包. After the banquet, the elders of the husband's family sit in the living room, and the bride serves them tea. The elders give the bride red envelopes, and this is called "offering the tea cups." During this time the elders speak auspicious words [to the bride], and this is called "drinking the new bride's tea." Hakka people also have a custom in which the new bride "prays in person" to the elders on the second day after the wedding. [After this] she serves them tea, one by one, and they in turn offer her congratulations and red envelopes.
歸寧 Going Back
新婚後數日, 新婚夫婦返回女方娘家作客, 稱為 "歸寧" 或 "回門". 新人攜帶伴手禮敬拜娘家神明或祖先, 女婿以紅包分贈女方親友, 女方家準備午宴款待. 以前女方要準備糕餅, 雛雞一對 (公母各一) 與甘蔗一對, 讓新人攜回男方家, 現在則多以帶路雞禮籃代替, 象徵繁衍子孫, 甜密偕老. Several days after the wedding, the new husband and wife return to her family's house as guests, and this is called "going back" or "going back through the door." The new husband brings offerings for his wife's household gods and ancestors, and the husband's mother will give red envelopes to the bride's friends and family. The wife's family will prepare a hospitable lunch, and before this lunch they will prepare cakes and cookies, a pair of chicks (male and female), and a pair of sugar cane stalks. The new husband will take these gifts back home. Nowadays a chicken gift basket is often used as a substitute. This practice signifies the bearing of many children, and the joys of growing old together.
5. 喪禮 Funerals
台灣傳統喪禮主要是採用道教化的儀式, 也有採用佛化喪禮, 天主教喪禮, 基督教喪禮等儀式; 近年來提倡環保自然葬, 例如樹葬或是海葬. 這些喪禮提供人們在親人身故時, 以莊重的儀式來追思與紀念. The most prevalent type of Taiwanese funeral ritual is Taoist in nature, though people also observe Buddhist, Catholic, Protestant, and other types of funeral. In recent years, more environmentally friendly types of funeral have become more popular, such as burials beneath trees, or burials at sea. Funerals help people remember and preserve the memories of their loved ones.
發喪 The Funeral Notice
將親人亡故的訊息向親友發佈, 稱為 "發喪". Letting friends and family know about the loved one's departure is called the "funeral notice."
示喪 Announcing the Funeral
喪家在大門上張貼告示, 以白紙黑字寫著 (嚴制) (父死時用), (慈制) (母死時用) 或 (喪中) (指晚輩去世, 長輩尚在者) 等字樣. The deceased's family posts notices outside their doors. [These notices] are on white paper, and written with black ink. If one's father has died, [the notice] says "yan jr." If one's mother has died, [the notice] says "tse jr." If more distant relatives have died, [the notice reads] "funeral in progress," or something like that.
辭生 "Taking Leave of One's Body"
將亡者抬入棺內前, 家屬會為亡者準備最後一次告別餐宴, 有六或十二道菜, 由道士或家屬作勢挾菜餵亡者吃, 稱為 "辭生". Before the deceased is placed in the coffin, the surviving family will prepare a meal on his or her behalf, consisting of 6 or 12 dishes. A priest or family member will then [act as if they are] feeding the deceased [one last time], and this is called "taking leave of one's body."
大殮 "The Big Interment"
將穿好壽衣的亡者, 依擇日師擇定吉時抬入棺木中安置好, 稱 "入木", 又稱 "入殮" 或 "大殮". After the deceased has been placed in his or her funeral robes, the deceased is placed in his or her coffin on the day prescribed by the priest. This is called "entering the wood," and also "entering the coffin" or "the big interment."
守靈 Watching Over the Spirit
遺體入殮到出殯前, 須派子孫在靈堂前看守, 為守靈. From the time the body is interred to the funeral, the male descendants must keep watch over the spirit in the place set aside for mourning.
出殯 The Commencement of the Funeral
出殯日, 清掃廳堂後, 放置大竹籮, 籮中放燃燒的火爐, 十二碗菜, 發粿, 竹籮旁放米桶. 火爐表示旺盛, 十二碗菜表示子孫有得吃, 發粿象徵發財, 米桶則有團圓之意. On the day of the funeral, after the space set aside for mourning has been cleaned, a large bamboo container is set out, and a fire is kindled inside of it. [Alongside this are arranged] 12 dishes and "fa gao" cakes, and next to the fire is set another container holding rice. The fire represents abundance, the 12 dishes represent one's descendants having enough to eat, the "fa gao" cakes represent good fortune, and the container of rice represents a coming together.
