June - July 2020
1. Roaming Around Fangliao 枋寮一日遊 Last Saturday we went to Fangshan and Fangliao Townships looking for a house to rent. These are some of the pictures I took while we were there. 上週六我們去 枋寮 和 枋山鄉 找房子. 這些照片是我那時候拍的. This is the Taiwan Strait from "downtown" Fengshan . It's a tiny little place. It would be an OK place to live, but most of the houses there are falling apart. 枋山 市區 的海灘. 一個很小的地方. 住這裡應該不錯, 只是大部分的房子都倒塌了. For such a small town, they sure have a lot of temples. Is it just me or does this lion have eyes that look like fried eggs? Maybe they're not finished painting it. 這個小鄉村的廟很多. 獅子的眼睛是不是像荷包蛋? 還沒畫完吧! There's a mango field in the middle of town. Mangoes are big business in this part of Pingtung. 村子中部有芒果園. 屏東 這個地區很多人種芒果. One of the many ruined houses in Fangshan. Real estate is pretty cheap around there, but so close to the ocean houses age quickly. 枋山 的一棟...