家祭, 公祭 Household and Public Prayers
出殯日舉行告別式, 主要是家祭和公祭, 讓親族, 朋友以及機關團體祭拜和拈香. After farewells are said on the day of the funeral, it is important that the family and friends of the deceased offer their prayers. These family, friends, and other groups pray and burn incense [during this time].
作七 "Observing Seven"9
死後每七日要做一次法事, 祭祀或請道士, 和尚念經, 稱為 "作七"; 從 "頭七" 到 "七七" (又稱 "滿七") 一共要做七次法事, 也有以每十天為一旬作法事祭拜, 稱為 "作旬", 最後為 "作百日". Every seven days after the death, [the family] must make offerings at the temple, and have a Taoist monk chant [for the deceased's spirit]. This is called "observing seven," and from the "first seven" to the "seventh seven" (also called the "full seven"), this ritual is performed seven times. There is also the ritual of worshiping at the temple every ten days, which is called "observing ten," and the last of these [ten] rituals is called "observing the 100 days."
作對年 The Yearly Observance
逝世週年舉行祭典, 稱為 "作對年". 此日結束後, 才算脫去孝服. A religious ceremony is held one year after the funeral, and this is called "the yearly observance". After this day, mourning comes to an end.
作忌 (作忌日) The Observance of the Dead (The Day of the Observance of the Dead)
親人亡故後的第二次逝世紀念日, 即稱為 "作忌". 此後, 年年以此日為忌日, 準備供品祭祀亡親. The second anniversary of the family member's death is referred to as "the observance of the dead." After this, sacrifices are offered at the temple in remembrance of the departed, once a year on this day.
1. This type of thinking has a basis in Chinese medicine, which regards the temperature of the body as being very important.
2. Many of the other names for the flowers, leaves, and rituals in this section are homonyms for auspicious things in Chinese culture. The same is true for the following section, "A Shave."
3. The Bed Mother and the Ju Sheng Mother were introduced in the 台灣民俗由來 The Origin of Taiwanese Customs entries. Any other deities found in this section can also be found there.
4. The word 涎 literally means "saliva." The baby's teeth would be coming in, and these biscuits give it something to "soak up its saliva."
5. "Shou" or 壽 could be translated as "life" or "long-lived."
6. This "seventh day of the seventh month" (七夕) is a holiday in itself. Too complicated to go into here, but it has to do with the Seven Stars Goddess.
7. "Offering" here is a bit too subtle. It's more like "pressing," in the sense of pressuring them to drink (more) tea.
8. Hard to translate 庚 ("geng"). It's kind of like "past history."
9. "Observing" in the sense of "ritual observance," not "observing" in the sense of seeing.
The Chinese was written by Wang Song-shan, Li Kwang-ti, and Hong Li-wan. The English was written by me. 下列中文的部分是從王嵩山, 李匡悌, 洪麗完這三個作者的書裡節錄的. 英文的部分則是我寫的.
Below are excerpts from the 生命禮俗 ("Rites of Passage") section, or pages 98-107 in the book. 這一次的文章是出自"生命禮俗"單元來的, 自98到107頁.
生命禮俗 Rites of Passage
1. 出生禮 Birth Rituals每個人從出生到生命結束之間, 首先會經歷 "出生禮", 接著有 "成年禮", "婚禮", "壽禮", "喪禮" 等基本生命禮俗; 在每一個過程中, 當事者與親友的社會角色和人際網路, 會有調整而進入新的生命階段. In the time between birth and death, each person passes through a birth ritual, a rite of adulthood, a wedding, a rite of seniority, and a funeral, along with other rites of passage. As one passes through each stage of life, one enters into a new web of relationships with friends and family, and each stage requires its own set of adjustments.
接生 Delivering the Baby
生產時, 傳統社會是請 "先生媽" 或 "產婆" 到家裡來接生, 後來西醫逐漸普及, 孕婦都到醫院產檢及生產. During childbirth, the traditional practice is to invite a "first-delivered mother" or midwife to the household to deliver the baby. Yet as Western medical practices have taken hold, mothers now go to hospitals for checkups and deliveries.
拜床母 Worshiping the "Bed Mother"3
嬰兒出生三天後便要準備供品, 金紙, 在床邊祭拜床母, 感謝其保佑孩子. 祭拜時間不能太久, 未來孩子的動作才會快速. Three days after the baby's birth, offerings and ghost money should be placed before the Bed Mother. This is done to thank her for her protection of the child. The duration of this ceremony should not be too long, so that later the child will move quickly.
坐月子 Sitting Out the Month
產婦生產後身體虛弱, 傳統上會在一個月內 "坐月內" (坐月子), 多吃一些營養食物, 滋補身體, 在這期間有很多飲食禁忌, 也不能外出或碰冷水, 避免遭受風寒, 影響健康. A woman's body is very weak after birth, and within the first month it is traditional to "sit for a month" (or sit out the month). [During this time the new mother] eats healthy foods in order to recover her physical strength. There are many foods that are forbidden during this time, and [new mothers are] also forbidden from going out, and coming into contact with cold water. This prevents colder temperatures from affecting their health.1
三朝報酒 "San Jhao," Recompensing with Wine
嬰兒出生三天後要洗特別的澡, 水中放入桂花心 (喻富貴), 柑橘葉 (喻吉祥), 龍眼葉 (喻子孫滿堂), 以及石頭 (喻頭硬, 膽狀); 之後抱到廳堂拜神佛及祖先, 稱為 "三朝禮", 並分送 "油飯", "雞酒" 給親友, 稱為 "報酒." Three days after birth, the baby must undergo a special bath, in which the hearts of osmanthus flowers (called "fu guei"), citrus leaves (called "ji shiang"), leaves from the dragon eye tree (called "dze suen man tang"), and rocks (called "tou ying," "dan jhuang") are placed. Afterward the baby is brought into the living room, and the gods, the Buddha, and the ancestors are worshiped. This is called "the San Jhao ritual." [At this time] sticky rice and "chicken wine" are given to friends and family. [The giving of these gifts] is called "recompensing with wine."2
剃髮 A Shave
滿月時, 由族長或是剃頭師傅為嬰兒 "剃髮", 同時準備紅蛋 (喻升官), 石頭 (喻做膽), 銅錢十二個 (喻富有), 蔥 (喻聰明) 等. 剃頭時要對嬰兒說祝福的話; 有些人家把剃下來的胎髮做成 "胎毛筆" 留作紀念. After a month has passed, either the head of the family or a barber will shave the baby's hair off. At the same time [the family] will prepare red eggs (called "sheng guan"), stones (called "dzuo dan"), 12 coins (called "fu you"), onions (called "tsong ming"), and other things. Auspicious words must be spoken to the baby while its head is being shaved. Some people will use the shaved hair to make a "baby hair brush" as a souvenir.
滿月 A Full Month
嬰兒滿月時, 準備油飯或蛋糕等祭拜神明與祖先, 並分送親友. 若曾向註生娘娘祈子許願者也會到廟裡拜神答謝. When the baby is one month old, sticky rice, cake, or other offerings must be taken to the temple and placed before the gods and ancestors. These offerings are later given to friends and relatives. If new parents have previously prayed to Ju Sheng Mother3 for a child, they will also visit the temple to express their thanks to her.
作四月日 Fulfilling Four Months
滿四個月時, 要為嬰兒 "收涎", 以紅線串著餅乾十二或二十四個, 掛其胸前, 由長輩剝餅抹去唾液, 稱為 "作四月日". After four months, the baby must "receive its teeth." 12 or 24 biscuits are tied around the baby's neck on a red string, and with these biscuits the elders give the baby something to teethe on. This is called "fulfilling four months."4
作度晬 Celebrating the First Birthday
滿週歲稱為 "作度晬", 親友送禮來祝賀, 嬰兒的父母則回贈紅龜粿, 並且帶著嬰兒祭拜祖先後, 還會安排 "抓周" 儀式. 抓周是將十多種物品放在嬰兒面前, 隨他任意抓取, 以預測將來的職業發展, 可說是中國版的幼兒性向測驗. After a year the baby "reaches its first birthday," and family and friends give gifts as a means of congratulation. The parents in turn give red glutinous rice cakes, and take the baby to the temple to worship his or her ancestors. A "grab a path" ritual is also arranged. During this ritual, ten or more objects are placed before the baby [on the floor or bed], and the family watches to see which object the baby will grab. Whatever object the baby grabs indicates its future career path, and you could also say that this is the Chinese version of a personality test.
2. 成年禮, 壽禮 Rites of Adulthood, Birthday Rituals
成年禮 The Rite of Adulthood
許多父母會透過超自然的力量和信仰, 為孩子祈福, 希望孩子順利長大成人, 因此有 "成年禮" 的生命禮俗. Many parents share a belief in supernatural powers, and as a way of easing their child's growth into an adult there are many "rituals of adulthood."
謝神 Thanking the Gods
小孩在成年之前, 為求順利成長, 父母會帶其到廟裡祈求註生娘娘, 七娘媽等保護. 當孩子受神明庇佑長到滿十六歲時, 家長便會帶孩子準備相關的供品, 於七娘媽生或神明生時, 到廟宇敬拜感謝神明使孩子平安順利長大成人. Before a child reaches adulthood, and in order to ensure that it reaches adulthood without incident, parents will take their child to the temple to ask the Ju Sheng Mother and the Seven Mothers for their protection. Once the child has reached 16 years of age, the parents will prepare offerings for the Seven Mothers, or other spirits as a way of thanking them for watching over the child until he or she has reached adulthood.
謝天公 Thanking the Lord of Heaven
孩子出生後身體不適或較難養育時, 會向玉皇大帝 (天公) 和三界神明許願, 當孩子平安順利長大到成年 (滿十六歲) 或結婚時, 就延請道士誦讀經文, 並準備豐盛供品答謝, 俗稱 "作十六歲謝天公". When a child is born sickly, or is otherwise difficult to take care of, prayers will be offered to the Jade Emperor (The Lord of Heaven) and the Gods of the Three Realms. Once the child has safely reached adulthood (at 16 years of age) or has been married, [the family] will ask a Taoist monk to chant sacred texts, and will prepare bountiful offerings as a way of expressing the family's thanks. This ritual is called "giving thanks to the Lord of Heaven for 16 years."
集體成年禮 The Group Rite of Adulthood
行政院文化建設委員會提倡舉辦集體成年禮, 以滿十八歲的年輕男女為主, 在國曆三月二十九日青年節前後, 由各地縣市政府機關, 學校, 寺廟舉行集體成年禮, 讓參加者一起分享成長的喜悅. A committee assembled by the [central government's] Department of Culture has suggested holding group rites of adulthood for men and women who have reached 18 years of age. Around March 29, just before and just after Youth Day, departments within the city and county governments, schools, and temples will hold a group rite of adulthood. [This activity] allows those attending to share in the joy of growing up.
大生日 The Big Birthday5
傳統上五十歲以上才能稱 "壽", 之後每十年做一次大壽稱為 "大生日", 家族會在壽星家中聚餐, 演戲來慶祝. 六十歲稱 "下壽", 七十歲稱 "中壽", 八十歲稱 "上壽", 九十歲稱 "耆壽", 百歲稱 "期頤". In traditional beliefs, those reaching 50 years of age can be called "shou." Afterward, every tenth birthday is called a "big birthday." As a way of celebrating [this event], the family will host a dinner and performances at the person's house. The 60th birthday is called the "lower shou," the 70th birthday is called the "middle shou," and the 80th birthday is called the "upper shou." The 90th birthday is called the "very old shou," and the 100th birthday is called "the centennial."
拜壽 Praying for Longevity
過生日時, 壽星親友準備壽幛, 壽聯, 壽禮等作為祝賀; 出嫁的女兒加送雞, 酒, 蛋等禮物, 父壽加送裘, 鞋, 帽, 母壽則送裘, 金簪, 俗稱為 "拜壽", "敬壽". 壽星的家屬則準備壽金與鞭炮, 與壽星一起敬拜神明, 祖先, 祈求保佑長壽康泰. On a person's birthday, their family prepares birthday scrolls, birthday banners, and birthday gifts as a means of congratulation. Daughters who have married [outside the family] send gifts of chicken, wine, and eggs. For a father's birthday one gives a fur coat, shoes, and hats. For a mother's birthday one gives a fur coat or gold hairpins, and this ritual is called "praying for life" or "praying for longevity." The family of the person celebrating their birthday also prepares ceremonial money and firecrackers, and they go to the temple, so that they can pray to their gods and ancestors for protection, a long life, and health.
問壽 Asking for Longevity
女兒逢父母親六十歲下壽時, 依習俗必須為父母準備 "壽衣", 供他們百年之後使用, 稱為 "問壽". When a woman's parents reach 60 years of age, it is customary for her to prepare their burial clothes. This is for their use after they reach 100 years of age, and this ritual is called "asking for longevity."
拜七星娘娘 Praying to the Seven Star Goddess
在孩子年滿十六歲的七夕, 客家父母會帶孩子到廟裡拜神明感謝其保佑, 或是七夕晚上在家中向北方祭拜七星娘娘或是註生娘娘, 祭拜供品包括梳子, 鏡子, 針線, 香菸, 扇子, 胭脂, 香水, 圓仔花, 七姑星花等. On the seventh day of the seventh month, during the child's 16th year6, Hakka parents will take their children to the temple, to pray to the gods and thank them for their protection. Either this, or during an evening seven days before, they will remain in their house, facing north, and will pray to the Seven Star Goddess or the Ju Sheng Mother. Offerings [to these deities] include combs, mirrors, needles, cigarettes, paper fans, rouge, perfume, globe amaranth flowers, or sea-blites.
3. 傳統婚禮, 婚前禮 Traditional Wedding, Pre-Wedding Rituals
傳統婚禮關係著家族薪火的延續, 是重要的生命禮儀. 台灣河洛人, 客家人及其他族群的婚禮習俗同中有異, 各地的儀式內容也有不同, 但是都十分注重儀式的莊重與吉祥意涵. A traditional wedding represents the passing on of certain observances within a family, and is an important ritual in people's lives. Among Hakka and other minority groups, weddings differ with regard to rituals observed, but in all types of wedding there is a concern for ceremony and [giving the marriage] an auspicious beginning.
說媒提親 The Marriage Proposal
台灣傳統社會多賴媒婆介紹, 才能促成婚事. 古代說媒還會送雁鳥到女方家, 因雁較難找, 後來以鵝或雞替代. 現在社會盛行自由戀愛, 通常請現成的媒人到女方家提親. In traditional Taiwanese society, it is customary to consult a matchmaker before a wedding. In ancient times, they would send a wild goose to the woman's family, but finding such geese was difficult, and so later domesticated geese or chickens were used as a substitute. In modern society, it is normal to marry for love [instead of marriage being arranged between families], and a prearranged "matchmaker" will be sent to the woman's family to propose marriage.
問名 Asking About Someone's [Good] Name
訂婚前男方在徵得女方同意聯婚後, 便著手進行 "問名", "提字仔" 或 "討生時" 步驟. 男方將男子生辰八字, 以及三代祖先姓名, 名諱, 里居, 經歷等寫在稱為庚帖的紅帖上, 由媒婆交給女方, 交換女子生辰八字, 三代祖先姓名等的庚帖. Before the [official] engagement, but after the bride's family has given its consent, the couple must "ask about [the betrothed's] name," "recommend [their] character," or "discuss their doings." The husband consults a fortuneteller, researches his family's names three generations back, taboos regarding these names, his place of residence, and personal history, and he writes this information on a red "geng card."8 The matchmaker gives this card to the bride's family, in exchange for a similar card about her family names, place of residence, and personal history.
訂婚 Getting Engaged
舉行婚禮前須先有訂婚儀式, 俗稱 "送定". 男方請媒人攜帶禮餅, 豬蹄, 麵線, 桂圓, 米酒, 罐頭, 糖果, 豬肉, 羊肉, 喜酒, 糕仔, 荖花等十二種禮物至女方家. 女方會將禮餅分贈親友, 以表示自家女兒業已訂婚, 此即所謂的 "分餅". Before the wedding is held, [couples] must attend an engagement ritual called "sending the decision." The husband brings wedding cookies, pig's feet, noodles, dragon eyes, rice wine, canned goods, candy, pork, lamb, wedding wine, cake, and flowers to the bride's house, comprising 12 gifts in all. The bride's family gives the wedding cookies to family and friends, and this signifies the woman's engagement. This whole process is also referred to as "sharing cookies."
結婚六禮 The Six Wedding Ceremonies
傳統婚姻禮俗的有 "六禮" 程序, 包含 "納采", "問名", "納吉", "納徵", "請期" 和 "迎娶" 等六項, 換成現在的名詞就是, "說媒提親", "議婚 (問名, 換庚帖)", "過聘 (訂婚)", "請期, 送日子 (完聘)" 和 "結婚迎娶 (迎親)". A traditional wedding ceremony is composed of six procedures, and these are the "first meeting," "asking about someone's good name," "making arrangements," the "acceptance," "setting the date," and "the marriage." The modern name for these six procedures is "announcing a match and alerting the family," "discussing the marriage (asking about someone's good name, exchanging "geng cards")," "the engagement," "setting the date, setting a day (completing the engagement)" and "the wedding ceremony (welcoming the family)."
請期 Setting the Date
訂婚後, 男方將新娘八字送請命相師選定挽面 (開容), 裁衣 (開剪), 安床, 娘娶, 出轎, 入房等事宜時刻寫於紅紙稱 "日頭". 將日頭, 日頭餅和米糖, "金, 香, 炮, 燭" 四樣與 "蓮蕉芋, 五穀仔, 生鐵, 炭" 四樣, 託媒人送女方家稱為請期. After the engagement has been decided upon, the man's family will send the woman to a fortuneteller, and [the fortuneteller] will select the dates on which she is to have her makeup done, have her dress tailored, when the [wedding] bed is to be installed, when the wedding is to be held, when she is to be taken to her wedding, and when she is to enter the bridal chamber. These [dates/times] are written upon a red paper called the "rh tou". [After receiving the "rh tou"], the husband-to-be sends "rh tou cookies," rice candy, the four offerings of gold, incense, fireworks, and candles, and the four offerings of lotus root, the five grains, pig iron, and charcoal to the woman's home, and this is referred to as setting the date.
謝天公 Thanking the Lord of Heaven
結婚前夕, 選定吉時, 備豐盛葷素供品, 延請道士誦經, 讀疏文, 以及加演傀儡戲或大戲, 向玉皇大帝和眾神明祝禱, 感謝多年來的護佑. On the eve of the wedding, offerings are placed in the temple at an auspicious time. A Taoist monk chants sacred texts, and a puppet show or drama is enacted for the enjoyment of the Jade Emperor and other gods. This is a way of thanking them for many years of protection.
安床 Installing a New Bed
按照慣俗, 男方於結婚前一天要選吉時安放新床, 而且晚上不能空床或是讓準新郎一人獨睡, 必須由男童陪睡, 有早生貴子的意涵. In accordance with custom, on the day before the wedding the husband must install a new bed. During the evening [before the wedding], the bed cannot remain empty, and the husband-to-be cannot sleep alone. A male child must sleep [with the husband], so that he can father a male child sooner.
現代婚禮 Modern Weddings
除了傳統婚禮外, 有人因為宗教信仰, 或是受到公證, 集團婚禮觀念影響, 會採用現代式的婚禮, 例如: (一) 佛化婚禮, (二) 天主教婚禮, (三) 基督教婚禮, (四) 公證結婚, (五) 集團結婚 (聯合婚禮), (六) 異國婚姻等. Aside from traditional weddings, people also take part in other kinds of weddings, either because of their religious beliefs or because they want to take part in public or group weddings. [In such cases] they choose modern types of wedding ceremony, such as: (1) a Buddhist wedding ceremony, (2) a Catholic wedding ceremony, (3) a Protestant wedding ceremony, (4) a public wedding, (5) a group wedding (collective wedding ceremony), or (6) a type of wedding from a foreign country.
4. 傳統婚禮: 正婚禮 Traditional Weddings: Formal Weddings
迎娶 The Wedding
古代親迎之日, 新郎戴冠身著莽袍, 騎馬或坐子婿轎, 以花轎迎娶, 新娘則穿戴鳳冠霞披; 現代社會普遍穿西式白紗禮服, 禮車迎娶. 男方帶豬腳, 雞, 魚牲禮和轎斗圓給女方, 用以祭拜祖先, 答謝父母養育之恩. In ancient times, the bride and groom would wear traditional robes, and either ride horses or be carried on a cart or a sedan to their wedding. In modern society, it is customary to wear Western clothes, and go to the wedding ceremony by car. The groom brings the three offerings of pig feet, chicken, fish, and [a type of] wedding cake to the bride, and these are placed before the ancestors as a way of thanking them for their care.
食姊妹桌 The Bride Eats with Her Sisters
出嫁前, 新娘與姊妹們團圓會餐, 以示依依不捨之情. 菜餚有祝賀之意, 如食雞能起家, 食紅棗年年好, 食肉丸萬事圓等. Before the marriage, the bride shares a meal with her sisters, and this represents the leaving of her family behind. The dishes are served as a means of congratulation. Eating chicken and jujubes brings good fortune to the family. Eating meatballs brings longevity.
辭祖 Leaving One's Ancestors
男方抵達女方家迎娶時, 將帶來的供品敬獻女方神明和祖先. 新娘再由媒人牽引出大廳, 由女方舅父或長輩點燭祝福, 敬告女方神明和祖先, 新娘並跪別父母. When the groom comes to the bride's house [just before] the wedding, he brings offerings for the bride's gods and ancestors. The matchmaker then brings the bride into the living room, and the bride's elders, aunts, and uncles light candles as a way of telling their gods and ancestors that she is adopting new parents.
上轎擲扇 Throwing the Fan from the Car
新人坐上喜車後, 新娘從車上丟出一把繫著紅包的扇子, 由女方家屬派人撿拾, 表示新娘從此與娘家舊姓脫離關係. 丟扇子也有因 "扇" 與 "善" 同音, 而有 "留善給娘家" 之意. After the couple are seated in their vehicles, the bride throws a fan containing a red envelope [from the car or sedan], and someone from her family will be sent to pick it up. This represents the bride leaving her family [name] behind. Throwing the fan ("shan" [in Chinese], which is a homonym for "good") also signifies "giving good to the bride's family."
踩瓦過火 Stamping the Tile and Stepping Over the Fire
新娘進入男方家前, 要先踩破一塊瓦片, 俗稱 "破外口", 即把不好的東西留在外面, 把好的東西帶入男方家門; 然後跨過一火爐, 有為新娘除穢淨身與帶來興旺的思意. Before the newly married bride enters her husband's house, she must break a tile with her foot. This is called "breaking outside [the house]". In this way the "bad things" are left outside the house, and the good things are brought into it. Afterward they step over a fire, which purifies the bride and brings good luck into the house.
拜堂 Praying at the Altar
新娘進入家內大廳與新郎一同拜堂, 由男方長輩或母舅主持 "拜堂" 儀式, 上香祭拜神明和祖先. 接著再拜父母, 之後夫妻交拜. The new bride enters her husband's family's living room with her new husband, and they pray before the family altar. The husband's parents, aunts, and uncles then take part in a "praying" ceremony, burning incense for their family's gods and ancestors. The new bride also prays to her husband's parents, and afterward the couple pray to each other.
入洞房 Entering the Bridal Chamber
新郎新娘進洞房後, 對座 "食新娘圓" (吃甜湯圓), 有團圓之意. After the new bride and groom enter the bridal chamber, they must eat sweet soup balls or "feed the new bride soup balls." This [custom] signifies togetherness.
喜宴 The Wedding Banquet
結婚當天由男方宴請親朋好友, 過去農業社會, 喜宴多在自家門前. 請總鋪師來外燴, 俗稱 "辦桌"; 現在則多選擇在里民活動中心或餐廳舉辦. On the day of the wedding, the husband's family invite their friends and [extended] relatives to a banquet. In a rural society [this banquet] would take be held in front of their house, and cooks would be called in to cook the food there. This is called "putting out the tables." Nowadays most people choose to [host this banquet] at a civic activity center, or a restaurant.
壓茶甌 Offering the Tea Cups7
宴席結束後, 男方家族長輩坐在正廳, 新娘端茶向長輩一一獻茶, 長輩以紅包回贈新娘, 稱為 "壓茶甌". 此時長輩會說些吉祥話, 又稱為 "吃新娘茶". 客家習俗則是新婚第二天, 新娘要 "見拜" 親有長輩, 依序敬茶, 逐一尊稱, 親友則答話祝賀同時回贈紅包. After the banquet, the elders of the husband's family sit in the living room, and the bride serves them tea. The elders give the bride red envelopes, and this is called "offering the tea cups." During this time the elders speak auspicious words [to the bride], and this is called "drinking the new bride's tea." Hakka people also have a custom in which the new bride "prays in person" to the elders on the second day after the wedding. [After this] she serves them tea, one by one, and they in turn offer her congratulations and red envelopes.
歸寧 Going Back
新婚後數日, 新婚夫婦返回女方娘家作客, 稱為 "歸寧" 或 "回門". 新人攜帶伴手禮敬拜娘家神明或祖先, 女婿以紅包分贈女方親友, 女方家準備午宴款待. 以前女方要準備糕餅, 雛雞一對 (公母各一) 與甘蔗一對, 讓新人攜回男方家, 現在則多以帶路雞禮籃代替, 象徵繁衍子孫, 甜密偕老. Several days after the wedding, the new husband and wife return to her family's house as guests, and this is called "going back" or "going back through the door." The new husband brings offerings for his wife's household gods and ancestors, and the husband's mother will give red envelopes to the bride's friends and family. The wife's family will prepare a hospitable lunch, and before this lunch they will prepare cakes and cookies, a pair of chicks (male and female), and a pair of sugar cane stalks. The new husband will take these gifts back home. Nowadays a chicken gift basket is often used as a substitute. This practice signifies the bearing of many children, and the joys of growing old together.
5. 喪禮 Funerals
台灣傳統喪禮主要是採用道教化的儀式, 也有採用佛化喪禮, 天主教喪禮, 基督教喪禮等儀式; 近年來提倡環保自然葬, 例如樹葬或是海葬. 這些喪禮提供人們在親人身故時, 以莊重的儀式來追思與紀念. The most prevalent type of Taiwanese funeral ritual is Taoist in nature, though people also observe Buddhist, Catholic, Protestant, and other types of funeral. In recent years, more environmentally friendly types of funeral have become more popular, such as burials beneath trees, or burials at sea. Funerals help people remember and preserve the memories of their loved ones.
發喪 The Funeral Notice
將親人亡故的訊息向親友發佈, 稱為 "發喪". Letting friends and family know about the loved one's departure is called the "funeral notice."
示喪 Announcing the Funeral
喪家在大門上張貼告示, 以白紙黑字寫著 (嚴制) (父死時用), (慈制) (母死時用) 或 (喪中) (指晚輩去世, 長輩尚在者) 等字樣. The deceased's family posts notices outside their doors. [These notices] are on white paper, and written with black ink. If one's father has died, [the notice] says "yan jr." If one's mother has died, [the notice] says "tse jr." If more distant relatives have died, [the notice reads] "funeral in progress," or something like that.
辭生 "Taking Leave of One's Body"
將亡者抬入棺內前, 家屬會為亡者準備最後一次告別餐宴, 有六或十二道菜, 由道士或家屬作勢挾菜餵亡者吃, 稱為 "辭生". Before the deceased is placed in the coffin, the surviving family will prepare a meal on his or her behalf, consisting of 6 or 12 dishes. A priest or family member will then [act as if they are] feeding the deceased [one last time], and this is called "taking leave of one's body."
大殮 "The Big Interment"
將穿好壽衣的亡者, 依擇日師擇定吉時抬入棺木中安置好, 稱 "入木", 又稱 "入殮" 或 "大殮". After the deceased has been placed in his or her funeral robes, the deceased is placed in his or her coffin on the day prescribed by the priest. This is called "entering the wood," and also "entering the coffin" or "the big interment."
守靈 Watching Over the Spirit
遺體入殮到出殯前, 須派子孫在靈堂前看守, 為守靈. From the time the body is interred to the funeral, the male descendants must keep watch over the spirit in the place set aside for mourning.
出殯 The Commencement of the Funeral
出殯日, 清掃廳堂後, 放置大竹籮, 籮中放燃燒的火爐, 十二碗菜, 發粿, 竹籮旁放米桶. 火爐表示旺盛, 十二碗菜表示子孫有得吃, 發粿象徵發財, 米桶則有團圓之意. On the day of the funeral, after the space set aside for mourning has been cleaned, a large bamboo container is set out, and a fire is kindled inside of it. [Alongside this are arranged] 12 dishes and "fa gao" cakes, and next to the fire is set another container holding rice. The fire represents abundance, the 12 dishes represent one's descendants having enough to eat, the "fa gao" cakes represent good fortune, and the container of rice represents a coming together.
家祭, 公祭 Household and Public Prayers
出殯日舉行告別式, 主要是家祭和公祭, 讓親族, 朋友以及機關團體祭拜和拈香. After farewells are said on the day of the funeral, it is important that the family and friends of the deceased offer their prayers. These family, friends, and other groups pray and burn incense [during this time].
作七 "Observing Seven"9
死後每七日要做一次法事, 祭祀或請道士, 和尚念經, 稱為 "作七"; 從 "頭七" 到 "七七" (又稱 "滿七") 一共要做七次法事, 也有以每十天為一旬作法事祭拜, 稱為 "作旬", 最後為 "作百日". Every seven days after the death, [the family] must make offerings at the temple, and have a Taoist monk chant [for the deceased's spirit]. This is called "observing seven," and from the "first seven" to the "seventh seven" (also called the "full seven"), this ritual is performed seven times. There is also the ritual of worshiping at the temple every ten days, which is called "observing ten," and the last of these [ten] rituals is called "observing the 100 days."
作對年 The Yearly Observance
逝世週年舉行祭典, 稱為 "作對年". 此日結束後, 才算脫去孝服. A religious ceremony is held one year after the funeral, and this is called "the yearly observance". After this day, mourning comes to an end.
作忌 (作忌日) The Observance of the Dead (The Day of the Observance of the Dead)
親人亡故後的第二次逝世紀念日, 即稱為 "作忌". 此後, 年年以此日為忌日, 準備供品祭祀亡親. The second anniversary of the family member's death is referred to as "the observance of the dead." After this, sacrifices are offered at the temple in remembrance of the departed, once a year on this day.
1. This type of thinking has a basis in Chinese medicine, which regards the temperature of the body as being very important.
2. Many of the other names for the flowers, leaves, and rituals in this section are homonyms for auspicious things in Chinese culture. The same is true for the following section, "A Shave."
3. The Bed Mother and the Ju Sheng Mother were introduced in the 台灣民俗由來 The Origin of Taiwanese Customs entries. Any other deities found in this section can also be found there.
4. The word 涎 literally means "saliva." The baby's teeth would be coming in, and these biscuits give it something to "soak up its saliva."
5. "Shou" or 壽 could be translated as "life" or "long-lived."
6. This "seventh day of the seventh month" (七夕) is a holiday in itself. Too complicated to go into here, but it has to do with the Seven Stars Goddess.
7. "Offering" here is a bit too subtle. It's more like "pressing," in the sense of pressuring them to drink (more) tea.
8. Hard to translate 庚 ("geng"). It's kind of like "past history."
9. "Observing" in the sense of "ritual observance," not "observing" in the sense of seeing.
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